This Is What I Think.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Witness for the prosecution.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 2:20 PM Saturday, July 30, 2011


I had an incredibly vivid dream earlier this morning that I awoke from and thought about writing down but decided not to. I thought about writing about it specifically because it was so vivid. There was no kind of dream quality to it. The details were vivid and it seemed no different from a strong memory that I can sit here write now and think about it my conscious mind.

Many of those vivid details have diminished now and that makes me feel kind of sad because I wish I could remember it as well as I did in the dream.

I decided to write about it because I just read the word 'tartan' in a news article and for some reason, that word made me think of the dream. The word itself is the opposite of a prevailing detail in the dream which was the color of a long overcoat worn the state security police of the country I was in.

The only part about the dream that wasn't vivid was the part at the beginning. I have thought about it since then and the details for the most part escape me but I seem to have been in a panic, at least in my mind. There was something about my cover being exposed and that created a life-and-death danger for me personally and I cannot recall the all the detail but there was something about me running through the streets to get someplace.

I seemed to be going to the airport. I passed by a lot of people and I think a lot of people standing in lines. I saw a group of people in plain red overcoats, and hats too, I think, but those details have also diminished. I might have been running by them or that sense of running just represents a sense of urgency in my mind that I needed to escape before getting caught.

I went by that group of people and a person, who I recognized as a person with the state security forces of that country, and I think I was in Russia, stepped away from the group and said to me, "Papers" as he walked up to me.

I had seen others like him and he was identifiable by the long overcoat he was wearing that was just a plain color of wool and a sort of yellowish color. It wasn't yellow but I cannot think of the color that would be called.

I am standing there and he is examining my identity cards. He tells me I haven't paid my bill for my hotel and I tell him it is charged to my credit and so my documents must have listed that on there because he says, "American Express," as though that is the explanation.

The other details are vague but we might have talked more or there was just more drama to it. Ah, yes, my presence as an American did not seem unusual. That detail was established right off because he asked if I was an American just after he asked for my papers and I think I said something that prompted him to ask if I am American. After he examined my documents, I think his precise words were "Well, the airport is right there" and he gestured behind him and that was the airport. Maybe a parking garage that was part of the facility.

I think he was going to escort me to the gate for my flight but there seemed to be some confusion and I just stood there and I saw him walking away through some passageways in a building nearby. Then I started trying to find my way to the gate for my aircraft flight and the details were all very vivid and I was seeing four digits numbers that were always in a combination of three. Even after waking up from the dream, I never did remember any precise numbers from that particular dream, which I thought about as well because I have done that before. Those numbers were similar to nnnn, nnnn, nnnn. The numbers were always four digits and were always in groups of three. Those combinations were what I was studying as I was trying to find the gate for my flight, because I think that was printed on a document I had in my hand but I don't recall that now for certain if I was holding a document with those numbers on it. That would make sense though because how else would I know. So I was having trouble with it though because I could not distinguish a pattern in the numbers I was seeing on the walls as I walked around. Those numbers were just about everywhere. The occurrence of those combination of numbers was in a frequency not unlike I have seen while serving on United States Navy warships.

So finally I seemed to have reached my destination or I was very close to figuring out how to get there and something about how I write this sentence doesn't seem right. But I think I was close to where I wanted to go. The point of this observation though is that I examined my documents, for the first time I think, and I noted that something was missing. There should have been two cards in the documents, similar to credit cards and such, and that should have been in a sleeve similar to the aircraft ticket that the airlines issue. But those cards were gone. I was aware that I could not get on the flight unless I had those cards. There was also a lingering uncertainty in my that I was going to miss the flight and it would take off without but that detail is never confirmed in the dream. I had the sense that I did have enough time though. So anyway I stood there looking at the documents and I might have awoken abruptly and non-startlingly at that point. At some point, that seems to be in my waking mind, I decided that the state security officer, of the government of Russia, the state police or whatever those national forces are called, had taken those cards out when he examined by documents. I woke with the sense, calming considering the drama of the dream because I was thinking in the dream I was there as a covert intelligence agent of the United States of America and I didn't want them to know that, that he had simply taken the cards and was going to escort me to the gate and he was probably standing there at the gate with my cards which would allow me to board the flight.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 30 July 2011 excerpt ends]

[ Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi the cowardly International Terrorist Organization violently against the United States federal government actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government with all Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi staff partners contributors employees contractors lawyers managers of any capacity as severely treasonous criminal accomplices and that are active unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States that actively make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in the United States and in the Severely Treasonous and Criminally Rebellious State of Washington by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings ]


A Beautiful Mind (2001)

662 TNTPHD: Sunday, September 18 3:00 PM

2001, PG-13, ***1/2, 02:15, Color, English, United States,

Mathematics genius John Forbes Nash Jr. (Russell Crowe) has paranoid schizophrenia but becomes a Nobel laureate late in life.

Cast: Russell Crowe, Ed Harris, Jennifer Connelly, Paul Bettany, Adam Goldberg, Judd Hirsch, Josh Lucas, Anthony Rapp, Christopher Plummer, Austin Pendleton, Jason Gray-Stanford, Vivien Cardone Director(s): Ron Howard Producer(s): Brian Grazer, Ron Howard Executive Producer(s): Karen Kehela, Todd Hallowell


Get in. Hurry.
They're following us.
- Who is following us? - The drop has been compromised.
PARCHER: Get down!

Stay down.
[Horns honking]
[Tires screeching]
PARCHER: Take this. JOHN: I ain't shooting anybody.
- Take the goddamn gun! - No!
PARCHER: You stay back. Don't move.
[Tires screech]


ALICIA: What's wrong with him?
John has schizophrenia.

Nazi propaganda

Propaganda, the coordinated attempt to influence public opinion through the use of media, was skillfully used by the Nazi Party in the years leading up to and during Adolf Hitler's leadership of Germany (1933–1945). Nazi propaganda provided a crucial instrument for acquiring and maintaining power, and for the implementation of their policies, including the pursuit of total war and the extermination of millions of people in the Holocaust.

As to the methods to be employed, he explains:

"Propaganda must not investigate the truth objectively and, in so far as it is favourable to the other side, present it according to the theoretical rules of justice; yet it must present only that aspect of the truth which is favourable to its own side.