I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Navy Log
Not that I even care about this more fantastic stuff.
I just got nothing else better to do and treading water reading the pages of my old journal floating along with me I am wondering just how the hell I got here.
I'm stuck in a system of bureaucrats that are cowardly and that are too dim-witted to understand that some people have problems that are not caused by being weaklings who can be only drug, substance abusers.
And a public that cannot understand anything other than Support Your Girl Scout Troops!
Dullard dim-wits incapable of seeing beyond the messenger to the message.
Standing around pointing up at the sky and pointing towards the location of their ignorance.
paper-boats- .jpg
Joint Meritorious Unit Award
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Joint Meritorious Unit Award (JMUA) is a military award that was established on June 4, 1981 by Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger and was implemented by Department of Defense Directive 1348.27 dated July 22, 1982. The Joint Meritorious Unit Award was made retroactive to January 23, 1979.
The Joint Meritorious Unit Award is the only ribbon award granted by the Department of Defense
Department of Defense
United States of America
Department of Defense
NUMBER 1348.33, Volume 1
November 23, 2010
SUBJECT: Manual of Military Decorations and Awards: General Information, Medal of Honor, and Defense/Joint Decorations and Awards
Page 52
a. Introduction
(1) The JMUA was established on June 4, 1981, by the Secretary of Defense and was originally called the DoD Meritorious Unit Award. The JMUA was made retroactive to January 23, 1979. It is the only ribbon (no medal) award granted by the Department of Defense.
The JMUA ribbon is similar to the DSSM ribbon except the JMUA has a gold frame around it.
The service performed is the same for both awards, with the JMUA ribbon awarded to units and joint activities and the DSSM medal awarded to individuals.
(2) The JMUA is only awarded to joint units or activities (a DoD activity consisting of elements of more than one Military Service). To qualify, the joint activity must either report through combatant or combined command channels or pursue a joint mission under the cognizance of the Secretary of Defense; the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; the commander of a unified, specified, or combined command that is also a joint command; or the Secretary of a Military Department that has been designated the EA for the Secretary of Defense.
b. Award Category. Defense/Joint Unit Award.
c. Eligibility Requirements and Criteria
(1) All joint units and activities, including JTFs, are eligible for award of the JMUA. Members of Service-unique units assigned and/or attached to joint units, activities, or JTFs are not eligible for the JMUA, but retain eligibility for unit awards from their parent Services. The JMUA is awarded to units in recognition of exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service. However, a unit or activity’s outstanding accomplishment
DoDM 1348.33-V1, November 23, 2010
of its normally assigned and expected mission is not in and of itself sufficient justification for award approval. Instead, qualifying achievements must be superior to that which is expected under one of the following conditions and should be operational in nature.
(a) During action in combat with an armed enemy of the United States.
(b) In a declared national emergency situation.
(c) Under extraordinary circumstances that involve national interests.
(2) The JMUA shall not be awarded to any DoD activity that has received any other unit award for the same achievement or period of service.
(3) Only those members of the U.S. Armed Forces who were present at the time and directly participated in the service or achievement for 30 days or more, or for the period cited if less than 30 days, shall be authorized to wear the JMUA ribbon. Members must be permanently assigned or attached by official orders to the joint unit receiving the JMUA. Local commanders may waive, on an individual basis, the 30-day minimum time requirement for individuals (e.g., Reserve personnel on active duty and TDY and/or temporary additional duty (TAD) personnel), who, in the opinion of the commander contributed directly to the achievement cited and were assigned on official orders to the awarded unit during the approved time frames.
(4) A JTF headquarters may be awarded the JMUA. If a JTF headquarters is awarded the JMUA, every member permanently assigned or attached TDY or TAD to the JTF headquarters is eligible to wear the JMUA ribbon. Assigned and/or attached (including TDY and/or TAD) status is determined by official orders that specify the JTF headquarters as the duty unit.
(5) Service units or individuals deployed in support of a JTF, but not assigned and/or attached to the JTF by official orders, are not eligible for the JMUA, even if they are under the operational control of the JTF. The Services may award appropriate Service unit awards to their units assigned and/or attached to a JTF.
(6) Civilians within an organization awarded the JMUA will be presented a civilian JMUA lapel pin.
(7) A listing, by unit and inclusive award period, of the approved DoD activities awarded the JMUA can be found at http://prhome.defense.gov/MPP/OEPM/functions.aspx.
d. Foreign Military Personnel. The JMUA may not be awarded to personnel of foreign nations.
e. Procedures
(1) Recommendation for the JMUA must be in narrative form. Minimally, the recommendation must include:
DoDM 1348.33-V1, November 23, 2010
(a) Name and location of unit, activity, or organization.
(b) Inclusive dates for the award.
(c) Citation. (Figure 9 contains an example JMUA citation.)
(d) A narrative justification containing specific and factual data about what the activity accomplished, how it was done, what the benefits or results were, and why or how the achievement or service significantly exceeded normal unit duty performance. The narrative justification shall not exceed 3 single-spaced typewritten pages. Supporting documents, as appropriate, may be attached. Figure 10 contains a sample format for JMUA recommendations. (2) A listing of qualifying units or Service members attached but not permanently assigned, detailing full name, rank and/or rate, social security number, branch of Service, and permanent unit at the time of the award period. That list must be sorted or grouped by branch of Service.
DoDM 1348.33-V1, November 23, 2010
Figure 9. Sample JMUA Citation
To Accompany the Award of the JOINT MERITORIOUS UNIT AWARD to the (unit, activity, or organization)
The (unit, activity, or organization) distinguished itself by exceptionally meritorious (achievement or service) from (inclusive dates (YYMMDD)). During this period……
(Instructions: Prepare in smooth form, limiting the body of the citation to 16 double-spaced typewritten lines. If it is necessary to extend the citation beyond 16 lines, single spacing shall be acceptable. Leave a 1/2-inch space above the seal line so that the seal can be affixed to the citation. The body of the citation shall be straightforward in style, with short, simple, direct, and accurate facts. The narrative must be unclassified.)
By their exemplary performance of duty, the members of the (unit, activity, or organization) have brought great credit to themselves and to the Department of Defense.
Joint Meritorious Unit Award
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Joint Meritorious Unit Award is the only ribbon award granted by the Department of Defense and is the organizational equivalent of the Defense Superior Service Medal. It is awarded to joint units or activities where the joint activity must either report through Unified, Combined, or Specified Command channels or pursue a joint mission under the cognizance of the Secretary of Defense; the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; the commander of a Unified, Specified or Combined Command that is also a joint command; or the Secretary of a military department that has been designated the Executive Agent for the Secretary of Defense.
It was awarded for Operation Praying Mantis in 1988. Returning Navy units were to receive a Presidential Unit Citation, but it was downgraded after Iran Air Flight 655 was shot down by USS Vincennes.[citation needed]
File:US Navy 040124-N-9288T-008 Fire Controlman 3rd Class Patrick Iliff, from St. Francis, Kan., stands watch on the forecastle aboard the guided missile cruiser USS Vincennes (CG 49).jpg
From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository
Description English: Aboard USS Vincennes (CG 49) Jan. 24, 2004 - Fire Controlman 3rd Class Patrick Iliff, from St. Francis, Kan., stands watch on the forecastle aboard the guided missile cruiser USS Vincennes (CG 49) during a sea and anchor detail
Engineering and Technology History Wiki
First-Hand:Legacy of NTDS - Chapter 9 of the Story of the Naval Tactical Data System
By David L.Boslaugh, Capt. USN, Retired
Digital Revolution in the Fleet
Spread of NTDS in the Fleet
Digitizing the Surface Missile System Computers
Digitizing Talos
In the beginning, the conventional wisdom in the naval weapons community was that digital computers were incapable of processing a weapons fire control solution. Their reasoning being that the fire control problem was made up of a large number of analog computations being done in real time in parallel. They knew that a digital computer executed instructions serially - one after the other, and they could not see how a digital computer could possibly jump fast enough among these many parallel computations to stay up with the fire control solution. What they didnít appreciate was the speed at which digital computers executed those serial instructions. But, finally in early 1962 the Talos missile system project manager, out of sheer frustration, decided to explore using a digital computer in the Talos fire control system.
The Talos system was the oldest of the '3Ts' surface missile systems and its fire control computer was the most complex. Component failures in the Talos computer were becoming a severe problem. The Talos program manager had been watching the progress of the Naval Tactical Data System and had become impressed with the reliability of the unit computer. He decided it was worth a try to see if a digital computer could handle the missile fire control solution. In his concept a digital computer would be combined with numerous analog to digital and digital to analog converters so that the rest of the missile system would interface with banks of converters that would appear to the radar director, the launch system, and other components as no different than the analog fire control computer. His hope was; first that a digital computer could handle the fire control computations in real time, and second that the combination of digital computer and converter banks would be much more reliable than the analog fire control computer. If successful he would replace the analog MK 111 Talos computers in the cruisers Long Beach, Albany, Chicago, and Columbus with the new system. The Talos project office issued a task to the Applied Physics Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University to investigate the idea.
Mr. Andrew Sheetz, a Talos servomechanisms engineer, in APLís Fleet Systems Department soon had the task in his hands. Other than he knew that digital computers existed, and that they needed a program, Sheetz confessed he knew nothing of digital computers. He went to APLís small group of computer programmers to learn what he could about the new machines, how they worked, and how programs were written. He drew diagrams of all the parallel elements in the fire control computations and how they worked together. It became apparent to him that some kind of direct digital simulation of the analog processes was going to be cumbersome and wasteful of computing resources. He realized he must start with the computer inputs and the the required end results and devise new ways of computing the solution After a few days of conceptualizing and calculating he satisfied himself that a digital computer with even less computing power than the NTDS unit computer could compute the fire control solution in real time.
Engineering and Technology History Wiki
First-Hand:Legacy of NTDS - Chapter 9 of the Story of the Naval Tactical Data System
By David L.Boslaugh, Capt. USN, Retired
Digital Revolution in the Fleet
Spread of NTDS in the Fleet
The old Workhorse Gets Overloaded
By 1980 the U.S. Navy had 93 ships carrying the Naval Tactical Data System, and by 1998 the total number of NTDS and Aegis ships was projected to number more than 170, meaning that more than half of all USN ships would be fitted with either NTDS or Aegis. The newer ships were equipped with computers having unimaginably more power than the NTDS service test ships, had far more capable display subsystems, and featured thorough integration with other computerized systems. There remained, however, more than 50 ships still equipped with the early NTDS CP-642 unit computers. Even though a third unit computer had been added to these ships, and they had extended memory units, the combat direction systems in these ships were becoming overloaded.
In these ships the computers could no longer process their workload within the required response times. This appeared as delayed responses to data requests, lagging updating of track symbols, blinking symbols, and the ball tab responding too slowly to the track ball. On some ships the systems started showing these symptoms when processing only half of the designed track capacity. Even on some ships equipped with the newer AN/UYK-7 computers these troubles were showing up.
To illustrate the proliferation of automated systems in the fleet, it is instructive to follow the career of one guided missile frigate, in this case USS Wainwright (DLG 28, and later CG 28). When Wainwright was commissioned in 1966 she had two digital CP-642A NTDS unit computers, and in 1972 she got an additional NTDS CP-642B computer. Soon after two CP-789 computers were installed, one serving the Beacon Video Processor and the other functioning as the upgraded Weapons Direction System Mark 11 control formatting unit. In 1974 the ship's Terrier missile systems were converted from analog computers to two CP-848 digital computers, and by the end of 1976 three AN/UYK-20 computers were part of the equipage. One of the UYK-20s served the AN/SPS-48 three dimensional radar's automatic detection and tracking subsystem, and another was the processor for the new Weapons Direction System Mark 14 in which the weapons direction function had been moved out of the heavily loaded NTDS computers. The third UYK-20 was part of the AN/SYR-1 communications tracking set that handled data sent down from an upgraded terrier missile. Thus in eight years the count of general purpose stored program digital computers in Wainwright had gone from two to ten. [Applied Physics Laboratory, The Johns Hopkins University, "Survey of Digital Weapon Systems", estimated publication date 1975, pp. 9-3, 9-5]
To get a handle on the problem of the growing load on the older NTDS computers, the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations in 1980 directed an NTDS Functional Allocation Study that found over the preceding 20 years many new functions had been added to NTDS in these ships, and NTDS had been increasingly interconnected with other systems, without any kind of a master plan or even keeping track of the computers' loading. It had been too easy to add functions by adding memory and loading in new program patches. The older computers had simply run out of processing speed needed to handle all the new demands.
The study group noted that NTDS in the older ships had been primarily designed to support anti-air warfare, but now was providing automated support to anti-submarine warfare, electronic warfare, and anti surface operations. In 1962 NTDS computers processed 15 functions, interfaced with three data links and a missile system, but by 1980 they were processing 27 functional areas and were connected to four data links as well as six other automated shipboard systems. Furthermore NTDS was now not only required to show the anti air picture but was expected to show a current picture of the ships entire tactical environment. The study report also noted that there were even more new systems under development that would go aboard these older ships with the expectation that NTDS would integrate them into the ship's combat system. NTDS in these ships was seriously overloaded, and it was only going to get worse. [Albrecht, Capt. Carl J., USN, Project Officer, "NTDS Functional Allocation Study, Draft Final Report of the NTDS Functional,Allocation Study (Intra Ship)", Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Op-351, 5 Mar. 1981, pp. 3-4, 6]
In the older NTDS ships, the study group concluded there had been very little management or planning of how new functions had been added to NTDS under the pressures of the Vietnam War and the additions of many new weapon systems. The report recommended that an NTDS master plan be mapped out showing forthcoming system support requirements, that a priority be assigned to each projected requirement, and that an office be established to review and screen new requirements, and set their priorities. The study also acknowledged that the Naval Sea Systems Command, for some time, been trying to set up an activity to do the above, and to map out and fund system improvements in the older ships. But the funds needed for this top-down planning and improvement effort, called the Combat System Improvement Plan, had been consistently turned down by senior SECNAV and OPNAV budget review officials. The study group recommended the plan be authorized and funded as soon as possible. [Albrecht, p. 7]
The Combat System Improvement Plan proposed a ripout of the older NTDS computers and replacing them with the new AN/UYK-43 standard computers, having 46 times the speed and 312 times the memory capacity of the original unit computers. The older AN/SYA-4 operator displays would be replaced with the new AN/UYQ-21 display subsystem. The upgraded systems would be called the Advanced Combat Direction System (ACDS) rather than the Naval Tactical Data System. [Goodman, Glenn W., Jr., "New Threat Upgrade Modernizes AAW Capabilities of Pre-Aegis Ships," Armed Forces Journal International, Apr. 1987, p 91]
Rejuvenating Some Grand Old Ladies With New Threat Upgrade
By mid 1980 navy analysts realized that new Soviet short range anti-ship missiles that could be launched from submarines, surface ships, and even small patrol boats were becoming a serious threat to the U.S. fleet. They were called 'pop-up' missiles, and a targeted ship had only seconds to detect them and get defensive missiles in the air. The newer Aegis ships could handle the new threat pretty well but the older Tartar and Terrier equipped ships did not have the rapid detection capability or the needed quick system reaction time. It was clear that their combat direction and missile systems needed an upgrade to better match Aegis capabilities. OPNAV approved a plan to upgrade most Tartar and Terrier ships with missile system improvements and also approved the Combat Direction System Improvement Program for these ships. The guided missile frigates in the Leahy and Belknap Classes would get the new Block IV extended range SM-2 Standard missile having a range of 200 nautical miles.
The Presidio (1988)
Release Info
USA 10 June 1988
The Presidio (1988)
Lt. Col. Alan Caldwell: Now, are you sure you want to have a fight? Because I'm only gonna use my thumb.
Bully in Bar: Thumb?
Lt. Col. Alan Caldwell: You see these little oak leaves?
[points to the silver oak leaves on his lapels]
Lt. Col. Alan Caldwell: They're silver. That means I'm a lieutenant colonel. If they were gold, THEN I'd be a major! You understand?
Bully in Bar: [grunts & nods] Yes sir!
Lt. Col. Alan Caldwell: That's good. Because the next time you see an officer of the Army, you'll be able to recognize his rank... and he won't get pissed off, and accidentally hurt you. Understand?
Bully in Bar: Yes sir.
Lt. Col. Alan Caldwell: Good.
The New York Times
London Journal; Palace Snoop Reveals All, Down to (Gasp!) Tupperware
Published: November 27, 2003
If no man is a hero to his valet, the same might be said of a family and its footman, particularly if it is the royal family.
The queen, the British public learned recently, is served cornflakes and oatmeal for breakfast in Tupperware containers. Prince Philip insists that The Racing Post, the horse racing bible, must always be placed at the very top of the pile of newspapers at breakfast. For added company at the breakfast table, there is an unfashionable transistor radio, just an arm's length away.
Sometimes, the queen eats dinner in front of the television set, her remote control right there on the tray. She favors ''East Enders,'' a popular soap opera.
Prince Andrew, who is divorced from Sarah Ferguson, keeps a cushion in his room that reads, ''Eat, drink and remarry.'' He often hurls an expletive at the unfortunate footman assigned to awaken him at 7:30 each morning. And he enjoys playing jokes on the servants, who are told not to ''dither around'' the prince lest he get cranky. One of his favorite jokes is hiding Monkey, a puppet, in a different spot every day.
Last week, The Daily Mirror -- in the name of national security -- published a first undercover look inside Buckingham Palace. It dispatched a reporter, Ryan Parry, to penetrate daily life as a footman. He did, after peddling a fake résumé with his given name on it, and now life in the palace will never hold quite the same luster. He worked there for eight weeks in October and November.
The Mirror's exposé, which included dozens of photographs, was astutely timed to pump up sales. It came on Nov. 19
From 4/18/1988 ( the United States Navy Operation Praying Mantis ) To 11/19/2003 is 5693 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/4/1981 ( the Joint Meritorious Unit award established by the Secretary of Defense of the United States of America ) is 5693 days
From 12/19/1958 ( the voice transmission by Dwight D. Eisenhower from the United States Project Score satellite ) To 11/19/2003 is 16406 days
16406 = 8203 + 8203
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/18/1988 ( the United States Navy Operation Praying Mantis ) is 8203 days
From 4/21/1954 ( James Morrison ) To 5/7/1992 ( the first launch of the United States space shuttle Endeavour orbiter vehicle mission STS-49 includes me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-49 pilot astronaut and my 1st official United States of America National Aeronautics and Space Administration orbital flight of 4 overall ) is 13896 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/19/2003 is 13896 days
From 2/11/1996 ( premiere US TV series episode "Space: Above and Beyond"::"The Angriest Angel" ) To 11/19/2003 is 2838 days
2838 = 1419 + 1419
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/21/1969 ( premiere US TV series "The Bold Ones: The Lawyers" ) is 1419 days
From 12/7/1998 ( my first day as a full-time employee of Microsoft Corporation while as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and the active duty United States Marine Corps lieutenant colonel circa 1998 ) To 11/19/2003 is 1808 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/15/1970 ( Richard Nixon - Remarks on Signing the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970 ) is 1808 days
From 4/19/1988 ( Ronald Reagan - Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate on the United States Military Strike in the Persian Gulf ) To 11/19/2003 is 5692 days
5692 = 2846 + 2846
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 8/18/1973 ( The Killian Document ) is 2846 days
from 4/21/1926 ( my biological paternal grandmother Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - NOT THAT I CARE!! ) to 5/7/1964 ( the Pacific Air Lines Flight 773 hijacking ) is 13896 days
from 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) to 11/19/2003 is 13896 days
From 6/12/1957 ( premiere US TV series episode "Navy Log"::"The Marines Have Landed" ) To 6/29/1995 ( the Mir space station docking of the United States space shuttle Atlantis orbiter vehicle mission STS-71 includes me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-71 pilot astronaut and my 3rd official United States of America National Aeronautics Space Administration orbital flight of 4 overall ) is 13896 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/19/2003 is 13896 days
From 12/31/1952 ( premiere US film "Above and Beyond" ) To 1/17/1991 ( the date of record of my United States Navy Medal of Honor as Kerry Wayne Burgess chief warrant officer United States Marine Corps circa 1991 officially the United States Apache attack helicopter pilot ) is 13896 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/19/2003 is 13896 days
From 7/19/1989 ( the United Airlines Flight 232 crash in Sioux City Iowa and the end of Kerry Burgess the natural human being cloned from another human being ) To 11/19/2003 is 5236 days
5236 = 2618 + 2618
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/2/1973 ( premiere US TV series pilot "Firehouse" ) is 2618 days
From 12/3/1956 ( premiere US TV series episode "The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show"::"The Refrigerator Salesman" ) To 12/20/1994 ( on the ground in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my United States Navy Cross medal date of record ) is 13896 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/19/2003 is 13896 days
From 9/14/2002 ( at Overlake hospital in Bellevue Washington State the announced birth of Phoebe Gates the daughter of Microsoft Bill Gates the transvestite and Microsoft Bill Gates the 100% female gender as born to brother-sister sibling parents and Microsoft Bill Gates the Soviet Union prostitute and Phoebe Gates is the biological offspring of Microsoft Bill Gates the transvestite and William Gates II ) To 11/19/2003 is 431 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/7/1967 ( premiere US TV series episode "The Jackie Gleason Show"::"The Honeymooners: King of the Castle" ) is 431 days
From 6/10/1988 ( premiere US film "The Presidio" ) To 11/19/2003 is 5640 days
5640 = 2820 + 2820
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/23/1973 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the attorney passes the United States of America Multistate Bar Examination ) is 2820 days
From 7/23/1973 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the attorney passes the United States of America Multistate Bar Examination ) To 11/19/2003 is 11076 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/29/1996 ( the Siege of Sarajevo ends ) is 11076 days
The Seattle Times
Thursday, November 20, 2003
London reporter poses as footman in palace
By Tom Hundley
Chicago Tribune
LONDON — It was this week's "biggest royal security scandal ever," according to the Daily Mirror.
The London tabloid crowed that it had succeeded in penetrating the impenetrable wall of security around President Bush.
A Daily Mirror "undercover" reporter, posing as one of Buckingham Palace's liveried footmen, placed mints and fruit in the Bushes' bedroom just hours before the president and first lady turned in for the night Tuesday.
"Had I been a terrorist intent on assassinating the queen or President George Bush, I could have done so with absolute ease," wrote reporter/impostor Ryan Parry. "Such is the shocking incompetence at the heart of the biggest security operation ever in Britain."
Parry, wearing the long scarlet tunic and gold-trimmed top hat of a royal footman, apparently stood just yards from Bush on Tuesday night as the president and first lady were welcomed.
Yesterday morning, Parry had been scheduled to serve breakfast to Secretary of State Colin Powell and national-security adviser Condoleezza Rice, but by then he was the toast of the tabloids for his caper.
The official fallout was swift. In the House of Commons yesterday, lawmakers demanded an explanation of how the government could put 5,000 police officers on the streets and declare an air-exclusion zone over London to protect the president, yet allow a reporter to sneak into the bosom of Buckingham Palace.
The U.S. Secret Service, which wanted to install blast-proof windows and curtains in Bush's bedroom, was asking itself the same question.
The answer? Easy. Three months ago, Parry, 26, replied to a job posting on the Buckingham Palace Web site. On the application he gave two references — one real, one bogus. On the section that asked about employment history, he neglected to mention he was a journalist.
He got the job.
"Not once, from the moment I applied for my job as a footman to my walking out of the palace last night (Tuesday night), did anyone ever perform anything close to a rigorous security check on my background," Parry wrote. "Not once during the three-month operation did anyone ever search me or my bags as I came and went at Buckingham Palace."
Indeed, Parry wandered throughout the palace, snapping pictures. The Mirror illustrated its story with photos Parry reportedly took of the Belgian Suite, where Bush and his wife, Laura, are believed to be staying; the queen's breakfast table, complete with cornflakes and porridge laid out in Tupperware containers, and bedrooms said to belong to Prince Andrew and Prince Edward.
"I could have poisoned the queen," screeched a headline of the Mirror's 16-page exclusive that was full of details about life inside the palace gleaned during Parry's two months on the job: the queen "prefers toast with light marmalade" for breakfast, while Princess Anne's fruit bowl "must always contain a very black banana and ripe kiwi fruit."
Home Secretary David Blunkett told Parliament a security commission would immediately review "all aspects of the process of checking those who form part of the royal household."
He said the employment checks on Parry were "insufficient" but appropriate criminal checks had been carried out.
Bush was informed of the breach yesterday. "We have every confidence in the British security," White House spokeswoman Claire Buchan said.
The Daily Mirror caper is the second major royal-security breach this year. In June, a comedian named Aaron Barschak, dressed in an Osama bin Laden costume, gate-crashed Windsor Castle during Prince William's 21st birthday party.
Mirror editor Piers Morgan was unapologetic. He said the paper used "very basic subterfuge and got incredible access."
A palace spokesman said it was considering legal action against the newspaper and its reporter.
The American Presidency Project
43rd President of the United States: 2001 ‐ 2009
Remarks at a Dinner Hosted by Queen Elizabeth II in London
November 19, 2003
The American Presidency Project
43rd President of the United States: 2001 ‐ 2009
Remarks at Whitehall Palace in London, United Kingdom
November 19, 2003
Truth (2015)
Mary Mapes: Our story was about whether Bush fulfilled his service. Nobody wants to talk about that. They wanna talk about fonts
DSC00505.jpg - Kerry Burgess
plot.jpg (Kerry Burgess, et al., circa 1988) USS Wainwright Veterans Association
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
Grail Knight: He chose... unwisely.
San Francisco Division
A Brief History
The division also assisted in the investigation into the May 7, 1964 crash of Pacific Air Flight 773 that killed 44 people. Investigators recovered the gun at the crash site near San Ramon and were able to identify the suspect, Francisco Gonzalez, who had stormed the cockpit and shot the pilot and first officer. The Bureau also helped to identify the victims.
Pacific Air Lines Flight 773
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pacific Air Lines Flight 773 was a Fairchild F27A Friendship airliner that crashed at 6:49 a.m. on May 7, 1964, near Danville, California. The crash was most likely the first instance in the United States of an airliner's pilots being shot by a passenger as part of a mass murder–suicide. Francisco Paula Gonzales, 27, shot both the pilot and co-pilot before turning the gun on himself, causing the plane to crash and killing all 44 aboard.
Posted by Kerry Burgess - H.V.O.M at 12:25 AM Monday, December 17, 2007
From 4/21/1954 ( James Morrison ) to 6/19/1968 ( I am U.S. military fighter jet ace ) is: 5173 days
From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 5/1/1973 ( my graduation from University of Oxford with law degree ) is: 5173 days
James Morrison
Date of Birth: 21 April 1954
"Space: Above and Beyond" .... Lt. Col. Tyrus Cassius "T.C." McQueen
"Navy NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service" .... CIA Assistant Director Jonathan Overmeier
excerpt ends Posted by Kerry Burgess - H.V.O.M at 12:25 AM Monday, December 17, 2007
From 8/5/1930 ( Neil Armstrong ) To 4/21/1954 is 8660 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/19/1989 ( the United Airlines Flight 232 crash and the end of Kerry Burgess the natural human being cloned from another human being ) is 8660 days
From 1/1/1897 ( Joseph Salathiel Skerrett deceased ) To 4/21/1954 is 20928 days
20928 = 10464 + 10464
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/27/1994 ( the US NASA Stargazer Pegasus rocket failure ) is 10464 days
James Morrison
Born April 21, 1954 in Bountiful, Utah, USA
"Space: Above And Beyond"
"The Angriest Angel"
11 February 1996
Episode 15 Season 1 DVD:
US Navy Commander - Chaplain: At these times we should all make peace with our maker.
The Bold Ones: The Lawyers Season 1 Episode 1
A Game Of Chance
Aired Sunday 10:00 PM Sep 21, 1969 on NBC
AIRED: 9/21/69
US Marine Corps lieutenant colonel T.C. McQueen: With all due respect, Chaplain, I don't think our maker wants to hear from me right now
Other posts by me on this topic includes: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2018/09/children-of-gods_27.html
Space: Above and Beyond Season 1 Episode 16
The Angriest Angel (2)
Aired Sunday 7:00 PM Feb 11, 1996 on FOX
AIRED: 2/11/96
"Space: Above And Beyond"
"The Angriest Angel"
11 February 1996
Episode 15 Season 1 DVD:
US Navy Commander - Chaplain: Colonel. Colonel. Colonel McQueen. Perhaps you should make peace with your maker.
US Marine Corps lieutenant colonel T.C. McQueen: My maker was some geek in a lab coat with an eyedropper and a petri dish. What do I need to make peace with him for?
- posted by Kerry Burgess 10:58 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Saturday 10 November 2018