I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Friday, November 30, 2018
Astronaut Moments
The American Presidency Project
Lyndon B. Johnson
XXXVI President of the United States: 1963-1969
389 - Memorandum on the Need for Improving Procedures for Clearing Incoming Travelers at Ports of Entry
July 1, 1968
Memorandum for Secretary Cohen, Secretary Freeman, Secretary Fowler, Attorney General Clark
SUBJECT: Ports of Entry Study
The recently completed Ports of Entry Study recommends significant improvements in the clearing of incoming travelers by the Customs, Public Health, Immigration, and Agriculture inspection agencies. I commend you and your associates who had a part in accomplishing this study.
Last year over 200 million persons entered the United States through 400 ports of entry. The 3,000 inspectors of your inspection agencies provide a very valuable service to their country.
To avoid unnecessary congestion and delay for incoming travelers, we must continually be on the outlook for ways of cutting the red tape involved in clearing travelers. The one-stop inspection system holds promise of allowing travelers to pass through the inspection process in record time while maintaining the existing level of overall security. This is a splendid example of interagency cooperative effort from which we all benefit.
This report is, therefore, very timely and gives support to our objectives of increasing the number of foreign visitors to the United States. It is my desire that the recommendations of this report be pursued actively and all that are found to be practical be implemented as quickly as possible. It is also important that effective representation be made to carriers and port authorities to assure that they fulfill their responsibilities to facilitate these programs.
dsc01438.jpg - Kerry Burgess
DSC00813.jpg - Kerry Burgess, 30 November 2018
DSC00814.jpg - Kerry Burgess, 30 November 2018
DSC00815.jpg - Kerry Burgess, 30 November 2018
DSC00816.jpg - Kerry Burgess, 30 November 2018 at 2:52 PM (Pacific Time USA - Spokane)
DSC00818.jpg - Kerry Burgess, 30 November 2018
posted by Kerry Burgess - Saturday, September 15, 2007
I keep having these curious sensations that seem to be of me landing on the ground, and I assume I am strapped to a parachute because I can't see the parachute. I'm not certain how long I have been consciously aware of that sensation. In these sensations, I am almost, but partially, visualizing myself looking down at my legs as I am about to hit the ground. I can distinquish the color of the ground and some basic details about the texture of the ground. I can see the black military boots and I am wearing and what seems to be a green flight pressure suit that fighter jet pilots would wear. I see the image clearly in my mind, but I find it confusing because I don't consciously remember any such experience so I can only describe it as something I partially visualize, which seems curious itself. I used to describe such sensations as 'foreign dream,' because they seemed to have been produced by sources outside my mind, although this particular sensation about landing on the ground with a parachute while wearing a flight suit occurred to me after I had been awake for a while. Such waking images have probably been occurring to me for a long time but only the similar dreams would stay within my attention span for some reason.
from my private journal as Kerry Burgess: 04/04/09 4:58 PM
In what I think were earlier scenes I seemed to be at a lake and that seems pleasant to think about but I cannot remember hardly any details. At another point I remember I was talking to someone and I remember that I specifically mentioned my wife.
This also reminds me of a dream I had a day or two ago. I was sitting at the controls of a helicopter and I was getting ready to pilot it into the air. I could clearly hear the blades chopping the air and I could vaguely see that I looked down at the controls next to the seat. I was annoyed by one of the controls and I thought several times after I awoke that I was flying a foreign helicopter but I was talking to someone else there in the front and to my left and I was comparing the capabilities of that foreign helicopter to the Seasprite helicopter the U.S. Navy flew for many years. Then I was operating the controls and I clearly felt in the dream when the helicopter began to rise into the air.
Posted by Kerry Burgess - H.V.O.M at 7:39 AM Thursday, September 15, 2011
and I was stomping on the brake pedal because the car was rolling backwards and the brake pedal was not working and ten years ago I would have written about this dream and I would have wrote that was a foreign dream where the narrator told me just as I woke up that I should try the emergency brake to get the car to stop.
from my private journal as Kerry Burgess: January 13, 008
01/13/08 3:39 AM
I had a dream that seemed to be just a few minutes before I just now woke up. In the dream, I was flying a jet aircraft and I think it was an F/A-18 Hornet and there were at least 2 other Hornet's flying with me. There were a lot of very clear details about the dream that I cannot articulate very well. The dream overall seemed unimportant, or at least, I cannot figure out what it was all supposed to be about. At one point, I was very certain that the date was 10/9/2004, but that might have changed. I find myself thinking that I also visualized an '11' but I don't know what that means. In the dream, there were people watching me somehow and that had something to do with my flying. Something about another persons brother, which was me, and that I was flying a jet aircraft. I can distinctly visualize sitting in the jet aircraft and operating the controls and reading the instruments. I clearly remember that I stomped on the left foot pedal for a snap roll and that I was disappointed with my lack of precision in that manuever. At some point in the dream, I seemed to have the objective of flying over someone that was on a highway somewhere. I think that person I was supposed to fly over was Lily Jang. I don't know why that was supposed to happen. She was on a highway somewhere and I was supposed to fly by her. It was dark for most, if not all, of the dream. There were other details in the dream that seem unimportant and that I cannot figure out how to articulate.
01/13/08 3:59 AM
The date 10/11/2004 was when Duran Duran "Astronaut" released. I felt certain after waking up that I had seen the date 10/9/2004 but I wondered also why the '11' was lingering in my mind. I don't know.
01/13/08 4:01 AM
There was also an element in that dream, I think at the point where I was supposed to do the fly-by of Lily Jang, that I realized I had let myself gain too much altitude. I think I was having trouble by that time with reading the instrument panel, because it all had become sort of blurry, and I didn't realize I had been drifting upwards for too long. I am not certain what I did after that point but I can recall vaguely that I was still flying.
01/13/08 4:04 AM
I can still sort of visualize the lights on the highway and other reference points I used to navigate my way along to the point I was supposed to fly over.
01/13/08 4:05 AM
I didn't seem to gain a tremendous amount of altitude, so I don't know what that means. I would say that I might have gained 100 feet of altitude, which seems unimportant for that kind of fly-by so I don't understand that element of the dream.
01/13/08 4:09 AM
I stomped on the left foot pedal, but I seemed to roll to the right. I am not certain if that is correct or not. I want to say that if I stomped on the left pedal, then I would have done a snap-roll to the left.
01/13/08 4:10 AM
Or maybe that is correct.
The left foot pedal would raise - I think it would raise - the left aileron, which I think is on the tail, or maybe it would raise the flap on the trailing edge of the left wing. When that control surface is raised, it seems....now that I think it though, I think the aircraft would roll in that direction. The control surface catches the air and creates a drag on that side of the aircraft, which causes it to change attitude on that side. Something like that. I feel slightly confused.
01/13/08 4:14 AM
The part about the longitudinal axis sounds correct, in terms of what I am trying to describe.
Ailerons are hinged control surfaces attached to the trailing edge of the wing of a fixed-wing aircraft. The ailerons are used to control the aircraft in roll. The two ailerons are typically interconnected so that one goes down when the other goes up: the downgoing aileron increases the lift on its wing while the upgoing aileron reduces the lift on the other wing, producing a rolling moment about the aircraft's longitudinal axis.
Modern military aircraft may have no ailerons on the wings at all, and combine roll control with an all-moving tailplane. This is a taileron or a rolling tail.
01/13/08 4:19 AM
In a roll, slower than a snap roll, which I think of as a very quick roll, the rudder would be used to keep the aircraft centered on its original heading. The roll would cause the aircraft to drift to one side or the other, which I think is known as yaw.
Longitudinal axis
The longitudinal axis passes through the plane from nose to tail. Rotation about this axis is called bank or roll. Bank changes the orientation of the aircraft's wings with respect to the downward force of gravity. The pilot changes bank angle by increasing the lift on one wing and decreasing it on the other. This differential lift causes bank rotation around the longitudinal axis. The ailerons are the primary control of bank. The rudder also has a secondary effect on bank.
01/13/08 4:25 AM
With a step to your left and a flick to the right you catch that mirror way out west
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 13 January 2008 excerpt ends]
The Seattle Times
Sunday, February 16, 1997
Shuttle Takes Hubble Higher Up To Avoid Orbiting Space Junk
By Marcia Dunn
SPACE CENTER, Houston - Space shuttle Discovery fled to a safer, higher orbit with the Hubble Telescope yesterday to avoid a piece of space junk the size of a book.
The fragment of an exploded rocket would have come dangerously close to Discovery, its seven astronauts and the telescope anchored in the cargo bay had the crew not steered out of the way.
Astronauts making the mission's second spacewalk Friday night discovered a surprising number of cracks and tears in Hubble's thin, outer insulation, as well as holes punched into the solar panels by micrometeorites.
A few hours after Discovery's pilots steered the shuttle and the moored Hubble into a 2-mile-higher orbit to extend the lifetime of the telescope, they were ordered to go up an additional half-mile.
A fragment of an exploded Pegasus rocket was due to pass within a half-mile of the shuttle and telescope, officials said, and Mission Control did not want to take any chances.
The Pegasus was launched in 1994 with a military-research satellite, which ended up in the wrong orbit. The rocket fragment was one of 8,014 orbiting objects being tracked by the U.S. Space Command yesterday, most of it junk.
- posted by Kerry Burgess 7:57 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Friday 30 November 2018