This Is What I Think.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Subject: Insurrection and The Siege of the U.S. Department of Defense

----- Original Message ----
From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Thursday, November 6, 2008 2:21:37 AM
Subject: Insurrection and The Siege of the U.S. Department of Defense

To: United States Department of Defense, Inspector General

From: Kerry W. Burgess (official United States federal undercover identity, an identity completely compromised by forces hostile to the United States of America)

Foreign power is assuredly in control of U.S. nuclear weapon stockpile and I am ordering them stopped.

I have reason to believe that domestic terrorists are actively planning to destroy with stolen nuclear weapons at least 1 American city.

I have further reason to believe that subversive elements of the U.S. federal government are working to provide cover for those pending acts of domestic terrorism that I believe are being actively planned.

I believe that George Bush, Richard Cheney, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Joint Chiefs Mike Mullen, DOD General Counsel William J. Haynes II and others such as RNC chairman Robert M. Duncan, Nancy Pelosi, Rudolph W. Giuliani, Barack Obama and John Edwards of North Carolina, among others not named here, are actively providing cover for those past and pending acts of domestic terrorism.

Friendly fire

Friendly fire or non-hostile fire, a term originally adopted by the United States military, refers to fire from one's own side or allied forces, as opposed to fire coming from enemy forces.

Many North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) militaries refer to these incidents as blue on blue, which derives from military exercises where NATO forces were identified by blue pennants, hence "blue", and Warsaw Pact forces were identified by orange pennants. Another term for such incidents is fratricide.


Fragging is a term from the Vietnam War, used primarily by U.S. military personnel, most commonly meaning to assassinate an unpopular officer of one's own fighting unit, often by means of a fragmentation grenade (hence the term)[citation needed].

Passive-aggressive behavior

Passive-aggressive behavior refers to passive, sometimes obstructionist resistance to following through with expectations in interpersonal or occupational situations. It can manifest itself as learned helplessness, procrastination, stubbornness, resentment, sullenness, or deliberate/repeated failure to accomplish requested tasks for which one is (often explicitly) responsible. It is a defense mechanism

Defence mechanism

In Freudian psychoanalytic theory, defence mechanisms or defense mechanisms (see -ce/-se) are psychological strategies brought into play by various entities to cope with reality and to maintain self-image. Healthy persons normally use different defences throughout life. An ego defence mechanism becomes pathological only when its persistent use leads to maladaptive behavior such that the physical and/or mental health of the individual is adversely affected. The purpose of the Ego Defence Mechanisms is to protect the mind/self/ego from anxiety, social sanctions or to provide a refuge from a situation with which one cannot currently cope.

They are more accurately referred to as ego defence mechanisms, and can thus be categorized as occurring when the id impulses are in conflict with each other, when the id impulses conflict with super-ego values and beliefs, and when an external threat is posed to the ego.


In the criminal law, theft (also known as stealing) is the illegal taking of another person's property without that person's freely-given consent. As a term, it is used as shorthand for all major crimes against property, encompassing offences such as burglary, embezzlement, larceny, looting, robbery, mugging, trespassing, shoplifting, intrusion, fraud (theft by deception) and sometimes criminal conversion. In some jurisdictions, theft is considered to be synonymous with larceny; in others, theft has replaced larceny.

Someone who carries out an act of or makes a career of theft is known as a thief.

The actus reus of theft is usually defined as an unauthorised taking, keeping or using of another's property which must be accompanied by a mens rea of dishonesty and/or the intent to permanently deprive the owner or the person with rightful possession of that property or its use.

mens rea

(law) criminal intent; the thoughts and intentions behind a wrongful act (including knowledge that the act is illegal)

From 5/9/1972 ( Dana Marie Perino & George Bush & all George Bush staff actively instigate coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) To 3/16/1998 ( date hijacked from me:as a U.S. Navy officer and under the War Powers Act I was secretly deployed on an official United States federal assignment to prosecute the Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft and their criminal accomplices which includes George Bush as an accomplice to the murder of U.S. citizens ) is 9442 days

9442 = 4721 + 4721

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 6/18/1976 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Midway" ) is 4721 days

From 1/21/1953 ( EMP owner Paul Gardner Allen is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) To 5/9/1972 ( Dana Marie Perino & George Bush & all George Bush staff actively instigate coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 7048 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 11/1/1982 ( date hijacked from me:Duran Duran "Rio" including "The Chauffeur" ) is 7048 days

From 5/9/1972 ( Dana Marie Perino & George Bush & all George Bush staff actively instigate coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) To 2/22/1976 ( date hijacked from me:my Orion space ship and I survived a catastrophic collision with a meteor and I decide to continue my mission as planned to divert Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) is 1384 days

From 2/22/1976 ( date hijacked from me:my Orion space ship and I survived a catastrophic collision with a meteor and I decide to continue my mission as planned to divert Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) To 12/7/1979 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" ) is 1384 days

From 5/9/1972 ( Dana Marie Perino & George Bush & all George Bush staff actively instigate coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) To 6/3/1983 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "WarGames" ) is 4042 days

From 6/3/1983 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "WarGames" ) To 6/27/1994 ( I am the pilot and the only survivor of a plane crash that experienced many fatalities on that aircraft after the external mounted rocket-launched space satellite exploded under that aircraft ) is 4042 days

From 5/9/1972 ( Dana Marie Perino & George Bush & all George Bush staff actively instigate coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) To 12/14/1984 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Starman" starring Karen Allen as "Jenny Hayden" ) is 4602 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 10/9/1971 ( date hijacked from me:I am board-certified surgeon as Dr. Thomas Reagan, M.D. ) is 4602 days

From 5/9/1972 ( Dana Marie Perino & George Bush & all George Bush staff actively instigate coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) to 4/19/1995 ( Oklahoma City bombing with many fatalities and massive destruction ) is: 8380 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 6/25/1986 ( Proclamation 5506—National Homelessness Awareness Week, 1986 ) is: 8380 days

From 5/9/1972 ( Dana Marie Perino & all George Bush staff actively support coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) to 4/14/1977 ( date hijacked from me:I returned to Earth after successfully diverting comet in the outer solar system ) is: 1801 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) to 2/6/1964 ( date hijacked from me:I was Innsbruck Olympics gold medalist again on this day ) is: 1801 days

From 5/9/1972 ( Dana Marie Perino & George Bush & all George Bush staff actively instigate coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) to 8/19/1981 ( the 1st Gulf of Sidra incident and I was the U.S. Navy F-14 Tomcat pilot targeted by hostile fire ) is: 3389 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) to 6/12/1968 ( date hijacked from me: ) is: 3389 days

Dana Perino

Dana Marie Perino (born May 9, 1972) is the current White House Press Secretary for President George W. Bush, having assumed the position on September 14, 2007.

White House Press Secretary

The White House Press Secretary is a senior White House official with a rank one step below Presidential Cabinet level. The Press Secretary is the primary spokesperson for the Administration. The current Press Secretary is Dana Perino.

[ George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies with all George Bush staff, lawyers, employees of any capacity, as criminal accomplices to the murder of United States citizens. ]

From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 2/13/1993 ( premiere TV episode "Star Trek: The Next Generation":"Tapestry" ) is: 12400 days

12400 = 6200 + 6200

From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 2/22/1976 ( my Orion space ship and I survived a catastrophic collision with a meteor and I decide to continue my mission as planned to divert Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) is: 6200 days

From 5/1/1967 ( my first flight by myself as jet pilot ) to 2/13/1993 ( premiere TV episode "Star Trek: The Next Generation":"Tapestry" ) is: 9420 days

9420 = 4710 + 4710

From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) to 6/7/1976 ( my first landing Saturn moon Phoebe and the Saturn moon Phoebe territory belongs to me and my wife ) is: 4710 days

"Star Trek: The Next Generation"

Tapestry (1993)

Original Air Date: 13 February 1993 (Season 6, Episode 15)


They look like
they've been in a war.

The champion really tagged him.

Apollo clearly protecting
his right side, his ribs.

Look at the blood coming out.
He's spitting up blood now.


You're breaking the ribs.

Pitch Black

1,550 millibars.

Dropping 20 mb per minute.

We're hemorrhaging air.
Something took a swipe at us.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Spock, tell me.

I sense...


We have been contacted.

Why have we not replied?



Force fields up full.
Deflectors, now.

Force fields and deflectors
up full, Captain.

Analysis, Mr. Spock.

Alien weapon is a form
of plasma energy, Captain.

Exact composition unknown.

Guidance system unknown.

All decks, brace for impact.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture


Here it comes.

Engineering, what's happening
to our force field?

Our shields cannot handle
another attack.

Mr. Spock.


Fifteen seconds.

Spock, transmit now.

Ten seconds.


It would seem
our friendship messages...

have been received
and understood, Mr. Spock.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Opinion, Mr. Spock.

Recommend we proceed, Captain.

- Mr. Decker?
- I advise caution, Captain.

We can't withstand another attack.

That thing is 20 hours
away from Earth.

- We know nothing about it as yet.
- Precisely the point, Captain.

We don't know what it'll do.

Moving into that cloud
at this time...

is an unwarranted gamble.

How do you define "unwarranted"?

You asked my opinion, sir.

Viewer. Standard ahead.

Navigator, maintain course.


steady as she goes.


Go check on that little guy.

What happened?

Where am I?

Oh, hi.

The superintendent will be pissed.

- Are you okay?.
- Who are you guys?

We're the Ghostbusters.

- Who does your taxes?

- You are a fortunate individual.

[ George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies with all George Bush staff, lawyers, employees of any capacity, as criminal accomplices to the murder of United States citizens. ]

From 5/9/1972 ( Dana Marie Perino & George Bush & all George Bush staff actively instigate coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) To 3/16/1998 ( date hijacked from me:as a U.S. Navy officer and under the War Powers Act I was secretly deployed on an official United States federal assignment to prosecute the Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft and their criminal accomplices which includes George Bush as an accomplice to the murder of U.S. citizens ) is 9442 days

9442 = 4721 + 4721

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 6/18/1976 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Midway" ) is 4721 days

From 1/21/1953 ( EMP owner Paul Gardner Allen is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) To 5/9/1972 ( Dana Marie Perino & George Bush & all George Bush staff actively instigate coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 7048 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 11/1/1982 ( date hijacked from me:Duran Duran "Rio" including "The Chauffeur" ) is 7048 days

From 5/9/1972 ( Dana Marie Perino & George Bush & all George Bush staff actively instigate coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) To 2/22/1976 ( date hijacked from me:my Orion space ship and I survived a catastrophic collision with a meteor and I decide to continue my mission as planned to divert Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) is 1384 days

From 2/22/1976 ( date hijacked from me:my Orion space ship and I survived a catastrophic collision with a meteor and I decide to continue my mission as planned to divert Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) To 12/7/1979 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" ) is 1384 days

From 5/9/1972 ( Dana Marie Perino & George Bush & all George Bush staff actively instigate coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) To 6/3/1983 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "WarGames" ) is 4042 days

From 6/3/1983 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "WarGames" ) To 6/27/1994 ( I am the pilot and the only survivor of a plane crash that experienced many fatalities on that aircraft after the external mounted rocket-launched space satellite exploded under that aircraft ) is 4042 days

From 5/9/1972 ( Dana Marie Perino & George Bush & all George Bush staff actively instigate coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) To 12/14/1984 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Starman" starring Karen Allen as "Jenny Hayden" ) is 4602 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 10/9/1971 ( date hijacked from me:I am board-certified surgeon as Dr. Thomas Reagan, M.D. ) is 4602 days

From 5/9/1972 ( Dana Marie Perino & George Bush & all George Bush staff actively instigate coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) to 4/19/1995 ( Oklahoma City bombing with many fatalities and massive destruction ) is: 8380 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 6/25/1986 ( Proclamation 5506—National Homelessness Awareness Week, 1986 ) is: 8380 days

From 5/9/1972 ( Dana Marie Perino & all George Bush staff actively support coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) to 4/14/1977 ( date hijacked from me:I returned to Earth after successfully diverting comet in the outer solar system ) is: 1801 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) to 2/6/1964 ( date hijacked from me:I was Innsbruck Olympics gold medalist again on this day ) is: 1801 days

From 5/9/1972 ( Dana Marie Perino & George Bush & all George Bush staff actively instigate coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) to 8/19/1981 ( the 1st Gulf of Sidra incident and I was the U.S. Navy F-14 Tomcat pilot targeted by hostile fire ) is: 3389 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) to 6/12/1968 ( date hijacked from me: ) is: 3389 days

Dana Perino

Dana Marie Perino (born May 9, 1972) is the current White House Press Secretary for President George W. Bush, having assumed the position on September 14, 2007.

From 8/28/1943 ( date hijacked from me:John Findlater starring role 1979 film "Meteor" as the tragically doomed character "Astronaut Tom Easton" ) to 4/17/2003 ( EMP owner Paul Gardner Allen is a violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 1 day, 33 weeks, 59 years

'1-33-59' ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US )

From 6/27/1994 ( I am the pilot and the only survivor of a plane crash that experienced many fatalities on that aircraft after the external mounted rocket-launched space satellite exploded under that aircraft ) to 4/17/2003 ( EMP owner Paul Gardner Allen is a violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is: 3 days, 459 weeks

'34-59' ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK )

From 12/11/1972 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 17 Challenger astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) To 4/17/2003 ( EMP owner Paul Gardner Allen is a violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 11084 days

11084 = 5542 + 5542

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 9/17/1978 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US TV series "Battlestar Galactica" ) is 5542 days

From 4/21/1926 ( date hijacked from me:my paternal grandmother Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II ) to 4/17/2003 ( EMP owner Paul Gardner Allen is a violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is: 28120 days

28120 = 14060 + 14060

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) to 8/31/1997 ( death of Diana, Princess of Wales, under suspicious circumstances ) is: 14060 days

Friday, April 18, 2003

Planning a sci-fi museum at EMP, Allen boldly goes into new territory

By Young Chang

Seattle Times staff reporter

At a news conference that looked — and sounded — more like a "Star Trek" convention yesterday, Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen announced plans for a new science-fiction museum to open in the summer of 2004 at Experience Music Project.

From 5/9/1972 ( Dana Marie Perino & George Bush & all George Bush staff actively instigate coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) To 3/16/1998 ( date hijacked from me:as a U.S. Navy officer and under the War Powers Act I was secretly deployed on an official United States federal assignment to prosecute the Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft and their criminal accomplices which includes George Bush as an accomplice to the murder of U.S. citizens ) is 9442 days

9442 = 4721 + 4721

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 6/18/1976 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Midway" ) is 4721 days

From 1/21/1953 ( EMP owner Paul Gardner Allen is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) To 5/9/1972 ( Dana Marie Perino & George Bush & all George Bush staff actively instigate coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 7048 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 11/1/1982 ( date hijacked from me:Duran Duran "Rio" including "The Chauffeur" ) is 7048 days

From 5/9/1972 ( Dana Marie Perino & George Bush & all George Bush staff actively instigate coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) To 2/22/1976 ( date hijacked from me:my Orion space ship and I survived a catastrophic collision with a meteor and I decide to continue my mission as planned to divert Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) is 1384 days

From 2/22/1976 ( date hijacked from me:my Orion space ship and I survived a catastrophic collision with a meteor and I decide to continue my mission as planned to divert Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) To 12/7/1979 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" ) is 1384 days

From 5/9/1972 ( Dana Marie Perino & George Bush & all George Bush staff actively instigate coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) To 6/3/1983 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "WarGames" ) is 4042 days

From 6/3/1983 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "WarGames" ) To 6/27/1994 ( I am the pilot and the only survivor of a plane crash that experienced many fatalities on that aircraft after the external mounted rocket-launched space satellite exploded under that aircraft ) is 4042 days

From 5/9/1972 ( Dana Marie Perino & George Bush & all George Bush staff actively instigate coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) To 12/14/1984 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Starman" starring Karen Allen as "Jenny Hayden" ) is 4602 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 10/9/1971 ( date hijacked from me:I am board-certified surgeon as Dr. Thomas Reagan, M.D. ) is 4602 days

From 5/9/1972 ( Dana Marie Perino & George Bush & all George Bush staff actively instigate coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) to 4/19/1995 ( Oklahoma City bombing with many fatalities and massive destruction ) is: 8380 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 6/25/1986 ( Proclamation 5506—National Homelessness Awareness Week, 1986 ) is: 8380 days

From 5/9/1972 ( Dana Marie Perino & all George Bush staff actively support coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) to 4/14/1977 ( date hijacked from me:I returned to Earth after successfully diverting comet in the outer solar system ) is: 1801 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) to 2/6/1964 ( date hijacked from me:I was Innsbruck Olympics gold medalist again on this day ) is: 1801 days

From 5/9/1972 ( Dana Marie Perino & George Bush & all George Bush staff actively instigate coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) to 8/19/1981 ( the 1st Gulf of Sidra incident and I was the U.S. Navy F-14 Tomcat pilot targeted by hostile fire ) is: 3389 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) to 6/12/1968 ( date hijacked from me: ) is: 3389 days

Dana Perino

Dana Marie Perino (born May 9, 1972) is the current White House Press Secretary for President George W. Bush, having assumed the position on September 14, 2007.

[ George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies with all George Bush staff, lawyers, employees of any capacity, as criminal accomplices to the murder of United States citizens. ]


Suspects on I-80 proceeding northbound.

Still in pursuit.

I know it sounds impossible, but
I have a couple of people that say...

they saw him carrying her
out of the burning wreckage.

Then they just disappeared
in the smoke.

I've had the police check the
entire area, and there are no bodies.

From 5/1/1967 ( my first flight by myself as jet pilot ) To 4/13/2001 ( premiere TV episode "The Outer Limits":"The Vessel" )(Friday) is 12401 days

12401 = 1 + 6200 + 6200

From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 2/22/1976 ( my Orion space ship and I survived a catastrophic collision with a meteor and I decide to continue my mission as planned to divert Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) is: 6200 days

From 12/14/1972 ( I was Apollo 17 Challenger astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) To 4/13/2001 ( premiere TV episode "The Outer Limits":"The Vessel" )(Friday) is 10347 days

10347 = 1 + 5173 + 5173

From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 5/1/1973 ( my graduation from University of Oxford includes law degree ) is: 5173 days

"The Outer Limits" The Vessel (2001)

Original Air Date: 13 April 2001 (Season 7, Episode 5)

The Vessel

Season: 7

Episode: 5

First Aired: 4/13/2001

The year is 2006. Civilian Jake Worthy, an arrogant, self-absorbed best-selling author is a passenger on the Space Shuttle INSPIRE, circling above the earth. But as it prepares to land, something goes horribly wrong. The Shuttle explodes on impact and everyone on board is killed, except Jake, who walks away from the crash without injury. Mission Supervisor James Harding and Chief Medical Officer Dr. George Bader are at a loss to find any scientific explanation for his miraculous survival. As time passes, Jake's usual callous behavior gives way to uncharacteristic concern for others, haunting regrets, and the need to take stock of his life. Ongoing tests reveal a transformation in his body chemistry, making him impervious to personal injury and able to heal others. Plagued by worsening headaches and desperate for answers, Jake escapes from the Quarantine Center and discovers an alien entity fighting for its own survival inside his body.

From 10/15/1954 ( Jere Burns ) To 1/31/1964 ( I was Innsbruck Olympics gold medalist on this day ) is 3395 days

From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) To 6/19/1968 ( my 1st Medal of Honor and I am U.S. military fighter jet ace during Vietnam War ) is 3395 days

From 10/15/1954 ( Jere Burns ) To 11/26/1976 ( my first landing Jupiter moon Callisto ) is 8078 days

From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date UK ) To 4/14/1981 ( I was the commander aboard the STS-1 Columbia spacecraft ) is 8078 days

Jere Burns
Date of Birth: 15 October 1954

"The Outer Limits" .... Jake Worthy (1 episode, 2001)
- The Vessel (2001) TV episode .... Jake Worthy

From 3/23/1950 ( Anthony De Longis ) to 7/16/1963 ( my wife the actress Phoebe Cates ) is 159 months, 3 weeks, 3 days

'1-59-33' ( my birth date US )

Anthony De Longis
Date of Birth: 23 March 1950

"The Outer Limits" .... Commander McCarty (1 episode, 2001)
- The Vessel (2001) TV episode .... Commander McCarty

Remarks on the 25th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing

July 20th, 1994

Thank you very much, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, veterans of the Apollo program, the friends of the space program in America, and most of all, to those whom we honor here today.

Just a day before he died, President Kennedy compared our space program to a boy who comes upon a wall in an orchard. The wall is tall. It looks insurmountable, but the boy is curious about what lies on the other side. So he throws his cap over the wall, and then he has no choice but to go after it.

Twenty-five years ago today, our Nation, represented by these three brave men, made that climb. And so, today we are gathered to celebrate their voyage and, I honestly hope, to recommit ourselves to their spirit of discovery.Apollo 11 , Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins were our guides for the wondrous, the unimaginable at that time, the true handiwork of God. They realized the dreams of a nation. They fulfilled an American destiny. They taught us that nothing is impossible if we set our sights high enough.

Today we're honored to have them and all the other Apollo astronauts who are here with us. For every American who followed your journey, especially for those of us who were young on that fateful day 25 years ago, and for the young Americans who still dream dreams of a future in space, we thank you all.

Looking back on that mission, one thing is clear that we ought to remember today. It wasn't easy. The ship to the heavens measured just 13 feet in diameter. The destination was 3 days and a world away. On the third day as the tiny module descended to the Moon, it came dangerously close to a crash landing—that happens around here all the time—[laughter] —but Neil Armstrong took over the controls from the computer and landed safely.

[ Racketeering Mob Organization Leader and cowardly violent criminal Paul Allen actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government with all Paul Allen employees, lawyers and managers of any capacity as criminal accomplices which includes King County as criminal accomplices to the murder of United States citizens ]

From 6/27/1994 ( I am the pilot and the only survivor of a plane crash that experienced many fatalities on that aircraft after the external mounted rocket-launched space satellite exploded under that aircraft ) to 4/17/2003 ( EMP owner Paul Gardner Allen is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is: 3 days, 459 weeks

'34-59' ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK )

From 8/28/1943 ( date hijacked from me:John Findlater starring role 1979 film "Meteor" as the tragically doomed character "Astronaut Tom Easton" ) to 4/17/2003 ( EMP owner Paul Gardner Allen is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 1 day, 33 weeks, 59 years

'1-33-59' ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US )

From 12/11/1972 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 17 Challenger astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) To 4/17/2003 ( EMP owner Paul Gardner Allen is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 11084 days

11084 = 5542 + 5542

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 9/17/1978 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US TV series "Battlestar Galactica" ) is 5542 days

From 4/21/1926 ( date hijacked from me:Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II ) to 4/17/2003 ( EMP owner Paul Gardner Allen is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is: 28120 days

28120 = 14060 + 14060

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) to 8/31/1997 ( death of Diana, Princess of Wales, under suspicious circumstances ) is: 14060 days

Friday, April 18, 2003

Planning a sci-fi museum at EMP, Allen boldly goes into new territory

By Young Chang

Seattle Times staff reporter

At a news conference that looked — and sounded — more like a "Star Trek" convention yesterday, Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen announced plans for a new science-fiction museum to open in the summer of 2004 at Experience Music Project.


EMP or Emp may refer to:

Electromagnetic pulse, a term in telecommunications and warfare fields

Experience Music Project, a museum of music history Seattle, Washington

Electromagnetic pulse

A terrorist EMP attack might profoundly affect any major city; however, because of the high cost of real estate and traffic issues, many major businesses have relocated valuable assets outside of major urban areas, and have taken other measures to protect themselves. Therefore, the long-term economic and technological impact of such an event might not be as grave as previously imagined, depending on the nature of the original attack.[citation needed]

A common scenario is detonation of a device over the middle of the U.S. using long-range missiles available only to major military powers. An offshore detonation at high altitude, by contrast, would present less technical difficulty and would disrupt both an entire coast and regions hundreds of miles inland (e.g. 120 mile altitude, 1000 mile EMP radius). Moreover, a high altitude burst could be positioned over international waters by means of a missile of low accuracy, launched from a ship, also in international waters. North Korea, Iran, and Pakistan (for example) have Scud-derived missiles of more than adequate capability.

From 12/30/1944 ( William Joseph Fallon ) To 5/1/1982 ( date hijacked from me:my graduation and commissioning U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1982 as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) is 13636 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 7/3/1996 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Independence Day" ) is 13636 days

From 12/30/1944 ( William Joseph Fallon ) To 7/3/1991 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" ) is 16986 days

16986 = 8493 + 8493

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 6/4/1982 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan" ) is 8493 days

William J. Fallon

AKA William Joseph Fallon

Born: 30-Dec-1944

Executive summary: C-in-C, US Central Command, 2007-08

William J. Fallon

William Joseph Fallon, (born December 30, 1944), was a four-star admiral in the United States Navy serving over 41 years. He served as Commander of the U.S. Central Command from March 2007 to March 2008. ADM Fallon was the first naval officer to hold that position.

A 1967 graduate of Villanova University, he received his commission through the Navy ROTC Program and was designated a Naval Flight Officer upon completion of flight training in December 1967.

[ George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies with all George Bush staff, lawyers, employees of any capacity as criminal accomplices ]

Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Uhura, send to Commander, Reliant:
"Prepare to be boarded."

Aye, sir.

Commander, Reliant,
this is Enterprise.

Surrender and prepare
to be boarded.

Enterprise to Reliant. You are
ordered to surrender your vessel.

Reliant! Come in, Reliant. You are
ordered to surrender your vessel.

Enterprise to Reliant. You're ordered
to surrender your vessel. Respond.

No, Kirk.

The game's not over.

To the last...
I will grapple with thee!

Admiral? Scanning
an energy source on Reliant.

A pattern I've never seen before.

- It's the Genesis Wave!
- What?

They're on a build-up to detonation!

Memorable quotes for

Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)

[first lines]

Sarah Connor: [narrating] 3 billion human lives ended on August 29th, 1997. The survivors of the nuclear fire called the war Judgment Day. They lived only to face a new nightmare: the war against the machines. The computer which controlled the machines, Skynet, sent two Terminators back through time. Their mission: to destroy the leader of the human resistance, John Connor, my son. The first Terminator was programmed to strike at me in the year 1984, before John was born. It failed. The second was set to strike at John himself when he was still a child. As before, the resistance was able to send a lone warrior, a protector for John. It was just a question of which one of them would reach him first.

Independence Day

Well, it's funny. I always thought
things like these would kill me.

It's been a pleasure.

Steve, you too.

Only one thing left to do.

- Ready?
- Yes, sir.

Hey, all right! Look at us.

Take a look at the earthlings. Goodbye!

- Y'all take care. Nothing but love for ya!
- Goodbye!

Do you think they know
what's about to happen?

Not a chance in hell. Good night!


We're loose.
Can you get us outta here in 30 seconds?

- I ain't heard no fat lady!
- Forget the fat lady. Drive us outta here!

- They're chasing us.
- You think?

- Oh, that was a hit.
- We're not hit! Stop side-seat driving!

Left! Tunnel! Exit left!

Naval Flight Officer

A Naval Flight Officer (NFO) is an officer in the United States Navy or Marine Corps that specializes in airborne weapons and sensor systems. NFOs are not pilots (naval aviators)

[ George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies with all George Bush staff, lawyers, employees of any capacity as criminal accomplices ]

From 12/30/1944 ( William Joseph Fallon ) To 5/1/1982 ( date hijacked from me:my graduation and commissioning U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1982 as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) is 13636 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 7/3/1996 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Independence Day" ) is 13636 days

From 12/30/1944 ( William Joseph Fallon ) To 7/3/1991 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" ) is 16986 days

16986 = 8493 + 8493

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 6/4/1982 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan" ) is 8493 days

William J. Fallon

AKA William Joseph Fallon

Born: 30-Dec-1944

Executive summary: C-in-C, US Central Command, 2007-08

William J. Fallon

William Joseph Fallon, (born December 30, 1944), was a four-star admiral in the United States Navy serving over 41 years. He served as Commander of the U.S. Central Command from March 2007 to March 2008. ADM Fallon was the first naval officer to hold that position.

A 1967 graduate of Villanova University, he received his commission through the Navy ROTC Program and was designated a Naval Flight Officer upon completion of flight training in December 1967.

From 5/4/1948 ( Edmund Peter Giambastiani, Jr. ) To 9/2/1965 ( date hijacked from me:my first day as university student at Princeton University where I earned Medical Doctor degree ) is 6330 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 7/2/1976 ( date hijacked from me:I intercepted Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system and set to work at diverting it ) is 6330 days

From 8/5/1930 ( date hijacked from me:NASA Apollo 11 Eagle astronaut Neil Armstrong ) To 5/4/1948 ( Edmund Peter Giambastiani, Jr. ) is 6482 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 4/14/1981 ( date hijacked from me:I was the commander aboard the STS-1 Columbia spacecraft ) is 6482 days

From 5/4/1948 ( Edmund Peter Giambastiani, Jr. ) To 9/16/1994 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US films "Timecop," "Blue Sky," "Princess Caraboo" starring my wife as "Princess Caraboo" ) is 16936 days

16936 = 8468 + 8468

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 5/10/1982 ( date hijacked from me:Duran Duran "Rio" including "The Chauffeur" ) is 8468 days

Edmund P. Giambastiani, Jr.

AKA Edmund Peter Giambastiani, Jr.

Born: 4-May-1948

Executive summary: Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff (2005-)

[ George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies with all George Bush staff, lawyers, employees of any capacity as criminal accomplices ]

Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

The Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (VJCS) is by law the second highest ranking military officer overall in the United States Armed Forces [1] ranking just below the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Neil Armstrong

Missions Gemini 8, Apollo 11

Neil Alden Armstrong (born August 5, 1930) is a former American astronaut, test pilot, university professor, and United States Naval Aviator. He is the first person to set foot on the Moon. His first spaceflight was aboard Gemini 8 in 1966, for which he was the command pilot. On this mission, he performed the first manned docking of two spacecraft together with pilot David Scott. Armstrong's second and last spaceflight was as mission commander of the Apollo 11 moon landing mission on July 20, 1969. On this mission, Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin descended to the lunar surface and spent 2½ hours exploring while Michael Collins remained in orbit in the Command Module. Armstrong is a recipient of the Congressional Space Medal of Honor.

Apollo Lunar Module

The Apollo Lunar Module was the lander portion of the Apollo spacecraft built for the US Apollo program by Grumman to achieve the transit from cislunar orbit to the surface and back. The module was also known as the LM from the manufacturer designation (often pronounced "lem," from NASA's early name for it, Lunar Excursion Module).

The module was designed to carry a crew of two

From 7/23/1973 ( I passed the Multistate Bar Examination ) to 3/13/1978 ( U.S. Department of the Army Order 31-3 General Of The Armies of the United States applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) is: 1694 days

From 3/13/1978 ( U.S. Department of the Army Order 31-3 General Of The Armies of the United States applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) to 11/1/1982 ( Duran Duran "Rio" including "The Chauffeur" ) is: 1694 days

From 6/12/1968 ( ) to 11/1/1982 ( Duran Duran "Rio" including "The Chauffeur" ) is: 5255 days

From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 7/23/1973 ( I passed the Multistate Bar Examination ) is: 5255 days

Single by Duran Duran

from the album Rio


"The Chauffeur"
"Hold Back The Rain"

Released November 1, 1982 (UK)

"Rio" is a hit single from the album Rio by Duran Duran, and one of their most recognizable songs and music videos.

JAG Jargon

Have you ever thought at times that Harm is speaking a "foreign language"?

The definitions below may help you understand some of the terminology used in the armed services.

Driver: pilot, as in "eagle driver" or "tomcat driver".

Naval Flight Officer

A Naval Flight Officer in the United States Navy and Marine Corps is an officer of the line, meaning they can screen for command in the naval aviation community. After completion of their training, they receive their wings of gold insignia of a Naval Flight Officer. NFO is the Navy acronym for these aviators. NFOs are not pilots (Naval Aviators in Navy parlance).

F-4 Phantom II serving as Radar Intercept Officer (RIO)
F-14 Tomcat serving as Radar Intercept Officer (RIO)

From 12/25/1968 ( I was Apollo 8 spacecraft astronaut in orbit of Earth's moon ) to 5/10/1982 ( Duran Duran "Rio" ) is: 4884 days

From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) to 11/28/1976 ( I launched from the Jupiter moon Callisto for Earth and home ) is: 4884 days

From 5/21/1969 ( I am Princeton University Medical Doctor degree graduate ) to 5/10/1982 ( Duran Duran "Rio" ) is: 4737 days

From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) to 7/4/1976 ( I successfully diverted Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) is: 4737 days


Studio album by Duran Duran

Released May 10, 1982

Track listing

1. "Rio"

9. "The Chauffeur"

Under Siege

Believe it or not,
the XO's with them.

[ George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies with all George Bush staff, lawyers, employees of any capacity as criminal accomplices ]

From 5/4/1948 ( Edmund Peter Giambastiani, Jr. ) To 9/2/1965 ( date hijacked from me:my first day as university student at Princeton University where I earned Medical Doctor degree ) is 6330 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 7/2/1976 ( date hijacked from me:I intercepted Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system and set to work at diverting it ) is 6330 days

From 8/5/1930 ( date hijacked from me:NASA Apollo 11 Eagle astronaut Neil Armstrong ) To 5/4/1948 ( Edmund Peter Giambastiani, Jr. ) is 6482 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 4/14/1981 ( date hijacked from me:I was the commander aboard the STS-1 Columbia spacecraft ) is 6482 days

From 5/4/1948 ( Edmund Peter Giambastiani, Jr. ) To 9/16/1994 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US films "Timecop," "Blue Sky," "Princess Caraboo" starring my wife as "Princess Caraboo" ) is 16936 days

16936 = 8468 + 8468

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 5/10/1982 ( date hijacked from me:Duran Duran "Rio" including "The Chauffeur" ) is 8468 days

Edmund P. Giambastiani, Jr.

AKA Edmund Peter Giambastiani, Jr.

Born: 4-May-1948

Executive summary: Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff (2005-)

From 7/6/1946 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) To 6/13/1963 ( Charles Douglas Stimson ) is 6186 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 2/8/1976 ( premiere US film "Taxi Driver" ) is 6186 days

From 6/13/1963 ( Charles Douglas Stimson ) To 1/19/1976 ( date hijacked from me:U.S. congressional joint resolution Public Law 94-479 General of the Armies of the United States applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) is 4603 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 10/9/1971 ( date hijacked from me:I am board-certified surgeon as Dr. Thomas Reagan, M.D. ) is 4603 days

From 6/13/1963 ( Charles Douglas Stimson ) To 10/12/2000 ( USS Cole DDG-67 sailors killed and I was the first Commanding Officer of USS Cole DDG-67 ) is 13636 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 7/3/1996 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Independence Day" ) is 13636 days

Cully Stimson

AKA Charles Douglas Stimson

Born: 13-Jun-1963

Executive summary: Pentagon point man on detainees

US Defense Department Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Detainee Affairs

[ George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ]

Treehouse of Horror VII

Original airdate in U.S.: 27-Oct-96

His attention is quickly grabbed by nothing else than a flying saucer over him. The saucer drops a crane and brings him on board -- after dropping him in the lake once.

His abductors are none else than... Kang and Kodos!

Oh, my God. Space aliens. Don't eat me! I have a wife and kids! Eat them!

-- Homer faces alien abduction, "Treehouse of Horror VII"

Kang: Silence! We are travellers from a certain nearby ringed planet whose name we'd prefer not to mention. My name is Kang, and this is my sister Kodos.

Kodos: [masculine voice] Hello.

Homer: [gulps] I suppose you want to probe me. Well, might as well get it over with. [unzips his pants]

Kang: [disgusted] Stop! We have reached the limits of what rectal probing can teach us.

Independence Day

A crop-duster was arrested
as he dropped leaflets from the air.

- Everybody's leavin'.
- Can you give us some ofyour time?

We've got to stop them!I was kidnapped
by space aliens ten years ago!

They did all kinds of experiments on me!

They've been studying us,
finding out our weaknesses!

We've gotta stop 'em.
They're gonna kill us all!

Some people attribute his behaviour
to post-traumatic stress

from his service as a pilot in Vietnam.

Others have a more unusual theory.

How would you describe Mr Casse?

- Keeps to himself. Quiet.
- Private.

When they took him up in the spaceship,

the aliens abused him sexually.

[ George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies with all George Bush staff, lawyers, employees of any capacity as criminal accomplices ]

From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 12/25/1968 ( I was Apollo 8 spacecraft astronaut in orbit of Earth's moon ) is: 3585 days

From 11/11/1966 ( I was Gemini 12 spacecraft astronaut ) to 9/4/1976 ( George W. Bush arrested again ) is: 3585 days

From 1/29/1964 ( I was multiple Olympic gold medalist during Innsbruck Olympics ) to 9/4/1976 ( George W. Bush arrested again ) is: 4602 days

From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 10/9/1971 ( I am board-certified surgeon ) is: 4602 days

George W. Bush substance abuse controversy

On September 4, 1976, Bush was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol near his family's summer home in Kennebunkport, Maine. He admitted his guilt, was fined $150, and had his driving license in the state suspended for two years, implying two prior convictions. [The White House had claimed 30 days, the document shows two years.] This incident did not become public knowledge until it was reported in the press in the week before the 2000 election.

Bush acknowledges 1976 DUI charge

November 2, 2000

Late Thursday evening, following a campaign rally in this tightly contested Midwestern state, Bush--with his wife, Laura, at his side -- told reporters news accounts of the incident were accurate

Bush said the timing of the initial news report, just days before Americans elect a new president, was "interesting." When asked where the story may have originated, he said, "I've got my suspicions."

Karen Hughes, Bush's spokeswomen said the 54-year-old Texas governor, who has been open about his past drinking problems, had not publicly disclosed the arrest because not even his 18-year-old twin daughters were aware of it.

"The timing of an announcement like this, four or five days away from the election about an incident 24 years ago, which the governor's daughters don't even know about, is certainly questionable," Hughes said.


A taxicab, also taxi or cab, is a type of public transport for a single passenger, or small group of passengers, typically for a non-shared ride. A taxicab is a vehicle for hire, with a driver, which conveys passengers between locations of their choice.

From 7/6/1946 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) To 6/13/1963 ( Charles Douglas Stimson ) is 6186 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 2/8/1976 ( premiere US film "Taxi Driver" ) is 6186 days

From 6/13/1963 ( Charles Douglas Stimson ) To 1/19/1976 ( date hijacked from me:U.S. congressional joint resolution Public Law 94-479 General of the Armies of the United States applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) is 4603 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 10/9/1971 ( date hijacked from me:I am board-certified surgeon as Dr. Thomas Reagan, M.D. ) is 4603 days

From 6/13/1963 ( Charles Douglas Stimson ) To 10/12/2000 ( USS Cole DDG-67 sailors killed and I was the first Commanding Officer of USS Cole DDG-67 ) is 13636 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 7/3/1996 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Independence Day" ) is 13636 days

Cully Stimson

AKA Charles Douglas Stimson

Born: 13-Jun-1963

Executive summary: Pentagon point man on detainees

US Defense Department Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Detainee Affairs

From 2/6/1964 ( date hijacked from me:I was Innsbruck Olympics gold medalist again on this day ) To 4/13/1970 ( Kevin M. Warsh ) is 2258 days

From 4/13/1970 ( Kevin M. Warsh ) To 6/18/1976 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Midway" ) is 2258 days

From 4/13/1970 ( Kevin M. Warsh ) to 2/8/1976 ( premiere US film "Taxi Driver" ) is 5 years, 9 months, 3 weeks, 4 days

'59-34' ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK )

Kevin M. Warsh

Born: 13-Apr-1970

Executive summary: Federal Reserve Governor

US Federal Reserve Governor (2006-)
White House Staff Special Asst. to the President (2002-06)

Kevin Warsh

Kevin Maxwell Warsh (born April 13, 1970 in Albany, New York) is a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. He took office on February 24, 2006 to fill an unexpired term ending January 31, 2018.

[ George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ]

Deep Impact

People knew about the Manhattan
Project, you know,

and they kept it a secret.

That was just the creation
of the atom bomb.



Ms Lerner, Tom Beck.

I understand you've come
into some information.

Ms Lerner was just expressing
her lack of enthusiasm

for matters
of national security

where journalistic
competitiveness is at stake.

1984 film "Night of the Comet" DVD:


Hector: Samantha! Did they say anything else? Anything?

Samantha: Yeah. They said be careful on the street.

Because some people were exposed to the comet a little bit.

What happened to Doris is happening to them, only slower.

And, like, they're dangerous.

Regina: Like what happened to Larry.


Samantha: Cops?

Where were you guys earlier?

Oh shit, my license.

Oh shit!

[ George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ]

From 2/17/1965 ( I am active duty U.S. Navy SEAL ) to 12/13/1977 ( mugshot photo date from arrest of Bill Gates who is a violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is: 4682 days

4682 = 2341 + 2341

From 5/12/1965 ( I am active duty U.S. Navy aviator ) to 10/9/1971 ( I am board-certified surgeon ) is: 2341 days

From 10/11/1968 ( I was Apollo 7 spacecraft astronaut ) to 12/13/1977 ( mugshot photo date from arrest of Bill Gates who is a violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is: 3350 days

From 5/1/1967 ( my first flight by myself as jet pilot ) to 7/2/1976 ( I intercepted Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system and set to work at diverting it ) is: 3350 days

From 6/19/1968 ( I am U.S. military fighter jet ace during Vietnam War ) to 12/13/1977 ( mugshot photo date from arrest of Bill Gates who is a violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 3 days, 3 weeks, 5 months, 9 years

'33-59' ( my birth date US )

Bill Gates [ is a violent criminal and enemy combatant against the United States federal government ]

AKA William Henry Gates III

Born: 28-Oct-1955

Birthplace: Seattle, WA

Driving without a License Phoenix, AZ (29-Apr-1975)


A person who dresses and acts in a style or manner traditionally associated with the opposite sex.

someone who adopts the dress or manner or sexual role of the opposite sex

Someone who dresses in the clothes usually worn by the opposite sex. Transvestites may be bisexual, heterosexual, or homosexual

Mann Act

The United States White-Slave Traffic Act of 1910 (ch. 395, 36 Stat. 825; codified as amended at 18 U.S.C. § 2421–2424) prohibited white slavery. It also banned the interstate transport of females for “immoral purposes.” Its primary stated intent was to address prostitution, immorality, and human trafficking. The act is better known as the Mann Act, after James Robert Mann, an American lawmaker.

From 9/20/1956 ( Gary Cole ) to 10/11/1968 ( I was Apollo 7 spacecraft astronaut ) is: 4404 days

4404 = 2202 + 2202

From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 3/14/1965 ( I am active duty Central Intelligence Agency officer ) is: 2202 days

Gary Cole
Date of Birth: 20 September 1956

"From the Earth to the Moon" (1998) (mini) TV mini-series .... Astronaut Edgar Mitchell
One Hour Photo (2002) .... Bill Owens

One Hour Photo

Mr. Owens, why don't you
come and grab a seat

and try to calm down?

Your wife and child,
they're, uh...

they're somewhere
safe now?

at my mother's.

I'm--I'm sorry.
I'm just a little upset.

No, no, no, no.
I understand. It's...

It's understandable.

So how did he take
his being fired?

I've had to fire
a lot of people, Detective.

People get upset
when they get fired.

He got pretty upset.

He knew that Mr. Araki
would see the photos...

and he knew
he'd show them to you

and that
you'd call us.

I think
it's just a warning.

But you have to
take it seriously.

Oh, we take it
very seriously.

Your child's life has been
indirectly threatened.

We take no chances
in this county.

From 11/28/1976 ( I launched from the Jupiter moon Callisto for Earth and home ) to 9/13/2002 ( premiere US film "One Hour Photo" ) is 9420 days

9420 = 4710 + 4710

From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) to 6/7/1976 ( my first landing Saturn moon Phoebe and the Saturn moon Phoebe territory belongs to me ) is 4710 days

One Hour Photo (2002)

Release Date: 13 September 2002 (USA)

Plot Outline: An employee of a one-hour photo lab becomes obsessed with a young suburban family.

One Hour Photo

Can I see my pictures

Sure, Sy.

Thank you.

[ Racketeering Mob Organization Leader and cowardly violent criminal Bill Gates actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government with all Bill Gates employees, lawyers and managers of any capacity as criminal accomplices to the murder of United States citizens. ]

On The Cover/Top Stories

Image Enhancement

Bruce Upbin, 03.01.04

Who owns the right to put a famous photo on a Web site? Chances are it's a famous rich guy named Bill Gates

Bill Gates' grand scheme to license the world's art masterpieces and have them flash onto wall monitors in people's living rooms fizzled. But it looks as if he's going to make a pretty penny selling images after all--mostly images used by publishers and advertisers.

In November one of the world's biggest banks kicked off a major ad campaign in Asia, touting its ability to work closely with its richest clients. It wanted photos of famous partners in exploration:the Apollo 11 crew of Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, and Sir Edmund Hillary and his Sherpa guide, Tenzing Norgay. So it turned to Corbis Inc., the world's second-largest image-licensing company, wholly owned by Gates.

Corbis had photos of these notables, which the bank could license for $18,000, but there was a hitch negotiating the celebrities' publicity rights:Armstrong was asking so much extra that the photography cost of the campaign would have been an astronomical $1.5 million. The client was ready to walk away, but Corbis' crafty rights negotiators suggested cropping out Armstrong altogether. That helped knock down the publicity rights fees to $185,000. Done.

Few people outside the photo world know Corbis as anything more than a hobby or an artsy sideline for the world's richest man. The Seattle-based firm first gained attention in the mid-1990s when Gates began spending some $200 million securing digital rights to license images. Some were masterpieces ("Mona Lisa," "Whistler's Mother"). But he also procured images with a more commercial appeal when he acquired the libraries and freelance contracts of 11 photo agencies, as well as the renowned Bettmann Archive, a collection of historical photos frequently used by book and magazine publishers. Corbis owns some of the most indelible images ever captured: Wilbur watching Orville's first takeoff. Einstein sticking out his tongue. Harry Truman's triumphant grin as he hoists the "Dewey Beats Truman" edition of the Chicago Daily Tribune.

Finally, after 14 years of losing money, Corbis is getting down to business. It has replaced half its managers with veterans of advertising and publishing, patched up relationships with disaffected photographers and broken new ground with deals to license such things as photos and movie clips to mobile-telephone customers. "We're moving beyond aggregating photos and taking more positions in the food chain," says Steve B. Davis, chief executive of Corbis. "We're focusing on being more than just an online photo vending machine."

Last year, despite the weak advertising industry, Corbis' revenue grew 20% to $140 million. Davis predicts another 20% revenue jump this year, enough to "approach profitability."

Both Gates and Davis deny any imminent plans for an initial offering, but in September Corbis raided newspaper publisher Knight Ridder to get Susan McDonald as chief financial officer. "My goal is to get us ready for diversifying the shareholder base if we need to," she says.


Burglary (also called breaking and entering and sometimes housebreaking) is a crime the essence of which is entry into a building for the purposes of committing an offence. Usually that offence will be theft, but most jurisdictions specify others which fall within the ambit of burglary. Commission of burglary is normally referred to as to burgle (in British English) or burglarize (in American English).

The common law definition of burglary was described by Sir Matthew Hale as

“ The breaking and entering the house of another in the night time, with intent to commit a felony therein, whether the felony be actually committed or not. ”

Breaking- this could be either actual, such as by forcing a door, or constructive, such as by fraud or threats

Entering- this can encompass either physical entry by a person or the insertion of some implement with which to remove property, but not one solely used for gaining entry

House- this included a temporarily unoccupied dwelling but not a building only occasionally used as a habitation

Night time- defined as being between half an hour before sunset and half an hour after sunrise

Intent- most serious offences were classed as felony when this definition was prevalent, and included larceny, an alternative name for theft.

The common law elements serve as a basic template, but individual jurisdictions occasionally alter them and they may vary slightly from state to state within federal jurisdictions. This definition has been greatly expanded in most jurisdictions, so that the building need not be a dwelling or even a building in the conventional sense, physical breaking need not occur, the entry no longer need be at night, and the intent may be to commit any felony or theft.

United States

Burglary is prosecuted as a felony or misdemeanor and involves trespassing and theft, entering a building or automobile, or remaining unlawfully with intent to commit theft or any crime, not necessarily a theft -- for example, vandalism. Even if nothing is stolen in a burglary, the act is a statutory offense. Burglary may be an element in crimes involving arson, kidnapping, identity theft, or violation of civil rights; indeed the "plumbers" of the Watergate scandal were technically burglars. As with all legal definitions in the U.S., the foregoing description may not be applicable in every jurisdiction since there are 50 separate state criminal codes, plus Federal and territorial codes in force.

TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 103 > § 2113

2113. Bank robbery and incidental crimes

(a) Whoever, by force and violence, or by intimidation, takes, or attempts to take, from the person or presence of another, or obtains or attempts to obtain by extortion any property or money or any other thing of value belonging to, or in the care, custody, control, management, or possession of, any bank, credit union, or any savings and loan association; or

Whoever enters or attempts to enter any bank, credit union, or any savings and loan association, or any building used in whole or in part as a bank, credit union, or as a savings and loan association, with intent to commit in such bank, credit union, or in such savings and loan association, or building, or part thereof, so used, any felony affecting such bank, credit union, or such savings and loan association and in violation of any statute of the United States, or any larceny—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

(d) Whoever, in committing, or in attempting to commit, any offense defined in subsections (a) and (b) of this section, assaults any person, or puts in jeopardy the life of any person by the use of a dangerous weapon or device, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty-five years, or both.

(e) Whoever, in committing any offense defined in this section, or in avoiding or attempting to avoid apprehension for the commission of such offense, or in freeing himself or attempting to free himself from arrest or confinement for such offense, kills any person, or forces any person to accompany him without the consent of such person, shall be imprisoned not less than ten years, or if death results shall be punished by death or life imprisonment.

felony murder doctrine

a rule of criminal statutes that any death which occurs during the commission of a felony is first degree murder, and all participants in that felony or attempted felony can be charged with and found guilty of murder. A typical example is a robbery involving more than one criminal, in which one of them shoots, beats to death or runs over a store clerk, killing the clerk. Even if the death were accidental, all of the participants can be found guilty of felony murder, including those who did no harm, had no gun, and/or did not intend to hurt anyone.

Felony Murder Doctrine

The felony murder rule is a legal doctrine current in some common law countries that broadens the crime of murder in two ways. First, when a victim dies accidentally or without specific intent in the course of an applicable felony, it increases what might have been manslaughter (or even a simple tort) to murder. Second, it makes any participant in such a felony criminally responsible for any deaths that occur during or in furtherance of that felony.

From 6/7/1981 ( my 3rd Medal of Honor hijacked from me and Osirak destroyed by Israeli Air Force ) To 1/27/2006 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 9000 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 10/23/1983 ( I survived the suicide bomber attack on my location at U.S. Marines barracks in Beirut while many U.S. Marines and sailors under my command did not ) is 9000 days

From 4/21/1972 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 16 Orion astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) to 1/27/2006 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is: 12334 days

12334 = 6167 + 6167

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) to 1/21/1976 ( date hijacked from me:my first landing on planet Mars and my documented and lawful exclusive claim to the territory of planet Mars ) is: 6167 days

From 11/8/1970 ( date hijacked from me:my first ascent to Mount Everest summit ) to 1/27/2006 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is: 12864 days

12864 = 6432 + 6432

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) to 10/11/1976 ( date hijacked from me:U.S. Department of the Army Order 31-3 General Of The Armies of the United States applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) is: 6432 days

Nominations Sent to the Senate

January 27, 2006

Thomas P. D'Agostino, of Maryland, to be Deputy Administrator for Defense Programs, National Nuclear Security Administration, Vice Everet Beckner, resigned.

Randall S. Kroszner, of New Jersey, to be a Member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the unexpired term of fourteen years from February 1, 1994, vice Edward M. Gramlich, resigned.

Boyd Kevin Rutherford, of Maryland, to be an Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, vice Michael J. Harrison, resigned.

Kevin M. Warsh, of New York, to be a Member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the unexpired term of fourteen years from February 1, 2004, vice Ben S. Bernanke, resigned.

From 1/6/1956 ( Joe Hagin ) To 12/25/1968 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 8 spacecraft astronaut in orbit of Earth's moon ) is 4737 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 7/4/1976 ( date hijacked from me:I successfully diverted Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) is 4737 days

From 1/6/1956 ( Joe Hagin ) To 5/21/1969 ( date hijacked from me:I am Princeton University Medical Doctor degree graduate ) is 4884 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 11/28/1976 ( date hijacked from me:I launched from the Jupiter moon Callisto for Earth ) is 4884 days

From 1/6/1956 ( Joe Hagin ) To 1/21/1976 ( date hijacked from me:my first landing on planet Mars and my documented and lawful exclusive claim to the territory of planet Mars ) is 7320 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 7/23/1973 ( date hijacked from me:I passed the Multistate Bar Examination ) is 3660 days

From 1/6/1956 ( Joe Hagin ) To 10/11/1976 ( date hijacked from me:U.S. Department of the Army Order 31-3 General Of The Armies of the United States applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) is 7584 days

7584 = 3792 + 3792

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 7/21/1969 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 11 Eagle astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) is 3792 days

Joe Hagin

AKA Joseph Whitehouse Hagin II

Born: 6-Jan-1956

Executive summary: White House Deputy Chief of Staff, 2001-08

White House Staff Deputy Chief of Staff (2001-08)

White House Staff Appointments Secretary

White House Staff Personal Aide to George H.W. Bush (1981-83)

Joe Hagin

Joseph Whitehouse Hagin II (born January 6, 1956) served as Deputy White House Chief of Staff for President George W. Bush from 2001 until the week of July 20, 2008.

[ George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies with all George Bush staff, lawyers, employees of any capacity as criminal accomplices ]

Memorable quotes for

Back to the Future (1985)

[Biff is waxing George's car, it's a silver BMW]

George McFly: Uh... now Biff, I want make sure that we get two coats of wax this time. Not just one.

Biff Tannen: Just finishing up the second coat now.

George McFly: Now Biff, don't con me!

Biff Tannen: I-I'm-I'm sorry, Mr. McFly. I-I meant I was just starting on the second coat.

George McFly: Ahh... Biff. What a character. Always trying to get away with something. I've had to stay on top of Biff ever since High School.

United States Strategic Command

United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) is one of the ten Unified Combatant Commands of the U.S. Department of Defense.

USSTRATCOM controls the nuclear weapons of the U.S. military

[ George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies with all George Bush staff, lawyers, employees of any capacity as criminal accomplices ]

From 7/20/1947 ( James O. Ellis, Jr. ) To 10/28/1955 ( Bill Gates is a violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 3022 days

From 10/28/1955 ( Bill Gates is a violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) To 2/5/1964 ( date hijacked from me:I was Innsbruck Olympics gold medalist again on this day ) is 3022 days

From 7/20/1947 ( James O. Ellis, Jr. ) To 5/1/1973 ( date hijacked from me:my graduation from University of Oxford includes law degree ) is 9417 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 12/14/1984 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Starman" starring Karen Allen as "Jenny Hayden" ) is 9417 days

From 7/20/1947 ( James O. Ellis, Jr. ) To 1/31/1964 ( date hijacked from me:I was Innsbruck Olympics gold medalist on this day ) is 6039 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 9/15/1975 ( date hijacked from me:Pink Floyd "Wish You Were Here" including "Have A Cigar" ) is 6039 days

From 7/20/1947 ( James O. Ellis, Jr. ) To 12/24/1968 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 8 astronaut in orbit of Earth's moon ) is 7828 days

7828 = 3914 + 3914

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 11/19/1969 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 12 Intrepid astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) is 3914 days

James O. Ellis, Jr.

Born: 20-Jul-1947

Executive summary: C-in-C of US Strategic Command, 2001-02

US Defense Department Admiral and Commander, US Strategic Command (2002-04)
US Defense Department Commander-in-Chief, US Strategic Command (2001-02)

United States Strategic Command

United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) is one of the ten Unified Combatant Commands of the U.S. Department of Defense.

USSTRATCOM controls the nuclear weapons of the U.S. military


5. Admiral James O. Ellis, Jr., USN (2002–2004)

6. General James E. Cartwright, USMC (2004–2007)

7. Lt. Gen C. Robert Kehler, USAF (August 4, 2007–October 17, 2007) (Acting)

8. General Kevin P. Chilton, USAF (2007– )

From 9/22/1949 ( James E. Cartwright ) to 11/20/1983 ( date hijacked from me:premiere TV movie "The Day After" ) is 34 years, 59 days

'34-59' ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK )

From 9/22/1949 ( James E. Cartwright ) To 3/24/1956 ( Steve Ballmer is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 2375 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 9/2/1965 ( date hijacked from me:my first day as university student at Princeton University where I earned Medical Doctor degree ) is 2375 days

James Cartwright

General James E. "Hoss" Cartwright, USMC, (born September 22, 1949) is the 8th and current Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

From 9 July 2004 to August 10, 2007, Cartwright served as the Commanding officer of United States Strategic Command.

From 4/7/1952 ( Claude Robert "Bob" Kehler ) To 9/11/2001 ( New York City & Pentagon attacked with massive fatalities and destruction ) is 18054 days

18054 = 9027 + 9027

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 11/20/1983 ( date hijacked from me:premiere TV movie "The Day After" ) is 9027 days

From 4/7/1952 ( Claude Robert "Bob" Kehler ) To 11/26/1976 ( date hijacked from me:my first landing Jupiter moon Callisto ) is 8999 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 10/23/1983 ( I survived the suicide bomber attack on my location at U.S. Marines barracks in Beirut while many U.S. Marines and sailors under my command did not ) is 8999 days

C. Robert Kehler

General Claude Robert "Bob" Kehler is Commander, Air Force Space Command, Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado. He is responsible for the development, acquisition and operation of the Air Force's space and missile systems. The general oversees a global network of satellite command and control, communications, missile warning and launch facilities, and ensures the combat readiness of America's intercontinental ballistic missile force. He leads more than 39,700 space professionals who provide combat forces and capabilities to North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Strategic Command.

C. Robert Kehler was born April 7, 1952 in Danville, Pennsylvania.

In May 2005, he returned to Nebraska to assumed the duties of Deputy Commander for the United States Strategic Command. He earned a third star as well and was promoted to Lieutenant General on June 1, 2005. In his role as Deputy Commander, he assists the Commander of USSTRATCOM in managing the missions of global strike, missile defense, space operations, intelligence coordination, network warfare and combating weapons of mass destruction.

From 4/14/1977 ( date hijacked from me:I returned to Earth after successfully diverting the comet in the outer solar system ) To 6/26/2002 ( established U.S. national traitor Donald Rumsfeld actively instigates with violence the destruction of lawful U.S. civil authority ) is 9204 days

9204 = 4602 + 4602

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 10/9/1971 ( date hijacked from me:I am board-certified surgeon as Dr. Thomas Henry Allyn Reagan, M.D. ) is 4602 days

U.S. Strategic Command History

U.S. Strategic Command is one of ten U.S. unified commands under the Department of Defense.

On June 26, 2002, Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced that U.S. Space Command would merge with USSTRATCOM. As part of a change to the Unified Command Plan, President Bush migrated space missions from the former USSPACECOM and subsequently nominated Admiral James Ellis to be commander of the new unified command, which would retain the U.S. Strategic Command name and would be headquartered at Offutt. The activation of the new USSTRATCOM took place Oct. 1, 2002.

From 11/3/1954 ( Kevin Patrick Chilton ) To 12/14/1972 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 17 Challenger astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) is 6616 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 4/14/1977 ( date hijacked from me:I returned to Earth after successfully diverting the comet in the outer solar system ) is 6616 days

From 11/3/1954 ( Kevin Patrick Chilton ) To 9/2/1965 ( date hijacked from me:my first day as university student at Princeton University where I earned Medical Doctor degree ) is 3956 days

From 9/2/1965 ( date hijacked from me:my first day as university student at Princeton University where I earned Medical Doctor degree ) To 7/2/1976 ( date hijacked from me:I intercepted Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system and set to work at diverting it ) is 3956 days

Kevin P. Chilton

General Kevin Patrick "Chilly" Chilton, USAF, (b November 3, 1954), is the current Commander, U.S. Strategic Command of which he assumed the duties on October 3, 2007.

Kevin P. Chilton (General, USAF)

NASA Astronaut (former)

PERSONAL DATA: Born November 3, 1954

From 10/9/1971 ( date hijacked from me:I am board-certified surgeon as Dr. Thomas Henry Allyn Reagan, M.D. ) To 7/24/2007 ( Robert M. Gates providing material support to the destruction of lawful U.S. civil authority and material support to coup d'etat and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 13072 days

13072 = 6536 + 6536

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 6/7/1981 ( my 3rd Medal of Honor hijacked from me and Osirak destroyed by Israeli Air Force ) is 6536 days


July 24, 2007

General Officer Announcements

Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates announced today that the President has made the following nominations:

Air Force Gen. Kevin P. Chilton for appointment to the grade of general and assignment as commander, U.S. Strategic Command

[ George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies with all George Bush staff, lawyers, employees of any capacity as criminal accomplices ]

From 5/1/1982 ( my graduation and commissioning U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1982 ) to 7/21/1987 ( formal wedding for my wife Phoebe and me ) is: 1907 days

From 7/21/1987 ( formal wedding for my wife Phoebe and me ) to 10/9/1992 ( premiere US film "Under Siege" ) is: 1907 days

From 7/23/1973 ( I passed the Multistate Bar Examination ) To 10/9/1992 ( premiere US film "Under Siege" ) is 7018 days

7018 = 3509 + 3509

From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) To 10/11/1968 ( I was Apollo 7 spacecraft astronaut ) is 3509 days

Under Siege (1992)

Release Date: 9 October 1992 (USA)

Plot Outline: A former SEAL, now cook, is the only person who can stop a gang of terrorists when they sieze control of a US Navy battleship.

Steven Seagal ... Casey Ryback

From 4/10/1951 ( Steven Seagal ) to 5/21/1969 ( I am Princeton University Medical Doctor degree graduate ) is: 6616 days

From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 4/14/1977 ( I returned to Earth after successfully diverting the comet in the outer solar system ) is: 6616 days

Steven Seagal
Date of Birth: 10 April 1951

Above the Law (1988) .... Nico Toscani
Hard to Kill (1990) .... Mason Storm
Under Siege (1992) .... Casey Ryback
Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (1995) .... Casey Ryback

From 5/29/1948 ( Nick Mancuso ) to 9/2/1965 ( my first day as university student at Princeton University where I earned Medical Doctor degree ) is: 6305 days

From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 6/7/1976 ( my first landing Saturn moon Phoebe and the Saturn moon Phoebe territory belongs to me and my wife ) is: 6305 days

From 5/29/1948 ( Nick Mancuso ) to 3/5/1989 ( actress Phoebe Cates is legally my wife and I am her husband ) is: 14890 days

14890 = 7445 + 7445

From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 7/21/1979 ( my wife Phoebe and I are married ) is: 7445 days

Nick Mancuso
Date of Birth: 29 May 1948

Under Siege (1992) .... Tom Breaker
Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (1995) .... Tom Breaker

From 12/14/1972 ( I was Apollo 17 Challenger astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) to 3/2/1992 ( filming begins 1992 movie "Under Siege" ) is: 7018 days

7018 = 3509 + 3509

From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 10/11/1968 ( I was Apollo 7 spacecraft astronaut ) is: 3509 days

From 4/12/1981 ( I was the commander aboard the STS-1 Columbia spacecraft ) to 3/2/1992 ( filming begins 1992 movie "Under Siege" )(Monday) is: 3977 days

3977 = 1 + 1988 + 1988

From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) to 12/24/1968 ( I was Apollo 8 astronaut in orbit of Earth's moon ) is: 1988 days

From 3/5/1989 ( actress Phoebe Cates is legally my wife and I am her husband ) to 3/2/1992 ( filming begins 1992 movie "Under Siege" ) is: 1093 days

From 10/11/1968 ( I was Apollo 7 spacecraft astronaut ) to 10/9/1971 ( I am board-certified surgeon as Dr. Thomas Reagan, M.D. ) is: 1093 days

Under Siege (1992)

Completed shooting May 19, 1992.

Began shooting March 2, 1992.

One man tries to prevent arms dealers from commandeering a battleship and selling its nuclear missiles.

Steven Seagal : Casey Ryback

Nick Mancuso : Tom Breaker (Pentagon)

Under Siege

This is insane.

Be careful with that word, Tom.

Memorable quotes for

Under Siege (1992)

Admiral Bates: This is Admiral Bates speaking. I am trying to get a hold of Chief Ryback. Is he about?

Jordan Tate: He's in a gunfight right now. I'm gonna have to take a message.

Memorable quotes for

Under Siege (1992)

Admiral Bates: Now, since your ass is on the line, sailor, I authorize you right now, to do whatever you can to aid in the arrival of the SEAL Team. Because if I goddamn can't control you, I might as well support you. Correct?

Casey Ryback: That's affirmative, Sir!

[ George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies with all George Bush staff, lawyers, employees of any capacity as criminal accomplices ]

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 6/4/1982 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan" ) is 6898 days

From 6/4/1982 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan" ) To 4/23/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 6898 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 4/23/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 15392 days

15392 = 7696 + 7696

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 8/10/1984 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Red Dawn" ) is 7696 days

From 7/20/1969 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 11 Eagle astronaut landing on Earth's moon ) To 4/23/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 11600 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 4/19/1995 ( Oklahoma City bombing with many fatalities and massive destruction ) is 11600 days

From 2/12/1973 ( date hijacked from me:Operation Homecoming begins and I was the lead C-141A pilot transporting home the American POW's ) To 4/23/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 10297 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 5/13/1987 ( my M.I.A. status in Africa ends and I am being transported secretly over several days by USS Stark FFG-31 to a U.S. military base for intensive care hospitalization ) is 10297 days

From 2/8/1976 ( premiere US film "Taxi Driver" ) To 4/23/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 9206 days

9206 = 4603 + 4603

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 10/9/1971 ( date hijacked from me:I am board-certified surgeon as Dr. Thomas Henry Allyn Reagan, M.D. ) is 4603 days

Nominations Sent to the Senate

April 23, 2001

William J. Haynes II, of Tennessee, to be [ fraudulent ]General Counsel of the Department of Defense

[ George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies with all George Bush staff, lawyers, employees of any capacity as criminal accomplices ]

Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Uhura, send to Commander, Reliant:
"Prepare to be boarded."

Aye, sir.

Commander, Reliant,
this is Enterprise.

Surrender and prepare
to be boarded.

Enterprise to Reliant. You are
ordered to surrender your vessel.

Reliant! Come in, Reliant. You are
ordered to surrender your vessel.

Enterprise to Reliant. You're ordered
to surrender your vessel. Respond.

No, Kirk.

The game's not over.

To the last...
I will grapple with thee!

Admiral? Scanning
an energy source on Reliant.

A pattern I've never seen before.

- It's the Genesis Wave!
- What?

They're on a build-up to detonation!

[ George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies with all George Bush staff, lawyers, employees of any capacity as criminal accomplices ]

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 6/4/1982 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan" ) is 6898 days

From 6/4/1982 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan" ) To 4/23/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 6898 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 4/23/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 15392 days

15392 = 7696 + 7696

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 8/10/1984 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Red Dawn" ) is 7696 days

From 7/20/1969 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 11 Eagle astronaut landing on Earth's moon ) To 4/23/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 11600 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 4/19/1995 ( Oklahoma City bombing with many fatalities and massive destruction ) is 11600 days

From 2/12/1973 ( date hijacked from me:Operation Homecoming begins and I was one of the C-141A pilots transporting home the American POW's ) To 4/23/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 10297 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 5/13/1987 ( my M.I.A. status in Africa ends and I am being transported secretly over several days by USS Stark FFG-31 to a U.S. military base for intensive care hospitalization ) is 10297 days

From 2/8/1976 ( premiere US film "Taxi Driver" ) To 4/23/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 9206 days

9206 = 4603 + 4603

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 10/9/1971 ( date hijacked from me:I am board-certified surgeon as Dr. Thomas Henry Allyn Reagan, M.D. ) is 4603 days

Nominations Sent to the Senate

April 23, 2001

William J. Haynes II, of Tennessee, to be [ fraudulent ]General Counsel of the Department of Defense

From 3/30/1958 ( William J. Haynes II actively supports coup d’état and subversive activities against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) To 2/17/1965 ( date hijacked from me:I am active duty U.S. Navy SEAL ) is 3 days, 359 weeks

'33-59' ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US )

From 3/30/1958 ( William J. Haynes II actively supports coup d’état and subversive activities against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) To 10/9/1992 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Under Siege" ) is 12612 days

12612 = 6306 + 6306

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 6/7/1976 ( date hijacked from me:my first landing Saturn moon Phoebe and the Saturn moon Phoebe territory belongs to me ) is 6306 days

William J. Haynes II

Born: 30-Mar-1958

Executive summary: DOD General Counsel, 2001-08

From 1/21/1953 ( EMP owner Paul Gardner Allen is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) To 3/13/1978 ( date hijacked from me:U.S. Department of the Army Order 31-3 General Of The Armies of the United States applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) is 9182 days

From 3/13/1978 ( date hijacked from me:U.S. Department of the Army Order 31-3 General Of The Armies of the United States applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) To 5/3/2003 ( Iraqi Nuclear Site Is Found Looted ) is 9182 days

From 5/21/1969 ( date hijacked from me:I am Princeton University Medical Doctor degree graduate ) To 5/12/1986 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Top Gun" ) is 6200 days

From 5/12/1986 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Top Gun" ) To 5/3/2003 ( Iraqi Nuclear Site Is Found Looted ) is 6200 days

Iraqi Nuclear Site Is Found Looted

U.S. Team Unable to Determine Whether Deadly Materials Are Missing

By Barton Gellman
Washington Post Staff Writer

NEAR KUT, Iraq, May 3 -- A specially trained Defense Department team, dispatched after a month of official indecision to survey a major Iraqi radioactive waste repository, today found the site heavily looted and said it was impossible to tell whether nuclear materials were missing.

Baghdad Nuclear Research Facility

The Baghdad Nuclear Research Facility adjacent to the Tuwaitha "Yellow Cake Factory" contains the remains of nuclear reactors bombed by Israel in 1981 and the United States in 1991. It was used as a storage facility for spent reactor fuel and industrial and medical wastes. The radioactive material would not be useful for a fission bomb, but could be used in a dirty bomb. Following the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the facility was heavily looted by hundreds of Iraqis, though it is unclear what was taken.

The facility is surrounded by a sand berm four miles (6.4 km) around and 160 feet (50 m) high, and contained the French-built research reactor Osiraq, destroyed by Israel in 1981 before it went online.

On May 3, 2003, a detachment of U.S. Special Forces led by United States Navy Commander David Beckett and eight nuclear experts from the United States Department of Defense's Direct Support Team conducted a survey of the facility, finding the looting, similar to the situation in the nearby Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Center.

Friday, April 11, 2003

Radioactive materials left unguarded

By Bob Drogin

Los Angeles Times

WASHINGTON — Three Iraqi warehouses filled with 2,500 barrels of uranium that could be enriched for nuclear weapons — plus 150 radioactive isotopes that could be used for deadly "dirty bombs" — lay unguarded for several days this week as Iraqi mobs swirled around.

The facility, known as Location C, was Iraq's only internationally sanctioned storage site for nuclear material. It thus was a potential prize for U.S. forces — or for anyone seeking to steal radioactive material for sale to other countries or to terrorists.

Iraqi Republican Guard troops abandoned the site late last week as U.S. armored columns approached the nearby Tuwaitha nuclear-research center south of Baghdad. Hordes of looters soon cut Tuwaitha's electric fences and began ransacking homes and offices, hauling off TVs and carpets in stolen luxury cars.

Saturday, May 10, 2003

Nuclear facilities in Iraq looted

By Barton Gellman

The Washington Post

BAGHDAD, Iraq — Seven nuclear facilities in Iraq have been damaged or destroyed by looting that began in April when U.S. ground forces thrust into Baghdad, according to U.S. investigators and others with detailed knowledge of their work. The Bush administration fears that technical documents, sensitive equipment and possibly radiation sources have been scattered.

If so, there are potentially significant consequences for public health and the spread of materials to build a nuclear or radiological bomb. President Bush had said the war was fought to prevent the spread of "the world's most dangerous weapons."

It is still not clear what has been lost in the sacking of Iraq's nuclear establishment. But it is well-documented that looters roamed unrestrained among isotope stores and scientific files that could speed development of a nuclear or radiological bomb. Many of the files, and some of the containers that held radioactive sources, are missing.

From 1/13/1946 ( Susan Morrisey Livingstone ) To 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) is 4798 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 4/21/1972 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 16 Orion astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) is 4798 days

From 1/13/1946 ( Susan Morrisey Livingstone ) To 7/16/1981 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) is 12968 days

12968 = 6484 + 6484

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 12/3/1976 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Rocky" ) is 6484 days

From 1/13/1946 ( Susan Morrisey Livingstone ) To 6/12/1981 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Raiders of the Lost Ark" ) is 12934 days

12934 = 6467 + 6467

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 3/30/1981 ( U.S. President Ronald Reagan shot and wounded in near-fatal assassination attempt ) is 6467 days

Susan Livingstone

Susan Morrisey Livingstone (born January 13, 1946, in Carthage, Montana) was acting Secretary of the Navy of the United States in the George W. Bush administration from July 26, 2001 to February 7, 2003.

Livingstone served as Under Secretary of the Navy from July 26, 2001 to February 28, 2003.

Acting United States Secretary of the Navy
July 26, 2001 to February 7, 2003

Preceded by
Gordon R. England

Succeeded by
Hansford T. Johnson

The [ Dishonorable ]Honorable Susan Morrisey Livingstone

Acting Secretary of the Navy

26 July 2001 – 28 February 2003

Mrs. Livingstone, Under Secretary of the Navy from 26 July 2001 to 28 February 2003

From 9/8/1966 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US TV series "Star Trek":premiere episode "The Man Trap" ) To 5/7/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 12660 days

12660 = 6330 + 6330

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 7/2/1976 ( date hijacked from me:I intercepted Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system and set to work at diverting it ) is 6330 days

From 12/7/1979 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" ) To 5/7/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 7822 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 12/14/1984 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Starman" starring Karen Allen as "Jenny Hayden" ) is 7822 days

From 5/13/1987 ( my M.I.A. status in Africa ends and I am being transported secretly over several days by USS Stark FFG-31 to a U.S. military base for intensive care hospitalization ) to 5/7/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 13 years, 359 days

'1-33-59' ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US )

From 1/31/1964 ( date hijacked from me:I was Innsbruck Olympics gold medalist on this day ) to 5/7/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is: 13611 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) to 6/8/1996 ( date hijacked from me:USS Cole DDG-67 commissioned and I was the first Commanding Officer of USS Cole DDG-67 ) is: 13611 days

Nominations Sent to the Senate

May 7, 2001

Jack Dyer Crouch, II, of Missouri, to be an Assistant Secretary of Defense, vice Franklin D. Kramer.

Susan Morrisey Livingstone, of Montana, to be Under Secretary of the Navy, vice Robert B. Pirie, Jr.

James G. Roche, of Maryland, to be Secretary of the Air Force, vice F. Whitten Peters.

From 9/8/1966 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US TV series "Star Trek":premiere episode "The Man Trap" ) To 5/7/2001 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Boeing actively instigates coup d’état and subversive activities against the U.S. federal government ) is 12660 days

12660 = 6330 + 6330

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 7/2/1976 ( date hijacked from me:I intercepted Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system and set to work at diverting it ) is 6330 days

From 12/7/1979 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" ) To 5/7/2001 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Boeing actively instigates coup d’état and subversive activities against the U.S. federal government ) is 7822 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 12/14/1984 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Starman" starring Karen Allen as "Jenny Hayden" ) is 7822 days

From 5/13/1987 ( my M.I.A. status in Africa ends and I am being transported secretly over several days by USS Stark FFG-31 to a U.S. military base for intensive care hospitalization ) to 5/7/2001 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Boeing actively instigates coup d’état and subversive activities against the U.S. federal government ) is 13 years, 359 days

'1-33-59' ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US )

From 1/31/1964 ( date hijacked from me:I was Innsbruck Olympics gold medalist on this day ) to 5/7/2001 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Boeing actively instigates coup d’état and subversive activities against the U.S. federal government ) is: 13611 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) to 6/8/1996 ( date hijacked from me:USS Cole DDG-67 commissioned and I was the first Commanding Officer of USS Cole DDG-67 ) is: 13611 days

SEATTLE, May 10, 2001 -- The Boeing Company solidified a series of strategic changes to its corporate architecture today by choosing to locate its new world headquarters in Chicago.

On May 7, the company announced the related promotion of Harry Stonecipher to the position of Vice Chairman, shifting his emphasis from the day-to-day running of the company to developing long-term growth strategies.

From 5/16/1936 ( Harry Curtis Stonecipher actively supports insurrection and subversive activities against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) to 10/5/1951 ( date hijacked from me:actress Karen Allen starring role 1981 film "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and 1984 film "Starman" ) is: 5620 days

5620 = 2810 + 2810

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) to 11/11/1966 ( date hijacked from me:I was Gemini 12 spacecraft astronaut ) is: 2810 days

From 5/16/1936 ( Harry Curtis Stonecipher actively supports insurrection and subversive activities against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) to 7/2/1976 ( date hijacked from me:I intercepted the comet in the outer solar system and set to work at diverting it ) is: 14657 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) to 4/20/1999 ( Columbine Massacre ) is: 14657 days

Harry Stonecipher

Harry C. Stonecipher (born May 16, 1936 in Robbins, Tennessee) is the former President and Chief Executive of American aerospace giant Boeing. He submitted his resignation upon request of the Boeing Board of Directors on March 6, 2005, due to an improper relationship with a Boeing executive named Debra Peabody (who also resigned shortly thereafter.)

Boeing said an internal investigation revealed a "consensual" relationship between Stonecipher and the female executive that was "inconsistent with Boeing's Code of Conduct" and "would impair his ability to lead the company". His wife of 50 years, Joan Stonecipher, filed for divorce just days after news of his affair became public.

Chief Financial Officer James A. Bell succeeded him as interim President and Chief Executive.

NAME: Harry Curtis Stonecipher.

BIRTHDATE: May 16, 1936

From 5/9/1985 ( I was the pilot of U.S. Navy F-14 Tomcat fighter jet that is attacked by hostile forces and my RIO is killed by the enemy fire ) to 9/4/2001 ( Boeing moves to Riverside to further support coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) is: 5962 days

5962 = 2981 + 2981

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) to 5/1/1967 ( date hijacked from me:my first flight by myself as jet pilot ) is: 2981 days

From 2/5/1964 ( date hijacked from me:I was Innsbruck Olympics gold medalist again on this day ) to 9/4/2001 ( Boeing moves to Riverside to further support coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) is: 13726 days

13726 = 6863 + 6863

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 4/30/1982 ( date hijacked from me:my graduation and commissioning U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1982 as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) is: 6863 days

From 10/11/1968 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 7 spacecraft astronaut ) to 9/4/2001 ( Boeing moves to Riverside to further support coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) is 12016 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 6/8/1996 ( date hijacked from me:USS Cole DDG-67 commissioned and I was the first Commanding Officer of USS Cole DDG-67 ) is 12016 days

SEATTLE, May 10, 2001 -- The Boeing Company solidified a series of strategic changes to its corporate architecture today by choosing to locate its new world headquarters in Chicago.

By Sept. 4, the company plans to begin operations in its new headquarters at 100 North Riverside Plaza in Chicago.

From 2/5/1964 ( date hijacked from me: I was Olympic gold medalist at Innsbruck Olympics again on this day ) to 9/4/2001 ( Robert Swan Mueller III actively supports coup d’état and subversive activities against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) is: 13726 days

13726 = 6863 + 6863

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 4/30/1982 ( date hijacked from me:my graduation and commissioning U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1982 as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) is: 6863 days

From 10/11/1968 ( date hijacked from me: I was Apollo 7 spacecraft astronaut ) to 9/4/2001 ( Robert Swan Mueller III actively supports coup d’état and subversive activities against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) is 12016 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 6/8/1996 ( date hijacked from me: USS Cole DDG-67 commissioned and I was the first Commanding Officer of USS Cole DDG-67 ) is 12016 days

From 5/9/1985 ( I was the pilot of U.S. Navy F-14 Tomcat fighter jet that is attacked by hostile forces and my RIO is killed by the enemy fire ) to 9/4/2001 ( Robert Swan Mueller III actively supports coup d’état and subversive activities against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) is: 5962 days

5962 = 2981 + 2981

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date US ) to 5/1/1967 ( date hijacked from me: my first flight by myself as jet pilot ) is: 2981 days

12th Director of the Federal
Bureau of Investigation

In office

September 4, 2001 – Present

Robert Swan Mueller III ( born August 7, 1944 ) is the current Director of the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation.

From 6/10/1921 ( date hijacked from me:my paternal grandfather HRH Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh husband of my paternal grandmother Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II ) To 8/7/1944 ( Robert Swan Mueller III is a violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 8459 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 4/30/1982 ( date hijacked from me:my graduation and commissioning U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1982 as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) is 8459 days

From 8/7/1944 ( Robert Swan Mueller III is a violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) To 9/2/1965 ( date hijacked from me:my first day as university student at Princeton University where I earned Medical Doctor degree ) is 7696 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 8/10/1984 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Red Dawn" ) is 7696 days

From 8/7/1944 ( Robert Swan Mueller III is a violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) To 5/12/1965 ( date hijacked from me:I am active duty U.S. Navy aviator ) is 7583 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 12/7/1979 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" ) is 7583 days

From 8/7/1944 ( Robert Swan Mueller III is a violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) to 11/11/1966 ( date hijacked from me:I was Gemini 12 spacecraft astronaut ) is: 8131 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) to 6/7/1981 ( my 3rd Medal of Honor hijacked from me and Osirak destroyed by Israeli Air Force ) is: 8131 days

From 8/7/1944 ( Robert Swan Mueller III is a violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) to 5/12/1965 ( date hijacked from me:I am active duty U.S. Navy aviator ) is: 7583 days

From 5/12/1965 ( date hijacked from me:I am active duty U.S. Navy aviator ) to 2/14/1986 ( I was Prisoner of War in Libya ) is: 7583 days

From 8/7/1944 ( Robert Swan Mueller III is a violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) to 5/12/1965 ( date hijacked from me: I am active duty U.S. Navy aviator ) is: 7583 days

7583 = 1 + 3791 + 3791

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me: my birth date UK ) to 7/20/1969 ( date hijacked from me: I was Apollo 11 Eagle astronaut landing on Earth's moon ) is: 3791 days

12th Director of the Federal
Bureau of Investigation

In office

September 4, 2001 – Present

Robert Swan Mueller III ( born August 7, 1944 ) is the current Director of the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation [ and is a willing ally of the Microsoft-Corbis-Al Qaeda alliance. ]

From 10/24/1947 ( date hijacked from me:actor Kevin Kline starring role 1985 film "Silverado" ) To 7/26/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 19634 days

19634 = 9817 + 9817

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) to 1/17/1986 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Iron Eagle" ) is: 9817 days

From 10/11/1968 ( date hijacked from me:premiere TV episode "Star Trek":"And the Children Shall Lead" ) To 7/26/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 11976 days

11976 = 5988 + 5988

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 12/7/1979 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" ) is 5988 days

From 10/11/1968 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 7 spacecraft astronaut ) To 7/26/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 11976 days

11976 = 5988 + 5988

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 12/7/1979 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" ) is 5988 days

From 6/7/1976 ( date hijacked from me:my first landing Saturn moon Phoebe and the Saturn moon Phoebe territory belongs to me ) To 7/26/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 9180 days

9180 = 4590 + 4590

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 2/8/1976 ( premiere US film "Taxi Driver" ) is 4590 days

From 3/13/1978 ( date hijacked from me:U.S. Department of the Army Order 31-3 General Of The Armies of the United States applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) To 7/26/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 8536 days

8536 = 4268 + 4268

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 11/8/1970 ( date hijacked from me:my first ascent to Mount Everest summit ) is 4268 days

Susan Livingstone

Susan Morrisey Livingstone (born January 13, 1946, in Carthage, Montana) was acting Secretary of the Navy of the United States in the George W. Bush administration from July 26, 2001 to February 7, 2003.

Livingstone served as Under Secretary of the Navy from July 26, 2001 to February 28, 2003.

Acting United States Secretary of the Navy
July 26, 2001 to February 7, 2003

Preceded by
Gordon R. England

Succeeded by
Hansford T. Johnson

The [ Dishonorable ]Honorable Susan Morrisey Livingstone

Acting Secretary of the Navy

26 July 2001 – 28 February 2003

Mrs. Livingstone, Under Secretary of the Navy from 26 July 2001 to 28 February 2003

[ George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies with all George Bush staff, lawyers, employees of any capacity as criminal accomplices ]

1986 film "Iron Eagle" DVD:


Doug, you've got to come with me now.

It's your dad.

You got to get back to the base.

He's been shot down.


Doug Masters: I don't know how you can stay so calm.

Elizabeth Masters: That's because I've been through it before.

You don't remember. You were only four years old but that time your had to bail out over the Pacific.

The whole time he was missing, I didn't even know if he was alive.

Doug Masters: I got to call Katie and tell her I'm not going tonight.

And you better call the Winslows and tell them not to drive all the way down for graduation.

Elizabeth Masters: Doug, that is not going to help him.

He's stuck over there, but all he's thinking about is us.

He's thinking about you and Katie getting all dressed up tonight.

That's all he's got right now. And somehow if you don't go it takes it all away from him.

Fast Times at Ridgemont High

I sent a letter to Doug today.
Can't wait 'til he gets out here.

- What's Doug doing in Chicago?
- He works for the airline.

You'll meet him.


Paden, where have you been?

I was just checking ...
You know, looking in.

Jeez, Paden!
Her old man ain't even cold yet.

[ George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies with all George Bush staff, lawyers, employees of any capacity as criminal accomplices ]

From 10/24/1947 ( date hijacked from me:actor Kevin Kline starring role 1985 film "Silverado" ) To 7/26/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 19634 days

19634 = 9817 + 9817

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) to 1/17/1986 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Iron Eagle" ) is: 9817 days

From 10/11/1968 ( date hijacked from me:premiere TV episode "Star Trek":"And the Children Shall Lead" ) To 7/26/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 11976 days

11976 = 5988 + 5988

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 12/7/1979 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" ) is 5988 days

From 10/11/1968 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 7 spacecraft astronaut ) To 7/26/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 11976 days

11976 = 5988 + 5988

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 12/7/1979 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" ) is 5988 days

From 6/7/1976 ( date hijacked from me:my first landing Saturn moon Phoebe and the Saturn moon Phoebe territory belongs to me ) To 7/26/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 9180 days

9180 = 4590 + 4590

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 2/8/1976 ( premiere US film "Taxi Driver" ) is 4590 days

From 3/13/1978 ( date hijacked from me:U.S. Department of the Army Order 31-3 General Of The Armies of the United States applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) To 7/26/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 8536 days

8536 = 4268 + 4268

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 11/8/1970 ( date hijacked from me:my first ascent to Mount Everest summit ) is 4268 days

Susan Livingstone

Susan Morrisey Livingstone (born January 13, 1946, in Carthage, Montana) was acting Secretary of the Navy of the United States in the George W. Bush administration from July 26, 2001 to February 7, 2003.

Livingstone served as Under Secretary of the Navy from July 26, 2001 to February 28, 2003.

Acting United States Secretary of the Navy
July 26, 2001 to February 7, 2003

Preceded by
Gordon R. England

Succeeded by
Hansford T. Johnson

The [ Dishonorable ]Honorable Susan Morrisey Livingstone

Acting Secretary of the Navy

26 July 2001 – 28 February 2003

Mrs. Livingstone, Under Secretary of the Navy from 26 July 2001 to 28 February 2003

From 5/1/1967 ( date hijacked from me:my first flight by myself as jet pilot and as an active duty U.S. Naval Aviator and U.S. Naval Astronaut ) to 10/11/1968 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 7 spacecraft astronaut ) is: 529 days

From 10/11/1968 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 7 spacecraft astronaut ) to 3/24/1970 ( George Bush providing material support to coup d’état and subversive activities against the U.S federal government by foreign power ) is: 529 days

From Immediate Release
spl to The Houston Post
and The Houston Chronicle

Office of Information
147th Combat Crew Training Group
Texas Air National Guard
Houston, Texas 77034

Ellington AFB, Tex., March 24, 1970---George Walker Bush is one member of the younger generation who doesn't get his kicks from pot or hashish or speed. Oh, he gets high, all right, but not from narcotics [ ;he just does not call it narcotics but it has always been narcotics. ]

After his solo, a milestone in the career of any fighter pilot, Lt. Bush couldn't find enough words to adequately express the feeling of solo flight.

Lt. Bush is the son of [ established national traitor and agent of foreign power against the U.S. federal government ]U.S Representative George Bush, who is a candidate for the U.S. Senate seat of Senator Ralph Yarborough.

[ George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies with all George Bush staff, lawyers, employees of any capacity as criminal accomplices ]

Memorable quotes for

Back to the Future (1985)

[Biff is waxing George's car, it's a silver BMW]

George McFly: Uh... now Biff, I want make sure that we get two coats of wax this time. Not just one.

Biff Tannen: Just finishing up the second coat now.

George McFly: Now Biff, don't con me!

Biff Tannen: I-I'm-I'm sorry, Mr. McFly. I-I meant I was just starting on the second coat.

George McFly: Ahh... Biff. What a character. Always trying to get away with something. I've had to stay on top of Biff ever since High School.

Memorable quotes for

Iron Eagle (1986)

[Doug is showing off his piloting skills to Chappy]

Doug Masters: How was that?

Chappy: I thought you was a pilot, not an astronaut!

Mount Everest

Mount Everest, also called Chomolungma, Qomolangma or Zhumulangma or Sagarmatha is the highest mountain on Earth, as measured by the height of its summit above sea level, which is 8,848 metres (29,029 feet). The mountain, which is part of the Himalaya range in High Asia, is located on the border between Sagarmatha Zone, Nepal, and Tibet, China.

[ George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies with all George Bush staff, lawyers, employees of any capacity as criminal accomplices ]

From 10/24/1947 ( date hijacked from me:actor Kevin Kline starring role 1985 film "Silverado" ) To 7/26/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 19634 days

19634 = 9817 + 9817

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) to 1/17/1986 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Iron Eagle" ) is: 9817 days

From 10/11/1968 ( date hijacked from me:premiere TV episode "Star Trek":"And the Children Shall Lead" ) To 7/26/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 11976 days

11976 = 5988 + 5988

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 12/7/1979 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" ) is 5988 days

From 10/11/1968 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 7 spacecraft astronaut ) To 7/26/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 11976 days

11976 = 5988 + 5988

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 12/7/1979 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" ) is 5988 days

From 6/7/1976 ( date hijacked from me:my first landing Saturn moon Phoebe and the Saturn moon Phoebe territory belongs to me ) To 7/26/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 9180 days

9180 = 4590 + 4590

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 2/8/1976 ( premiere US film "Taxi Driver" ) is 4590 days

From 3/13/1978 ( date hijacked from me:U.S. Department of the Army Order 31-3 General Of The Armies of the United States applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) To 7/26/2001 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 8536 days

8536 = 4268 + 4268

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 11/8/1970 ( date hijacked from me:my first ascent to Mount Everest summit ) is 4268 days

Susan Livingstone

Susan Morrisey Livingstone (born January 13, 1946, in Carthage, Montana) was acting Secretary of the Navy of the United States in the George W. Bush administration from July 26, 2001 to February 7, 2003.

Livingstone served as Under Secretary of the Navy from July 26, 2001 to February 28, 2003.

Acting United States Secretary of the Navy
July 26, 2001 to February 7, 2003

Preceded by
Gordon R. England

Succeeded by
Hansford T. Johnson

The [ Dishonorable ]Honorable Susan Morrisey Livingstone

Acting Secretary of the Navy

26 July 2001 – 28 February 2003

Mrs. Livingstone, Under Secretary of the Navy from 26 July 2001 to 28 February 2003

From 1/13/1946 ( Susan Morrisey Livingstone ) To 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) is 4798 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 4/21/1972 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 16 Orion astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) is 4798 days

From 1/13/1946 ( Susan Morrisey Livingstone ) To 7/16/1981 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) is 12968 days

12968 = 6484 + 6484

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 12/3/1976 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Rocky" ) is 6484 days

From 1/13/1946 ( Susan Morrisey Livingstone ) To 6/12/1981 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Raiders of the Lost Ark" ) is 12934 days

12934 = 6467 + 6467

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 3/30/1981 ( U.S. President Ronald Reagan shot and wounded in near-fatal assassination attempt ) is 6467 days

Susan Livingstone

Susan Morrisey Livingstone (born January 13, 1946, in Carthage, Montana) was acting Secretary of the Navy of the United States in the George W. Bush administration from July 26, 2001 to February 7, 2003.

Livingstone served as Under Secretary of the Navy from July 26, 2001 to February 28, 2003.

Acting United States Secretary of the Navy
July 26, 2001 to February 7, 2003

Preceded by
Gordon R. England

Succeeded by
Hansford T. Johnson

The [ Dishonorable ]Honorable Susan Morrisey Livingstone

Acting Secretary of the Navy

26 July 2001 – 28 February 2003

Mrs. Livingstone, Under Secretary of the Navy from 26 July 2001 to 28 February 2003

From 7/16/1966 ( Don R. Willett actively supports coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) To 11/2/1975 ( date hijacked from me:I launched from Earth by myself to intercept Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) is 3396 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 6/19/1968 ( date hijacked from me:my 1st Medal of Honor and I am U.S. military fighter jet ace during Vietnam War ) is 3396 days

From 7/16/1966 ( Don R. Willett actively supports coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) to 5/10/1982 ( date hijacked from me:Duran Duran "Rio" including "The Chauffeur" ) is 15 years, 9 months, 3 weeks, 3 days

'1-59-33' ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US )

From 7/16/1966 ( Don R. Willett actively supports coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) To 12/3/1976 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Rocky" ) is 3793 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 7/21/1969 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 11 Eagle astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) is 3793 days

From 7/16/1966 ( Don R. Willett actively supports coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) To 6/3/1983 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "WarGames" ) is 6166 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 1/19/1976 ( date hijacked from me:U.S. congressional joint resolution Public Law 94-479 General of the Armies of the United States applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) is 6166 days

From 10/28/1955 ( Bill Gates is a violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) To 7/16/1966 ( Don R. Willett actively supports coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) is 3914 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 11/19/1969 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 12 Intrepid astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) is 3914 days

From 2/5/1964 ( date hijacked from me:I was Innsbruck Olympics gold medalist again on this day ) To 7/16/1966 ( Don R. Willett actively supports coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) is 892 days

From 7/16/1966 ( Don R. Willett actively supports coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) To 12/24/1968 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 8 astronaut in orbit of Earth's moon ) is 892 days

Don R. Willett

Born: 16-Jul-1966

Executive summary: Justice, Texas Supreme Court

White House Staff Special Asst. to the President (2001-02)

Texas State Official Legal Advisor to Gov. George W. Bush (1996-2000)

[ George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies with all George Bush staff, lawyers, employees of any capacity, as criminal accomplices ]

Nuremberg Trials

The Nuremberg Trials were a series of trials most notable for the prosecution of prominent members of the political, military, and economic leadership of Nazi Germany. The trials were held in the city of Nuremberg, Germany, from 1945 to 1949, at the Palace of Justice. The first and best known of these trials was the Trial of the Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal (IMT), which tried 24 of the most important captured leaders of Nazi Germany. It was held from November 14, 1945, to October 1, 1946. The second set of trials of lesser war criminals was conducted under Control Council Law No. 10 at the U.S. Nuremberg Military Tribunals (NMT); among them included the Doctors' Trial and the Judges' Trial.

[ George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies with all George Bush staff, lawyers, employees of any capacity, as criminal accomplices ]

Protection racket

A protection racket is an extortion scheme whereby a powerful entity or individual coerces other less powerful entities or individuals to pay protection money which allegedly serves to purchase "protection" services against various external threats.

Those who do not buy into the protection plan are often targeted by criminals existing inside or outside of the organization. These crimes are typically thought to originate from the organization itself. When a business refuses to pay for protection, word is put out that they are outside of the local organization's protection (these organizations often exist in the absence of a trusted police force) and that the business in question is therefore free game for freelance criminals or the organization itself.

The protection money is typically collected by a "bag man". Although the organization might be particularly coercive in obtaining protection money, it is usually careful to shelter its "mark" from attacks by competitor organizations that similarly attempt to solicit or threaten the targeted individuals or businesses. Disputes between organizations concerning territory consequently arise from two competing predators attempting to extort from the same "clients."

From 7/16/1966 ( Don R. Willett actively supports coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) To 11/2/1975 ( date hijacked from me:I launched from Earth by myself to intercept Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) is 3396 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 6/19/1968 ( date hijacked from me:my 1st Medal of Honor and I am U.S. military fighter jet ace during Vietnam War ) is 3396 days

From 7/16/1966 ( Don R. Willett actively supports coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) to 5/10/1982 ( date hijacked from me:Duran Duran "Rio" including "The Chauffeur" ) is 15 years, 9 months, 3 weeks, 3 days

'1-59-33' ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US )

From 7/16/1966 ( Don R. Willett actively supports coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) To 12/3/1976 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Rocky" ) is 3793 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 7/21/1969 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 11 Eagle astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) is 3793 days

From 7/16/1966 ( Don R. Willett actively supports coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) To 6/3/1983 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "WarGames" ) is 6166 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 1/19/1976 ( date hijacked from me:U.S. congressional joint resolution Public Law 94-479 General of the Armies of the United States applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) is 6166 days

From 10/28/1955 ( Bill Gates is a violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) To 7/16/1966 ( Don R. Willett actively supports coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) is 3914 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 11/19/1969 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 12 Intrepid astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) is 3914 days

From 2/5/1964 ( date hijacked from me:I was Innsbruck Olympics gold medalist again on this day ) To 7/16/1966 ( Don R. Willett actively supports coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) is 892 days

From 7/16/1966 ( Don R. Willett actively supports coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) To 12/24/1968 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 8 astronaut in orbit of Earth's moon ) is 892 days

Don R. Willett

Born: 16-Jul-1966

Executive summary: Justice, Texas Supreme Court

White House Staff Special Asst. to the President (2001-02)

Texas State Official Legal Advisor to Gov. George W. Bush (1996-2000)

From 11/2/1975 ( date hijacked from me:I launched from Earth to intercept Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) To 2/1/2000 ( Richard Bruce Cheney is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 8857 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 6/3/1983 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "WarGames" ) is 8857 days

From 5/1/1982 ( date hijacked from me:my graduation and commissioning U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1982 as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) To 2/1/2000 ( Richard Bruce Cheney is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 6485 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 12/3/1976 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Rocky" ) is 6485 days

From 7/21/1969 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 11 Eagle astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) To 10/26/1984 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "The Terminator" ) is 5576 days

From 10/26/1984 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "The Terminator" ) To 2/1/2000 ( Richard Bruce Cheney is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 5576 days

2000 Press Releases


Dick Cheney Resumes Role as Chairman of Halliburton Company

Dallas, TX - Halliburton Company (NYSE: HAL) today announced Dick Cheney has resumed the role of Chairman of the Board of Halliburton effective today, February 1, 2000, and will also continue in his current position as Chief Executive Officer of the company. Joining Halliburton in 1995 as Chief Executive Officer, Cheney served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer from 1996 until the merger between Halliburton Company and Dresser Industries, Inc., in September 1998.

From 10/20/1989 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Fat Man and Little Boy" ) To 10/1/1995 ( Richard Bruce Cheney is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 2172 days

From 10/1/1995 ( Richard Bruce Cheney is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) To 9/11/2001 ( New York City and Pentagon attacked with massive fatalities and destruction ) is 2172 days

From 7/2/1976 ( date hijacked from me:I intercepted Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system and set to work at diverting it ) To 10/1/1995 ( Richard Bruce Cheney is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 7030 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 6/2/1978 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Capricorn One" ) is 7030 days

From 12/7/1979 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" ) to 10/1/1995 ( Richard Bruce Cheney is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 15 years, 9 months, 3 weeks, 3 days

'1-59-33' ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US )

From 5/1/1967 ( date hijacked from me:my first flight by myself as jet pilot ) To 7/16/1981 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) is 5190 days

From 7/16/1981 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 10/1/1995 ( Richard Bruce Cheney is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 5190 days

From 4/21/1972 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 16 Orion astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) To 10/1/1995 ( Richard Bruce Cheney is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 8563 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 8/13/1982 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US films "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" starring my wife, "An Officer And A Gentleman" starring Debra Winger, "Pink Floyd The Wall" ) is 8563 days

Halliburton Picks Cheney To Be Chief


Published: August 11, 1995

The Halliburton Company, reaching for a political leader with global contacts instead of a business executive, named former Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney as its president and chief executive today.

Mr. Cheney succeeds Thomas H. Cruikshank at one of the nation's largest oilfield services and contruction companies, the corporate parent of Brown & Root.

Mr. Cheney's appointment is effective Oct. 1, and he will also succeed Mr. Cruikshank as chairman at the end of the year.

From 7/4/1995 ( Adam Smith campaigning illegally ) To 9/11/2001 ( New York City and Pentagon attacked with massive fatalities and destruction ) is 2261 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 5/12/1965 ( date hijacked from me:I am active duty U.S. Navy aviator ) is 2261 days

From 11/28/1976 ( date hijacked from me:I launched from Jupiter moon Callisto for Earth ) To 7/4/1995 ( Adam Smith campaigning illegally ) is 6792 days

6792 = 3396 + 3396

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 6/19/1968 ( date hijacked from me:my 1st Medal of Honor and I was U.S. military fighter jet ace during Vietnam War ) is 3396 days

Thursday, July 13, 1995

Kent Democrat Begins Effort To Unseat Gop Congressman

By David Postman

OLYMPIA - State Sen. Adam Smith has begun organizing a campaign and raising money to unseat freshman U.S. Rep. Randy Tate.

"As of this point I'm running," said Smith, a Democrat from Kent.

Since the Fourth of July, Smith has been telephoning and meeting with Democratic Party officials, fellow legislators and labor leaders to say he wants to represent the 9th Congressional District.

United States House Armed Services Subcommittee on Terrorism and Unconventional Threats

House Armed Services Subcommittee on Terrorism and Unconventional Threats is a [ fraudulent ]subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee in the United States House of Representatives.

The Terrorism and Unconventional Threats Subcommittee exercises [ fraudulent ]oversight and [ fraudulent ]legislative jurisdiction over:

Department of Defense counter proliferation and counter terrorism programs and initiatives

Special Operations Forces

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

information technology and programs

force protection policy and oversight

intelligence support

Adam Smith, Chairman, Washington

Mac Thornberry, Ranking Member, Texas

Protection racket

A protection racket is an extortion scheme whereby a powerful entity or individual coerces other less powerful entities or individuals to pay protection money which allegedly serves to purchase "protection" services against various external threats.

Those who do not buy into the protection plan are often targeted by criminals existing inside or outside of the organization. These crimes are typically thought to originate from the organization itself. When a business refuses to pay for protection, word is put out that they are outside of the local organization's protection (these organizations often exist in the absence of a trusted police force) and that the business in question is therefore free game for freelance criminals or the organization itself.

The protection money is typically collected by a "bag man". Although the organization might be particularly coercive in obtaining protection money, it is usually careful to shelter its "mark" from attacks by competitor organizations that similarly attempt to solicit or threaten the targeted individuals or businesses. Disputes between organizations concerning territory consequently arise from two competing predators attempting to extort from the same "clients."

From 6/15/1965 ( David Adam Smith ) To 9/10/1972 ( date hijacked from me:fictional date setting 1991 film "Flight of the Intruder" ) is 2644 days

From 9/10/1972 ( date hijacked from me:fictional date setting 1991 film "Flight of the Intruder" ) To 12/7/1979 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" ) is 2644 days

From 6/15/1965 ( David Adam Smith ) To 6/2/1978 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Capricorn One" ) is 4735 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 7/2/1976 ( date hijacked from me:I intercepted Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system and set to work at diverting it ) is 4735 days

From 6/15/1965 ( David Adam Smith ) To 10/11/1968 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 7 spacecraft astronaut ) is 1214 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 11/11/1966 ( date hijacked from me:I was Gemini 12 spacecraft astronaut ) is 1214 days

From 6/15/1965 ( David Adam Smith ) To 11/2/1975 ( date hijacked from me:I launched from Earth by myself to intercept Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) is 3792 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 7/20/1969 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 11 Eagle astronaut landing on Earth's moon ) is 3792 days

Adam Smith (politician)

David Adam Smith (born June 15, 1965), American politician, has been a Democratic member of the United States House of Representatives since 1997, representing Washington's 9th congressional district.

[ Adam Smith actively supports coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S federal government by foreign power ]

United States Naval Aviator

A United States Naval Aviator is a pilot in the United States Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard.

Naval Aviators that fly in space are designated Naval Astronauts, and are issued the Naval version of the Astronaut Badge.


of, pertaining to, or associated with a jet, jet engine, or jet plane: jet pilot

F-4 Phantom II

The McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II is a two-seat supersonic long-range all-weather fighter-bomber originally developed for the U.S. Navy by McDonnell Douglas. The Phantom was used by the U.S. military from 1960 to 1996, and was the primary air superiority fighter and a workhorse fighter-bomber for the US Air Force, Navy and Marines during the Vietnam war.

The F-4 Phantom was designed as a fleet defense fighter for the U.S. Navy, and first entered service in 1960. By 1963, it had been adopted by the U.S. Air Force for the fighter-bomber role. When production ended in 1981, 5,195 Phantom IIs had been built, making it the most numerous American supersonic military aircraft. Until the advent of the F-15 Eagle, the F-4 also held a record for the longest continuous production with a run of 24 years. Innovations in the F-4 included an advanced pulse-doppler radar and extensive use of titanium in the airframe.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Captain! Starfleet just signaled
your transfer of command orders.

I wish the circumstances
were less critical.

Epsilon 9 is monitoring the intruder.
Keep a channel open to them.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture

That object is less than
two days away from Earth.

We need to intercept
while it still is out there.

Lay in a heading to conform with
our initial IP with the intruder.

From 5/1/1967 ( my first flight by myself as jet pilot ) to 12/7/1979 ( premiere US film "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" ) is: 4603 days

From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 10/9/1971 ( I am board-certified surgeon as Dr. Thomas Henry Allyn Reagan, M.D. ) is: 4603 days

From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 7/20/1969 ( I was Apollo 11 Eagle astronaut landing on Earth's moon ) is: 3792 days

From 7/20/1969 ( I was Apollo 11 Eagle astronaut landing on Earth's moon ) to 12/7/1979 ( premiere US film "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" ) is: 3792 days

Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)

Release Date: 7 December 1979 (USA)

Plot Outline: When a destructive space entity is spotted approaching Earth, Admiral Kirk resumes command of the Starship Enterprise in order to intercept, examine, and hopefully stop it.

From 2/12/1973 ( Operation Homecoming begins and I was the lead C-141A pilot transporting home the American POW's ) to 5/1/1982 ( my graduation and commissioning U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1982 as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) is: 3365 days

From 5/1/1982 ( my graduation and commissioning U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1982 as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) to 7/18/1991 ( Released in USA on video "Flight of the Intruder" ) is: 3365 days

From 12/14/1972 ( I was Apollo 17 Challenger astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) to 7/18/1991 ( Released in USA on video "Flight of the Intruder" ) is: 6790 days

6790 = 3395 + 3395

From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 6/19/1968 ( my 1st Medal of Honor and I am U.S. military fighter jet ace during Vietnam War ) is: 3395 days

Flight of the Intruder (1991)

Released in USA on video July 18, 1991.

A-6 Intruder

The A-6 Intruder is an American twin jet-engine, mid-wing attack aircraft built by Grumman Aerospace. In service between 1963 and 1997

The Intruder was developed in response to a U.S. Navy specification for an all-weather carrier-based attack aircraft



This designation was given to eight prototypes and pre-production aircraft, used in the development of the A-6A Intruder.


The initial version of the Intruder was built around the complex and advanced DIANE (Digital Integrated Attack/Navigation Equipment), intended to provide a high degree of bombing accuracy even at night and in poor weather. DIANE consisted of multiple radar systems: the Norden AN/APQ-92 search radar and a separate AN/APQ-112 for tracking, AN/APN-141 radar altimeter, and AN/APN-153 Doppler to provide position updates to the AN/ASN-31 inertial navigation system. An air-data computer and ballistics computer integrated the radar information for the bombardier/navigator (BN) in the right-hand seat. TACAN and ADF were also provided for navigational use. When it worked, DIANE was perhaps the most capable nav/attack system of its era, giving the Intruder the ability to fly and fight in even very poor conditions (particularly important over Vietnam and Thailand during the Vietnam War).


A bomber is a military aircraft designed to attack ground and sea targets, primarily by dropping bombs on them.

[ Adam Smith actively supports coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S federal government by foreign power ]

From 6/15/1965 ( David Adam Smith ) To 9/10/1972 ( date hijacked from me:fictional date setting 1991 film "Flight of the Intruder" ) is 2644 days

From 9/10/1972 ( date hijacked from me:fictional date setting 1991 film "Flight of the Intruder" ) To 12/7/1979 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" ) is 2644 days

From 6/15/1965 ( David Adam Smith ) To 6/2/1978 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Capricorn One" ) is 4735 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 7/2/1976 ( date hijacked from me:I intercepted Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system and set to work at diverting it ) is 4735 days

From 6/15/1965 ( David Adam Smith ) To 10/11/1968 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 7 spacecraft astronaut ) is 1214 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 11/11/1966 ( date hijacked from me:I was Gemini 12 spacecraft astronaut ) is 1214 days

From 6/15/1965 ( David Adam Smith ) To 11/2/1975 ( date hijacked from me:I launched from Earth by myself to intercept Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) is 3792 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 7/20/1969 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 11 Eagle astronaut landing on Earth's moon ) is 3792 days

Adam Smith (politician)

David Adam Smith (born June 15, 1965), American politician, has been a Democratic member of the United States House of Representatives since 1997, representing Washington's 9th congressional district.

From 7/4/1995 ( Adam Smith campaigning illegally ) To 9/11/2001 ( New York City and Pentagon attacked with massive fatalities and destruction ) is 2261 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 5/12/1965 ( date hijacked from me:I am active duty U.S. Navy aviator ) is 2261 days

From 11/28/1976 ( date hijacked from me:I launched from Jupiter moon Callisto for Earth ) To 7/4/1995 ( Adam Smith campaigning illegally ) is 6792 days

6792 = 3396 + 3396

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 6/19/1968 ( date hijacked from me:my 1st Medal of Honor and I was U.S. military fighter jet ace during Vietnam War ) is 3396 days

Thursday, July 13, 1995

Kent Democrat Begins Effort To Unseat Gop Congressman

By David Postman

OLYMPIA - State Sen. Adam Smith has begun organizing a campaign and raising money to unseat freshman U.S. Rep. Randy Tate.

"As of this point I'm running," said Smith, a Democrat from Kent.

Since the Fourth of July, Smith has been telephoning and meeting with Democratic Party officials, fellow legislators and labor leaders to say he wants to represent the 9th Congressional District.

From 1/22/1957 ( David Addington actively supports coup d’état and subversive activities against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) To 12/24/1968 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 8 spacecraft astronaut in orbit of Earth's moon ) is 4354 days

4354 = 2177 + 2177

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 2/17/1965 ( date hijacked from me:I am active duty U.S. Navy SEAL ) is 2177 days

From 1/22/1957 ( David Addington actively supports coup d’état and subversive activities against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) To 4/30/1982 ( date hijacked from me:my graduation and commissioning U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1982 ) is 9229 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 6/8/1984 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Gremlins" starring my wife ) is 9229 days

From 1/22/1957 ( David Addington actively supports coup d’état and subversive activities against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) To 11/15/1966 ( date hijacked from me:Gemini 12 spacecraft splashdown and I was Gemini 12 spacecraft astronaut ) is 3584 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 12/24/1968 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 8 spacecraft astronaut in orbit of Earth's moon ) is 3584 days

From 1/22/1957 ( David Addington actively supports coup d’état and subversive activities against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) To 10/9/1971 ( date hijacked from me:I am board-certified surgeon ) is 5373 days

From 10/9/1971 ( date hijacked from me:I am board-certified surgeon ) To 6/25/1986 ( Proclamation 5506—National Homelessness Awareness Week, 1986 ) is 5373 days

David Addington

Chief of Staff to the Vice President of the United States

Preceded by
I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby Jr.

David S. Addington (b. January 22, 1957, Washington, D.C.), is chief of staff and former legal counsel to Vice President Dick Cheney. He was appointed to replace I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby Jr. as Cheney's chief of staff upon Libby's resignation after being indicted on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice on October 28, 2005. He was described by U.S. News and World Report as "the most powerful man you've never heard of".

David Addington

AKA David S. Addington

Born: 22-Jan-1957

Executive summary: Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff

US Official Counsel for Vice President Dick Cheney (2001-05)

[ Richard Bruce Cheney is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ]

Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

You all right?

It's very cold.

You come from
a warm planet, Ani.

A little too warm
for my taste.

Space is cold.

Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

- And he has been freed.
- What?

You're no longer a slave.

Did you hear that?

Now you can make
your dreams come true, Ani.

You are free.

Will you take him with you?

Is he to become a Jedi?

Yes. Our meeting
was not a coincidence.

Nothing happens by accident.

You mean I get to come with you
in your starship?


training to become a Jedi
is not an easy challenge...

and even if you succeed,
it's a hard life.

But I wanna go. It's what
I've always dreamed of doing.

Can I go, Mom?


this path has been placed
before you.

The choice is yours alone.

I wanna do it.

[ Richard Bruce Cheney is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ]

From 1/22/1957 ( David Addington actively supports coup d’état and subversive activities against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) To 12/24/1968 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 8 spacecraft astronaut in orbit of Earth's moon ) is 4354 days

4354 = 2177 + 2177

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 2/17/1965 ( date hijacked from me:I am active duty U.S. Navy SEAL ) is 2177 days

From 1/22/1957 ( David Addington actively supports coup d’état and subversive activities against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) To 4/30/1982 ( date hijacked from me:my graduation and commissioning U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1982 ) is 9229 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 6/8/1984 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Gremlins" starring my wife ) is 9229 days

From 1/22/1957 ( David Addington actively supports coup d’état and subversive activities against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) To 11/15/1966 ( date hijacked from me:Gemini 12 spacecraft splashdown and I was Gemini 12 spacecraft astronaut ) is 3584 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 12/24/1968 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 8 spacecraft astronaut in orbit of Earth's moon ) is 3584 days

From 1/22/1957 ( David Addington actively supports coup d’état and subversive activities against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) To 10/9/1971 ( date hijacked from me:I am board-certified surgeon ) is 5373 days

From 10/9/1971 ( date hijacked from me:I am board-certified surgeon ) To 6/25/1986 ( Proclamation 5506—National Homelessness Awareness Week, 1986 ) is 5373 days

David Addington

Chief of Staff to the Vice President of the United States

Preceded by
I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby Jr.

David S. Addington (b. January 22, 1957, Washington, D.C.), is chief of staff and former legal counsel to Vice President Dick Cheney. He was appointed to replace I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby Jr. as Cheney's chief of staff upon Libby's resignation after being indicted on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice on October 28, 2005. He was described by U.S. News and World Report as "the most powerful man you've never heard of".

David Addington

AKA David S. Addington

Born: 22-Jan-1957

Executive summary: Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff

US Official Counsel for Vice President Dick Cheney (2001-05)

Organized crime

Organized crime or criminal organizations are groups or operations run by criminals, most commonly for the purpose of generating a monetary profit. The Organized Crime Control Act (U.S., 1970) defines organized crime as "The unlawful activities of ... a highly organized, disciplined association...".

Some criminal organizations, such as terrorist organizations, are politically motivated. Gangs sometimes become "disciplined" enough to be considered "organized". An organized gang or criminal set can also be referred to as a mob. The act of engaging in criminal activity as a structured group is referred to in the United States as racketeering. In the U.S., organized crime is often prosecuted federally under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), Statute (18 U.S.C. Part I Chapter 96 §§ 1961-1968).

"Piracy and banditry were to the pre-industrial world what organized crime is to modern society" (Paul Lunde, Organized Crime, 2004). Today, crime is thought of as an urban phenomenon, but for most of human history it was the rural world that was crime-ridden. Pirates and bandits attacked trade routes, at times severely disrupting commerce, raising costs, insurance rates and prices to the consumer.

Organized crime is deeply linked to the moral problem of integrating barbarian energy into civilized state building. The early Christian world was dubious about the legitimacy of nation-states. St. Augustine famously defined them as what would now be called kleptocracies, states founded on theft: "If justice be disregarded, what are states but large bandit bands, and what are bandit bands but small states?" (De Civ. Dei iv, 4).

Another use of the term "criminal organization" exists in human rights law and refers to an organization which has been found guilty of crimes against humanity. Once an organization has been determined to be a criminal organization, one must only demonstrate that an individual belonged to that organization to be punished and not that the individual actually individually committed illegal acts.[citation needed]

This concept of the criminal organization came into being during the Nuremberg Trials.

Benedict Arnold

Benedict Arnold V (January 14 1741 [O.S. January 3, 1740] – June 14, 1801) was a general during the American Revolutionary War who originally fought for the American Continental Army, but switched sides to the British Empire. As a general still on the American side, he obtained command of the fort at West Point, New York, and attempted unsuccessfully to surrender it to the British. After this he served with British forces as a Loyalist.

Arnold is considered by many to be the best general and most accomplished leader in the Continental Army. Without Arnold's earlier contributions to their cause, the American Revolution might well have been lost; but after he switched sides, his name became a byword for treason in the United States.

Arnold distinguished himself early in the war through acts of cunning and bravery. His many successful campaigns included the Capture of Fort Ticonderoga (1775)

From 1/21/1976 ( date hijacked from me:my first landing on planet Mars and my documented and lawful exclusive claim to the territory of planet Mars ) to 4/30/1997 ( George Bush Intercontinental Airport is product of coup d'etat and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power as witnessed ) is: 7770 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) to 6/11/1980 ( cowardly violent Steve Ballmer leader at Microsoft Corporation a violent criminal enterprise and instigator of insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is: 7770 days

From 3/24/1956 ( Steve Ballmer is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) to 10/11/1976 ( date hijacked from me:U.S. Department of the Army Order 31-3 General Of The Armies of the United States applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) is: 7506 days

From 10/11/1976 ( date hijacked from me:U.S. Department of the Army Order 31-3 General Of The Armies of the United States applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) to 4/30/1997 ( George Bush Intercontinental Airport is product of coup d'etat and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power as witnessed ) is: 7506 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) to 4/30/1997 ( George Bush Intercontinental Airport is product of coup d'etat and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power as witnessed ) is: 13937 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife and New York City resident ) to 9/11/2001 ( New York City and Pentagon attacked with massive fatalities and destruction ) is: 13937 days


Published: May 2, 1997

GEORGE BUSH has certainly been taking to the skies lately. In March, he parachuted down to the Arizona desert 50 years after having bailed out of a bomber in the Pacific.

On Wednesday, the former President took off on a sunset flight from Houston Intercontinental Airport and returned 50 minutes later to the newly renamed George Bush Intercontinental Airport.

Mr. Bush and his wife, BARBARA, were joined by former Secretary of State JAMES A. BAKER 3D, the astronaut JOHN W. YOUNG and Mayor BOB LANIER on the ceremonial flight to mark the renaming, The Associated Press reported yesterday.

''My heart is full of great happiness and joy,'' Mr. Bush said at a dinner in a hangar before the flight. ''The naming of this airport means more to me than any other honor that has been bestowed on Barbara and me [ by our Al Qaeda allies ].'' NADINE BROZAN

[ George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies with all George Bush staff, lawyers, employees of any capacity, as criminal accomplices ]

Memorable quotes for

Capricorn One (1978)

Dr. James Kelloway: Okay, here it is. I have to start by saying that if there was any other way, if there was even a slight chance of another alternative, I would give anything not to be here with you now. Anything. Bru, how long have we known each other? Sixteen years. That's how long. Sixteen years. You should have seen yourself then. You looked like you just walked out of a Wheaties box. And me, all sweaty palm and deadly serious. I told everybody about this dream I had of conquering the new frontier, and they all looked at me like I was nuts. You looked at me and said, "yes." I remember when you told me Kay was pregnant. We went out and got crocked. I remember when Charles was born. We went out and got crocked again. The two of us. Captain Terrific and the Mad Doctor, talking about reaching the stars, and the bartender telling us maybe we'd had enough. Sixteen years. And then Armstrong stepped out on the Moon, and we cried. We were so proud. Willis,
you and Walker, you came in about then. Both bright and talented wise-asses, looked at me in my wash-and-wear shirt carrying on this hot love affair with my slide-rule, and even you were caught up in what we'd done. I remember when Glenn made his first orbit in Mercury, they put up television sets in Grand Central Station, and tens of thousands of people missed their trains to watch. You know, when Apollo 17 landed on the Moon, people were calling up the networks and bitching because reruns of I Love Lucy were cancelled. Reruns, for Christ's sake! I could understand if it was the new Lucy show. After all, what's a walk on the Moon? But reruns! Oh, geez! And then suddenly everybody started talking about how much everything cost. Was it really worth twenty billion to go to another planet? What about cancer? What about the slums? How much does it cost? How much does any dream cost, for Christ's sake? Since when is there an accountant for ideas? You know
who was at the launch today? Not the President. The Vice-President, that's who. The Vice-President and his plump wife. The President was busy. He's not busy. He's just a little bit scared. He sat there two months ago and put his feet up on Woodrow Wilson's desk, and he said, "Jim. Make it good. Congress is on my back. They're looking for a reason to cancel the program. We can't afford another screw-up. Make it good. You have my every good wish." His every good wish! I got his sanctimonious Vice President! That's what I got! So, there we are. After all those hopes and ll that dreaming, he sits there, with those flags behind his chair, and tells me we can't afford a screw-up. And guess what! We had a screw-up! A first-class, bona-fide, made-in-America screw-up! The good people from Con-Amalgamate delivered a life-support system cheap enough so they could make a profit on the deal. Works out fine for everybody. Con-Amalgamate makes money. We have our
life-support system. Everything's peachy. Except they made a little bit too much profit. We found out two months ago it won't work. You guys would all be dead in three weeks. It's as simple as that. So, all I have to do is report that and scrub the mission. Congress has its excuse, the President still has his desk, and we have no more program. What's sixteen years? Your actual drop in the bucket! All right. That's the end of the speech. Now, we're getting to what they call the moment of truth. Come with me. I want to show you something.

From 11/8/1970 ( my first ascent to Mount Everest summit ) to 10/19/1994 ( Re-released in USA on video 1978 film "Capricorn One" ) is: 8746 days

8746 = 4373 + 4373

From 1/31/1964 ( I was Innsbruck Olympics gold medalist on this day ) to 1/21/1976 ( my first landing on planet Mars and my documented and lawful exclusive claim to the territory of planet Mars ) is: 4373 days

From 11/26/1976 ( my first landing Jupiter moon Callisto ) to 10/19/1994 ( Re-released in USA on video 1978 film "Capricorn One" ) is: 5 days, 933 weeks

'59-33' ( my birth date US )

From 7/21/1979 ( my wife Phoebe and I are married ) to 10/19/1994 ( Re-released in USA on video 1978 film "Capricorn One" ) is: 5569 days

From 4/21/1972 ( I was Apollo 16 Orion astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) to 7/21/1987 ( formal wedding ceremony for my wife Phoebe and me ) is: 5569 days

Capricorn One (1978)

Re-released in USA on video October 19, 1994.

The first manned space flight to Mars is a hoax put on by the U.S. government.

[ Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government with all Microsoft employees, lawyers and managers of any capacity as criminal accomplices to the murder of United States citizens. ]

From 5/21/1969 ( date hijacked from me:I am Princeton University Medical Doctor degree graduate as Dr. Thomas Reagan, M.D. ) To 5/31/2001 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 11698 days

11698 = 5849 + 5849

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 7/21/1979 ( date hijacked from me:my wife Phoebe and I are married ) is 5849 days

From 11/20/1983 ( date hijacked from me:premiere TV movie "The Day After" ) To 5/31/2001 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 6402 days

6402 = 3201 + 3201

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 4/20/1972 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 16 Orion astronaut landing on Earth's moon ) is 3201 days

NEW YORK, May 31, 2001 — Today at the Office XP product launch, Bill Gates, Microsoft Corp.'s chairman and chief software architect, explained how Office XP

NEW YORK, May 31, 2001 — In conjunction with the Microsoft® Office XP product launch in New York, Microsoft Corp. today announced the public availability of six Office family productivity solutions designed to give knowledge workers better ways to manage and leverage data to increase business agility. FrontPage® 2002, MapPoint® 2002, Outlook® Mobile Manager, Publisher 2002, SharePoint™ Portal Server 2001 and Visio® 2002


the act of planning or plotting something in advance, especially an intentional crime

[ Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government with all Microsoft employees, lawyers and managers of any capacity as criminal accomplices ]

The Day After

The Day After is an American television movie which aired on November 20, 1983, on the ABC Television Network.

The film portrays a fictional nuclear war between NATO forces and the Warsaw Pact that rapidly escalates into a full scale exchange between the United States and the Soviet Union, focusing on the residents of Lawrence, Kansas, and Kansas City, Missouri, as well as several family farms situated next to nearby nuclear missile silos. The film was written by Edward Hume and directed by Nicholas Meyer. The film was released on DVD on May 18, 2004.


While the movie contains significant exposition to explain the onset of the war, the plot lies in the human struggles of the characters. The film follows several average citizens and the people they encounter through a nuclear attack on Kansas City, Missouri. Dr. Russell Oakes (Jason Robards) lives in the well-to-do Brookside neighborhood of Kansas City with his wife (Georgann Johnson), and works in a hospital in downtown Kansas City. On the day of the attack, he is scheduled to teach a hematology class at the University of Kansas hospital in nearby Lawrence, Kansas, and is en route from Kansas City to Lawrence on the jammed I-70 freeway when he hears an alarming Emergency Broadcast System alert on his car radio. He pulls off the crowded motorway, attempts to contact his wife from a nearby phone booth, but gives up due to the incredibly long line at the booth. Oakes then heads back down I-70 toward Kansas City, and is the only eastbound motorist on the
freeway at the time. The attack is soon initiated and Kansas City is gripped with panic as air raid sirens wail. Oakes' car is disabled by the Electromagnetic Pulse. Oakes was about thirty miles away from downtown Kansas City when the bombs hit, and after the explosions, Oakes walks ten miles the other way back to Lawrence (which suffers mainly from shock waves), and finds his way to the university hospital where he treats the wounded with Dr. Sam Hachiya (Calvin Jung), Nurse Bauer (JoBeth Williams), and other aid workers.

Also represented is farmer Jim Dahlberg (John Cullum) and his family, who live in rural Harrisonville, Missouri, far outside Kansas City, but very close to a field of missile silos. They are among the first to witness the initial missile launches signaling the start of a full-scale nuclear war. While those near the impact zone die or become sick quickly, the Dahlbergs develop symptoms of radiation sickness slowly, as they had prepared their basement as a makeshift fallout shelter. They also face the looting and chaos that come after the explosion. One develops terminal radiation sickness from going outside after panicking and the man who goes after her also contracts it as well. After this ordeal, the family decides to go out and look for survivors. They discover a church, and eventually they figure out that their daughter is contracting radiation sickness. The son of the family as also initially flash-blinded when looking towards one of the explosions.
Steven, the man who went out to rescue the daughter when she has an episode, decides to bring them both to a hospital. The son is not doing too well; his blindness does not recover and he does not heal well. The daughter is starting to exibit the symptoms of radiation sickness, and is starting to loose her hair. Steven has already lost the entire top of his head of hair. When the daughter's parents try to return home, they encounter food-seeking people. Jim orders them to leave, and he is killed.

After collapsing due to a psychological breakdown, Dr. Oakes wakes up, and discovers that his close friend, Nurse Bauer, has died of meningitis. Being almost completely broken, Oakes decides to ask Dr. Hachiya to come with him back to Kansas City where he says he will "see his home one last time before I die". Hachiya studders, and refuses. He knows that he must help the patients, and cannot risk dying. So, reluctantly, Oakes goes on his own. He travells far, and manages to hitch a ride on a National Guard truck. He even witnesses a man being executed for a crime (looting, murder, it is not specific). It becomes clear that Oakes is starting to catch radiation sickness as he walks home. When he finally makes it, he finds a family living in his house. He get angry and says "get the hell out of my house!" The man in charge of the family does not speak, but offers him an apple. The film fades with Oakes breaking down and a student at the college saying via a
radio "Hello? Is anyone out there? Anyone at all?"

Project Orion (nuclear propulsion)

Project Orion was the first engineering design study of a spacecraft powered by nuclear pulse propulsion

Reaction mass for Orion would have been built into the bombs or dropped between 'pulses' to provide thrust.

The smallest 4000 ton model planned for ground launch from Jackass Flats, Nevada had each blast add 30 mph (50 km/h) to the craft's velocity. A graphite based oil was to be sprayed on the pusher plate before each explosion to prevent ablation of the pusher plate. This sequence would be repeated thousands of times, like an atomic pogo stick.

Orion's potential performance was stunning, at least compared to today's chemical or even other nuclear designs. Jerry Pournelle, who is acquainted with the project and its ex-team leader Freeman Dyson, has been quoted as saying that a single mission could have provided us with a large permanent moon base.[citation needed] Alternatively an Orion could reach Pluto and return to Earth inside of a year. Single stage to Mars and back also seemed to be possible.[citation needed]

From 11/11/1966 ( I was Gemini 12 spacecraft astronaut ) to 4/21/1972 ( I was Apollo 16 Orion astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) is: 1988 days

From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) to 12/24/1968 ( I was Apollo 8 astronaut in orbit of Earth's moon ) is: 1988 days

Apollo 16

Lunar Module LM-11
callsign Orion

Lunar landing
April 21, 1972 02:23:35 UTC

Apollo 16 was the tenth manned mission in the Apollo program and the fifth mission to land on the Moon

The World Clock – Time Zone Converter – results

At the specified time, local time in New York was 5 hours behind UTC

Location Local time Time zone

UTC Friday, April 21, 1972 at 02:25:00

New York (U.S.A. - New York) Thursday, April 20, 1972 at 9:25:00 PM UTC-5 hours EST

Phoebe Cates

The Public's Theaters Annual Gala - Opening Night of "Macbeth"

The Delacorte Theater in Central Park

New York City, New York United States

June 28, 2006

From 2/6/1964 ( I was Olympic gold medalist at Innsbruck Olympics again on this day ) To 12/5/1973 ( premiere US film "Serpico" ) is 3590 days

3590 = 1795 + 1795

From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) To 1/31/1964 ( I was Innsbruck Olympics gold medalist on this day ) is 1795 days

Release dates for

Serpico (1973)

USA 5 December 1973 (New York City, New York)

Memorable quotes for

The Day After (1983) (TV)

Dr. Russell Oakes: I wonder who was spared? I wonder if New York, Paris, Moscow... are just like Kansas City now?

[ Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government with all Microsoft employees, lawyers and managers of any capacity as criminal accomplices ]

From 5/21/1969 ( date hijacked from me:I am Princeton University Medical Doctor degree graduate as Dr. Thomas Reagan, M.D. ) To 5/31/2001 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 11698 days

11698 = 5849 + 5849

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 7/21/1979 ( date hijacked from me:my wife Phoebe and I are married ) is 5849 days

From 11/20/1983 ( date hijacked from me:premiere TV movie "The Day After" ) To 5/31/2001 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 6402 days

6402 = 3201 + 3201

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 4/20/1972 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 16 Orion astronaut landing on Earth's moon ) is 3201 days

NEW YORK, May 31, 2001 — Today at the Office XP product launch, Bill Gates, Microsoft Corp.'s chairman and chief software architect, explained how Office XP

NEW YORK, May 31, 2001 — In conjunction with the Microsoft® Office XP product launch in New York, Microsoft Corp. today announced the public availability of six Office family productivity solutions designed to give knowledge workers better ways to manage and leverage data to increase business agility. FrontPage® 2002, MapPoint® 2002, Outlook® Mobile Manager, Publisher 2002, SharePoint™ Portal Server 2001 and Visio® 2002



Published: September 12, 2001

It kept getting worse.

The horror arrived in episodic bursts of chilling disbelief, signified first by trembling floors, sharp eruptions, cracked windows. There was the actual unfathomable realization of a gaping, flaming hole in first one of the tall towers, and then the same thing all over again in its twin. There was the merciless sight of bodies helplessly tumbling out, some of them in flames.

Finally, the mighty towers themselves were reduced to nothing. Dense plumes of smoke raced through the downtown avenues, coursing between the buildings, shaped like tornadoes on their sides.

Every sound was cause for alarm. A plane appeared overhead. Was another one coming? No, it was a fighter jet. But was it friend or enemy? People scrambled for their lives, but they didn't know where to go. Should they go north, south, east, west? Stay outside, go indoors? People hid beneath cars and each other. Some contemplated jumping into the river.

For those trying to flee the very epicenter of the collapsing World Trade Center towers, the most horrid thought of all finally dawned on them: nowhere was safe.

Insurance fraud

Insurance fraud is any act committed with the intent to fraudulently obtain payment from an insurer.

Insurance fraud has existed ever since the beginning of insurance as a commercial enterprise. Fraudulent claims account for a significant portion of all claims received by insurers, and cost billions of dollars annually. Types of insurance fraud are very diverse, and occur in all areas of insurance. Insurance crimes also range in severity, from slightly exaggerating claims to deliberately causing accidents or damage. Fraudulent activities also affect the lives of innocent people, both directly through accidental or purposeful injury or damage, and indirectly as these crimes cause insurance premiums to be higher. Insurance fraud poses a very significant problem, and governments and other organizations are making efforts to deter such activities.

Fraudulent activities against property insurance providers consist of the destruction of property in order to receive insurance payments for it. Possible motivations for this can include obtaining payment that is worth more than the value of the property destroyed, or to destroy and subsequently receive payment for goods that could not otherwise be sold. According to Alfred Manes, the majority of property insurance crimes involve arson. One reason for this is that any evidence that a fire was started by arson is often destroyed by the fire itself.

According to the Coalition Against Insurance Fraud, a former business executive from Chicago resorted to insurance fraud to pay off his debt of over $672,000. He set fire to his own home in order to collect insurance money on it. In order to disguise this act of arson, he trapped his ninety year old mother in the basement while the house was burning so that the fire would appear to be a suicide. He received about $600,000 in insurance money, but was eventually convicted on several charges and sentenced to 190 years in federal prison.

From 7/29/1958 ( NASA formed ) To 2/5/2001 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government with all Microsoft employees, lawyers and managers of any capacity as criminal accomplices ) is 15532 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 9/11/2001 ( New York City and Pentagon attacked with massive fatalities and destruction ) is 15532 days

From 5/1/1967 ( date hijacked from me:my first flight by myself as jet pilot ) to 2/5/2001 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government with all Microsoft employees, lawyers and managers of any capacity as criminal accomplices ) is: 12334 days

12334 = 6167 + 6167

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) to 1/21/1976 ( date hijacked from me:my first landing on planet Mars and my documented and lawful exclusive claim to the territory of planet Mars ) is: 6167 days

From 7/2/1976 ( date hijacked from me:I intercepted Comet Lucifer in outer solar system and set to work at diverting it ) to 2/5/2001 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government with all Microsoft employees, lawyers and managers of any capacity as criminal accomplices ) is: 8984 days

8984 = 4492 + 4492

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 11/2/1975 ( date hijacked from me:I launched from Earth to intercept Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) is: 4492 days

REDMOND, Wash., Feb. 5, 2001 — Microsoft Corp. announced product names today for the upcoming new Microsoft® Windows® desktop operating system and Microsoft Office desktop applications suite. Windows (formerly code-named "Whistler" ) will become Windows XP, and Office (formerly code-named "Office 10" ) will become Office XP. The XP name is short for "experience,"

Whistler Mountain

Whistler Mountain is a peak in the Fitzsimmons Range on the edge of Garibaldi Provincial Park, and the location of the Whistler-Blackcomb ski resort and the town of Whistler, British Columbia.

The original name of the mountain was London Mountain, named after a mining claim in the area

From 11/1/1982 ( date hijacked from me:Duran Duran "Rio" including "The Chauffeur" ) To 10/25/2001 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates coup d'etat and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government with all Microsoft employees and managers of any capacity as criminal accomplices ) is 6933 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 7/9/1982 ( premiere US film "TRON" ) is 6933 days

From 8/3/1994 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Clear and Present Danger" ) To 3/15/1998 ( date hijacked from me:as a U.S. Navy officer and under the War Powers Act I was secretly deployed on an official United States federal assignment to prosecute the Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft and their criminal accomplices in King County and elsewhere ) is 1320 days

From 3/15/1998 ( date hijacked from me:as a U.S. Navy officer and under the War Powers Act I was secretly deployed on an official United States federal assignment to prosecute the Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft and their criminal accomplices in King County and elsewhere ) To 10/25/2001 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates coup d'etat and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government with all Microsoft employees and managers of any capacity as criminal accomplices ) is 1320 days

From 7/21/1979 ( date hijacked from me:my wife Phoebe and I are married ) to 10/25/2001 ( Microsoft Windows XP is product of insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) is: 8132 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) to 6/7/1981 ( my 3rd Medal of Honor hijacked from me and Osirak destroyed by Israeli Air Force ) is: 8132 days

NEW YORK, Oct. 25, 2001 — Today Microsoft Corp. announced the worldwide availability of Windows® XP

REDMOND, Wash., Aug. 24, 2001 — Microsoft Corp. today announced the release of Microsoft® Windows® XP, the highly anticipated next major version of the Windows operating system, to computer manufacturers around the world. With development of the software now complete, Windows XP is on schedule for widespread availability on Oct. 25.

"Simply put, Windows XP is the best operating system Microsoft has ever built," said Bill Gates, chairman and chief software architect at Microsoft.

"Windows XP rocks!" said [ Racketeering Mob Organization Leader ]Jim Allchin, group vice president of Windows at Microsoft.

[ Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government with all Microsoft employees, lawyers and managers of any capacity as criminal accomplices ]

From 5/21/1969 ( I am Princeton University Medical Doctor degree graduate ) To 7/9/1982 ( premiere US film "TRON" ) is 4797 days

From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) To 4/21/1972 ( I was Apollo 16 Orion astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) is 4797 days

From 7/20/1969 ( I was Apollo 11 Eagle astronaut landing on Earth's moon ) to 7/9/1982 ( premiere US film "TRON" ) is: 4737 days

From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) to 7/4/1976 ( I successfully diverted Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) is: 4737 days

TRON (1982)

Release Date: 9 July 1982 (USA)

Tron (film)

Release date(s) July 9, 1982 (USA)

Tron is a 1982 Disney science fiction film starring Jeff Bridges as Kevin Flynn (and his counterpart inside the electronic world, Clu), Bruce Boxleitner as Alan Bradley (and Tron), Cindy Morgan as Dr. Lora Baines (and Yori) and Dan Shor as Ram. David Warner plays the villain, Ed Dillinger (and Sark), as well as providing the voice of the Master Control Program. It was written and directed by Steven Lisberger. Tron has a distinctive visual style, as it was one of the first films from a major studio to use computer graphics extensively.

Kevin Flynn is a young and gifted programmer who once worked for the software mega-corporation, ENCOM. Flynn created several video games on the ENCOM mainframe while working after hours with the aim of eventually creating his own games company. Before he was ready to present his projects to senior management, his work was stolen by another programmer, Ed Dillinger. Dillinger locked Flynn out of the system and went on to present the games as his own work, thus earning himself a series of promotions.

Three years later, Dillinger is now a senior executive of ENCOM, and the company is run mainly by the Master Control Program (MCP), a self-evolving artificial intelligence originally written by Dillinger. Flynn, meanwhile, has been reduced to running his own video game arcade, featuring several new games he created. As a result, he regularly attempts to break into the ENCOM mainframe and find the evidence he needs to prove Dillinger's wrongdoing. The MCP catches one of Flynn's computer programs, Clu, poking around in sensitive memory and "de-rezzes" (erases) the program. The MCP then summons Dillinger to discuss the matter, and Dillinger authorizes it to shut down access to all personnel in Flynn's former security group (Group-7). This inadvertently locks out a current ENCOM employee, Alan Bradley.

Alan goes to speak with Dillinger, revealing in the process that he is working on a security program named Tron, which would be used to monitor communications between ENCOM and outside systems, and which would serve as a watchdog for the MCP rather than being part of it. Dillinger dismisses Alan quickly and is confronted by the MCP about Alan's project. The MCP informs Dillinger that it plans to take over the Pentagon's computer systems, having calculated that it can run things "900 to 1200 times better than any human." When Dillinger attempts to reassert his control over the MCP, it essentially blackmails him into keeping quiet and complying with its wishes.

Meanwhile, Alan goes to speak with his girlfriend, Dr. Lora Baines, an ENCOM laser lab technician and Flynn's ex-girlfriend. In the lab, Lora and her coworker Dr. Walter Gibbs (who started ENCOM in his garage) have just successfully digitized an orange using a powerful laser (causing it to disappear and reappear intact). Alan and Lora decide to set off to Flynn's arcade/apartment to warn him that Dillinger knows about his hacking. After being convinced that Flynn was cheated, Alan and Lora sneak him into the laser lab, where he works on forging an access code for a different security group. This would allow him to find the information he is looking for, and would also allow Alan to finish his work and get Tron online.

Flynn settles down at Lora's lab terminal, where her laser points directly at the terminal, while Alan heads back to his terminal. As Flynn tries to gain access to the system, the MCP confronts him. While he "chats" with the MCP, it takes control of the laser and suddenly digitizes Flynn into the world inside the computer, where programs are physical characters that resemble their creators.

Flynn materializes in the digital world and is taken to a holding pit. There, a financial program, Ram, tells Flynn that he is a "guest" of the Master Control Program, and that he is going to be made to play games. Flynn, who is convinced that he is dreaming, seems excited about this at first, saying "I play video games better than anybody."

Flynn and a number of other Programs are soon taken to meet Sark (Dillinger's counterpart in the digital world). Sark tells each of the Programs that either they can join the MCP willingly, or they will be forced to compete in gladiator-style games that will result in their eventual elimination. Each Program receives an identity disc that stores their actions and experiences, and also doubles as a powerful weapon. On their way back to the holding pen, Flynn sees Tron fighting a number of other Programs, and Ram tells him that Tron fights for the Users.

Before he can return to the holding pit, Flynn is taken to his first game. The game is essentially a vertical version of jai alai, except that the players stand on platforms made up of concentric rings that disappear when the ball hits them, forcing them to jump over the gaps. Flynn is forced to face Crom, "one of his own kind" according to Sark. After several volleys, Crom falls off his platform and struggles to climb back up. When Flynn refuses to finish off his opponent, Sark terminates the game and sends Crom plummeting to his death. Sark considers deleting the rings around Flynn, but as he reaches for the termination button, the MCP repeats its admonition: "I want him in the games until he dies playing." Reluctantly, Sark restores the rings and returns Flynn to the holding area.

Upon Flynn's return to the holding area, Ram and Tron are waiting for him. Flynn immediately mistakes Tron for Alan, and Tron reveals that Alan is his User. Feigning disorientation, Flynn says that he is starting to remember "all kinds of stuff", including that his "User" wants him to take out the MCP. Tron states that that is his goal as well, but before they can talk much more, the three are taken to the Light Cycle arena. In here, the three must attempt to guide their opponents into their light trails. They team up and manage to force one of their enemies into the side of the arena, opening a large crack in the wall through which they escape. Sark quickly launches his security forces (which consist of Tank and Recognizer programs originally written by Flynn himself) to seek them out.

The three locate an I/O tower that Tron needs to access in order to communicate with Alan, but on the way, Flynn's and Ram's Light Cycles are destroyed by a Tank and Tron is separated from the group. Flynn, uninjured, takes the severely injured Ram to a pile of junk, which turns out to be a damaged Recognizer. He "accidentally" activates it, and uses the opportunity to head for the I/O tower. However, on the way, Ram begins to die. Ram asks Flynn if he is a User, which Flynn confirms, and then he asks Flynn to help Tron just before he dies and de-resolves.

Meanwhile, Tron breaks into a simulation chamber where a Solar Sailer is being constructed. There, he finds Yori, a program written by Dr. Lora Baines. After Tron breaks Yori out of her reporting routine, the two programs make their way to the I/O tower and confront Dumont (Dr. Walter Gibbs's computer counterpart), the keeper of the tower. He grants Tron access to the port, and Tron receives the critical instructions he needs from Alan in order to destroy the Master Control Program. They then make their way back to the Solar Sailer, narrowly escaping Sark's forces, and set off for the MCP. Along the way, Flynn rejoins them, having accidentally disguised himself as one of Sark's troops. He explains to Tron and Yori at this point that he is actually a User.

Sark eventually captures Flynn and Yori, ramming the Solar Sailer with his ship and apparently destroying Tron. Sark then disembarks and begins de-rezzing the ship. Although Yori and the ship begin to fade away around him, Flynn manages to keep her alive and the ship intact. Tron has escaped on Sark's shuttle, which lands nearby the MCP's core. Here, a number of captured programs, including Dumont, are locked against a wall to face the MCP, which appears as a giant red face on a huge spinning cylinder. The MCP senses Tron's presence and sends Sark out to battle him, and then the MCP begins to tell the Programs of their impending fate: "You will each be part of me, and together, we will be complete."

Sark and Tron battle on the mesa, until Tron gains the upper hand, severely damaging Sark and destroying his disc. The MCP then transfers his functions to Sark, causing him to grow many times Tron's size. Tron begins to attack the MCP directly, attempting to break through the shield protecting its core. As the battle continues, Yori guides the remains of Sark's ship toward the core, where Flynn jumps inside. This distracts the MCP long enough for Tron to throw his disc through a gap in the shield, destroying the MCP and Sark with him. The MCP itself is revealed to be an old and tired program using an outdated typewriter-like keyboard (with appropriate sounds), just before it moves back into the darkened husk and de-rezzes.

The digital world comes alive after the MCP's defeat. I/O towers light up all over the landscape, and the Programs rejoice in the fact that their world has again become a free system. They ponder Flynn's fate, but Flynn is sent back to the real world, the laser re-materializing him at the terminal. A nearby printer then begins printing the evidence that Flynn's programs were "annexed" by Dillinger.

Dillinger arrives at the office the next morning to discover a message on his computer's screen showing the evidence of his wrongdoing and that he has been defeated. The movie closes with a brief scene where Alan and Lora greet Flynn, the new ENCOM CEO, at the helicopter pad on top of the ENCOM building.

[ Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government with all Microsoft employees, lawyers and managers of any capacity as criminal accomplices ]

From 7/29/1958 ( NASA formed ) To 2/5/2001 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government with all Microsoft employees, lawyers and managers of any capacity as criminal accomplices ) is 15532 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 9/11/2001 ( New York City and Pentagon attacked with massive fatalities and destruction ) is 15532 days

From 5/1/1967 ( date hijacked from me:my first flight by myself as jet pilot ) to 2/5/2001 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government with all Microsoft employees, lawyers and managers of any capacity as criminal accomplices ) is: 12334 days

12334 = 6167 + 6167

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) to 1/21/1976 ( date hijacked from me:my first landing on planet Mars and my documented and lawful exclusive claim to the territory of planet Mars ) is: 6167 days

From 7/2/1976 ( date hijacked from me:I intercepted Comet Lucifer in outer solar system and set to work at diverting it ) to 2/5/2001 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government with all Microsoft employees, lawyers and managers of any capacity as criminal accomplices ) is: 8984 days

8984 = 4492 + 4492

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 11/2/1975 ( date hijacked from me:I launched from Earth to intercept Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) is: 4492 days

REDMOND, Wash., Feb. 5, 2001 — Microsoft Corp. announced product names today for the upcoming new Microsoft® Windows® desktop operating system and Microsoft Office desktop applications suite. Windows (formerly code-named "Whistler" ) will become Windows XP, and Office (formerly code-named "Office 10" ) will become Office XP. The XP name is short for "experience,"

From 2/5/1964 ( date hijacked from me:I was Innsbruck Olympics gold medalist again on this day ) To 8/15/2006 ( Racketeering Mob Organization NASA actively supports coup d'etat and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 15532 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 9/11/2001 ( New York City and Pentagon attacked with massive fatalities and destruction ) is 15532 days

From 6/19/1968 ( date hijacked from me:my 1st Medal of Honor and I am U.S. military fighter jet ace during the Vietnam War ) to 8/15/2006 ( Racketeering Mob Organization NASA actively supports coup d'etat and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is: 13936 days

13936 = 6968 + 6968

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 8/13/1982 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US films "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" starring my wife, "An Officer And A Gentleman" starring Debra Winger, "Pink Floyd The Wall" ) is: 6968 days

From 5/13/1987 ( my M.I.A. status in Africa ends and I am being transported secretly over several days by USS Stark FFG-31 to a U.S. military base for intensive care hospitalization ) To 8/15/2006 ( Racketeering Mob Organization NASA actively supports coup d'etat and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 7034 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 6/6/1978 ( date hijacked from me:"The Cars" including "Moving In Stereo" ) is 7034 days

From 5/17/1987 ( I survived the attack on my location onboard USS Stark FFG-31 while many other U.S. Navy sailors did not ) To 8/15/2006 ( Racketeering Mob Organization NASA actively supports coup d'etat and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 7030 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 6/2/1978 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Capricorn One" ) is 7030 days

From 3/16/1998 ( date hijacked from me:as a U.S. Navy officer I was secretly deployed on an official United States federal assignment that includes the prosecution of George Bush under the War Powers Act ) To 5/31/2002 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "The Sum of All Fears" ) is 1537 days

From 5/31/2002 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "The Sum of All Fears" ) To 8/15/2006 ( Racketeering Mob Organization NASA actively supports coup d'etat and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 1537 days

Nation & World: Wednesday, August 16, 2006

NASA to search attics for missing moon-walk tapes

By Seth Borenstein
The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Red-faced because the best pictures of its glory days are missing, NASA said Tuesday it was launching an official search for more than 13,000 original tapes of the historic Apollo moon missions.

What's missing are the never-before-broadcast, clear, original videos — not the grainy, converted pictures the world watched on television more than three decades ago.

The tapes aren't lost, says the NASA official in charge of the search. But he doesn't know where they are.

Most likely they are somewhere at the sprawling Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., which misplaced the tapes originally. But they also could be stored somewhere else.

The original video, taken directly from the moon and beamed to deep-space network observatories in Australia, has never been seen by the general public or even NASA officials.



Published: May 18, 1987

LEAD: A United States Navy frigate in the Persian Gulf was struck Sunday by a missile fired from an Iraqi warplane, causing serious damage and many casualties, the Reagan Administration said.

[ Racketeering Mob Organization NASA actively supports coup d'etat and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ]

Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Uhura, send to Commander, Reliant:
"Prepare to be boarded."

Aye, sir.

Commander, Reliant,
this is Enterprise.

Surrender and prepare
to be boarded.

Enterprise to Reliant. You are
ordered to surrender your vessel.

Reliant! Come in, Reliant. You are
ordered to surrender your vessel.

Enterprise to Reliant. You're ordered
to surrender your vessel. Respond.

No, Kirk.

The game's not over.

To the last...
I will grapple with thee!

Admiral? Scanning
an energy source on Reliant.

A pattern I've never seen before.

- It's the Genesis Wave!
- What?

They're on a build-up to detonation!

Plot summary for

The Sum of All Fears (2002)

When a terrorist faction plans to turn American against Russia by placing a nuclear weapon in a Baltimore, DCI William Cabot calls in CIA analyst Jack Ryan to figure out the plans behind this faction and prevent a total catastrophe occurs.

From 2/9/1964 ( I was multiple Olympic gold medalist during Innsbruck Olympics ) to 5/31/2002 ( premiere US film "The Sum of All Fears" ) is 1 day, 3 weeks, 459 months

'1-34-59' ( my birth date UK )

The Sum of All Fears (2002)

Release Date: 31 May 2002 (USA)

Capricorn One

Release date(s) June 2, 1978 (USA)

Capricorn One is a 1978 thriller movie about a Mars landing hoax.

In the end, Colonel Brubaker (Brolin) is the only crew member to avoid capture. Caulfield's investigation leads him to the desert, where he finds the military base and the set, and with the help of a cropduster pilot (Savalas), he manages to rescue Brubaker. The film ends with Caulfield and Brubaker arriving at the astronauts' memorial service, exposing the conspiracy in dramatic fashion.


The Sahara ( "The Great Desert") is the world's largest hot desert and the world's second largest desert after Antarctica. At over 9,000,000 square kilometres (3,500,000 sq mi), it covers most parts of northern Africa; an area stretching from the Red Sea, including parts of the Mediterranean coasts, to the outskirts of the Atlantic Ocean. It is almost as large as the continental United States, and is larger than Australia.

The Sahara has one of the harshest climates in the world.

From 6/6/1978 ( The Cars "The Cars" ) to 7/21/1979 ( my wife Phoebe and I are married ) is: 410 days

410 = 205 + 205

From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) to 2/6/1964 ( I was Innsbruck Olympics gold medalist again on this day ) is: 205 days

From 1/29/1964 ( I was multiple Olympic gold medalist during Innsbruck Olympics ) To 6/6/1978 ( The Cars "The Cars" ) is 5242 days

From 3/14/1965 ( I am active duty Central Intelligence Agency officer ) To 7/21/1979 ( my wife Phoebe and I are married ) is 5242 days

The Cars

Studio album by The Cars

Released June 6, 1978

"Moving in Stereo" was used as the theme for Phoebe Cates' famous pool scene in Fast Times at Ridgemont High

Stereophonic sound

Stereophonic sound, commonly called stereo, is the reproduction of sound, using two or more independent audio channels, through a symmetrical configuration of loudspeakers, in such a way as to create a pleasant and natural impression of sound heard from various directions, as in natural hearing. It is often contrasted with monophonic (or "monaural", or just mono) sound, where audio is in the form of one channel, often centered in the sound field (analogous to a visual field).


A relationship of characteristic correspondence, equivalence, or identity among constituents of an entity or between different entities: the narrative symmetry of the novel.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture

"V... G-E-R."




Voyager 6.

NASA. National Aeronautics
and Space Administration.


this was launched
more than 300 years ago.

Voyager series.

Designed to collect data...

and transmit it back to Earth.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture

They have repressed the creator.

[ Racketeering Mob Organization NASA actively supports coup d'etat and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ]

Copyright infringement

'Copyright infringement' (or copyright violation) is the unauthorized use of material that is covered by copyright law, in a manner that violates one of the copyright owner's exclusive rights, such as the right to reproduce or perform the copyrighted work, or to make derivative works.

Third element: establishing misappropriation

A copyrighted work may contain elements which are not copyrightable, such as facts, ideas, themes, or content in the public domain. A plaintiff alleging misappropriation must first demonstrate that what the defendant appropriated from the copyrighted work was protectible. Second, a plaintiff must show that the intended audience will recognize substantial similarities between the two works.

From 11/1/1949 ( Michael Douglas Griffin ) To 7/29/1958 ( NASA formed ) is 3192 days

3192 = 1596 + 1596

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) is 1596 days

From 11/1/1949 ( Michael Douglas Griffin ) To 4/30/1982 ( date hijacked from me:my graduation and commissioning U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1982 ) is 11868 days

11868 = 5934 + 5934

'59-34' ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK )

Michael D. Griffin

Michael Douglas Griffin (born November 1, 1949 in Aberdeen, Maryland) is an American physicist, aerospace engineer and the current Administrator of NASA, since April 13, 2005. As the chief of America's space agency, Dr. Griffin oversees such areas as the future of human spaceflight, the fate of the Hubble telescope

From 8/24/1960 ( Steven Wayne Lindsey ) to 1/21/1976 ( my first landing on planet Mars and my documented and lawful exclusive claim to the territory of planet Mars ) is: 5628 days

5628 = 2814 + 2814

From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 11/15/1966 ( Gemini 12 spacecraft splashdown and I was Gemini 12 spacecraft astronaut ) is: 2814 days

From 8/24/1960 ( Steven Wayne Lindsey ) to 10/11/1968 ( I was Apollo 7 spacecraft astronaut ) is: 2970 days

From 10/11/1968 ( I was Apollo 7 spacecraft astronaut ) to 11/28/1976 ( I launched from Jupiter moon Callisto for Earth and home ) is: 2970 days

From 8/24/1960 ( Steven Wayne Lindsey ) to 5/21/1969 ( I am Princeton University Medical Doctor degree graduate ) is: 3192 days

3192 = 1596 + 1596

From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) is: 1596 days

Steven W. Lindsey

Missions STS-87, STS-95, STS-104, STS-121

Steven Wayne Lindsey (born August 24, 1960) is an American Air Force officer and a NASA astronaut. Lindsey currently serves as Chief of the NASA Astronaut Office.

Lindsey was commissioned a second lieutenant at the United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, in 1982.

Chief of the Astronaut Office

The Chief of the Astronaut Office is the most senior astronaut position at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The Chief Astronaut serves as head of the NASA Astronaut Corps and is the principal advisor to the NASA Administrator on astronaut training and operations.


The position was created in November 1963 when Alan Shepard was named as the first Chief Astronaut. His responsibilities included monitoring the coordination, scheduling, and control of all activities involving NASA astronauts. This included monitoring the development and implementation of effective training programs to assure the flight readiness of available pilot/non-pilot personnel for assignment to crew positions on manned space flights; furnishing pilot evaluations applicable to the design, construction, and operations of spacecraft systems and related equipment; and providing qualitative scientific and engineering observations to facilitate overall mission planning, formulation of feasible operational procedures, and selection and conduct of specific experiments for each flight.

List of Chief Astronauts

Deke Slayton (September 1, 1962 - November 1963)

Alan Shepard (November 1963 - July 1969)

Tom Stafford (July 1969 - June 1971)

Alan Shepard (June 1971 - August 1, 1974)

John Young (January 14, 1974 - April 15, 1987), Deputy was Paul J. Weitz.

Dan Brandenstein (April 27, 1987 - October 1992), Deputy was Steven Hawley.

Robert Gibson (December 8, 1992 - September 6, 1994), Deputy was Linda Godwin.

Robert Cabana (September 6, 1994 - October 1997), Deputy was Linda Godwin.

Kenneth Cockrell (October 1997 - October 1998)

Charles Precourt (October 1998 - November 2002), Deputy was Kent Rominger.

Kent Rominger (November 2002 - September 2006), Deputies were Andy Thomas and Peggy Whitson.

Steven W. Lindsey (September 2006 - present), Deputy is Sunita Williams (February 2008 to present). Janet Kavandi served as Lindsey's first deputy.

From 2/5/1971 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 14 Antares command astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) To 12/2/1993 ( Racketeering Mob Leader Rudolph W. Giuliani is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 8336 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife and New York City resident ) To 5/12/1986 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Top Gun" ) is 8336 days

From 6/8/1984 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Gremlins" starring my wife ) to 12/2/1993 ( Racketeering Mob Leader Rudolph W. Giuliani is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 3 days, 3 weeks, 5 months, 9 years

'33-59' ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US )

From 7/16/1981 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 12/2/1993 ( Racketeering Mob Leader Rudolph W. Giuliani is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 4522 days

4522 = 2261 + 2261

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 5/12/1965 ( date hijacked from me:I am active duty U.S. Navy aviator ) is 2261 days



Published: December 3, 1993

Mayor-elect Rudolph W. Giuliani yesterday named William J. Bratton, the flamboyant Police Commissioner of Boston, to lead New York City's Police Department

[ Racketeering Mob Leader Rudolph W. Giuliani is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies with all past or present Rudolph W. Giuliani staff, lawyers, employees of any capacity, as criminal accomplices to the murder of United States citizens. ]


An air-to-air right side view of a Russian Tu-95 Tupolev bomber aircraft, center, and two U.S. Navy F-14 Tomcat aircraft, acting as chase planes above the aircraft carrier USS KITTY HAWK (CV-63) as the ship makes a right turn. The NATO designation of the Tupolev aircraft is Bear.

Photographer's Name: Unknown

Location: UNKNOWN
Date Shot: 12/1/1981

Kitty Hawk

Kitty Hawk or Kittyhawk may refer to:

USS Kitty Hawk, ships of the United States Navy

Kitty Hawk was the callsign of the Command Module of the Apollo 14 spacecraft

Top Gun (film)

Top Gun is a 1986 American film directed by Tony Scott and produced by Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer in association with Paramount Pictures.

Tom Cruise plays Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, a young United States Navy F-14 Tomcat aviator

From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 2/5/1971 ( I was Apollo 14 Antares command astronaut landing on Earth's moon ) is: 4356 days

4356 = 2178 + 2178

From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 2/17/1965 ( I am active duty U.S. Navy SEAL ) is: 2178 days

Apollo 14

Command Module CM-110
callsign Kitty Hawk

Lunar Module LM-8
callsign Antares

Lunar landing

February 5, 1971 09:18:11 UTC

Lunar surface time 1 d 09 h 30 m 29 s


EVA 1 start: February 5, 1971, 14:42:13 UTC
EVA 2 start: February 6, 1971, 08:11:15 UTC

After landing in the Fra Mauro formation - the destination for Apollo 13 - Shepard and Mitchell took two moon walks, adding new seismic studies to the by now familiar Apollo experiment package, and using a "lunar rickshaw" pull cart to carry their equipment. Roosa, meanwhile, took pictures from on board command module Kitty Hawk in lunar orbit.

From 1/31/1964 ( I was Innsbruck Olympics gold medalist on this day ) to 12/21/1970 ( I was test pilot for the Grumman F-14 Tomcat first flight and for the Grumman F-14 Tomcat fighter jet program ) is: 3 days, 359 weeks

'33-59' ( my birth date US )

F-14 Tomcat

Maiden flight 21 December 1970

The Grumman F-14 Tomcat is a supersonic, twin-engine, two-seat, variable geometry wing aircraft. The F-14 was the United States Navy's primary maritime air superiority fighter, fleet defense interceptor and tactical reconnaissance platform from 1972 to 2006. It later performed precision strike missions once it was integrated with LANTIRN.[2] It was developed after the collapse of the F-111B project, and was the first of the American teen-series fighters which were designed incorporating the experience of air combat in Vietnam against MiGs.

It entered service in 1972 with the U.S. Navy, replacing the F-4 Phantom II.

It was retired from the U.S. Navy fleet on 22 September 2006, having been replaced by the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet.

From 6/19/1968 ( my 1st Medal of Honor and I am U.S. military fighter jet ace during Vietnam War ) to 5/12/1986 ( premiere US film "Top Gun" ) is: 5 days, 933 weeks

'59-33' ( my birth date US )

From 6/12/1968 ( ) to 5/12/1986 ( premiere US film "Top Gun" ) is: 5 days, 934 weeks

'59-34' ( my birth date UK )

Release dates for

Top Gun (1986)

USA 12 May 1986 (New York City, New York) (premiere)

Flying ace

A flying ace or fighter ace is a military aviator credited with shooting down five or more enemy aircraft during aerial combat.

The term ace in a day is used to designate a fighter pilot who has shot down five or more airplanes in a single day.

United States Naval Aviator

A United States Naval Aviator is a pilot in the United States Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard.

Naval Aviators that fly in space are designated Naval Astronauts, and are issued the Naval version of the Astronaut Badge.


of, pertaining to, or associated with a jet, jet engine, or jet plane: jet pilot

[ Racketeering Mob Leader Rudolph W. Giuliani is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies with all past or present Rudolph W. Giuliani staff, lawyers, employees of any capacity, as criminal accomplices to the murder of United States citizens. ]


An imaginary gnomelike creature to whom mechanical problems, especially in aircraft, are attributed.

From 2/5/1971 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 14 Antares command astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) To 12/2/1993 ( Racketeering Mob Leader Rudolph W. Giuliani is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 8336 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife and New York City resident ) To 5/12/1986 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Top Gun" ) is 8336 days

From 6/8/1984 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Gremlins" starring my wife ) to 12/2/1993 ( Racketeering Mob Leader Rudolph W. Giuliani is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 3 days, 3 weeks, 5 months, 9 years

'33-59' ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US )

From 7/16/1981 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 12/2/1993 ( Racketeering Mob Leader Rudolph W. Giuliani is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 4522 days

4522 = 2261 + 2261

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 5/12/1965 ( date hijacked from me:I am active duty U.S. Navy aviator ) is 2261 days



Published: December 3, 1993

Mayor-elect Rudolph W. Giuliani yesterday named William J. Bratton, the flamboyant Police Commissioner of Boston, to lead New York City's Police Department

From 10/6/1947 ( William Joseph Bratton ) To 6/4/1982 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan" ) is 12660 days

12660 = 6330 + 6330

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 7/2/1976 ( date hijacked from me:I intercepted Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system and set to work at diverting it ) is 6330 days

From 10/6/1947 ( William Joseph Bratton ) To 2/22/1976 ( date hijacked from me:my Orion space ship and I survived a catastrophic collision with a meteor and I decide to continue my mission as planned to divert Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) is 10366 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 7/21/1987 ( date hijacked from me:formal wedding ceremony for my wife Phoebe and me ) is 10366 days

From 10/6/1947 ( William Joseph Bratton ) to 1/28/1986 ( space shuttle Challenger explodes after liftoff killing all astronauts onboard Challenger spacecraft ) is 1 day, 3 weeks, 459 months

'1-34-59' ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK )

From 10/6/1947 ( William Joseph Bratton ) To 7/29/1958 ( NASA formed ) is 3949 days

From 7/29/1958 ( NASA formed ) To 5/21/1969 ( date hijacked from me:I am Princeton University Medical Doctor degree graduate ) is 3949 days

William Joseph Bratton

October 6, 1947

In 1994, William Bratton was appointed the 38th Commissioner of the NYPD by Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani.


the act of planning or plotting something in advance, especially an intentional crime


information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.

Material disseminated by the advocates or opponents of a doctrine or cause: wartime propaganda.

information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause


Law. the defense by an accused person of having been elsewhere at the time an alleged offense was committed.


to nullify, prevent, or forestall by taking countermeasures in advance

To feel or realize beforehand; foresee

From 10/6/1947 ( William Joseph Bratton ) To 6/4/1982 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan" ) is 12660 days

12660 = 6330 + 6330

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 7/2/1976 ( date hijacked from me:I intercepted Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system and set to work at diverting it ) is 6330 days

From 10/6/1947 ( William Joseph Bratton ) To 2/22/1976 ( date hijacked from me:my Orion space ship and I survived a catastrophic collision with a meteor and I decide to continue my mission as planned to divert Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) is 10366 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 7/21/1987 ( date hijacked from me:formal wedding ceremony for my wife Phoebe and me ) is 10366 days

From 10/6/1947 ( William Joseph Bratton ) to 1/28/1986 ( space shuttle Challenger explodes after liftoff killing all astronauts onboard Challenger spacecraft ) is 1 day, 3 weeks, 459 months

'1-34-59' ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK )

From 10/6/1947 ( William Joseph Bratton ) To 7/29/1958 ( NASA formed ) is 3949 days

From 7/29/1958 ( NASA formed ) To 5/21/1969 ( date hijacked from me:I am Princeton University Medical Doctor degree graduate ) is 3949 days

William Joseph Bratton

October 6, 1947

In 1994, William Bratton was appointed the 38th Commissioner of the NYPD by Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani.

[ Racketeering Mob Leader Rudolph W. Giuliani is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies with all past or present Rudolph W. Giuliani staff, lawyers, employees of any capacity, as criminal accomplices to the murder of United States citizens. ]

Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Uhura, send to Commander, Reliant:
"Prepare to be boarded."

Aye, sir.

Commander, Reliant,
this is Enterprise.

Surrender and prepare
to be boarded.

Enterprise to Reliant. You are
ordered to surrender your vessel.

Reliant! Come in, Reliant. You are
ordered to surrender your vessel.

Enterprise to Reliant. You're ordered
to surrender your vessel. Respond.

No, Kirk.

The game's not over.

To the last...
I will grapple with thee!

Admiral? Scanning
an energy source on Reliant.

A pattern I've never seen before.

- It's the Genesis Wave!
- What?

They're on a build-up to detonation!

[ "Biography":"Red Baron: Master of the Air" is product of racketeering and criminal enterprise to pirate my secret identity which has tremendous commercial value. ]

From 11/2/1975 ( date hijacked from me:I launched from Earth by myself to intercept Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) To 6/12/1995 ( premiere TV episode "Biography":"Red Baron: Master of the Air" ) is 7162 days

From 3/24/1956 ( Steve Ballmer is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) To 11/2/1975 ( date hijacked from me:I launched from Earth by myself to intercept Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) is 7162 days

From 5/1/1973 ( date hijacked from me:my graduation from University of Oxford includes law degree ) to 6/12/1995 ( premiere TV episode "Biography":"Red Baron: Master of the Air" ) is: 8077 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) to 4/14/1981 ( date hijacked from me:I was the commander aboard the STS-1 Columbia spacecraft ) is: 8077 days

From 7/2/1976 ( date hijacked from me:I intercepted the comet in the outer solar system and set to work at diverting it ) to 6/12/1995 ( premiere TV episode "Biography":"Red Baron: Master of the Air" ) is: 6919 days

6919 = 1 + 3459 + 3459

'34-59' ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK )

"Biography" Red Baron: Master of the Air (1995)

Original Air Date: 12 June 1995

Randy 'Duke' Cunningham ... Himself

From 1/13/2000 ( Steve Ballmer is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) to 9/11/2001 ( New York City and Pentagon attacked with massive fatalities and destruction ) is: 607 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife and New York City resident ) to 3/14/1965 ( date hijacked from me:I am active duty Central Intelligence Agency officer ) is: 607 days

From 5/12/1965 ( date hijacked from me:I am active duty U.S. Navy aviator ) to 1/13/2000 ( Steve Ballmer is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is: 12664 days

12664 = 6332 + 6332

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) to 7/4/1976 ( date hijacked from me:I successfully diverted Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) is: 6332 days

From 4/20/1972 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 16 Orion astronaut landing on Earth's moon ) to 1/13/2000 ( Steve Ballmer is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is: 10129 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birthdate US ) to 11/25/1986 ( funeral service for me and my Missing In Action status in Africa changed to Killed In Action ) is: 10129 days

From 3/30/1981 ( U.S. President Ronald Reagan shot and wounded in near-fatal assassination attempt ) to 1/13/2000 ( Steve Ballmer is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is: 6863 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 4/30/1982 ( date hijacked from me:my graduation and commissioning U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1982 ) is: 6863 days

From 11/15/1966 ( date hijacked from me:Gemini 12 spacecraft splashdown and I was Gemini 12 spacecraft astronaut ) to 1/13/2000 ( Steve Ballmer is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 33 years, 59 days

'33-59' ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US )

From 4/15/1986 ( Operation El Dorado Canyon and I escape into the desert to roam lost in severe conditions for 13 months with serious physical injuries ) to 1/13/2000 ( Steve Ballmer is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is: 5021 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 4/14/1977 ( date hijacked from me:I returned to Earth after successfully diverting the comet in the outer solar system ) is: 5021 days

Thursday, January 13, 2000

Gates relinquishes CEO title

By Paul Andrews

Special to The Seattle Times

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates today said he was relinquishing the mantle of chief executive officer, turning over management of the world's most highly valued company to his No. 2, Steve Ballmer.

[ Steve Ballmer is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ]

Flight of the Intruder

Now, this matter
of the phantom shitter.

Now, I know it's a phenomenon

that occurs on a
carrier in combat

that goes back
to World War II,

but this has gotten
out of hand.

Last night, the
phantom left a note

saying he would strike,

[ Steve Ballmer is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ]

From 7/21/1969 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 11 Eagle astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) to 6/11/1980 ( Steve Ballmer leader at Microsoft Corporation a violent criminal enterprise and instigator of insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is: 3978 days

3978 = 1989 + 1989

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 12/25/1968 ( date hijacked from me: I was Apollo 8 spacecraft astronaut in orbit of Earth's moon ) is: 1989 days

From 6/18/1976 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Midway" ) to 6/11/1980 ( Steve Ballmer leader at Microsoft Corporation a violent criminal enterprise and instigator of insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 3 years, 359 days

'33-59' ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US )

Steve Ballmer

He then worked for two years as an assistant product manager at Procter & Gamble, where he shared an office with Jeffrey R. Immelt, the current CEO of General Electric. In 1980, he dropped out from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business.

Ballmer joined Microsoft on June 11, 1980.

Key Events in Microsoft History

June 11. Steve Ballmer joins Microsoft.


An American infantryman in World War I.

From 3/24/1956 ( Steve Ballmer is a violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) to 7/23/1973 ( date hijacked from me:I passed the Multistate Bar Examination ) is: 6330 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) to 7/2/1976 ( date hijacked from me:I intercepted Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system and set to work at diverting it ) is: 6330 days

From 3/24/1956 ( Steve Ballmer is a violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) to 4/21/1972 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 16 Orion astronaut walking on the Earth's moon ) is: 5872 days

5872 = 2936 + 2936

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 7/30/1971 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 15 Falcon astronaut landing on Earth's moon ) is: 2936 days

From 4/21/1926 ( date hijacked from me:Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II ) to 3/24/1956 ( Steve Ballmer is a violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is 3 days, 359 months

'33-59' ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US )

Steve Ballmer
AKA Steven Anthony Ballmer

Born: 24-Mar-1956

Birthplace: Detroit, MI

Microsoft CEO (2003-)

Microsoft President (1998-)

Procter & Gamble Manager (two years)

Malignant narcissism

Otto Kernberg described malignant narcissism as a syndrome characterized by a narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), antisocial features, paranoid traits, and ego-syntonic aggression. An absence of conscience, a psychological need for power, and a sense of importance (grandiosity)are often symptomatic of Malignant Narcissism. Pollock wrote: "The malignant narcissist is presented as pathologically grandiose, lacking in conscience and behavioral regulation with characteristic demonstrations of joyful cruelty and sadism." Kernberg claimed that malignant narcissism should be considered part of a spectrum of pathological narcissism, which he saw as ranging from the Cleckley's antisocial character (today's psychopath) at the high end of severity, to malignant narcissism, to NPD at the low end.

Kernberg wrote that malignant narcissism can be differentiated from psychopathy because of the malignant narcissists' capacity to internalize "both aggressive and idealized superego precursors, leading to the idealization of the aggressive, sadistic features of the pathological grandiose self of these patients." According to Kernberg, the psychopaths' paranoid stance against external influences makes them unwilling to internalize even the values of the "aggressor," while malignant narcissists "have the capacity to admire powerful people, and can depend on sadistic and powerful but reliable parental images." Malignant narcissists, in contrast to psychopaths, are also said to be capable of developing "some identification with other powerful idealized figures as part of a cohesive 'gang' ... which permits at least some loyalty and good object relations to be internalized."

Copyright infringement

'Copyright infringement' (or copyright violation) is the unauthorized use of material that is covered by copyright law, in a manner that violates one of the copyright owner's exclusive rights, such as the right to reproduce or perform the copyrighted work, or to make derivative works.

First element: establishing ownership of a valid copyright

A plaintiff establishes ownership by authorship (by the plaintiff itself or by one who assigned rights to the plaintiff) of (1) an original work of authorship that is (2) fixed in a tangible medium (e.g. a book or musical recording). Registration is not required for copyright itself, but in most cases is a jurisdictional requirement to bring the suit. Registration is also useful because it gives rise to the presumption of a valid copyright, and eliminates the innocent infringement defense, and (if timely made) it allows the plaintiff to elect statutory damages, and be eligible for a possible award of attorney fees.

Works that are not sufficiently original, or which constitute facts, a method or process cannot enjoy copy protection.. U.S. Courts do not recognize the "sweat of the brow" doctrine, which originally allowed protection for those who labored to collect and organize facts. To combat this, business which assemble databases of information have relied on contract law where copyright law offers no protection. For a work to be original, it must possess a "modicum of creativity", which is a "low threshold" although some creativity must exist.

Copyright protects the fixed expression of ideas, but not the ideas themselves. (Ideas are protected by patents). Nevertheless, an expression must exist in a fixed tangible medium. A movie script writer who discusses a plot idea which has not yet been written would not be protected if another heard his idea and wrote a screenplay himself. Whether RAM constitutes a "fixed medium" is a contentious issue in copyright litigation because of the transitory nature of RAM.

Second element: establishing actual copying

A plaintiff establishes actual copying with direct or indirect evidence. Direct evidence is satisfied either by a defendant's admission to copying or the testimony of witnesses who observed the defendant in the act. More commonly, a plaintiff relies on circumstantial or indirect evidence. A court will infer copying by a showing of a "striking similarity" between the copyrighted work and the alleged copy, along with a showing of both access and use of that access. A plaintiff may establish access by proof of distribution over a large geographical area, or by eyewitness testimony that the defendant owned a copy of the protected work. Access alone is not sufficient to establish infringement. The plaintiff must show a similarity between the two works, and the degree of similarity will affect the probability that illicit copying in fact occurred in the court's eyes. Even then, the plaintiff must show that the copying amounted to improper appropriation.
Indeed, the US Supreme Court has held that not all copying constitutes infringement and a showing of misappropriation is necessary.

Third element: establishing misappropriation

A copyrighted work may contain elements which are not copyrightable, such as facts, ideas, themes, or content in the public domain. A plaintiff alleging misappropriation must first demonstrate that what the defendant appropriated from the copyrighted work was protectible. Second, a plaintiff must show that the intended audience will recognize substantial similarities between the two works. The intended audience may be the general public, or a specialized field. The degree of similarity necessary for a court to find misappropriation is not easily defined. Indeed, "the test for infringement of a copyright is of necessity vague." Two methods are used to determine if unlawful appropriation has occurred: the subtractive method and the totality method.

The subtractive method, also known as the "abstraction/subtraction approach" seeks to analyze what parts of a copyrighted work are protectible and which are not. The unprotected elements are subtracted and the fact finder then determines whether substantial similarities exist in the protectible expression which remains. For instance, if the copyright holder for West Side Story alleged infringement, the elements of that musical borrowed from Romeo and Juliet would be subtracted before comparing it to the allegedly infringing work because Romeo and Juliet exists in the public domain.

The totality method, also known as the "total concept and feel" approach takes the work as a whole with all elements included when determining if a substantial similarity exists. The individual elements of the alleged infringing work may by themselves be substantially different from their corresponding part in the copyrighted work, but nevertheless taken together be a clear misappropriation of copyrightable material.

From 10/26/1984 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "The Terminator" ) To 5/9/1985 ( I was the pilot of U.S. Navy F-14 Tomcat fighter jet that is attacked by hostile forces and my RIO is killed by the enemy fire ) is 195 days

From 5/9/1985 ( I was the pilot of U.S. Navy F-14 Tomcat fighter jet that is attacked by hostile forces and my RIO is killed by the enemy fire ) To 11/20/1985 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 195 days

From 3/13/1978 ( date hijacked from me:U.S. Department of the Army Order 31-3 General Of The Armies of the United States applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) to 11/20/1985 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is: 2809 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) to 11/11/1966 ( date hijacked from me:I was Gemini 12 spacecraft astronaut ) is: 2809 days

From 12/24/1968 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 8 astronaut in orbit of Earth's moon ) to 11/20/1985 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is: 6175 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 6/11/1980 ( cowardly violent Steve Ballmer leader at Microsoft Corporation a violent criminal enterprise and instigator of insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is: 6175 days


November 20 - Microsoft Corporation releases the first version of Windows, Windows 1.0.

Back in 1985, Microsoft had still a long way to go till the Windows Vista Wow. In fact, the company has announced the shipping of Windows 1.0 on November 20, 1985. But to really grasp the context of the Windows 1.0 launch you have to watch the video embedded at the bottom. It features the current CEO of Microsoft, Steve Ballmer telemarketing Windows 1.0.

Windows 1.0

Windows 1.0 is a 16-bit graphical operating environment released on November 20, 1985. It was Microsoft's first attempt to implement a multi-tasking graphical user interface-based operating environment on the PC platform. Windows 1.0 was the very first version of Windows launched

Key Events in Microsoft History


November 20. Microsoft ships the retail version of Microsoft Windows.

Maiden flight 30 August 1969

Introduction 1972

The Tupolev Tu-22M (NATO reporting name "Backfire") is a supersonic, swing-wing, long-range strategic and maritime strike bomber developed by the Soviet Union.

The first major production version, entering production 1972, was the Tu-22M2 ('Backfire-B'), with longer wings and an extensively redesigned, area ruled fuselage (raising the crew complement to four), twin NK-22 engines with F-4 Phantom II-style intakes, and new undercarriage carrying the landing gear in the wing glove rather than in large pods. These were most commonly armed with long-range cruise missiles/anti-ship missiles, typically one or two AS-4 'Kitchen' anti-shipping missiles.

Bombs and missiles: external wing and fuselage pylons and an internal weapons bay for 21,000 kg (46,300 lb) of disposable ordnance

From 1× up to 3× Raduga Kh-22 or Raduga KSR-5 missiles in weapons bay and on wing pylons or

1× internal rotary launcher for six Raduga Kh-15 short-range nuclear missiles plus two more Kh-15 or Kh-27 on each wing pylon

Various freefall bombs. 69× FAB-250 or 8× FAB-1500 as typical arnament.




Sec. 2381. Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

[ Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government with all Microsoft employees, lawyers and managers of any capacity as criminal accomplices ]

Top Gun

- Are we expecting visitors?
- Negative, sir.

- Merlin, see if he's a single.
- Roger.

Do you see a trailer?.
Looks like he's a single.

- I'm gonna go head-to-head with him.
- Take it easy. I'll see if he's really alone.

- He's coming right at us, Mav.
- Okay, buddy. What's on your mind?

- Shit, there's two of them. MiG-28s!

[ MiG-28s. No one's been this close before ] DVD

- [ What the hell are they doing here? What's the position? ] DVD

- 250 miles out, sir.
- Get them out of here!

Cougar, you've got MiG one.
I'm going after MiG two.

I lost him in the sun! Shit, what's
he doing? You got him, Merlin?

He's coming around on our tail!

Goddamn it. This bogey's all over me.

What's their range now?. If they break
150 miles, launch the alert five aircraft.


An artist's concept of a Soviet MiG-29 Fulcrum all-weather, fighter-interceptor aircraft with AA-10 missiles (foreground) and a TU-22M Backfire-B bomber aircraft in-flight.

Photographer's Name: Unknown

Date Shot: 5/1/1985

Date Posted:
Location: UNKNOWN


An air-to-air left side view of three Fighter Squadron 143 (VF-143) F-14A Tomcat aircraft as they intercept and escort a Soviet Bear reconnaissance aircraft. The Soviet aircraft was in the area to observe the operations of the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (CVN-69).

Photographer's Name: Unknown

Date Shot: 10/1/1982

Date Posted:

The President's News Conference

May 10th, 1985

The Preident's Trip to Europe

The President. Ladies and gentlemen, I wanted to share with you this morning some of the more significant results of this trip and to take a few of your questions before we leave for home.

The journey to Europe has involved many highs and, yes, some anguishing moments. It took us to one of Europe's youngest capitals and two of its oldest and to a city which symbolizes the continuing quest for European unity. And at every stop I emphasized that our European friends can count on the United States to be their partner, to help them grow, to support their democratic aspirations, and to stand with them to protect the peace.

We are leaving today with our Atlantic ties strengthened, and we're returning home mission accomplished.

Note: The President's 30th news conference began at 9:40 a.m. at Queluz Palace in Lisbon, Portugal. Michael K. Deaver was Deputy Chief of Staff and Assistant to the President. Following the news conference, the President returned to Washington, D.C.

080520-N-4009P-111 PACIFIC OCEAN (May 20, 2008) Michael Reagan, right, son of the U.S. President Ronald Reagan, photographs an approaching F/A-18C Hornet assigned to the "Fist of the Fleet" of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 25 aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76). Reagan was flown aboard Ronald Reagan for a tour of the ship on the first day of its 2008 deployment. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Joe Painter (Released)


[ Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government with all Microsoft employees, lawyers and managers of any capacity as criminal accomplices ]

From 10/26/1984 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "The Terminator" ) To 5/9/1985 ( I was the pilot of U.S. Navy F-14 Tomcat fighter jet that is attacked by hostile forces and my RIO is killed by the enemy fire ) is 195 days

From 5/9/1985 ( I was the pilot of U.S. Navy F-14 Tomcat fighter jet that is attacked by hostile forces and my RIO is killed by the enemy fire ) To 11/20/1985 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 195 days

From 3/13/1978 ( date hijacked from me:U.S. Department of the Army Order 31-3 General Of The Armies of the United States applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) to 11/20/1985 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is: 2809 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) to 11/11/1966 ( date hijacked from me:I was Gemini 12 spacecraft astronaut ) is: 2809 days

From 12/24/1968 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 8 astronaut in orbit of Earth's moon ) to 11/20/1985 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is: 6175 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 6/11/1980 ( cowardly violent Steve Ballmer leader at Microsoft Corporation a violent criminal enterprise and instigator of insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is: 6175 days


November 20 - Microsoft Corporation releases the first version of Windows, Windows 1.0.

Back in 1985, Microsoft had still a long way to go till the Windows Vista Wow. In fact, the company has announced the shipping of Windows 1.0 on November 20, 1985. But to really grasp the context of the Windows 1.0 launch you have to watch the video embedded at the bottom. It features the current CEO of Microsoft, Steve Ballmer telemarketing Windows 1.0.

Windows 1.0

Windows 1.0 is a 16-bit graphical operating environment released on November 20, 1985. It was Microsoft's first attempt to implement a multi-tasking graphical user interface-based operating environment on the PC platform. Windows 1.0 was the very first version of Windows launched

Key Events in Microsoft History


November 20. Microsoft ships the retail version of Microsoft Windows.

From 1/31/1964 ( date hijacked from me:I was Innsbruck Olympics gold medalist on this day ) To 2/26/1986 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 8062 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 3/30/1981 ( U.S. President Ronald Reagan shot and wounded in near-fatal assassination attempt ) is 8062 days

From 12/3/1976 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Rocky" ) To 7/16/1981 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) is 1686 days

From 7/16/1981 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 2/26/1986 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 1686 days

Key Events in Microsoft History


February 26. Microsoft moves to a new corporate campus in Redmond, WA.

[ Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government with all Microsoft employees, lawyers and managers of any capacity as criminal accomplices ]

Memorable quotes for

Moonraker (1979)

Hugo Drax: Mr. Bond, you persist in defying my efforts to provide an amusing death for you.

From 2/14/1986 ( I was Prisoner of War in Libya ) to 12/9/2001 is 15 years, 9 months, 3 weeks, 4 days

'1-59-34' ( my birth date UK )

The Day Reagan Was Shot (2001) (TV)

Release Date: 9 December 2001 (USA)

Richard Crenna ... Ronald Reagan

Excerpt from copy of book, "The Reagan Diaries": 1986 Wednesday, February 19

Watched two short films - one on my unfavorite actor, Quadafy & one on how C.I.A. officers are made. [...]

Publication date May 22, 2007

The Reagan Diaries is an edited version of diaries written by President Ronald Reagan while in the White House.


Being made (or read) is having one's real identity detected. This applies to undercover law enforcement officers (by criminal targets)


Central Intelligence Agency: the U.S. federal agency that coordinates governmental intelligence activities outside the United States.

Address to the Nation on National Security

February 26, 1986

One cannot sit in this office reviewing intelligence on the military threat we face, making decisions from arms control to Libya to the Philippines, without having that concern for America's security weigh constantly on your mind. We know that peace is the condition under which mankind was meant to flourish. Yet peace does not exist of its own will. It depends on us, on our courage to build it and guard it and pass it on to future generations. George Washington's words may seem hard and cold today, but history has proven him right again and again. ``To be prepared for war,'' he said, ``is one of the most effective means of preserving peace.'' Well, to those who think strength provokes conflict, Will Rogers had his own answer. He said of the world heavyweight champion of his day: ``I've never seen anyone insult Jack Dempsey.''

[ Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government with all Microsoft employees, lawyers and managers of any capacity as criminal accomplices ]

From 1/31/1964 ( date hijacked from me:I was Innsbruck Olympics gold medalist on this day ) To 2/26/1986 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 8062 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 3/30/1981 ( U.S. President Ronald Reagan shot and wounded in near-fatal assassination attempt ) is 8062 days

From 12/3/1976 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Rocky" ) To 7/16/1981 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) is 1686 days

From 7/16/1981 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 2/26/1986 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 1686 days

Key Events in Microsoft History


February 26. Microsoft moves to a new corporate campus in Redmond, WA.

[ Racketeering Mob Organization Microsoft actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government with all Microsoft employees, lawyers and managers of any capacity as criminal accomplices ]


It shall be unlawful for any person who has received any income derived, directly or indirectly, from a pattern of racketeering activity or through collection of an unlawful debt in which such person has participated as a principal within the meaning of section 2, title 18, United States Code, to use or invest, directly or indirectly, any part of such income, or the proceeds of such income, in acquisition of any interest in, or the establishment or operation of, any enterprise which is engaged in, or the activities of which affect, interstate or foreign commerce.

§ 1963. Criminal penalties

Whoever violates any provision of section 1962 of this chapter shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years (or for life if the violation is based on a racketeering activity for which the maximum penalty includes life imprisonment), or both, and shall forfeit to the United States, irrespective of any provision of State law—

(1) any interest the person has acquired or maintained in violation of section 1962;

(2) any—

(A) interest in;

(B) security of;

(C) claim against; or

(D) property or contractual right of any kind affording a source of influence over; any enterprise which the person has established, operated, controlled, conducted, or participated in the conduct of, in violation of section 1962; and

(3) any property constituting, or derived from, any proceeds which the person obtained, directly or indirectly, from racketeering activity or unlawful debt collection in violation of section 1962.

[ Racketeering Mob Organization Leader Steve Ballmer actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government with all Steve Ballmer & Microsoft employees, lawyers and managers of any capacity as criminal accomplices ]

Steve Ballmer

He then worked for two years as an assistant product manager at Procter & Gamble, where he shared an office with Jeffrey R. Immelt, the current CEO of General Electric. In 1980, he dropped out from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business.

Ballmer joined Microsoft on June 11, 1980.

From 2/19/1956 ( Jeffrey R. Immelt ) To 11/26/1976 ( date hijacked from me:my first landing Jupiter moon Callisto ) is 7586 days

7586 = 3793 + 3793

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 7/21/1969 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 11 Eagle astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) is 3793 days

From 2/19/1956 ( Jeffrey R. Immelt ) To 8/13/1982 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US films "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" starring my wife, "An Officer And A Gentleman" starring Debra Winger, "Pink Floyd The Wall" ) is 9672 days

9672 = 4836 + 4836

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 10/11/1976 ( date hijacked from me:U.S. Department of the Army Order 31-3 General Of The Armies of the United States applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) is 4836 days

From 2/19/1956 ( Jeffrey R. Immelt ) To 6/25/1986 ( Proclamation 5506—National Homelessness Awareness Week, 1986 ) is 11084 days

11084 = 5542 + 5542

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 9/17/1978 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US TV series "Battlestar Galactica" includes central figures "Apollo" and "Starbuck" as fighter pilots in space ) is 5542 days

Jeffrey R. Immelt

Robert Immelt (born February 19, 1956, Cincinnati, OH) is the current chairman of the board and chief executive officer of the U.S. based conglomerate General Electric. He was selected by GE's Board of Directors in 2000 to replace John Francis Welch Jr. (Jack Welch) following his retirement. Previously, Immelt had headed up GE's Medical Systems division (now known as GE Healthcare) as its President and CEO.

Jeffrey R. Immelt

Born: 19-Feb-1956

Executive summary: CEO of General Electric

General Electric CEO (2001-)
General Electric President (2000-01)

From 6/18/1976 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Midway" ) To 11/1/1999 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Leaders Jack Welch & Jeffrey Immelt actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 8536 days

8536 = 4268 + 4268

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 11/8/1970 ( date hijacked from me:my first ascent to Mount Everest summit ) is 4268 days

From 6/2/1978 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Capricorn One" ) To 11/1/1999 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Leaders Jack Welch & Jeffrey Immelt actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 7822 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 12/14/1984 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Starman" ) is 7822 days

From 3/30/1981 ( U.S. President Ronald Wilson Reagan shot and wounded in near-fatal assassination attempt ) To 11/1/1999 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Leaders Jack Welch & Jeffrey Immelt actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 6790 days

6790 = 3395 + 3395

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 6/19/1968 ( date hijacked from me:my 1st Medal of Honor and I am U.S. military fighter jet ace during Vietnam War ) is 3395 days

From 11/19/1969 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 12 Intrepid astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) to 11/1/1999 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Leaders Jack Welch & Jeffrey Immelt actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 13 days, 359 months

'1-33-59' ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US )


Published: November 3, 1999

Everyone knew it was coming, but now they know when: John F. Welch Jr., the chairman of General Electric, will retire after the company's annual meeting in April 2001.

Mr. Welch, who announced the date on CNBC on Monday evening

Still, although no one will say so for the record, the odds-on favorite is Jeffrey R. Immelt, head of GE Medical Systems. Mr. Welch has often said he thinks chief executives should stay for 10, even 20 years, to live with the results of their long-term decisions. At 43, Mr. Immelt could conceivably serve as long as Mr. Welch has.

From 1/21/1953 ( EMP owner Paul Gardner Allen is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) To 12/15/1980 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Leader Jack Welch actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 10190 days

10190 = 5095 + 5095

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 2/12/1973 ( date hijacked from me:Operation Homecoming begins and I was the lead C-141A pilot transporting home the American POW's ) is 5095 days

From 10/28/1955 ( Bill Gates is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) To 12/15/1980 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Leader Jack Welch actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 9180 days

9180 = 4590 + 4590

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 2/8/1976 ( premiere US film "Taxi Driver" ) is 4590 days

From 7/6/1946 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) to 12/15/1980 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Leader Jack Welch actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 34 years, 5 months, 9 days

'34-59' ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK )

Jack Welch: My Personal History

19. Airplane interview

And on December 15, 1980, Reg came into my office to embrace me. Reg told me that he had recommended me for the job and the board unanimously supported it. He explained that Hood and Burlingame would stay as my vice chairmen and that he would spend the next three months to help me through the transition until I officially took over on April 1.

[ Racketeering Mob Organization Leader Jack Welch actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ]

Operation Homecoming

Operation Homecoming was a series of diplomatic negotiations that in January 1973 made possible the return of 591 American prisoners of war held by North Vietnam. On Feb. 12, 1973, three C-141A transports flew to Hanoi, North Vietnam, and one C-9A aircraft was sent to Saigon, South Vietnam to pick up released prisoners of war. The first flight of 40 U.S. prisoners of war left Hanoi in a C-141A, later known as the "Hanoi Taxi" and now in a museum. From February 12 to April 4, there were 54 C-141 missions flying out of Hanoi, bringing the former POWs home.

Hanoi Taxi

Hanoi Taxi is a Lockheed C-141 Starlifter strategic airlift aircraft (serial number 66-0177) that was in service with the United States Air Force and became famous for bringing back the first returned prisoners of war in Operation Homecoming.

[ Racketeering Mob Organization Leader Jack Welch actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ]

From 1/21/1953 ( EMP owner Paul Gardner Allen is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) To 12/15/1980 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Leader Jack Welch actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 10190 days

10190 = 5095 + 5095

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 2/12/1973 ( date hijacked from me:Operation Homecoming begins and I was the lead C-141A pilot transporting home the American POW's ) is 5095 days

From 10/28/1955 ( Bill Gates is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) To 12/15/1980 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Leader Jack Welch actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 9180 days

9180 = 4590 + 4590

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 2/8/1976 ( premiere US film "Taxi Driver" ) is 4590 days

From 7/6/1946 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) to 12/15/1980 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Leader Jack Welch actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 34 years, 5 months, 9 days

'34-59' ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK )

Jack Welch: My Personal History

19. Airplane interview

And on December 15, 1980, Reg came into my office to embrace me. Reg told me that he had recommended me for the job and the board unanimously supported it. He explained that Hood and Burlingame would stay as my vice chairmen and that he would spend the next three months to help me through the transition until I officially took over on April 1.

From 2/6/1964 ( date hijacked from me:I was Olympic gold medalist at Innsbruck Olympics again on this day ) to 11/5/1977 ( Laura Welch & permanent retard George W. Bush wedding is an activity of criminal enterprise and insurrection against the U.S. federal government ) is: 5021 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 4/14/1977 ( date hijacked from me:I returned to Earth after successfully diverting the comet in the outer solar system ) is: 5021 days

Laura Bush

Laura Lane Welch Bush (born November 4, 1946) is the wife of the forty-third and current President of the United States George W. Bush and is thereby the First Lady of the United States.

Laura Welch met George W. Bush in 1977 at a backyard barbecue at the home of mutual friends. After a three-month courtship, she married him on November 5 of that year

From 11/4/1946 ( former debutante Laura Bush, current sham wife of former gay male stripper George W. Bush ) to 2/9/1964 ( date hijacked from me:I was multiple Olympic gold medalist during Innsbruck Olympics ) is: 6306 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) to 6/7/1976 ( date hijacked from me:my first landing Saturn moon Phoebe and the Saturn moon Phoebe territory belongs to me ) is: 6306 days

Laura Bush

Laura Lane Welch Bush (born November 4, 1946) is the wife of the forty-third and current President of the United States George W. Bush and is thereby the First Lady of the United States.

Laura Welch met George W. Bush in 1977 at a backyard barbecue at the home of mutual friends. After a three-month courtship, she married him on November 5 of that year

From 1/21/1953 ( EMP owner Paul Gardner Allen is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) to 5/1/1979 ( George Bush providing material support to coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) is: 9596 days

9596 = 4798 + 4798

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) to 4/21/1972 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 16 Orion astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) is: 4798 days

From 2/5/1971 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 14 Antares command astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) to 5/1/1979 ( George Bush providing material support to coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) is: 3007 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) to 10/9/1971 ( date hijacked from me:I am board-certified surgeon as Dr. Thomas Reagan, M.D. ) is: 3007 days

By George Lardner Jr. and Lois Romano

Washington Post Staff Writers

Friday, July 30, 1999; Page A1

Jonathan Bush said he offered to help. He'd been busy raising money as a one-man show for his brother George's presidential explorations under the name of the Fund for Limited Government and then became national finance co-chairman when the older Bush announced his candidacy on May 1, 1979. Not surprisingly, some of the father's contributors also wound up on Bush's list of investors.

From 2/4/1947 ( James Danforth "Dan" Quayle actively supports coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) to 1/21/1953 ( EMP owner Paul Gardner Allen is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) is: 2178 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) to 2/17/1965 ( date hijacked from me:I am active duty U.S. Navy SEAL ) is: 2178 days

From 2/4/1947 ( James Danforth "Dan" Quayle actively supports coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) to 3/24/1956 ( Steve Ballmer is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government ) is: 3336 days

From 3/24/1956 ( Steve Ballmer is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government ) to 5/12/1965 ( date hijacked from me:I am active duty U.S. Navy aviator ) is: 3336 days

From 2/4/1947 ( James Danforth "Dan" Quayle actively supports coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government by foreign power ) to 12/24/1968 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 8 astronaut in orbit of Earth's moon ) is: 7994 days

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) to 1/20/1981 ( date hijacked from me:Ronald Wilson Reagan in office as President of United States of America ) is: 7994 days

Dan Quayle

James Danforth "Dan" Quayle (born February 4, 1947) was the forty-fourth Vice President of the United States under George H. W. Bush (1989–1993).

Quayle is the only vice president (without having become president) to have a museum, The Dan Quayle Center and Museum in Huntington, Indiana.

From 1/21/1953 ( EMP owner Paul Gardner Allen is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) To 12/15/1980 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Leader Jack Welch actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 10190 days

10190 = 5095 + 5095

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 2/12/1973 ( date hijacked from me:Operation Homecoming begins and I was the lead C-141A pilot transporting home the American POW's ) is 5095 days

From 10/28/1955 ( Bill Gates is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) To 12/15/1980 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Leader Jack Welch actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 9180 days

9180 = 4590 + 4590

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 2/8/1976 ( premiere US film "Taxi Driver" ) is 4590 days

From 7/6/1946 ( George Bush is a cowardly violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) to 12/15/1980 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Leader Jack Welch actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 34 years, 5 months, 9 days

'34-59' ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK )

Jack Welch: My Personal History

19. Airplane interview

And on December 15, 1980, Reg came into my office to embrace me. Reg told me that he had recommended me for the job and the board unanimously supported it. He explained that Hood and Burlingame would stay as my vice chairmen and that he would spend the next three months to help me through the transition until I officially took over on April 1.

From 4/21/1926 ( date hijacked from me:my paternal grandmother Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II ) To 11/19/1935 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Leader Jack Welch actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) is 3499 days

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 2/12/1973 ( date hijacked from me:Operation Homecoming begins and I was the lead C-141A pilot transporting home the American POW's ) is 3499 days

From 11/19/1935 ( Racketeering Mob Organization Leader Jack Welch actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government ) To 3/14/1965 ( ) is 10708 days

10708 = 5354 + 5354

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 3/13/1978 ( date hijacked from me:U.S. Department of the Army Order 31-3 General Of The Armies of the United States applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) is 5354 days

Jack Welch

AKA John Francis Welch, Jr.

Born: 19-Nov-1935

Executive summary: CEO of GE, 1981-2001

Malignant narcissism

Otto Kernberg described malignant narcissism as a syndrome characterized by a narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), antisocial features, paranoid traits, and ego-syntonic aggression. An absence of conscience, a psychological need for power, and a sense of importance (grandiosity)are often symptomatic of Malignant Narcissism. Pollock wrote: "The malignant narcissist is presented as pathologically grandiose, lacking in conscience and behavioral regulation with characteristic demonstrations of joyful cruelty and sadism." Kernberg claimed that malignant narcissism should be considered part of a spectrum of pathological narcissism, which he saw as ranging from the Cleckley's antisocial character (today's psychopath) at the high end of severity, to malignant narcissism, to NPD at the low end.

Kernberg wrote that malignant narcissism can be differentiated from psychopathy because of the malignant narcissists' capacity to internalize "both aggressive and idealized superego precursors, leading to the idealization of the aggressive, sadistic features of the pathological grandiose self of these patients." According to Kernberg, the psychopaths' paranoid stance against external influences makes them unwilling to internalize even the values of the "aggressor," while malignant narcissists "have the capacity to admire powerful people, and can depend on sadistic and powerful but reliable parental images." Malignant narcissists, in contrast to psychopaths, are also said to be capable of developing "some identification with other powerful idealized figures as part of a cohesive 'gang' ... which permits at least some loyalty and good object relations to be internalized."

Organized crime

Organized crime or criminal organizations are groups or operations run by criminals, most commonly for the purpose of generating a monetary profit. The Organized Crime Control Act (U.S., 1970) defines organized crime as "The unlawful activities of ... a highly organized, disciplined association...".

Some criminal organizations, such as terrorist organizations, are politically motivated. Gangs sometimes become "disciplined" enough to be considered "organized". An organized gang or criminal set can also be referred to as a mob. The act of engaging in criminal activity as a structured group is referred to in the United States as racketeering. In the U.S., organized crime is often prosecuted federally under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), Statute (18 U.S.C. Part I Chapter 96 §§ 1961-1968).

"Piracy and banditry were to the pre-industrial world what organized crime is to modern society" (Paul Lunde, Organized Crime, 2004). Today, crime is thought of as an urban phenomenon, but for most of human history it was the rural world that was crime-ridden. Pirates and bandits attacked trade routes, at times severely disrupting commerce, raising costs, insurance rates and prices to the consumer.

Organized crime is deeply linked to the moral problem of integrating barbarian energy into civilized state building. The early Christian world was dubious about the legitimacy of nation-states. St. Augustine famously defined them as what would now be called kleptocracies, states founded on theft: "If justice be disregarded, what are states but large bandit bands, and what are bandit bands but small states?" (De Civ. Dei iv, 4).

Another use of the term "criminal organization" exists in human rights law and refers to an organization which has been found guilty of crimes against humanity. Once an organization has been determined to be a criminal organization, one must only demonstrate that an individual belonged to that organization to be punished and not that the individual actually individually committed illegal acts.[citation needed]

This concept of the criminal organization came into being during the Nuremberg Trials.

From 11/29/1959 ( Rahm Emanuel actively instigates coup d'etat and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government and as convicted is a pending U.S. federal prisoner ) To 8/3/1994 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Clear and Present Danger" ) is 12666 days

12666 = 6333 + 6333

From 3/3/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date US ) To 7/4/1976 ( date hijacked from me:I successfully diverted Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) is 6333 days

From 8/5/1930 ( date hijacked from me:NASA Apollo 11 Eagle astronaut Neil Armstrong ) To 11/29/1959 ( Rahm Emanuel actively instigates coup d'etat and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government and as convicted is a pending U.S. federal prisoner ) is 10708 days

10708 = 5354 + 5354

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 3/13/1978 ( date hijacked from me:U.S. Department of the Army Order 31-3 General Of The Armies of the United States applies to me personally and professionally as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) is 5354 days

From 11/29/1959 ( Rahm Emanuel actively instigates coup d'etat and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government and as convicted is a pending U.S. federal prisoner ) To 4/16/1970 ( planned lunar landing date for Apollo 13 and I was commander of the Apollo 13 spacecraft ) is 3791 days

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 7/20/1969 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 11 Eagle astronaut landing on Earth's moon ) is 3791 days

EMANUEL, Rahm, (1959 - )

EMANUEL, Rahm, a Representative from Illinois; born in Chicago, Cook County, Ill., on November 29, 1959

felony murder doctrine

a rule of criminal statutes that any death which occurs during the commission of a felony is first degree murder, and all participants in that felony or attempted felony can be charged with and found guilty of murder. A typical example is a robbery involving more than one criminal, in which one of them shoots, beats to death or runs over a store clerk, killing the clerk. Even if the death were accidental, all of the participants can be found guilty of felony murder, including those who did no harm, had no gun, and/or did not intend to hurt anyone.

Felony Murder Doctrine

The felony murder rule is a legal doctrine current in some common law countries that broadens the crime of murder in two ways. First, when a victim dies accidentally or without specific intent in the course of an applicable felony, it increases what might have been manslaughter (or even a simple tort) to murder. Second, it makes any participant in such a felony criminally responsible for any deaths that occur during or in furtherance of that felony.

From 12/25/1968 ( date hijacked from me:I was Apollo 8 spacecraft astronaut in orbit of Earth's moon ) To 10/2/2002 ( Barack Hussein Obama is a violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government ) is 12334 days

12334 = 6167 + 6167

From 3/4/1959 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date UK ) To 1/21/1976 ( date hijacked from me:my first landing on planet Mars and my documented and lawful exclusive claim to the territory of planet Mars ) is 6167 days

From 6/2/1978 ( date hijacked from me:premiere US film "Capricorn One" ) To 10/2/2002 ( Barack Hussein Obama is a violent criminal and enemy combatant against the U.S. federal government ) is 8888 days

8888 = 4444 + 4444

From 7/16/1963 ( another threat sent to me against my wife ) To 9/15/1975 ( date hijacked from me:Pink Floyd "Wish You Were Here" including "Have A Cigar" ) is 4444 days

The Boston Globe

By Scott Helman, Globe Staff | October 12, 2007

The second in a series of occasional articles examining the 2008 candidates for president.

Days later, on Oct. 2, 2002, Obama made one of the most important speeches of his political life. Invited to address a hastily organized protest of President Bush's war plans for Iraq, Obama told hundreds of people in Federal Plaza in downtown Chicago that invading would be a big mistake.

"I am not opposed to all wars," Obama said. "I'm opposed to dumb wars."

That fall, Obama had not yet announced his Senate campaign but began lining up friends, supporters, and donors. He signed up David Axelrod, a well-respected Chicago political strategist and ad-maker, to help plot the race he would run.

[ Racketeering Mob Organization Leader Barack Obama actively instigates coup d'etat and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government with all Barack Obama employees, lawyers and managers of any capacity as criminal accomplices to the murder of United States citizens. ]

Flight of the Intruder

But it's not for you,
it's restricted.

They didn't do it in '65,

we haven't flown
over it since '69,

so don't even think about it.

But I do have something here

that's gonna
brighten your day.

You know that strike you flew in
the south last week?

Yeah, we refueled at Da Nang.

That one?


Army bomb damage assessment
says you killed 37.

That's some body count,
eh, buddy?

You think I want
to know that, huh?

If you did what I did,
would you want to know?

No, for all you know,
those people were farmers.

You get that information,

you keep it to yourself,
all right?

I don't want to know about it.

Just keep it to yourself.

From 11/2/1975 ( I launched from Earth by myself to intercept Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) to 6/3/1983 ( premiere US film "WarGames" ) is: 2770 days

2770 = 1385 + 1385

From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) to 5/1/1967 ( my first flight by myself as a jet pilot ) is: 1385 days

From 5/1/1982 ( my graduation and commissioning U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1982 as Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan, USN ) to 6/3/1983 ( premiere US film "WarGames" ) is: 398 days

398 = 199 + 199

From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) to 1/31/1964 ( I was Innsbruck Olympics gold medalist on this day ) is: 199 days

WarGames (1983)

Release Date: 3 June 1983 (USA)

Tagline: Is it a game, or is it real?

Plot Outline: A young man finds a back door into a military central computer in which reality is confused with game-playing, possibly starting World War III.

Barry Corbin ... General Jack Beringer

From 5/21/1969 ( I am Princeton University Medical Doctor degree graduate ) to 7/4/1976 ( I successfully diverted Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) is: 2601 days

From 7/4/1976 ( I successfully diverted Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) to 8/18/1983 ( premiere UK film "WarGames" ) is: 2601 days

Release dates for

WarGames (1983)

UK 18 August 1983

From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 12/24/1983 ( premiere Japan film "WarGames" ) is: 9061 days

9061 = 1 + 4530 + 4530

From 7/30/1971 ( I was Apollo 15 Falcon astronaut walking and driving on Earth's moon ) to 12/24/1983 ( premiere Japan film "WarGames" ) is: 4530 days

From 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) to 12/24/1983 ( premiere Japan film "WarGames" ) is: 7466 days

7466 = 3733 + 3733

From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 5/22/1969 ( I was Apollo 10 "Snoopy" spacecraft astronaut in orbit of Earth's moon ) is: 3733 days

Release dates for

WarGames (1983)

Japan 24 December 1983


- What did you say?
- This is some setup.

No, no. Before that.

Joshua called me.

David, machines don't call people.

Yours did.

Who are you going to Paris with?

Paris? Oh!

No... You don't understand.

You had reservations for two to Paris.

- Who are you working with?
- Nobody!

Why don't I believe you?

I don't think I should say anything else
until I talk to a lawyer.

I think we'd better forget
about the lawyer crap

until I get a few answers
out of you myself.


Paul, what happened?

The kid broke into the war game using a
password left by the original programmer.

- A password?
- Yes, sir.

None of my team even knew it was there.

Kid claims
he was looking for a toy company.

That's great!

Anybody in here buy that one?

Moon Necklace [ Blue Tree ]

I'd Like to Give You the Moon and Then Some... Did you ever want to give someone the gift that money cannot buy? Now you can! Phoebe Cates and designer Pablo Valencia bring this idea to life with this Blue Tree exclusive jewelry line. All pieces are silver unless otherwise indicated. (NOTE: Due to high demand, pieces are occasionally out-of-stock. Customers will be notified if a piece is out-of-stock upon purchase, but these items generally only take a few days to replace.)

From 11/19/1969 ( I was Apollo 12 Intrepid astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) to 11/28/1976 ( I launched from Jupiter moon Callisto for Earth and home ) is: 2566 days

2566 = 1283 + 1283

Blue Tree

1283 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10128

From 12/25/1968 ( I was Apollo 8 spacecraft astronaut in orbit of Earth's moon ) to 1/21/1976 ( my first landing on planet Mars and my documented and lawful exclusive claim to the territory of planet Mars ) is: 2583 days

Blue Tree

1283 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10128

212 369 blue (2583)


Since its opening in October, Blue Tree has carried an array of graphic novel titles, selected by Rocketship in Brooklyn. The success over the first year has led the two to make this an official fixture in the store. Look for an often changing assortment of titles at Blue Tree, they make great gifts for all ages, or for yourself.

You can check our Rocketship's site at

From 2/22/1976 ( my Orion space ship and I survived a catastrophic collision with a meteor and I decide to continue my mission as planned to divert Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system ) to 11/16/1984 ( premiere US film "Night of the Comet" ) is: 3190 days

3190 = 1595 + 1595

From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) is: 1595 days

From 2/9/1964 ( I was multiple Olympic gold medalist during Innsbruck Olympics ) to 11/16/1984 ( premiere US film "Night of the Comet" ) is: 7586 days

7586 = 3793 + 3793

From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 7/21/1969 ( I was Apollo 11 Eagle astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) is: 3793 days

From 2/6/1971 ( I was Apollo 14 Antares command astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) to 11/16/1984 ( premiere US film "Night of the Comet" ) is: 5032 days

From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 12/11/1972 ( I was Apollo 17 Challenger astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) is: 5032 days

From 12/14/1972 ( I was Apollo 17 Challenger astronaut walking on Earth's moon ) to 11/16/1984 ( premiere US film "Night of the Comet" )(Friday) is: 4355 days

4355 = 1 + 2177 + 2177

From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 2/17/1965 ( I am active duty U.S. Navy SEAL ) is: 2177 days

Night of the Comet (1984)

Release Date: 16 November 1984 (USA)

Plot Outline: A comet wipes out most of life on Earth, leaving two Valley Girls to fight the evil types who survive.

A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

Release Date: 16 November 1984 (USA)

Tagline: She is the only one who can stop it... if she fails, no one survives.

Missing in Action (1984)

Release Date: 16 November 1984 (USA)

Chuck Norris ... Col. James Braddock


Art is the process or product of deliberately and creatively arranging elements in a way that appeals to the senses or emotions, especially beauty. In its narrow sense, the word art most often refers specifically to the visual arts, including media such as painting, sculpture, and printmaking. However, "the arts" may also encompass a diverse range of human activities, creations, and modes of expression, including music and literature. Aesthetics is the branch of philosophy which studies art.

From 12/30/1960 ( Kelli Maroney ) To 11/8/1970 ( my first ascent to Mount Everest summit ) is 3600 days

3600 = 1800 + 1800

From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) To 2/6/1964 ( I was Innsbruck Olympics gold medalist again on this day ) is 1800 days

Biography for

Kelli Maroney

Date of Birth
30 December 1960

Mini Biography

Cute, bubbly and adorable blonde actress Kelli Maroney was born on December 30, 1965 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Kelli began her career acting and studying at the Guthrie Theater in her native Minneapolis. Maroney then went to New York to study at the National Shakespeare Company Conservatory. Two weeks after she arrived in Manhattan Kelli was cast as evil adolescent Kimberly Harris on the daytime soap opera "Ryan's Hope." Maroney went on to play the vengeful Tina Clayton Lord Roberts on "One Life to Live." She was quite funny and spirited as perky cheerleader Cindy in the hilarious teen comedy smash "Fast Times at Ridgemont High." Kelli achieved her greatest enduring cult popularity with her delightful turn as the endearingly daffy and spunky Samantha in the terrific science fiction end-of-the-world treat "Night of the Comet."