Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Turn the key.


Memorable quotes for

WarGames (1983)

Computer Voice: Skybird, this is Dropkick with a red dash alpha message in two parts. Break. Break. Red dash alpha.

Captain Jerry Lawson: [grabs red binder] Stand by to copy message.

Computer Voice: Red dash alpha.

1st Lieutenant Steve Phelps: [grabs his red binder] Standing by.

Computer Voice: Romeo. Oscar. November. Charlie. Tango. Tango. Lima. Alpha. Authentication: two, two; zero, zero; four, zero; Delta, Lima.

Captain Jerry Lawson: I have a valid message. Stand by to authenticate.

1st Lieutenant Steve Phelps: I agree with authentication also, sir.

[they move to the red lock box, unlock it, remove cards from box, return to stations, snap open the card cases, and compare the card text to the message]

Captain Jerry Lawson: Enter launch code.

1st Lieutenant Steve Phelps: Entering launch code.

[Phelps enters DLG2209TVX]

Captain Jerry Lawson: Launch order confirmed.

1st Lieutenant Steve Phelps: Holy shit. Target selection complete. Time on target sequence complete. Yield selection complete.

Computer Voice: Begin countdown. T minus 60.

Captain Jerry Lawson: All right, let's do it. Insert launch key.

1st Lieutenant Steve Phelps: Stand by. Launch key inserted.

Captain Jerry Lawson: Roger. On my mark, rotate launch key to "set". Three, two, one, mark.

Computer Voice: T minus 50.

1st Lieutenant Steve Phelps: Roger, at "set".

[Phelps moves to next panel, pauses and looks over at Lawson]

1st Lieutenant Steve Phelps: Sir.

Computer Voice: T minus 40.

1st Lieutenant Steve Phelps: Oh, uh, enable missiles.

1st Lieutenant Steve Phelps: [flipping switch covers and switches] Number one enabled. Two, enabled. Three, enabled. Four. Five. Six...

Captain Jerry Lawson: [to himself, grabbing phone] I wanna get this straight with someone on the goddamn phone.



- Get me Wing Command Post. Direct line.

- That's not the correct procedure.

- Try SAC Headquarters on the HF.

- That's not the procedure.

I want somebody on the goddamn phone
before I kill 20 million people.

T minus 20.

I got nothin' here! They might
have been knocked out already.


On my mark,
rotate launch keys to Launch.

Roger. Ready to go to Launch.

- Fourteen...
- Thirteen... twelve...


Seven... six...

- Five...
- Sir, we have a launch order.

- Three... two...
- Put your hand on the key, sir.

One... Launch!

- Sir, we are at launch! Turn your key!
- I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Turn your key, sir!


Shuttlepod One

Mission date: Nov 9, 2151

Original Airdate: Feb 13, 2002

TUCKER: (comes back down) Stop trying to be a hero. It doesn't suit you.

REED: What would you know about being a hero? It takes nothing but a coward to crawl up inside a hole to die.

TUCKER: Then go ahead and shoot me, but you better hope we don't make it, because if we survive the first thing I'm going to do is bust your ass back to Crewman Second Class for insubordination.

REED: Be my guest. I could use a little less responsibility.


"Navy NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service"

Cloak (2008)

Original Air Date: 18 November 2008 (Season 6, Episode 8)



Season 6, Episode 8


Air Date

Tuesday November 18, 2008

Gibbs, Ziva and Tony are walking through the facility corridor behind the Secretary and Vance. Gibbs reveals that the whole war game was a trap. The intent of the game had been to capture the mole at NCIS. Instead, the mole used the team as a smoke screen. While the guards were focused on the NCIS agents, the mole got into the central point to steal "Domino". A little later, Gibbs also reveals that the entire facility, including the data, is also bogus – only the threat is real. Tony thinks Gibbs knows who it is, and Ziva realizes that it's someone close to the team.



operating or controlled from a distance, as by remote control