Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Why did I decide to watch this today? Why today?


The official website of The British Monarchy

Christmas Broadcast 2006

I have lived long enough to know that things never remain quite the same for very long. One of the things that has not changed all that much for me is the celebration of Christmas. It remains a time when I try to put aside the anxieties of the moment and remember that Christ was born to bring peace and tolerance to a troubled world.

The birth of Jesus naturally turns our thoughts to all new-born children and what the future holds for them. The birth of a baby brings great happiness - but then the business of growing up begins. It is a process that starts within the protection and care of parents and other members of the family - including the older generation. As with any team, there is strength in combination: what grandparent has not wished for the best possible upbringing for their grandchildren or felt an enormous sense of pride at their achievements?

But the pressures of modern life sometimes seem to be weakening the links which have traditionally kept us together as families and communities. As children grow up and develop their own sense of confidence and independence in the ever-changing technological environment, there is always the danger of a real divide opening up between young and old, based on unfamiliarity, ignorance or misunderstanding.

It is worth bearing in mind that all of our faith communities encourage the bridging of that divide. The wisdom and experience of the great religions point to the need to nurture and guide the young, and to encourage respect for the elderly. Christ himself told his disciples to let the children come to him, and Saint Paul reminded parents to be gentle with their children, and children to appreciate their parents. The scriptures and traditions of the other faiths enshrine the same fundamental guidance. It is very easy to concentrate on the differences between the religious faiths and to forget what they have in common - people of different faiths are bound together by the need to help the younger generation to become considerate and active citizens.

And there is another cause for hope that we can do better in the future at bridging the generation gap. As older people remain more active for longer, the opportunities to look for new ways to bring young and old together are multiplying.

As I look back on these past twelve months, marked in particular for me by the very generous response to my eightieth birthday, I especially value the opportunities I have had to meet young people. I am impressed by their energy and vitality, and by their ambition to learn and to travel.

It makes me wonder what contribution older people can make to help them realise their ambitions. I am reminded of a lady of about my age who was asked by an earnest, little grand-daughter the other day "Granny, can you remember the Stone Age?" Whilst that may be going a bit far, the older generation are able to give a sense of context as well as the wisdom of experience which can be invaluable. Such advice and comfort are probably needed more often than younger people admit or older people recognise. I hope that this is something that all of us, young or old, can reflect on at this special time of year.

For Christians, Christmas marks the birth of our Saviour, but it is also a wonderful occasion to bring the generations together in a shared festival of peace, tolerance and goodwill.

I wish you all a very happy Christmas together.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 01/12/09 12:12 AM
I missed about the first 7 minutes of this so far.


The Queen (2006)

12 USAP: Monday, January 12 12:00 AM

2006, PG-13, ***1/2, 01:41, Color, English, United Kingdom,

Queen Elizabeth II (Helen Mirren) and Prime Minister Tony Blair (Michael Sheen) try to reach a compromise in determining the royal family's public reaction to Princess Diana's death.

Cast: Helen Mirren, Michael Sheen

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 12 January 2009 excerpt ends]

JOURNAL ARCHIVE 10/12/2006 3:35 PM
As I recall, Phoebe

wrote in a letter to me to “never forget that dance where we met because I never will.” That is quite humorous, really more humorous than I can articulate, if it represents me landing on Saturn’s moon, Phoebe. I have these moments where I want to scream because there is something locked in my mind that I can’t articulate. I was thinking something similar about the ‘darkness’ surrounding my spacecraft as I was billion miles away. There is truly a “great lakes” of emotion stored in my mind associated with so much that is forgotten. I feel this great humor in my mind about that comment from Phoebe, I feel that if I remember, I will laugh and laugh and laugh, for days on end probably.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 12 October 2006 excerpt ends]


Anyway, the 9 point glided in to my view from the right and then just stopped in front of me. I fired three times at it but missed. I'm not sure if those missed rounds actually represent misses or if it represents lack of discipline during combat. For the fourth round, I gave up on using the scope, which was unnecessary really, and switched to iron sights and nailed it. It jumped up slightly into the air and then dropped, shifted, a little bit to my left. Denzil commented on what a good shot it had been.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 2006 excerpt ends]

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: August 6, 2006

It hit me like a weight a few hours ago: Arlington Heights.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 6 August 2006 excerpt ends]

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Sunday, July 01, 2007

My thoughts suggest that after I was injured while saving the space shuttle from crashing on landing on 4/14/1981 and was in a wheelchair for a while, I told people it was from a waterskiing accident. I also think a lot about a guy that was in the VA hospital with me that was in a wheelchair. I think it is all connected.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 1 July 2007 excerpt ends]

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 10/08/07 1:53 AM
I wonder if I knew that guy in the wheelchair when we were in the VA hospital. He called me after he left and before I left. His daughter came to visit him one time and I don't remember much about her other than she made me feel lonely.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 8 October 2007 excerpt ends]

[ Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi the cowardly International Terrorist Organization violently against the United States of America federal government actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States of America federal government with all Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi staff partners contributors employees contractors lawyers managers of any capacity as severely treasonous criminal accomplices and that are active unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States that actively make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in the United States and in the Severely Treasonous and Criminally Rebellious State of Washington by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings ]



The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for

The Deer Hunter (1978)

Michael: Okay? Okay?


The Deer Hunter

Nah, I wanna talk to the man. I wanna talk to the man.
We're goin' over there.

Sir, Mike Vronsky.

- Nick. This is the groom, Steve.
- I'm the best man.

We're goin' airborne, sir.
What's it like?

- I hope they send us where the bullets are flyin'.
- That's right.

- Fighting's the worst, huh?
- That's right.

Fuck it.

- Fuck it? What did he say?
- Fuck it.

Fuck it.
That's what I thought.

W-- Well, what's it like
over there?

Can you tell us anything?

Fuck it.

Okay, fuck it.

Fuck him.

Fuck it. Hey!

Michael, hey.

- Hey.
- Fuck who?

Fuck who?

- Who the hell is he?
- Who the fuck knows?

He looks like a fuckin' hillbilly.

Give him another drink, Jerry.
Just the same.

Hey! Fuck it!


The Deer Hunter

- Hello.
- Stevie, it's me, Mike.


- Hey!
- Hey!


How's things?

I'm okay. Never mind me.
How are you?


Hey, what--

Hey, what's that noise?

Oh, wheelchairs.


Hey, Stevie,
when ya gettin' out?

Oh, I'm gonna stay here
a while, Mike.

- What for?
- The place is great.


It's like a resort.

You know? I mean,
they got basketball, bowlin'.


Princess Grace
came to see us the other day.


City of Seattle

Gregory J. Nickels, Mayor


SUBJECT: Seattle Municipal Court hosts Homeless Veteran’s Court forum



Seattle Municipal Court hosts Homeless Veteran’s Court forum

The Seattle Municipal Court, Columbia Legal Services, Seattle City Attorney, and the Associated Counsel for the Accused will host a Homeless Veteran’s Court forum on Monday, June 27 at Seattle Municipal Court. The forum is an opportunity to bring together experts from San Diego County, the site of the first Homeless Court, and local providers to learn the most effective way to operate a similar court in King County.

Seattle Municipal Court sees many homeless defendants who commit low level quality of life crimes such as theft, criminal trespass, and drinking in public. Homeless individuals may fail to comply with the court process since they have no address to receive a criminal summons, resulting in issuance of a warrant. This minor offense could be more effectively addressed through a Homeless Court process, whereby the court, legal system and social service systems collaborate to help resolve misdemeanors for defendants already on the road to self-sufficiency. Service providers identify candidates and the prosecutor and public defender work out a plea agreement. In most cases, part of the sentence includes credit for progress the individual has already made. This may include participation in drug or alcohol treatment, completion of an anger management class, or completion of community service.


Local News: Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Murray seeks $1 billion for VA

By Hal Bernton

Seattle Times staff reporter

U.S. Sen. Patty Murray yesterday sent a letter to the White House asking President Bush to shore up a $1 billion shortfall in Department of Veterans Affairs health-care funding.

Yesterday, Murray held a rally outside the Puget Sound VA Health Care System hospital in Seattle



Hunting party guide: There he is. He's a beauty, isn't he? An imperial, ma'am. Fourteen pointer.

[Helen Mirren]: He was wounded.

Hunting party guide: Yes. We got our guest in very close, had him lined up perfect. And, still... An investment banker, ma'am, from London. I'm afraid the stalkers had to follow him for miles to finish him off.

[Helen Mirren]: Let's hope he didn't suffer too much.