This Is What I Think.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

"The crying man."


Rembrandt Brown

Rembrandt Lee Brown is a fictional character played by Cleavant Derricks on the science fiction television show Sliders. In 1994, Rembrandt was living in San Francisco. Rembrandt is a musician, whose stage name is The Crying Man because of his ability to "cry real tears" on stage. It is stated by Wade in Summer of Love that Rembrandt is a Gemini; however, a "slide online" feature of the Sci Fi Channel's Sliders website listed Rembrandt's birthdate to be March 4, 1955. He served time in the US Navy, and he is the only character to remain with the show for the whole series. He was the main character during the fifth season of Sliders.

Rembrandt was going to make a comeback on September 27, 1994 when he was going to sing the national anthem at a San Francisco Giants baseball game. On his way to the stadium, Rembrandt was pulled into Quinn Mallory's sliding vortex along with his Cadillac. Rembrandt was the only of the original four sliders who didn't choose to slide, and at the beginning, he strongly resented Quinn for accidentally pulling him into the vortex.


The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for

We'll Smile Again (1942)

Country Date

UK 7 December 1942


The Internet Movie Database

We'll Smile Again (1942)

Nazi spies infiltrate a British film studio with the intention of sending coded messages in the films they produce.

Release Date: 7 December 1942 (UK)

The Six Million Dollar Man

Season 2, Episode 19

The Bionic Woman (1)

Air Date

Sunday March 16, 1975

This two part episode served as the pilot for The Bionic Woman series.


Steve: There still is, Oscar. You know how you're always looking for a new angle; a new device. I mean, think of what an asset Jaime could be to us. And her cover as a tennis pro - I mean, it's perfect! There are places she can get into that I could never get into! And she's got the head for it - she's well adjusted, she's...

Oscar: Steve... Steve... you're in love with her!

Steve: What's that got to do with it?

Oscar: Everything! You'd sell your soul for her. You'd do anything; you'd commit yourself to her. But someday... someday, I'm gonna say, "I need her". I'm gonna need her for a job, and you know what you're gonna do, pal? You're gonna change your mind.

Steve: No, I won't... I won't change my mind, Oscar, I swear it.

Oscar: Well... what about... uh... Jaime? What does she say?

Steve: She's dyin', Oscar. She put her life into my hands. I'm putting it into yours.


The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for

"The Six Million Dollar Man"

The Bionic Woman (1975)

Col. Steve Austin: How sensitive is her hearing?

Dr. Rudy Wells: Well I'll tell you what, why don't you just turn your back and whisper something?

[indicates for Jaime, who is in a glass booth, to turn her back also]

Dr. Rudy Wells: Eh, part of a nursery rhyme, or anything.

Col. Steve Austin: Eh... Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

Jamie Sommers: And Rudy Wells and those bionic men put Jaime and Steve back together again.

tru TV

By Rachel Pergament

The Confession

On Thursday, November 3, 1994, the ninth day since the carjacking and disappearance of the Michael and Alex Smith, their parents, Susan and David rose early to prepare themselves for interviews on three television network morning programs. Susan and David sat together holding hands on the Russells' living room sofa during their interviews. On CBS This Morning, Susan was asked if she had any involvement in her son's disappearance. Susan answered the question by saying, "I did not have anything to do with the abduction of my children." Susan added that, "Whoever did this is a sick and emotionally unstable person." Although David and Susan were legally separated, when David was asked whether he believed his wife, he replied, "Yes, I believe my wife totally."

After the interviews, Susan and David had been scheduled to sit for an interview with the Union Daily Times, but Margaret Gregory called and cancelled the interview explaining that the couple were exhausted and had enough media attention for the day.

At 12:30 p.m., Susan told her mother that she and David were going to run errands. Susan did not tell her mother that Sheriff Wells had sent for her. Susan was taken to another safe house for another interrogation.

Susan was dressed in jeans and a hooded sweatshirt and brought to her latest interrogation a newly revised statement that said the same things as her previous statement, the only change being that the name "Monarch Mills" had been changed to "Carlisle". Agent Logan asked Susan if she had anything else to add to her statement and she said no. At that point, Sheriff Wells was summoned to speak with Susan.

Susan was beginning to be worn down by the intensive and lengthy interrogations. Susan had also been facing increasingly skeptical news reporters who had started to pressure her for an explanation of Sheriff Wells' statement regarding the unspecified inconsistencies in her story.

At 1:40 p.m., Sheriff Wells and Susan met in a small room in the Family Center of the First Baptist Church, located on the same street as the Union County Courthouse. Sheriff Wells and Susan sat on folding chairs, knee to knee, facing one another and talked.

Sheriff Wells confronted Susan about her story of the carjacking. Wells told Susan that he knew that Susan's story of the black carjacker was a lie. He told her that she could not stop at the red light at the Monarch intersection if there were no other cars on the road. Wells told Susan that she had revised her statement because of this inconsistency and that even her back up story was a lie.

The Gauntlet

What if he gets through?

He can't get through.

He's gotten this far, hasn't he?

Sir, how many units have you deployed?

Four dozen? Five dozen?

And those marksmen
are the finest on the force.

I know. But what happens if--

I mean, there's going to be
hell to pay if something. . .

. . .goes wrong.

The only thing that can
go wrong is if your disciples. . .

. . .decide they can't shoot down
one of their own officers.