This Is What I Think.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Event Horizon (1997)


The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for

The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)

Rob Stephenson: We've been having lectures in atomic energy at school, and Mr. McLaughlin, he's our physics teacher, he says that we've reached a point where the whole human race has either got to find a way to live together, or else uhm...


OK, Denny, here we go.|Happy birthday.
Play horsey, Mommy! Play horsey!
Oh! Oh!
Hey! No balls indoors.
- Yo, apologise.|- Sorry, Mama Bear.
- Peters?|- Yes, sir.
I did try to find|a replacement for you,
but it was impossible. I am sorry.
I talked to my ex. He's going|to take Denny for Christmas.
I'll get him for the summer,|so everything's all right.
Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen.
In approximately|2 hours and 23 minutes,
we'll be arriving at Neptune.
I thank you.
Everything's five by five.
- USAC notified of our position?|- Yes, sir.
All right, people, listen up.
We have an addition to our crew.|Dr Weir, care to join us?
Introductions all around.
This is my XO... Lieutenant Starck.
Mr Justin, Engineering.
The funky spaceman is Mr Cooper.
What do you do here, Coop?
Doc. I'm your best friend.
Life-saver and heartbreaker.
He's a rescue technician.
This is Peters, medical technician.
And my pilot...Mr Smith.
The gloomy Gus in the corner|over there, that's, uh...
DJ Trauma.
All right. All right.|Now, then, I got a question.
What the fuck are we doing here?
Perhaps the good doctor|will tell us.
Thank you. Uh, I want to say
how much I appreciate|this opportunity...
Yes. You appreciate|being here, Doctor,
but understand - we don't.
We were taken off leave|and sent into Neptune space.
We are three billion clicks|from the nearest outpost.
The last time USAC attempted|a rescue this far out...
we lost both ships.|So if you please...