This Is What I Think.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


The Time Machine

Well, it has to do with time.
I've always maintained
that this nation...
...needs a reliable timepiece.
The navy needs one.
The army needs one
for the artillery.
You couldn't do better, George.
That's why you've been in hiding?
Very clever of you, indeed.

The Time Machine

I don't think George is referring
to a new timepiece.
No, David.
When I speak of time,
I'm referring to the fourth dimension.
Go on, George.
The fourth dimension
cannot be seen or felt.
If you don't mind, will you refresh me
on the first three dimensions?
Really, Filby. Surely they
taught you something in school.
Suppose you explain it, doctor.
For example, when I move in a line,
forward or backward...
...that's one dimension.
When I move left or right,
two dimensions.
When I move up or down...
...three dimensions.
For instance, that box.
That box has three dimensions:
length, breadth and height.
What is the fourth dimension?
That's mere theory. No one knows
if the fourth dimension exists.
On the contrary.
The fourth dimension is as real
and true as the other three.
In fact, they couldn't
exist without it.
What do you mean?
Let's take that box.
It has the first three dimensions.
- What's inside?
- I'm coming to that.
Let's consider this first.
Why do we ignore the fourth dimension?
Because we can't move within it.
We can move in the other three:
Up, down, forward, sideways, backward.
But when it comes to time,
we are prisoners.
Do you follow me, Bridey?

The Time Machine

Will you answer me one question,
Yes, I'll try.
Why this preoccupation with time?
Why not?
Don't go simple on me.
The truth is, I don't much care
for the time I was born into.
People aren't dying fast enough.
They call upon science... invent new, more efficient
weapons to depopulate the Earth.
And I agree with you.
I agree, but here we are
and we have to make the best of it.
You may have to. I don't.
All right. Take your journey
on your contraption.
What would you become?
A Greek? A Roman?
- A pharaoh?
- I prefer the future.
You're not seriously saying
you can do it?
You saw the experiment, didn't you?
I saw a toy machine vanish.
I'm sure there are any number of ways
of doing that trick.
Any magician could probably do it.
It wasn't a trick!
- Want to see the full-scale model?
- No, I don't.
I have no desire
to tempt the laws of Providence.
And I don't think you should.
- It's not for man to trifle with.
- You carry on like Hillyer and Kemp.
There's something to say about
their common-sense attitude.
I speak to you as a friend.
More. As a brother.
If that machine can do
what you say it can, destroy it.
Destroy it before it destroys you!
You must have plans for New Year's
Eve. Don't let me keep you.
Mary wasn't well. We thought
we'd stay home with the baby.

The Time Machine

- Good Lord! What's happened?
- I'm all right.
Some food.
A drink.
- I didn't recognize you.
- Mrs. Watchett.
Can't you speak?
What happened to you?
- Leave him alone.
- It's fine.
- I've got to tell it while I remember.
- Relax. Try to relax.
You've all the time in the world.
You're right, David.
That's exactly what I have.
All the time in the world.