This Is What I Think.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Julia Roberts

I wonder if she drove me home from the hospital after 19 July 1989 and I wonder if I knew her in my post-19 July 1989 life. I am so confused. That is not just the time-traveler effect either. That is about orders trained into my mind.

I have a very good memory so it is possible that in 1998, at the time I lost control of my mind, I was given orders that I was never consciously aware of. As long as my brain was still capable physically of forming memory then there is the real possibility that I would remember those orders for the rest of my life, possibly, and without ever being consciously aware of those orders.

Part of that information would be simple tests. Evaluations going on in my mind without me being consciously aware of the details. Unknown to my conscious mind would be the evaluation that led me to use some kind of superpower my mind has and in order to ask for assistance from some other kind of super-being. Some kind of supernatural being.

What I have been speculating about in my mind this afternoon is about the real consequences of my non-conscious request for help from those supernatural forces. What I speculate about today in my mind is that by asking for their help I freed them from some kind of supernatural confinement. This afternoon I have been speculating in the thoughts in my mind that what I was never told about was the consequences of me asking for assistance from those supernatural forces.

I believe with utmost certainty in every literal aspect of what I write about here is true in the essence of some kind of supernatural force and that I have some kind of communication method with through my mind. Somehow I have a communication channel through my mind with some kind of supernatural force.

The consequences, I speculated about to myself today in my mind, are that while I was asking for help from the good guys, the benevolent part of that supernatural force, and thus freed those supernatural forces from their confinement, I also caused the bad guys to get free also and into our world.

Somebody has known for a long time about those possible consequences and that is why I have lived the life I have lived for the past twelve years and more.

The scales of justice are being examined.

I had to have no agenda, other than to want to survive personally, when I asked for their supernatural assistance and I could not know there were real and negative consequences to my request for their assistance and that is simply because I am not the judge of the human race.

So the good guys broke free of their supernatural confinement and then they started helping me out of a jam I was in, and then they looked at the overall circumstances of how I got to the point of needing their help and they are now just not impressed overall with the human race. They are certainly not motivated now by what they have seen to start going around and helping out the vast majority of humans.

My guess is they are causing a time-traveler effect, too, even though they exist in a supernatural state.

Because they help me now, then they have always helped me.

During this mission that started over twelve years ago, those supernatural forces were not placated simply because some human thought the solution to my request from help from another human was for that other human to simply give me more bandaids and that is while they know full well that I was most certainly going to get shot again by gunfire or some other kind of ambush resulting in bodily harm to me once again by the extreme coward Bill Gates and Microsoft al-Qaida once they start thinking again they can get away with it again.

The New York Times

Baja Oklahoma (1987)

Based on a 1983 novel by Dan Jenkins, Baja Oklahoma is set sometime in the 1950s. Texas barmaid Lesley Ann Warren wants more than anything to be a rich and famous country-western songwriter. Unfortunately, she spends most of her time sorting out her many dead-end romances. Just when she thinks she's ready for the big move to Nashville, along comes her erstwhile old flame Peter Coyote. Deftly stealing every scene she's in is Swoosie Kurtz as Warren's hot-to-trot best pal. Willie Nelson, who cowrote the film's title song with Dan Jenkins, makes a guest appearance, along with such other C&W favorites as Emmylou Harris and Bob Wills Jr. Actress Alice Krige is superb as songstress Patsy Cline-far better, incidentally, than Jessica Lange in Sweet Dreams. Playing the supporting role of Warren's daughter is Julia Roberts, who was later touted as the film's star when Baja Oklahoma was released to video. Made for the HBO cable service, the film debuted February 20, 1988.

From 2/20/1988 ( premiere US TV movie "Baja Oklahoma" ) To 4/14/1988 ( the minefield and Soviet Union-George Bush torpedo damage to United States Navy warship USS Samuel B. Roberts FFG 58 and crew because my brother United States Navy Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan the United States Navy SEAL was onboard that United States Navy warship USS Samuel B. Roberts FFG 58 while I US Navy FC2 Kerry Wayne Burgess was somewhere in the area on the US Navy warship USS Wainwright CG 28 ) is 54 days

54 = 27 + 27

From 11/2/1965 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/29/1965 ( Gretl Dupont - deceased ) is 27 days


The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for

Baja Oklahoma (1988) (TV)

Country Date

USA 20 February 1988


The Internet Movie Database

Gretl Dupont

Born: Margarete Scherk March 16, 1893 in Bad Homburg, Germany

Died: November 29, 1965

Street Corner 1948

The Abortionist


The Internet Movie Database

Street Corner (1948)

Gretl Dupont ... The Abortionist

Naive small-town girl gets pregnant on her prom night, and winds up in the clutches of the local abortionist.


The Internet Movie Database

Full cast and crew for

Baja Oklahoma (1988) (TV)

Julia Roberts ... Candy Hutchins


The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for

An Officer and a Gentleman (1982)

Lynette: [justifying why she dumped Sid] I don't need no Okie from Muskogee! I can get that right here!

Pretty Woman

- This way, Mr. Lewis. Your party is waiting. - Stop fidgeting.
- Mr. Morse. - Yes, Mr. Lewis. I'm Jim Morse.
This fireball is my grandson, David.
Well, I don't know about the fireball part, but grandson is true enough.

Pretty Woman

I saw you talking to David Morse; I didn't like it.
We were just talking.
[ Chuckles ]
- I didn't like it. - [ Elevator Bell Dings ]
Down ?
You hurt me.
Don't do it again.
First guy I ever loved was a total nothing.
Second was worse.
My mom called me a bum magnet.
If there was a bum within a -mile radius, I was completely attracted to him.
That's how I ended up here. I followed bum number three.
So here I was: no money, no friends, no bum.
[ Chuckles ] And you chose this as your profession ?
I worked at a couple fast food places,
parked cars at wrestling.
And I couldn't make the rent. I was too ashamed to go home.
That's when I met Kit.
She was a hooker and made it sound so great.
So one day I did it.
I cried the whole time.
But then I got some regulars and, you know--
It's not like anybody plans this; it's not your childhood dream.

Pretty Woman

Yes, Bridget. Hello.
This is Barnard Thompson here
at the Regent Beverly Wil--

[ Chuckles ] Thank you, yes, but I'd
like you to do a favor for me, please.

I'm sending someone over.
Her name is Vivian.

She's a special guest.

She's the niece
of a very special guest.

[ Philip ]
Now, this is the jewel in Morse's crown:

prime industrial property straddling
the port of Long Beach and Los Angeles.

The real estate possibilities
are endless, but most
of the yard we'll just level.

We just got the information,
Mr. Stuckey.

Edward, we just got the Morse
update. Don, can you hold
the projection, please ?

[ Sighs ]
Yeah, what ? Speak.

Old Man Morse just got the inside track
on a $350 million contract...

- to build destroyers for the Navy.
- [ Philip Snickers ]

Navy contract.