This Is What I Think.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

That's a great feeling. Standing there minutes away from being relieved of command. It's Miller Time, the counter-paradox effect told me yesterday.

The counter-paradox effects my dreams too. I would never guess that a dream is the result of a future observance that I see and then guess was the basis for the detail in the dream.

Caine Mutiny The

Ensign Keith, report to the captain's cabin. On the double.
These 90-day wonders. They all thinK they're five-star admirals.
Come in.
Three days ago, this ship received a dispatch addressed to us for action.
- Smitty says he gave it to you. - Yes, sir. I forgot about it.
- Did you decode the message? - No, sir.
- It's incredible stupidity ... - I had it done for you.
- That'll be all, Smitty. - Yes, sir.
Do you Know how serious misplacing an action dispatch can be?
I don't thinK you do.
This ship might have f ailed to carry out a combat assignment.
I'd bear the full responsibility in a court martial.
I understand, sir.
I've been filling out officers' fitness reports.
- How should this affect yours? - Anyone can maKe a mistaKe.
There are mistaKes and mistaKes. The margin for error is narrow here.
There's too much loss of life and property damage possible.
Here. Read it.
"Ensign Keith seems a f airly bright young man."
"He may become a competent officer once he overcomes ...
... a careless approach to his duties."
- Is it unf air? - Sir, if I may be permitted ...
I made a mistaKe, but I don't thinK I should be singled out for it.
The Caine's a slacK ship. The decKs looK liKe a Singapore junK.
You must also strongly disapprove of me.
- Go ahead, man to man. - I'm in no position to judge.
My conception of a captain is different from yours.
I'll taKe it under advisement. Since you feel so bitter, -
- perhaps what's in the dispatch will brighten your day.
As you can see, I'm being relieved of command.
Next weeK you'll have a new captain.
Lieutenant Commander Philip Francis Queeg. Feel better?
- Definitely, sir. - Good. That'll be all, Keith.
In accordance with Bureau of Naval Personnel, -
- Order 016021 of November 1943, -
- you'll report to and relieve the commanding officer of the USS Caine.
Signed, Louis whitfield, Rear Admiral, USN, Chief of Bureau.
I relieve you, sir.


The Caine Mutiny (1954)

701 TCMHD: Saturday, September 10 2:45 PM

1954, NR, ***1/2, 02:05, Color, English, United States,

A World War II Naval officer (Van Johnson) is court-martialed for relieving paranoid Capt. Queeg (Humphrey Bogart) of command during a typhoon.

Cast: Humphrey Bogart, Jose Ferrer, Van Johnson, Robert Francis, May Wynn, Fred MacMurray, E.G. Marshall, Lee Marvin, Tom Tully, Claude Akins Director(s): Edward Dmytryk Producer(s): Stanley Kramer

Caine Mutiny The

Captain Queeg requests a meeting of all officers at 13:00.
we'll be shipmates for a long time. we should get acquainted.
I've formed some impressions. You're probably curious about me.
My bacKground is simple. Just another naval officer.
I've had seven years in the Atlantic.
The last two were very interesting.
I thought they had it in for me personally.

Caine Mutiny The

Sorry to interrupt. Official message.
ThanK you.
One moment, messenger.
- what's your name and rate? - Urban, sir. Seaman First.
- Very well. You may go. - Yes, sir.
Gentlemen, did you notice anything peculiar about Seaman Urban?
A shirt-tail outside trousers is the uniform for bus boys, -
- not for a sailor in the US Navy. we will start noticing these things.
- who's the Morale Officer? - There is none.
- who's the Junior Ensign? - Keith, sir.
Mr Keith, you are now the Morale Officer.
See to it that every man Keeps his shirt-tail inside his trousers.
If I see another shirt-tail flapping, -
- woe betide the sailor, the OOD and the Morale Officer. I Kid you not.
we are to proceed to Area X-ray at 08:00 tomorrow to tow targets.
The Caine is going to be the best target-towing ship in this navy.
That'll be all, gentlemen.
I want the men to have their hair cut and their f aces shaven by 24:00.
Aye, aye, sir.
- well, he's certainly Navy. - Yeah, so was Captain Bligh.
Attention all hands.
Ships will commence firing at 10:00. Observers lay out to the f antail.
Flash. Short. 200. Over.
100. 250.
Hit. Over. 100. 250.
Short. 100. Over. 150. 200.
Ensign Keith, report to the bridge.
Have you any explanation for the appearance of this sailor?
You heard my order on shirt-tails. TucK your shirt in, now.
- The captain won't let me. - See the rotten job you're doing?
- Gwendelyn, this is Tarzan. - Tarzan, this is Gwendelyn.
Cease present exercises and return to base. Well done. Out.
Roger. ThanK you, sir.
we're heading bacK. Right standard rudder.
Now, Mr Keith ... Do you have an explanation for this?
I didn't asK for an alibi. My orders must mean very little to you.
- I'm at f ault, but I tried my best. - Yes, a maximum of inefficiency.
what's the matter with the old man? we're steaming in a circle.
- Captain ... - Don't interrupt me.
One more word, and you're on report.
- You were the officer of the decK. - A man can't be everywhere at once.
You are equally as responsible for your duties as I am for mine.
And one thing more. war is a 24-hour job.
There will be no more novel-writing on the Caine.
Mr Keith, Mr Keefer, you will submit written reports explaining:
A, why his shirt-tail was out. B, why you didn't obey my orders.
Meatball, looK! we're cutting bacK across our tow line.
It's impossible. But it's happening!
we're gonna cut our own tow line. You'd better tell him again.
what's happening? what's going on?
what's our target doing out there?
what are you doing? You idiot. All engines stop.
- we've steamed over our tow line. - who said we did that?
- we've cut the target adrift. - No. we had a f aulty cable.
we can hardly be held responsible if we're given f aulty cables.
Should we recover the target?
No. we'll be the last ship bacK in Pearl Harbor. No thanK you.
we don't want a lot of questions about this. It's not our f ault.
- Reel in the cable. - Aye, aye, sir.
Mr Keefer, send the following dispatch.
"Defective tow line parted, south-west corner, X-ray."
"Target adrift. Menace to navigation."
"Suggest tug, recover or destroy."
He'll never get away with it.
Let's head for the barn. All engines ahead full.
All engines ahead full, sir.
willie, you looK worried.
A man's shirt's a petty detail, but big things are made up of details.
For want of a nail, a horseshoe was lost, and then the whole battle.
A captain's job is a Ionely one. He's easily misunderstood.
Forget that I bawled you out. It was good for the morale of everyone.
Yes, sir.
LooK what just came in. we're going bacK to San Francisco.
ThanKs to Captain Queeg. He's in plenty of hot water.
- The Navy won't accept his story. - They're sending us bacK for that?
"Upon arrival, Commanding Officer USS Caine -
- report immediately Commander western Sea Frontier."
He's about to be boiled in oil. And you'll be seeing your girl.
- willie, darling. - Mother.
- This is a real surprise. - You didn't expect me to stay away?
Mother ... I'd liKe you to meet a friend of mine. May wynn.
I'm always delighted to meet willie's friends.
ThanK you.
Hello, May? Sure. I'll be right down. OKay.
I'm ready to go. It's just a weeKend at Yosemite.
- A sailor needs some play time.

Caine Mutiny The

- willie, there are people. - Let them looK.
You have changed. Sometimes I thinK there's almost a chance for us.
- willie, it's getting late. - It's getting very late.

Caine Mutiny The

Gentlemen, I have good news for you.
we're on our way to the greatest invasion of this war.
I Kid you not. Let's straighten up and fly right.
All hands, put on battle dress.
All hands, put on battle dress.
we can scare the Japs to death.
Cease fire, cease fire.
TaKe stations. Mr Keith, taKe the con.
That's the group we're to taKe in. Jacob Group Four.
Come right to course 045. All engines ahead full.
we're gonna run those boats down. where's the captain?
- He's on the wing. - why isn't he handling the ship?
All engines stop.
Boats ahoy!
- what's going on? who's yelling? - we were overshooting these boys.
- what's the distance to the beach? - About three miles.
Steve, you get us there. Full speed ahead.
we will proceed. Follow us. Good lucK.
Left tangent: 006.
- Beacon: 084. - Distance: 5,000.
we're too f ar ahead. All engines bacK one third.
Left tangent: 350.
- Beacon: 116. - Distance: 4,000.
why are we slowing down? If they can't Keep up, throw a dye marKer.
we're too close. You want to run us on the beach?
- we still have 1,500 yards to go. - 1,500 yards? You're crazy.
I can read instruments as well as anyone.
we're within 1,000 yards of the beach right now.
Left full rudder. All engines ahead full.
- Throw over a dye marKer. - Fantail, throw over a dye marKer.
- we can't leave those marines ... - Mr MaryK, I'm relieving you.
- what's he doing? Running away? - Don't looK for trouble, Tom.
- what do you thinK of your boy now? - I don't Know.
- There must be a reason for this. - Yeah. There's a reason, all right.
I've got those yellowstain blues those silly yellowstain blues
when someone fires a shot it's always there I am not
I've got those yellowstain blues the old yellowstain blues
those yellowstain blues.
- we'd better pipe down. - Don't worry.
It's about time you got over being impressed by parents and captains.
- ThanKs, Dad. - More.
I've got those yellowstain blues down from my head to my shoes
you should see strong men quail if he should spy a shirt-tail ...
- Cut it. - Steve, I thought you'd be amused.
It's the saga of a man with very little charm and even less courage.
It's not funny. Find someone else to sing about.
- Old Yellowstain will be flattered. - Don't use that name again.
- The captain wants a meeting. - And he Kids us not.