This Is What I Think.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Time Machine (2002)


- Where are your parents? - They've gone from this place.
Oh, I'm sorry.
You were right, Philby. I did go too far.
Sit with me.
Mara, why do you pull the boats up at night?
Afraid they'll be stolen?
Stolen? I do not know that word.
Well, are you afraid that someone will take them?
- It is just more safe this way. - Oh.
- You must do things to be safe where you come from? - Of course,
Or when you come from.
Ah, so I'm not just a wandering idiot.
Maybe we could find some tomorrow.
Alexander, Alexander,
Ah! Morlock!
- Is he all right? - He had a dream.
Oh. So did I.
I was moving through a jungle...
And you saw a shape ahead of you.
Well, a face that... called my name.
We all have that dream.
- All of you? - Yes. Now go back asleep.
You're still not well,
What does that mean, " Morlock"?
A child's dream. No more.
Go back asleep,
We keep these stones In many places,
This is the room where my parents taught me for the first time.
Why do you learn this language if you don't use it?
It's a tradition we hand down.
It meant something once. Must be here for a reason.
"One generation passeth away, and another cometh.
But the earth abideth forever."
Why have you come here?
Why have you travelled through time?
To have a question answered.
Yes. Why can't I change the past?
Why would you want to?
You've lost someone.
Some one you loved very much.
- Mara, why are there no older people here? - What do you mean?
Older people, your parents' age or grandparents' age.
They've gone from this place.
You mean, they're dead?
All of them? How is that possible?
There are things better left not said.
We don't dwell on the past, Alexander.
- We do something else. - What?
We remember them...
with these

From 1/30/1965 ( the state funeral for Winston Churchill ) To 5/31/2002 ( international organized crime event - premiere United Kingdom film "The Time Machine" ) is 13635 days

From 11/2/1965 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/3/2003 ( date hijacked from me:as a time traveler from the future I arrived this date near the town of George in Washington State and the Ancient Lake and then as arranged earlier I resided in Bellevue Washington until my 9 May 2003 departure as a time traveler for another time period ) is 13635 days

From 1/30/1965 ( premiere US TV series episode "Gilligan's Island"::"X Marks the Spot" ) To 5/31/2002 ( international organized crime event - premiere United Kingdom film "The Time Machine" ) is 13635 days

From 11/2/1965 ( date hijacked from me:my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/3/2003 ( date hijacked from me:as a time traveler from the future I arrived this date near the town of George in Washington State and the Ancient Lake and then as arranged earlier I resided in Bellevue Washington until my 9 May 2003 departure as a time traveler for another time period ) is 13635 days


The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for

The Time Machine (2002)

USA 4 March 2002 (premiere)
UK 31 May 2002

Star Trek Generations

- How long have you been here?|- I don't know.
I was aboard the Enterprise-B in|the deflector control room ... Stir these.
The bulkhead disappeared and then I|found myself out there chopping wood -
- right before you walked up|Thanks.
Look, history records -
- that you died saving the Enterprise-B|from an energy ribbon 80 years ago.
This is the 24th century?.
- And I'm dead?|- No, this is some kind of ...
... temporal nexus.