Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"How does he talk to the fire." Ronald the firebug asks the younger-less-popular-Baldwin-brother. How does he talk to the fire.


The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for

The Time Machine (2002)

Über-Morlock: You built your time machine because


"No Exit"

USA 13 February 2009

Episode 15 Season 4 DVD video:


Title card: PRESENT DAY

Sam Anders: Among bright stars, I'm lost.

Kara Thrace: You're not lost. I'm right here.

Sam Anders: There's a new tide. All the forgotten faces, all the forgotten children, we seek the great forgotten language.


Corporate Information


March 26, 1971 TEPCO's first nuclear power facility, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station's No. 1 reactor (460 MW) began operation

Self-fulfilling prophecy

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true, by the very terms of the prophecy itself, due to positive feedback between belief and behavior. Although examples of such prophecies can be found in literature as far back as ancient Greece and ancient India, it is 20th-century sociologist Robert K. Merton who is credited with coining the expression "self-fulfilling prophecy" and formalizing its structure and consequences. In his book Social Theory and Social Structure, Merton defines self-fulfilling prophecy in the following terms: e.g. when Roxanna falsely believes her marriage will fail, her fears of such failure actually cause the marriage to fail.

The self-fulfilling prophecy is, in the beginning, a false definition of the situation evoking a new behavior which makes the original false conception come 'true'. This specious validity of the self-fulfilling prophecy perpetuates a reign of error. For the prophet will cite the actual course of events as proof that he was right from the very beginning.

In other words, a prophecy, strongly held belief, or a delusion, declared as truth when it is actually false may sufficiently influence people, either through fear or logical confusion, so that their reactions ultimately fulfill the once-false belief.

Terminator 2: Judgment Day

It didn't work, but it gave us ideas,
took us in new directions.

Things we would've never--

All my work was based on it.



Causality (also referred to as causation) is the relationship between an event (the cause) and a second event (the effect), where the second event is understood as a consequence of the first.

From 8/4/1985 ( Joseph Wayne Burgess - the foster father of Kerry Wayne Burgess - deceased ) To 1/19/1993 ( in Asheville North Carolina as Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess I was seriously wounded by gunfire when I returned fatal gunfire to a fugitive from United States federal justice who was another criminal sent by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal in another attempt to kill me the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) is 2725 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/19/1973 ( premiere US film "High Plains Drifter" ) is 2725 days

From 5/18/1958 ( premiere US TV movie "Where Is Thy Brother?" ) To 8/4/1985 ( Joseph Wayne Burgess - the foster father of Kerry Wayne Burgess - deceased ) is 9940 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/19/1993 ( in Asheville North Carolina as Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess I was seriously wounded by gunfire when I returned fatal gunfire to a fugitive from United States federal justice who was another criminal sent by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal in another attempt to kill me the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) is 9940 days

From 8/17/1960 ( premiere US film "The Time Machine" & the Soviet Union trial of the United States Central Intelligence Agency pilot Gary Powers begins in Moscow Russia Soviet Union ) To 11/4/1987 ( premiere United Kingdom TV series "A Perfect Spy" ) is 9940 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/19/1993 ( in Asheville North Carolina as Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess I was seriously wounded by gunfire when I returned fatal gunfire to a fugitive from United States federal justice who was another criminal sent by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal in another attempt to kill me the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) is 9940 days


- Hey, kid.
I think I've got a problem here.
Is it true that you were rescued by the fire department's arson team?
That's quite a bunch of guys, huh?
I'm so goddamn helpless here.
I can't do a fucking thing.
- What do you want me to do? - I've been lying here thinkin'.
For hours... thinkin' and thinkin' and thinkin'.
We're close. We're close.
But we're not lookin' in the right place,
not in the right place.


We're close. We're close.
But we're not lookin' in the right place,
not in the right place.
So, you've come to pick Ronald's brains...
because nobody knows the animal like Ronald.
It must've looked like it was going to be...
a medium deal, didn't it, when your father bought it?


The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for

The Time Machine (1960)

Country Date

USA 17 August 1960

The Time Machine

Another night was coming, but
this night no Eloi needed to fear.
The underworld of the Morlocks
was gone...
...and so was the life of leisure
for the Eloi.
But then what of me?
I was imprisoned in a world... which Ijust did not belong.
Are you sorry?
- Sorry? Sorry for what?
- That you have to stay?
I could tell so much
to the people of my time.
I'd let them know...
...about the sorrow and happiness
that the future holds.
Maybe they could learn from it.
Or could they?

The CIA and the U-2 Program, 1954-1974

History Staff

Center for the Study

of Intelligence

Central Intelligence Agency

Chapter 4



Downed U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers underwent extensive interrogation at the hands of the Soviets. His instructions from the CIA on what to do in event of capture were meager, and he had been told that he might as well tell the Soviets whatever they wanted to know because they could get the information from his aircraft anyway Nevertheless, Powers tried to conceal as much classified information as possible while giving the appearance of cooperating with his captors. To extract the maximum propaganda value from the U-2 Affair, the Soviets prepared an elaborate show trial for Powers, which began on 17 August 1960 Powers continued to conceal as much information as possible


We're close. We're close.
But we're not lookin' in the right place,
not in the right place.
So, you've come to pick Ronald's brains...
because nobody knows the animal like Ronald.
It must've looked like it was going to be...
a medium deal, didn't it, when your father bought it?
Did you watch him when he made that ballsy jump and saved--
I didn't come to talk about my father.
I sent away for a copy of that "Life" with your picture on the cover.
It's a collectible.
- Who's doing this, Ronald? - Wrong question.
Who isn't?
It isn't a spark, is it? Because there isn't enough damage...
and he wouldn't have had any fun.
It isn't an insurance pro because there isn't any profit.
- Who does that leave us with? - What's his tool?
How does he do it? How does he talk to the fire?

1994 television miniseries "The Stand" Disc 1 DVD video: [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]


Mother Abagail: Hello there, East Texas. What kept you?

Stu Redman: I was lost in the corn.

- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 03:02 AM Pacific Time USA Wednesday 18 April 2012