I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Monday, October 10, 2016
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 4:44 AM Sunday, September 25, 2011
Having just a short while ago started watching for the first time the DVD for the 2002 film "The Time Machine" I didn't really care if I stopped to make another official statement about this racketeering production. I did notice from the opening video that it is a work of the racketeering organization Dreamworks so I am not certain if I mentioned that before.
I started to watch this DVD after much debate in my mind after I had earlier debated in my mind what to watch on DVD and which led me to watch the first episode of "Battlestar Galactica" television series on DVD and after I heard the relevant dialog for my previous report before this one I could not bring myself to watch anymore of those highly boring episodes. So I was debating whether to watch for the first time the DVD I have for the 2002 film "Windtalkers" or this 2002 film "The Time Machine" and the latter won out.
I paused the DVD video after the point where "Emma" gets shot and then the dialog of "Filby" in the workshop and the scene of "Emma" getting shot and how that has bearing on the later dialog about the time machine made me think of extended thoughts in my mind in recent days and I wanted to pause the video and record those thoughts here. Why my thoughts matter in terms of me and why I presume I am getting through to any of you dullards I really don't understand. I don't understand why I am going to the trouble of sitting here and typing this up.
One reason I was thinking for the futility, a lesser reason, with better reasons being obvious, of describing these lines of thought is because my thoughts contradicted themselves in terms of two different tracks of ideas.
I am trying to remember precisely the order those thoughts formed in my mind - the thoughts that formed before later thoughts - and I think the first thought was about how I exist today as a clone of the original Kerry Wayne Burgess. In that line of thought, the original Kerry Wayne Burgess is himself a clone of Thomas Reagan and I exist as a human sitting here writing these details as a clone of the original Kerry Wayne Burgess, who created the hyperspace matter transportation device. I am a clone just as Kerry Wayne Burgess is a clone but as a clone I was created much differently. Kerry Wayne Burgess was created with medical technology. I am a clone from the original Kerry Wayne Burgess created from the hyperspace portal device he created in the early 1990's. The method of creation for me is that the original Kerry Wayne Burgess took upon his personal initiative to use the hyperspace portal device to go back in time and stop the Flight 232 crash on 19 July 1989. Although certainly a life event beyond any possibly human explanation, he rationalized that the creation of the portal was not dependent on that crash because nothing associated with surviving the crash was associated with the creation of the hyperspace portal. Sure, he didn't start seeing the ancient symbols until after the 19 July 1989 crash but that doesn't mean he would have seen them if the crash had not happened. So he programmed the portal to send him back to 1989 and thinking of the first time he met Thomas Reagan he was going to warn somebody about the flight. If he could delay the flight then that would solve the problem. So the original Kerry Wayne Burgess ran the computer program for the hyperspace portal and went into and then came straight back out and nothing had happened. The logs indicated a perfect operation of the device. Only sometime later did he mention to Thomas Reagan the unscheduled and unannounced test to alter the 19 July 1989 flight of Flight 232 and I thought about how Thomas Reagan reacted to that news from the original Thomas Reagan [ correction: from the original Kerry Burgess ]. He could not talk in detail but that was a pivotal point for him. He took Kerry Wayne Burgess to the airport and flew him into Greenville South Carolina and called up a security detail team and found out where they were so he could join them in an automobile along with Kerry Wayne Burgess. After sitting in the van with the darkened windows the original Kerry Wayne Burgess was stunned to see what Thomas Reagan brought him to see: me. I walked out the bank where I had gone to make a service call for their computer systems. I thought extensively about how, while they were not talking in detail in front of the secret surveillance team, the details about me, the clone of the original Kerry Wayne Burgess were described to the original Kerry Wayne Burgess. I thought about how after the crash of 19 July 1989 Thomas Reagan personally flew the original Kerry Wayne Burgess back to Charleston South Carolina and I thought extensively about the discussion as both discussed the alternate reality that the original Kerry Wayne Burgess experienced just as the airplane crashed and burned. The original Kerry Wayne Burgess was highly agitated because clocks did not work in that world. Every time he would create a new method for recording time he would come back to find it destroyed and mannequins would be positioned around there. The world was really quite peaceful and calm and boring but there was no way to measure time and that lasted for probably eighty years. I thought thought of how the original Kerry Wayne Burgess taught himself a lot of topics of self-study while in there including an advanced level of physics and other topics and including the creation of comedy. Some other details slip my mind mind. So Thomas Reagan was serious about his warning: do not let people see any great changes to your personality. You cannot show any signs of an increased level of intelligence or any such clues to reinforce that you were in that alternate reality. The co-pilot made the announcement that Charleston was thirty minutes out and so he went back to the flight deck and said they would meet again but not until after a few months and that would include the upcoming deployment of the Wainwright overseas. That changed as the aircraft landed and Thomas Reagan came back and told Kerry Wayne Burgess to remain seated because a situation was developing. By a turn of luck some chatter by the off-base roommate had been captured and there was some confusion about why Burgess was at his apartment. Thomas Reagan made some arrangements and he and the original Kerry Wayne Burgess drove to the fleet base in Charleston and sat near the pier and the original Kerry Wayne Burgess sit there a couple days after the 19 July 1989 crash in Iowa and was stunned to see a perfect clone of himself - which was me - strolling across the road separating the parking lot from the pier where the Wainwright was moored on a Saturday afternoon.
The trouble with all that, I would think after all those thoughts occurred to me over what, I guess now as I write this, was two or three days, is the contradiction. If I saw myself as a clone in 1989 then why did I not already know that in 1994? That contradicts my notions that I exist today as a clone of the original Kerry Wayne Burgess. My theory is that a clone did come into existence but Thomas Reagan created the conditions so that I would come to believe I am the clone, thus my life since 1998. I don't know what happened to the clone from 1998. He could be sitting on a beach somewhere right now drinking margaritas.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 25 September 2011 excerpt ends]
From 4/5/2010 to 9/25/2011 is 538 days
From 9/25/2011 to 3/16/2013 ( --- ) is 538 days
From 10/28/1994 ( premiere US film "Stargate" ) To 9/25/2011 is 6176 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/30/1982 ( premiere US TV series "Cheers"::series premiere episode "Give Me a Ring Sometime" ) is 6176 days
Stargate (1994)
Release Info
USA 28 October 1994
Cheers Season 1 Episode 1
Give Me a Ring Sometime
Aired Thursday 9:00 PM Sep 30, 1982 on NBC
AIRED: 9/30/82
Stargate: The Movie (1994)
[One screen shows video from the probe. It's pictures of a room, and another Stargate. West and O'Neil stand with several others analyzing the data.]
This is the information the probe sent back to us. Freeze and enhance. You can clearly see the 'gate on the other side. Both 'gates must have functioned as a doorway between our worlds.
These readings tell us it's an atmospheric match. Barometric pressure, temperature, and most importantly, oxygen.
[One computer monitor shows reading results of "Life Support Possible." Daniel is looking at another screen showing close ups of the chevrons on the other Stargate.]
These markings are different. They don't match the symbols on our 'gate.
That's why we may have to abort. This project is for naught without a reconnaissance mission.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 1:45 PM Monday, April 05, 2010
----- Original Message ----
From: Kerry Burgess
To: hotline@dodig.mil; HQ-OIG-Counsel@mail.nasa.gov; inspector.general@usdoj.gov
Sent: Mon, April 5, 2010 1:45:53 PM
Subject: Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis the International Terrorist Organization violently against the space program and the United States
To: hotline@dodig.mil; HQ-OIG-Counsel@mail.nasa.gov; inspector.general@usdoj.gov
From: Kerry W. Burgess (official United States Marshals Service federal undercover identity created to investigate and prosecute and convict the criminal activity against the legitimate operations of the United States Department of Defense and against the legitimate operations of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; an identity completely compromised by forces hostile to the United States of America)
US DOD Inspector General, US NASA Inspector General, US DOJ Inspector General,
Listen to me very close, you goddamned cowards.
I am going to unleash a force of United States federal justice for the purpose of enforcing United States federal justice and none of you can escape final judgment.
None of this today matters in terms of preventing Apocalypse. My efforts are simply to help the people I selected to survive The End. Those people probably still do not fully grasp the nature of the coming Apocalypse and they do not understand, or want to understand, that they will survive when close to seven billion other humans will not survive The End. About ten years after The End, those people I selected, because I could and because I was given that right, to survive will live with the burden of survivor's remorse and so what I do now is to give them something to look back at and to know that you people that did not survive were not worth saving.
Those survivors will look back and know that I could not reach the rest of you. You did not survive because you were not intelligent enough to save yourselves.
I was given the right to select a group of people to survive and I believe those people should not have to survive and struggle with the guilt of survival but those people should survive and they should *live.*
History is written by the victor.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 05 April 2010 excerpt ends]
Stargate: The Movie (1994)
Now, something happened—where is it—back on Earth. A rebellion or uprising, and the Stargate was buried there.
[Another picture shows the uprising.]
[The people carry the bodies of the jackal headed guards, raising their weapon-filled arms.]
Fearful of a rebellion here, Ra outlawed reading and writing. He didn't want the people to remember the truth.
[Kawalski comes back around the corner from where he'd been exploring another part of the cave.]
Jackson? I think you'd better take a look at this.
Stargate: The Movie (1994)
[Skaara starts drawing on one of the cave walls. Daniel warms his hands by the fire embers. Everyone else is asleep.]
What are you drawing?
Stargate: The Movie (1994)
I wouldn't feed that thing!
[O'Neil and Kawakski have arrived at the top of the dune. They're pointing their weapons down at the mastadge. Daniel looks up and grabs the harness.]
It's got a harness! It's domesticated!
Stargate: The Movie (1994)
That is why I chose your race...your bodies...so easy to repair. You have advanced much
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 12:16 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Monday 10 October 2016