Sunday, December 06, 2009

Mission to Mars (2000)

}}}}} JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess

To: Kerry Burgess

Sent: Sat, May 20, 2006 1:38:07 PM

Subject: Re: Journal May 20, 2006

Something is there, something. It is like a shadow. Or something you glimpse in the corner of your eye. It is familar unfamilarity that appears then disappears.

Kerry Burgess wrote:
In that movie Mission To Mars, there is that part where the second team arrive on Mars. The guy that survived for months there alone has lost it to some degree. The woman who lost her husband explains that extended periods of low-gravity can have that effect on the brain. As I write this, I almost feel like something is figuratively tugging at my mind. Anyway, if low-grav does have that effect, there needs to be a mechanism to help someone keep anchored in reality. Either by training them mentally or through artificial means of mind control. This adds weight to my hunch that I have some kind of device implanted in the back of my head. And it probably means it receives FM signals, although it could be any frequency, but FM would make more sense. Although it could be satellite too, really anything is possible without knowing the details.


Mission to Mars

Yes,Jim's first spaceship
was seriously underpowered.

- Maggie was
always a little starstruck.

}}}}} JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Re: Journal May 21, 2006, Supplemental

When Picard returns to what he considers his real life, he starts over again by having to lose his heart. I wonder what the significance is of that? I don't think it is literal, in that I have a physical artifical heart, rather maybe I was heartbroken because I lost someone I cared about.


}}}}} JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess

To: Kerry Burgess

Sent: Sat, February 11, 2006 4:05:02 PM

Subject: Re: Sleep journal 2/11/06

I have also been wondering, thinking back to that dream manipulation in 1999, whether my dreams are literal interpretations of what they are suggesting or whether my own mental mechanisms are producing something different from what they want. In other words, when I was waking up calling out my friends name

Kerry Burgess wrote:
Nothing spectacular about my dreams last night. I remember two different segments. One had some basic symbolism in it that seemed uninterestingly relevant. The other was more complex and had symbolic elements in it as well. I guess they decided to not screw with my mind as I slept because they read my journal last night that I was expecting it.


Mission to Mars

Range: 6,783 and closing.

Sixty-five minutes
until Mars Orbital Capture.

Mission to Mars

I'm out of fuel.
Coming in hot. Still long.

Abandoning the unit.
I'll brake with suit jets.

Jesus. Jesus.

Suit jets gone.
I'm gonna make contact.

- What velocity ?
- Impact's gonna be a little rough.

- At what velocity ?
- Thirty-two.

I'm gonna use the gun
to slowyou.

- If you slow me, I'll fallshort.
- It's too fast, Woody.

No choice ! I'll be okay.
Here we go !


}}}}} JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess

To: Kerry Burgess

Sent: Mon, June 12, 2006 1:23:57 PM

Subject: Re: Journal June 12, 2006

Kerry Burgess wrote:

Early this morning, I suffered through about the first half-hour of Fast Times At Ridgemont High until I got bored and changed it.


From 7/21/1987 ( formal wedding ceremony for my wife Phoebe and me ) to 4/16/1996 ( Modest Mouse "This Is a Long Drive for Someone with Nothing to Think About" ) is: 3192 days

3192 = 1596 + 1596

From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 7/16/1963 ( my wife ) is: 1596 days

From 12/24/1968 ( I was Apollo 8 spacecraft astronaut in orbit of Earth's moon ) to 4/16/1996 ( Modest Mouse "This Is a Long Drive for Someone with Nothing to Think About" ) is: 9975 days

From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 6/25/1986 ( U.S. President Ronald Reagan : Proclamation 5506—National Homelessness Awareness Week 1986 ) is: 9975 days

This Is a Long Drive for Someone with Nothing to Think About

Studio album by Modest Mouse

Released April 16, 1996

Track listing

16. "Space Travel Is Boring"


"Space Travel Is Boring"

Won herself a pass to some far off moon
It was second class but what's to lose
And looking out her window she could more than assume
That you can't see air or time
She's the only rocketeer in the whole damn place
They gave her a mirror so she could talk to a face
She still got plenty lonely but that's just the case
With time, time, time
Started hearing voices sometime in June
She knew she could go crazy but didn't think that soon
Now she doesn't feel lonely but she'd just as soon
Try, try, try try
Man shot to the moon
I read a paperback and want to come home soon
I'm shot to the moon
Been there a half an hour, I want to come home soon

The Seventh Sign

Did you ask him to dinner?

I did. He said, "No, thanks."
Of course, he didn`t use so many words.

The guy is out there.
He`s a little bit different.

I don`t know, I think he`s just quiet.

He`s quiet all right.
He doesn`t have a stereo or a television.

He doesn`t even want a telephone.

Really? That`s weird.

What`s weird is that
he has a short-wave radio.

You think he`s a spy?

The spearhead of an invasion force
that will take over and bore us to death!

The Seventh Sign

It was you, Abby.

Just the one person with hope enough
for the whole world.

Remember it all.

Write it down.

Tell it...

1:29:42 people will use the chance
she has given them.