The official website of The British Monarchy
The Queen makes a speech inside the Siambr (Chamber) as she attends the opening of the Fourth Session of the National Assembly for Wales at the Senedd in Cardiff Bay, Wales, 7 June 2011.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
To: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Thu, April 6, 2006 2:45:44 PM
Subject: Re: Imaginary friend
I was disappointed I got only an hour of my imaginary girlfriend this morning. The previous 3 days of 4 hours was spoiling me.
Damn I am one bored loser homeless guy.
I literally almost expect someone to stab me in the back with a knife when someone walks behind me on the street. I don't know why that has started bothering me. I feel like my thought processes are still pretty normal, but I do think about a lot of stuff, got nothing else to do. All this was going on back before I quit my job 26 months ago. It was pretty tough trying to sort out all this craziness and still try to get some work done. Goddamnit, that was 26 months ago, just for this part of this craziness, it was going on well before that. Damn my head hurts.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 6 April 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
To: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Thu, May 4, 2006 3:12:00 PM
Subject: Re: Sleep journal 5/4/06
Kerry Burgess wrote:
After my short nap yesterday late evening, when back to sleep after midnight and slept pretty soundly until after 7. Had a dream that seemed to occur just before I woke up. I was inside some kind of missile. Seems like it was an SM2-ER on the Wainwright's launcher and it was going to send me into orbit or outer space maybe. When I woke up, I heard lyrics from that song:
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 4 May 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
To: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Thu, May 4, 2006 3:12:00 PM
Subject: Re: Sleep journal 5/4/06
Kerry Burgess wrote:
Didn't start feeling alert until 9 am. That's when I realized I had a doctor's appt at 10am and I didn't know where it was. They sent me a map with driving directions but I had no idea which bus got there. I could have found it in 2 minutes if I had an internet connection, but I did not. I knew there was some kind of automated line for Metro but I didn't know the number or even if it would give me the info I needed. I imagined I would spend 30 minutes standing around on the phone and still not know what I needed to know. According to the map, the office was somewhere about 3.5 miles away. Two years ago, I could run that far in a half hour and I figured I could probably walk it now and get there no more than half an hour late. I was 18 minutes late. The doctor examined the hip injury from when I was in the Navy. I can't remember when the injury actually occurred. There were several things that could have caused it. I think I may have slammed into the bulwark when I was trying to avoid the anchor chain. Another time, I grabbed onto a cable that was supposed to be grounded, but I grabbed it before the guy with the grounding wand could hit it. A good lesson perhaps in overtraining. I remember my feet hurting for a while after that, but I didn't feel any kind of shock at the time. I used to wear a knife and another tool on my belt and it rested against my hip, but I can't remember if I was wearing it that day. The worst part, today, was walking around trying to get to the doctor's office and having this overwhelming feeling that everyone around me, walking, driving, they all were wondering how I was going to make it there on time. They all knew where I was supposed to be and they were all watching me like I am some kind of reality show contestant. It is overwhelming at times. I suppose it is, in some minor ways, not unlike a major leaque baseball player feels, at least some of them, when they are trying to make their first catch of a pop fly to the outfield. But this is worse. This all is just evil. The level of deception over all these years is just beyond evil. There are probably a lot of egomaniacs that fantasized about this kind of attention, but I never have. It is lunacy beyond articulation.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 4 May 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
To: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Thu, May 4, 2006 3:12:00 PM
Subject: Re: Sleep journal 5/4/06
And imagine your absolute worst roommate you ever had. Then imagine someone a million times worse. Then imagine having to live with 70 of them. Then imagine having to cope with all of you every where I go. Then imagine having not one single moment or shred of privacy where every minute, every second of the day, every day, every week, every month, every year, every single sound you make is heard and recorded by someone. It is worse than unbearable. I cannot begin to articulate how unbearable is this. It is a waking nightmare that is so captivating and so oppresive and I just can't wake up from it.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 4 May 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
To: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Tuesday, May 9, 2006 6:01:15 PM
Subject: Right
I wonder if this is where that guy painting the picture was standing?
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 9 May 2006 excerpt ends]
156 4th Ave N, Seattle, WA, United States
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: ----- Original Message ----
From: Kerry Burgess
To: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 2:45:01 PM
Subject: Re: Finally
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 10 May 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE:----- Original Message ----
From: Kerry Burgess
To: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 6:25:22 PM
Subject: Re: Star Trek: TNG: First Contact, Nov. 22, 1996
There was that dream I had the other night, where I was inside a missile. I remembered today the similarity with this movie, in that Cochrane converted an ICBM into his warp ship. But why would someone create a connection between me and Cochrane? I didn't create warp drive in the past only to have someone block my memory of that, did I? It's funny, when I read something the other day about Data arguing with Einstein, it reminded me of something I was writing in my journal back in the early '90s. I was wondering why it was impossible to travel faster than the speed of light. A couple years ago I was writing about it again. The idea presented itself to me about why it was impossible, something about atoms not being able to work because electrons could not transfer energy faster than the speed of light. I wondered if it was possible to create some kind of process to transfer energy to those atoms, not unlike a cell's mitochondria works. Today I have been wondering if anything I remember about the past is real. Do I have a different past? Am I really who I think I am? The stuff I imagine happening to me sometimes, did that stuff really happen? I wonder if these movies and tv shows have actually been sort of inoculations, to keep me from questioning my reality. I do question reality sometimes, but it wasn't until I saw that Matrix movie a while back, did I really start to wonder about reality. But it didn't seem to matter, I wasn't overly concerned that I may be living that kind of false reality. I still don't think I am living such an extreme unreality as in the Matrix, but I wonder if there is a divergence point in my life, a shadow, a distorted period. Or have I been living a life like in the movie Soldier, or maybe like in Blade Runner, where Rachael, and I assume Harrison Ford's character, have false memories of their life. Am I Harrison Ford's character in this reality? A replicant searching for replicants?
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 17 May 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
To: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Fri, May 19, 2006 10:21:01 PM
Subject: Re: Journal May 19, 2006
Kerry Burgess wrote:
My memory, which I am growing increasingly certain is false beyond a certain date
I am wondering today if I was either genetically engineered prior to birth or genetically modified after birth to allow for greater tolerance of long term travel in space.
I was thinking today about something I read recently in the novel 2001: Space Odyssey. Clarke wrote something about the progress of man from femur-wielding ape-man to man's use of guided missiles.
I wonder where the divergence point is in history? When did I become Kerry Burgess and who am I really?
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 19 May 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 12/29/06 7:44 PM
As I have been moving from the Shoreline gulag to this Space Needle gulag, although one that is a veritable mansion of privacy with the past 527 days considered
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 29 December 2006 excerpt ends]