1988 Ford Mustang GT
1988 Ford Mustang in The Last Boy Scout, Movie, 1991
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Memorable quotes for
The Last Boy Scout (1991)
Mike Mathews: [Mike is trying to offer Joe a case] So listen, I'm booked. You got plans?
Joe Hallenbeck: I'm thinking about smoking some cigarettes.
Mike Mathews: Could you postpone?
Joe Hallenbeck: These are pretty good cigarettes.
The Internet Movie Database
Memorable quotes for
The Last Boy Scout (1991)
Jimmy Dix: You don't like women much do ya Joe.
Joe Hallenbeck: [about his wife] At least I liked the guy she was fuckin'. He was my best friend.
The Internet Movie Database
Memorable quotes for
The Last Boy Scout (1991)
Jimmy Dix: I figure you gotta be the dumbest guy in the world, Joe. You're trying the save the life of the man who ruined your career, and avenge the death of the guy that fucked your wife.
The Internet Movie Database
Memorable quotes for
The Last Boy Scout (1991)
Jimmy Dix: [to himself] Okay, what would Joe do at a time like this? He'd kill everybody and smoke some cigarettes.
The Internet Movie Database
Memorable quotes for
The Last Boy Scout (1991)
Scrabble Man: Drop the gun, Hallenbeck.
[takes Joe's gun and tosses it]
Scrabble Man: Bit late for a stroll, don't you think?
Joe Hallenbeck: Yeah, you girls oughta be gettin' home.
Jimmy Dix: Yeah, streetlights are on.
Jake: Shut up, fuckface.
Joe Hallenbeck: I'm fuckface, he's asshole.
[Jimmy smiles sarcastically, in agreement]
Scrabble Man: Jake?
[Jake punches Joe in the face]
Scrabble Man: Apprise Rodney Dangerfield here of his situation. Perhaps we can dispense with the fun and games now, yes?
Joe Hallenbeck: You want the envelope, right?
Scrabble Man: The envelope, very smart. See, Jake, here's a man who knows when a situation is untenable.
Joe Hallenbeck: Good word.
Scrabble Man: You like that word? And you do have that envelope, don't you?
Joe Hallenbeck: Better give up, Jimmy. We're dealin' with a couple of geniuses here.
[Jake punches Joe in the face again]
Jimmy Dix: Alright man, just leave him the fuck alone!
[Jake kicks Jimmy in the groin]
Scrabble Man: Leave him alone? Sure, whatever you say. Jake attacks his job with a certain exuberance.
Jimmy Dix: Shit, we're bein' beat up by the inventor of Scrabble.
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Release dates for
The Last Boy Scout (1991)
Country Date
USA 13 December 1991
The Internet Movie Database
Memorable quotes for
The Last Boy Scout (1991)
Jimmy Dix: Wow, an actual house. I was thinking a cave with... skulls and shit.