This Is What I Think.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Back and forth my car rolled in the parking lot.

I pulled the emergency brake handle but that didn't help. My car rolled forwards and backwards as I was stomping on the brake pedal to get it to stop in the parking spot I wanted in the parking lot in front of an office building complex I had gone to in response to a company calling me to provide technical support to their computer system. The parking lot had a slope to it and it peaked near the painted line the separated two parking spots and I would roll backwards and forwards between those two spots. I thought maybe if I could slow enough to stop on that peak then maybe that would do something. Towards the end of the dream my car had rolled out of the paved parking lot and into a dirt and grass covered area and there was a sign there with words on it I cannot visualize. As I rolled into the dirt and grass area and seemed to stop there because of some kind of obstruction such as a dense line of tree, although that is not established in the dream, in the distance I could see a woman laughing and I asked in the dream or I wanted to ask her in the dream if my car would get towed if I left it parked there in that dirt and grass covered area near the paved parking lot. You would think I would stop having these dreams now that I know why I have them.