This Is What I Think.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Completely blinded by duty and obligation

Star Trek Generations

Jim, I'm starving. How long are you|going to rattle around in that kitchen?
What are you talking about?|The future?
This is the past. Nine years ago.
The day I told her|I was going back to Starfleet.
Ktarian eggs, her favourite. I was|preparing them to soften the blow.
I know how real this must seem|to you. But it's not.
This isn't really your house. We're|caught up in some temporal nexus.
Dill. Dill weed.|In the cabinet, second shelf to the left.
Behind the oregano.
- How long have you been here?|- I don't know.
I was aboard the Enterprise-B in|the deflector control room ... Stir these.
The bulkhead disappeared and then I|found myself out there chopping wood -
- right before you walked up|Thanks.
Look, history records -
- that you died saving the Enterprise-B|from an energy ribbon 80 years ago.
This is the 24th century?.
- And I'm dead?|- No, this is some kind of ...
... temporal nexus.|Something is missing.
I need your help.|Leave the nexus with me.
We have to go back to Veridian 3|and stop a man called Soran -
- from destroying a star.|Millions of lives are at stake.
History considers me dead.|Who am I to argue with history?.
- You have a duty as a Starfleet officer!|- Don't lecture me.
I saved the galaxy|when your grandfather was in diapers.
Besides,|I think the galaxy owes me one.
All right ...
I was like you once. Completely|blinded by duty and obligation.
And what did it get me?|An empty house.
Not this time.
This time I'm going to march|into that bedroom -
- and tell Antonia I want to marry her.|This time it's going to be different.
- This is not your bedroom.|- No, it's better.
- Better?|- This is my uncle's barn in Idaho.
I took this horse out for a ride|1 years ago on a spring day.
Like this one. If I'm right,|this is the day I met Antonia.
This nexus is very clever. I can start|over and do things right from day one.
I must have jumped that 50 times.|Scared the hell out of me each time.
Except this time.
Because it isn't real.
- Antonia.|- She isn't real either, is she?
Nothing here is.|Nothing here matters.
Maybe this is more about that empty|chair on the bridge of the Enterprise.
Ever since I left Starfleet|I haven't made a difference.
Captain of the Enterprise?|Close to retirement?
- I'm not planning on it.|- Don't.
Don't let them promote or transfer you.|Don't let them do anything -
- that takes you off that ship. Because|there you can make a difference.
Come back and help me stop Soran.|Make a difference again.
Who am I to argue with|the captain of the Enterprise?
Veridian 3? I take it the odds are|against us and the situation is grim.
You could say that.
Spock would say I was|an irrational, illogical human being -
- for taking on a mission like that.
Sounds like fun.
I've re-routed auxiliary power|to lateral thrusters to level our descent.
Brace for impact!
- Just who the hell are you?|- He's James T. Kirk.
Don't you read history?