This Is What I Think.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Free speeches on how to conduct effective law enforcement never make a difference. You never learn.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE:10/09/09 7:00 PM
Weeks ago, my line of thought shifted to the line of thought that I would only need to reach out and touch the portal in the last seconds before it disappeared because I began thinking that if I jumped up and stepped into the range or whatever of the portal at the last second and I was only partially within range of the portal then part of my body would be cut off. So I started thinking that I would only need to touch the portal before the final second elapsed. The ending of this episode reminds me a lot of that train of thought.

Stargate Universe (New)

676 SYFYHD: Friday, October 9 6:00 PM

Science fiction


When the air supply fails aboard the ship, the team searches a planet for a mineral that can help.

Cast: Robert Carlyle, Louis Ferreira, David Blue, Brian J. Smith, Jamil Walker Smith, Elyse Levesque, Alaina Huffman, Ming-Na, Lou Diamond Phillips Executive Producer(s): Robert C. Cooper, Brad Wright

Original Air Date: Oct 09, 2009

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 9 October 2009 excerpt ends]

Posted by H.V.O.M at 6:25 AM Saturday, July 23, 2011

"I had no idea."

I have had this on the television behind me as I sat facing my computers for most of the time it has been on. I usually don't even have the television powered on but I saw the listing for this broadcast and I watched the first few minutes before I got bored of it and turned back to my computers. I got interested in it again a short while after I made my last blog post because I had just turned back around to watch the television again and from there I had a new sense of awareness about how that "gateway" device they construct, as I was watching it, has those three outer rings just as does the "gateway" device in the film "Event Horizon" that premiered on 15 August 1997. In both films, the three rings start turning around and then the portal or "gateway" opens and then the human being is transported into some other kind of reality that is different from this current reality. Back in 1997, back when I lived as Wayne Newman and Matt Kline, as the former Kerry Wayne Burgess, I would have recognized the details in those racketeering works and that would have told me something.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 23 July 2011 excerpt ends]

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 posted by H.V.O.M at 7:51 AM

As for my home that I can't remember, that would make sense why I have had the same dream over and over for the past decade. The dream is always the same in the theme and the location, but the details change a little bit every time. The theme of the dream is that one day, I suddenly find out that I still own a house that I used to live in near Greer, SC. On a sidenote, I moved to Greer and bought that house in Country Club Estates, after I moved from Central, SC, while I was still working for UFP. Any fan of Tom Clancy, such as me, can tell you that "Admiral Greer" was the one who recruited "Jack Ryan" into the CIA. Anyway, in the dream, I would suddenly find that I still had that home to go back to, which was great to know because I really missed the place. It was a very peaceful location and I really enjoyed living there. It was always the same in the dream. I could go back there anytime I wanted, even that very minute, and go home. Over and over I dreamed that I could go home at that very minute

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 13 December 2006 excerpt ends]

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 15:21:15 -0800 (PST)

From: "Kerry Burgess"

Subject: good faith, bad faith

To: "Kerry Burgess"

good faith

honesty, fairness, and lawfulness of purpose : absence of any intent to defraud, act maliciously, or take unfair advantage

bad faith

intentional deception, dishonesty, or failure to meet an obligation or duty

[They rousted people out in response to my concern about a car bomb, but then when I expressed in the same forum that I was starving and needed help, they did nothing to help. Their intention was, and is, only to harm me.]

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 6 March 2006 excerpt ends]

[ Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi the cowardly International Terrorist Organization violently against the United States federal government actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government with all Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi staff partners contributors employees contractors lawyers managers of any capacity as severely treasonous criminal accomplices and that are active unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States that actively make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in the United States and in the Severely Treasonous and Criminally Rebellious State of Washington by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings ]

Star Trek Generations

I must have jumped that 50 times.|Scared the hell out of me each time.
Except this time.
Because it isn't real.
- Antonia.|- She isn't real either, is she?
Nothing here is.|Nothing here matters.
Maybe this is more about that empty|chair on the bridge of the Enterprise.
Ever since I left Starfleet|I haven't made a difference.
Captain of the Enterprise?|Close to retirement?
- I'm not planning on it.|- Don't.
Don't let them promote or transfer you.|Don't let them do anything -
- that takes you off that ship. Because|there you can make a difference.

Deviance (sociology)

Deviance describes actions or behaviors that violate cultural norms including formally-enacted rules (e.g., crime)

Neutralization theory

Gresham Sykes and David Matza's neutralization theory explains how deviants justified their deviant behaviors by adjusting the definitions of their actions and by explaining to themselves and others the lack of guilt of their actions in particular situations. There are five different types of rationalizations, which are the denial of responsibility, the denial of injury, the denial of the victim, the condemnation of the condemners, and the appeal to higher loyalties.

The denial of responsibility is the argument that the deviant was helplessly propelled into the deviance, and that under the same circumstances, any other person would resort to similar actions. The denial of injury is the argument that the deviant did not hurt anyone, and thus the deviance is not morally wrong, due to the fundamental belief that the action caused no harm to other individuals or to the society. The denial of the victim is the argument that possible individuals on the receiving end of the deviance were not injured, but rather experiences righteous force, due to the victim's lack of virtue or morals. The condemnation of the condemners is the act by which the deviant accuses authority figures or victims for having the tendency to be equally deviant, and as a result, hypocrites.

Armageddon (1998)

Look, I understand that you are handicapped by a natural immaturity and I forgive you.
I may be an immature father, okay? But I'm still your employer.
And as your boss I want you on that crew boat tonight and back in the office by Monday.
- You got that? - Okay. I quit.
Grace, you can't quit now. I need you to keep on workin'.
- Hi, Harry! - What are you smilin' about?

I've been seein' A.J. for more than five months, Harry.
You little hypocrite. I ever held you back once from doin' anything?