This Is What I Think.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Futureworld (1976)

Die Hard

So that's what this is all about?
A fucking robbery?

Put down the gun.

Why'd you have to nuke
the whole building, Hans?

Well, when you steal $600,
you can just disappear.

When you steal 600 million,
they will find you


The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for

Futureworld (1976)

Country Date

USA 13 August 1976


The Internet Movie Database

Plot Summary for

Futureworld (1976)

It has been several years since the disaster at the Delos resort (events of "Westworld"), and Delos is ready to reopen, replacing Westworld with the new "Futureworld," which is getting rave reviews. However, one of Delos's most famous critics, reporter Chuck Browning, is still not convinced that Delos has cleaned up its act, especially after an informant with inside information about Delos is murdered. Chuck teams up with fellow reporter Tracy Ballard and goes to Delos to find out why his source was killed. What they discover is beyond any of their imaginations.

2003 television miniseries "Battlestar Galactica" DVD video:


Commander William Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Commanding Officer: You want some, uh, coffee?

Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama - Colonial Fleet Viper pilot: No, sir. Thank you, sir.

Commander William Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Commanding Officer: Why don't you sit down? Congratulations on making Captain. Sorry I wasn't there.

Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama - Colonial Fleet Viper pilot: Thank you, sir.

Commander William Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Commanding Officer: How's your mother?

Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama - Colonial Fleet Viper pilot: Getting married.

Commander William Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Commanding Officer: Good for her. We spoke about a year ago. Had a real heart-to-heart. It was good.

Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama - Colonial Fleet Viper pilot: I'm glad to hear that, sir. Will that be all?

Commander William Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Commanding Officer: Why don't you talk to me, Lee?

Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama - Colonial Fleet Viper pilot: What do you want to talk about?

Commander William Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Commanding Officer: Anything. You've been here for an hour.

Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama - Colonial Fleet Viper pilot: Well, I don't have anything to say. My orders said report here and participate in the ceremony. So I'm - I'm here, and I'm going to participate in the ceremony. There wasn't anything in my orders about having any heart-to-heart chats with the Old Man.

Commander William Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Commanding Officer: Accidents happen in the service.

Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama - Colonial Fleet Viper pilot: Dad, listen, I -

Commander William Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Commanding Officer: You know all the things that you talked to me about at the funeral -

Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama - Colonial Fleet Viper pilot: I really don't want to do this!

Commander William Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Commanding Officer: They still ring in my ears after two years.

Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama - Colonial Fleet Viper pilot: Good! Good. Because - because you know what? They were meant to.

Commander William Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Commanding Officer: Zak had a choice. You both did.

Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama - Colonial Fleet Viper pilot: "A man isn't a man until he wears the wings of a Viper pilot." Doesn't that sound at all familiar to you?

Commander William Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Commanding Officer: That's not fair, son.

Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama - Colonial Fleet Viper pilot: No, it's not fair. Because one of us wasn't cut out to wear the uniform.

Commander William Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Commanding Officer: He earned his wings, just like we all did.

Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama - Colonial Fleet Viper pilot: One of us wasn't cut out to be a pilot. One of us wouldn't have made it into flight school if his old man, his daddy, hadn't pulled the strings!

Commander William Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Commanding Officer: That's an exaggeration. I did nothing for him that I wouldn't have done for anyone else.

Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama - Colonial Fleet Viper pilot: You're not even listening to me. Why - why can't you get this through your head? Zak did not belong in that plane! He shouldn't have been there. He - he was only doing it for you. Face it. You killed him.

Commander William Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Commanding Officer: That'll be all, Captain.

The New York Times

Article Preview

CONFESSION' CITED; Khrushchev Charges Jet Was 1,200 Miles From the Border RUSSIANS HOLDING U.S. PILOT AS SPY

By OSGOOD CARUTHERSSpecial to The New York Times. ();

May 08, 1960,

, Section , Page 1, Column , words


MOSCOW, May 7 -- Premier Khrushchev jubilantly reported today the capture of the pilot of a United States plane that he said had been shot down on May Day. He said the American had admitted attempting to carry out a photo-reconnaissance mission all the way across the Soviet Union

City of Seattle

Gregory J. Nickels, Mayor


SUBJECT: Seattle Municipal Court hosts Homeless Veteran’s Court forum



Seattle Municipal Court hosts Homeless Veteran’s Court forum

The Seattle Municipal Court, Columbia Legal Services, Seattle City Attorney, and the Associated Counsel for the Accused will host a Homeless Veteran’s Court forum on Monday, June 27 at Seattle Municipal Court. The forum is an opportunity to bring together experts from San Diego County, the site of the first Homeless Court, and local providers to learn the most effective way to operate a similar court in King County.

Seattle Municipal Court sees many homeless defendants who commit low level quality of life crimes such as theft, criminal trespass, and drinking in public. Homeless individuals may fail to comply with the court process since they have no address to receive a criminal summons, resulting in issuance of a warrant. This minor offense could be more effectively addressed through a Homeless Court process, whereby the court, legal system and social service systems collaborate to help resolve misdemeanors for defendants already on the road to self-sufficiency. Service providers identify candidates and the prosecutor and public defender work out a plea agreement. In most cases, part of the sentence includes credit for progress the individual has already made. This may include participation in drug or alcohol treatment, completion of an anger management class, or completion of community service.

Local News: Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Murray seeks $1 billion for VA

By Hal Bernton

Seattle Times staff reporter

U.S. Sen. Patty Murray yesterday sent a letter to the White House asking President Bush to shore up a $1 billion shortfall in Department of Veterans Affairs health-care funding.

Yesterday, Murray held a rally outside the Puget Sound VA Health Care System hospital in Seattle

Jacobs ladder

What's wrong?
It's me.
Are you ok?
Jesus Christ, where have you been?
I've been worried sick.
I mean, it's two days, and you don't call me?
I was in the hospital.
Oh, Jesus. In the hospital?
Jake, honey, what hospital?
I called every hospital in the city.