This Is What I Think.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Encyclopædia Britannica

Pamela Beryl Digby Churchill Hayward Harriman

ARTICLE from the Encyclopædia Britannica

Pamela Beryl Digby Churchill Hayward Harriman, British-born socialite and American political figure (b. March 20, 1920, Farnborough, Hampshire, Eng.--d. Feb. 5, 1997, Paris, France)


The Internet Movie Database

Biography for

Pamela Harriman

Date of Birth

20 March 1920, Farnborough, Hampshire, England, UK

Date of Death

5 February 1997

Birth Name

Pamela Beryl Digby


Averell Harriman (27 September 1971 - 26 July 1986) (his death)

Leland Hayward (4 May 1960 - 18 March 1971) (his death)

Randolph Churchill (4 October 1939 - 1946) (divorced) 1 child

Daughter-in-law of Winston Churchill, when married to Randolph Churchill. Mother of Winston Churchill.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 03/13/10 2:05 PM
Two of the last three scenes from a dream just before I awoke just now from a nap are too vague to describe in a lot of detail. In that first scene of the last three I was in a small room that I keep wanting to say was a bus terminal but it must have been a room with seats for, I don't know, about ten people and was a small room but I was vaguely aware of the tile floor and the walls and vaguely some chairs. I was also aware of something about having to be in that room for a long time and I seemed to be weighing the pros and cons of my existence in that room. I was also vaguely aware of the sense that I might have been hoarding food as I was in there. I am also vaguely aware that President Clinton might have also been in there. The second scene of the last three has mostly vanished from my mind by now as I was writing about that first scene. The last scene has me, vaguely, getting out of a car and waking towards a US military building that is the entrance to some kind of US installation and I can visualize the details fairly well and I am walking through the surrounding structures and I am going there to pass through a security checkpoint as though I am entering a US installation. I am vaguely aware of some familiar dialog but that is too vague to describe. I am holding up my identification for the people inside the building and although I cannot see anybody inside, as is probably the design of the building, I get the sense no one is really looking at my identification. I hold it up the entire time I walk around the outside of the building and I even walk to the entrance of that rectangular building and I see that the door is slightly ajar and I hold up my I.D. to that open door and I have the briefest moment where I look through the slightly open door and the inside is dark and I cannot see anything but I have the sense of a presence of a US military person inside at his post in that building. I decide they must have seen my I.D. and I continue walking. As I think about that scene I think to myself that I actually make a circle around that building and I am walking back to the car I came there in. As I walk back I have an image in my mind where I am looking at the text on the back of my I.D. card and the only details I remember is that there is a sections that is labeled "Votes" and the value associated with that caption is in the range of 11 million, 2 hundred thousand but I cannot remember the precise number or what it even means. When I get back to the car though, the people inside are different but I cannot now recall who was in there before and I am left with the vague sense that the difference is simply because the watch has changed, as though they are a different shift and are a different group there at work at their assignment, whatever that is. In the car this are Patrick Stewart at the wheel of what I guess is a black Camaro and next to him is William Shatner. I get into the front seat and I wonder if one of us should get in the back seat because William Shatner is all compressed in the middle and I see his feet as he stuggles to, I don't know. He seems real uncomfortable because of the seating. I notice Patrick Stewart is eating a sandwich. He mentions that he "started a strike" today although that is not his exact dialog but I know what he means because I think that was relevant to the second scene which I do not now recall. I think the dream might have lasted a few more seconds after that dialog but I am not certain. I had the sense that Patrick Stewart was trying to visually identify me as I walked to the car because I was wearing sunglasses. I think I took off the sunglasses as I got into the car. The dialog about the strike has something to do with a labor strike, and I thought that would jog my memory as I write this about that earlier scene but it seems to be completely gone from my memory now. I remember something about how a different term was being used for that strike but I do not now recall what was being used. Since that dialog I have also been wondering if it was actually a reference to that dialog in the 1991 film "Flight of the Intruder" and about how "Grafton" only needed a strike of the match.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 03/13/10 2:27 PM
That last scene in the car also reminds me of that dialog from "Mission To Mars" about the unlikely success of three captains in one ship.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 13 March 2010 excerpt ends]

[ Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi the cowardly International Terrorist Organization violently against the United States federal government actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government with all Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi staff partners contributors employees contractors lawyers managers of any capacity as severely treasonous criminal accomplices and that are active unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States that actively make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in the United States and in the Severely Treasonous and Criminally Rebellious State of Washington by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings ]


The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for

Star Trek: Generations (1994)

[first lines]

[the journalists are all talking at the same time, trying to get their questions in]

Journalist #3: How does it feel to be back on the Enterprise bridge?

Journalist #1: Captain Chekov, what are the most significant changes...

Journalist #3: Captain Kirk, can I ask you a few questions?

Journalist #1: Did you participate in the redesign?

Journalist #3: We'd like to know how you feel about being...

Kirk: I appreciate the...

Harriman: Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. There will be plenty of time for questions later. I'm Captain John Harriman and I'd like to welcome you all aboard.

Kirk: It's our pleasure.

Harriman: I just want you to know how excited we all are to have a group of living legends with us on our maiden voyage. I remember reading about your missions when I was in grade school.

Kirk: Oh, really?

Star Trek Generations

We've just cleared the asteroid belt.|Today, we'll go beyond Pluto and back.
- Just a quick run around the block.|- Will you test the warp drive system?
We're picking up a distress call,|Captain.
On speakers.
This is the transportship Lakul. We're|caught in some energy distortion.
Two ships in our ... trapped|in a severe gravimetric distortion.
We can't break free, we need help.|It's tearing us apart.
The Lakul is one of two ships|flying El Aurian refugees to Earth.
- Can you locate them?|- They are bearing at 310/205.
Distance: three light years.
Signal the closest starship. We're|in no condition to mount a rescue.
- We don't have a full crew aboard.|- We're the only one in range, sir.
Well, then.|I guess it's up to us.
Helm, lay in an intercept course|and engage at maximum warp.
Captain, is there something wrong|with your chair?.
We're within visual range|of the energy distortion, Captain.
On screen.
What the hell is that?
I've located the transport ships.
Their hulls can't take the stress.|They won't survive much longer.
We're encountering severe gravimetric|distortions from the energy ribbon.
- We'll have to keep our distance.|- Tractor beam ...
We don't have one.|It won't be installed until Tuesday.
Ensign Sulu ...
Generate a subspace field around|the ships. That might break them free.
- Too much quantum interference, sir.|- What about ...
Vent plasma from the warp nacelles.|That might disrupt the ribbon's hold.
- It's not having any effect ...|- The starboard vessel is collapsing!
- How many people were on that ship?|- 265.
Sir, the Lakul's hull integrity|is down to 12%.
Captain Kirk, I'd appreciate|any suggestions you might have.
- Move us in and beam them aboard.|- The distortions will tear us apart.
Risk is part of the game.
- Close to within transporter range.|- And turn that damn thing off!
- We're within range.|- Beam them directly to sickbay.
- How big is your medical staff?|- It ... doesn't arrive until Tuesday.
- You and you are now nurses.|- The warp plasma relays are unstable.
I can't lock on to them.|They are in some sort of temporal flux.
Their life signs are phasing in|and out of our space-time continuum.