This Is What I Think.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Hyperlight speed jump instructions decoded for action and maneuvering. Hyperlight speed jump system in standby mode.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 7:40 PM Saturday, May 28, 2011


In the recent hour I started to wonder about the interstate highway number for the town of George in Washington State. Although I have driven an automobile through that area several times in interstate highway I-90 I had no idea what was even the range of numbers for that interstate exit. I started to wonder if the interstate exit number was "13-something."

I looked it up on the map and it is not "13-something" and is instead exit 149. So I started to wonder if there was anything at the "13-something" mileposts and there it was. The interstate highway I-90 exit 136 is for Vantage Washington. This is the point where the Vantage Bridge crosses off the Columbia River. And then when you are driving on the interstate towards the town of George which isn't very far away, you cross the river and then you make an almost ninety turn to the north.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 28 May 2011 excerpt ends]


A mesa (Spanish and Portuguese for "table") is an elevated area of land with a flat top and sides that are usually steep cliffs. It takes its name from its characteristic table-top shape.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 03/30/07 3:08 AM
A very detailed dream about being on a Luge course at an Olympic competition. I can remember that I made two timed runs through the course. I can remember very clearly the first part of the course going down a large hill and going very fast. But the weird part is that I was going backwards and that I had to make a 90-degree turn about half-way through the course, which was very tricky. There was a wall there at the turn that I would have hit if I hadn't got it right. I can remember making course adjustment to my sled as I was traveling backwards and approaching the turn that would be to my left as my back was to it and it was a turn that I couldn't even actually see. I can remember that my time was in the range of 13-something, which I guess means the course took me over 13 minutes. I had no idea if that was good enough time to earn a gold medal. Then I was back at the course start I guess to make a third run. But I didn't see any point to it so I went into some kind of nearby building to return my sled. But at that point, my sled was some kind of copper-colored rocket. There were three people in the room and one was

when we lived in that rented house on Dequincy in De Queen.

announcing my name over the PA but she kept getting my middle name wrong. First she called me Kerry Abner Burgess and then she called me Kerry Charlie Burgess, and she was saying something else but I think at the end, she just like the mike open and wasn't saying anything. I was at the start of the Luge course while she was talking and I was configuring my sled but now it included a chair from a kitchen table. It seemed that the chair would drag behind me on ropes. Instead of having the chair with its back flat to the ice while the legs were horizontal to the ice, the back of the chair was vertical to the ice while the legs were horizontal to the ice. Throughtout the dream, I have the indescribable sense of the blue sky, which I can almost visualize and which I could seen parts of the horizon of the sky and their is some indescribable notion connected to that visualization about jet aircraft.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 30 March 2007 excerpt ends]

[ Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi the cowardly International Terrorist Organization violently against the United States federal government actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government with all Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi staff partners contributors employees contractors lawyers managers of any capacity as severely treasonous criminal accomplices and that are active unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States that actively make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in the United States and in the Severely Treasonous and Criminally Rebellious State of Washington by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings ]


Tigh: You don't want to do this.

Adama: I know I don't.

Tigh: Because any sane man wouldn't. It's been, what, twenty, twenty-two years?

Adama: We trained for this.

Tigh: Training is one thing, but - if we're off in our calculations by even a few degrees, we could end up in the middle of the sun.

2003 miniseries "Battlestar Galactica" DVD video: [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]

William Adama: Report.

Gaeta: Taking a bearing now. We appear to be in geosynchronous orbit directly above the Ragnar anchorage.

Battlestar Galactica bridge crew: [ applause ]

2003 miniseries "Battlestar Galactica" DVD video: [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]

Lee Adama: That was fun.

Laura Roslin: [ laughing ]

Lee Adama: I think it worked.

Laura Roslin: What exactly did you do?

Lee Adama: I basically just used the - the hyperdrive to manipulate the energy coils. I put out - put out a big pulse of electro - magnetic energy that must've disabled the warheads. Oh - I'm - I'm hoping that it looked like a nuclear explosion.

Laura Roslin: Oh, so that's what that was.

Lee Adama: So, uh -

Laura Roslin: Did it fool the Cylons?

Lee Adama: I don't know. But if - if they weren't fooled, then they'd be on top of us by now.

Colonial One pilot: Does the rest of the Fleet know about this trick?

Lee Adama: I doubt it. It was just a theory we toyed with in war college. But - it never used to work during war games. The Cylons would see right through it and destroy the targets anyway.


"Thank God, It's Doomsday" is the nineteenth episode of The Simpsons' sixteenth season. The episode aired for the first time on May 8, 2005, in the US.

This causes many of Springfield's residents to believe that Homer is right in predicting that at 3:15 p.m. on May 18, the apocalypse will come, and so the believers follow him to the Springfield Mesa to wait for it.



A type of road of relatively unknown description; it could be a combination of a thruway and a tunnel.

In the episode "Thank God It's Doomsday" there are two references to a road leading out of Springfield called the Warren Harding Memorial Throughhole.

Warren G. Harding

Warren Gamaliel Harding (November 2, 1865 – August 2, 1923) was the 29th President of the United States


Adama: Specialist.

Specialist: Sir.

Adama: Bring me our position.

Specialist: Yes, sir.

Tigh: You don't want to do this.

Adama: I know I don't.

Tigh: Because any sane man wouldn't. It's been, what, twenty, twenty-two years?

Adama: We trained for this.

Tigh: Training is one thing, but - if we're off in our calculations by even a few degrees, we could end up in the middle of the sun.

Adama: No choice. Colonel Tigh, please plot a hyperlight jump from our position to the orbit of Ragnar.

Tigh: Yes, sir.

Dualla: (in tears) Priority message, sir.

Tigh: Engineering, spin up FTL drives one and two.

Man: Spinning up FTL drives one and two.

Tigh: Lieutenant Gaeta, break up the FTL tables and warm up the computers. We are making a jump.

Adama: Admiral Negala is dead. Battlestar Atlantea's been destroyed. So's the Triton, Solaria, Columbia... the list goes on.

Tigh: Who's the senior officer? Who's in command?


A mesa (Spanish and Portuguese for "table") is an elevated area of land with a flat top and sides that are usually steep cliffs. It takes its name from its characteristic table-top shape.

Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife

Wildlife Areas

The most striking feature of the 15,266-acre Quincy Lakes unit, west of the town of George, is the geology. It is a product of erosion of lava flows by glacial floodwaters. The many layers of basalt are exposed in towering 800-foot cliffs, isolated mesas


She looks just like the Vollmers!

T minus two minutes and counting.

Why is everyone so nervous?

When a launch goes wrong,
they're the guys who scrape the wall.

And you do look like
the Vollmer twins.

Who are the Vollmer twins?

Launch personnel only in the bay.

T minus one minute 30 seconds
and counting.

Magnetic field polarity
initiation in ten seconds.

Telemetry check is initiated.

Are we gonna blast to the past!


Green for launch!

I've run dozens
of simulated launches...

but I-I never noticed
that wall before.

- "Simulated"?
- This is my first real launch.

Great. Don't stick
your head out of the window.

- She's a little shaky.
- Blood pressure'll loosen her teeth.

Her pulse is pushing 140.

If she farts, she'll get
ahead of the pod.

Fielding, listen to me.
It helps to concentrate...

on something relaxing
during a launch.

What do you think about?

Not swallowing my tongue.

- How's Walker?

- You'd have to shake him...

to be sure he's awake.

- He's awake.



Tigh: Five seconds to turn three.

Gaeta: Five seconds, sir.

Tigh: And turn.

Gaeta: Bow pitched positive one-half. Stern pitched negative one-quarter. Bow yaw negative three-quarters.

(In her quarters, Starbuck is changing out of her flight suit. She takes a picture of herself and Zack out of her mirror, and unfolds it; Lee is there next to them. In the temporary morgue, the bodies are laid out and the crew are collecting dog-tags.)


Dualla: Crossing into the ionosphere.

Adama: (on the intercom) All hands. Be ready for some chop.

(The support crew gets ready to go into the munitions depot.)


Tigh: We're running.

Adama: This war is over. We lost.

Apollo: My father's right. It's time for us to get out of here.

Tigh: So where are we going, Commander?

Adama: The Perlmar (Promar?) Sector.

Tigh: That's way past the red line.

Adama: Can you plot that jump?

Gaeta: I've never plotted a jump that far, sir.

Adama: No one has. Can you plot that jump?

Gaeta: Yes, sir.


(Galactica - they're pulling the bodies out of the burned section of the ship. The Chief stands and looks around, lost.)


Adama: What was the final count?

Tigh: Twenty-six walked out. Eighty-five didn't. (They look at each other for a moment.) There's a munitions depot at Ragnar Anchorage.

Adama: Oh, it's a super-bitch to anchor a ship there.