This Is What I Think.

Friday, September 09, 2011


The official website of The British Monarchy

The Countess of Wessex views a Laproscopic (keyhole surgery) trainer in a new digital theatre at the Nuffield Health Hospital in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, 8 September 2011. She is seen with Deputy Theatre Manager Nasreen Young and Consultant Urologist Mr.John Donohue.

Greaves, R.B

Take a Letter, Maria

Last night as I got home about a half past ten
There was the woman I thought I knew
In the arms of another man
I kept my cool, I ain't no fool
Let me tell you what happened then
I packed some clothes and I walked out
And I ain't going back again


So take a letter Maria, address it to my wife
Say I won't be coming home, gonna start a new life
So take a letter Maria, address it to my wife
Send a copy to my lawyer, gotta start a new life

You've been many things but most of all a good secretary to me
And it's times like this I feel you've always been close to me
Was I wrong to work nights to try to build a good life
All work and no play has just cost me a wife


When a man loves a woman it's hard to understand
That she would find more pleasure in the arms of another man
I never really noticed how sweet you are to me
It just so happens I'm free tonight
Would you like to have dinner with me


So take a letter Maria, address it to my wife
Send a copy to my lawyer, gotta start a new life

[ Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi the cowardly International Terrorist Organization violently against the United States of America federal government actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States of America federal government with all Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi staff partners contributors employees contractors lawyers managers of any capacity as severely treasonous criminal accomplices and that are active unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States that actively make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in the United States and in the Severely Treasonous and Criminally Rebellious State of Washington by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings ]


What are you doing, Miss Archer?
Who are you? How did you know who I am?
I suspect Old Moses knows just about everything...
...leastways if it concerns Hudsucker.
Who are you? What do you do here?
I keep the old circle turning.
This old clock needs plenty of care.


I can't print that!
Why not? It's true. The board's using him to depress the stock and buy it cheap.
It's pure speculation! They'd have my butt in a satchel!
They'll buy that stock--
You don't know anything. They haven't bought it. What are they waiting for?
I don't know.
Amy's hunches are usually pretty good.
You don't accuse somebody of stock manipulation on a hunch!
Our readers aren't interested in sensationalism, gossip...
...unsupported speculation!
Facts! Figures! Those are the tools of the newspaper trade.
It's as if you're trying to take the heat off him. Like you've gone soft on him.
Come on, Chief. That's a low blow.
Archer's not going to go gooey for a corn-fed idiot.
I was out of line. But you're out of line with this stock-swindle story.
Give me more of that "moron from Sheboygan" stuff.
- Muncie. - Whatever.
That's what sells newspapers!
I've got a harder story: "The Sap From The City Desk!"
- Watch it! - It's about a dim-witted editor who--
Easy, tough guy.
Does this suit look mannish to you?
Yeah, sure. Let's grab a highball.
Back off!
What gives?
A man of great managerial potency.
My husband is also a president.
Sears Braithwaite of Bullard. Do you know him?
Your companion is an ode!
A lyric! Are you betrothed?
Amy works in my office. She runs--
Oh, the folly of youth!
Those green remembered hills!
That bourn from which no traveler returns.
I once ran the mimeograph for Sidney.
Though engaged at the time to quelqu'un d'autre... water-cooler romance became a mad passion.
Un amour fou. Une folie a deux.
I'm brushing up on my French with the most charming man...
- ...Pierre of 5th Avenue. Do you know him? - Do you know him?
Sidney and I are planning a trip to Paris and points continental.
Aren't we, dear?
Sure. I'd like to borrow Norville for a while, if you don't mind.
Well, frankly, I....
You have a very charming wife, Mr.... Sid.
So they tell me.
Let me shepherd you through some of the introductions here.
Try not to talk too much.
Some of our biggest stockholders are....
Scratch that. Say whatever you like.
Shake hands with Sears Braithwaite of Bullard.
Glad to know you, Barnes.
This is Zebulon Cardozo... of Hudsucker's largest and most loyal stockholders.
What's this I hear about you being an imbecile?
What's ailing you, boy?
Last week, my stock was worth twice what it is now. I think I'll sell...
...the whole kit and caboodle, boy, unless I see a vast improvement.
What you've got here, son, is a range war!
You gonna have to circle our wagons or I'm gonna get out of your wagon train.
No need for concern, sir. It's only natural... a period of transition for the more timid elements to run for cover.
Yellow? I'll show you yellow, boy!
You mind now and quit acting like such an old grizzly.
Step lively here, Norville.
I'm sorry, I thought maybe if I showed him the long view--
And this is Thorstensen Finlandson...
...who heads a radical, splinter group of disgruntled investors.
Pleased to meet you.
It might interest you to know I studied a little Finnish in high school.
I hope I'm not too rusty.


The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for

The Hudsucker Proxy (1994)

Country Date

USA 11 March 1994
UK 2 September 1994


Forget the letter, I just had to blow off steam.
She's probably just a little confused.
Probably a fast-talking career gal, thinks she's one of the boys.
Probably is, if you know what I mean.
I'm quite sure I don't know what you mean.
Probably suffers from one of these complexes they have nowadays.
It's obvious. She's probably very unattractive and bitter about it.
Is that it?
She probably dresses in men's clothing, drinks with the guys at the local bar...
...hobnobs with some smooth-talking heel reporter named Biff or Smoocher or--
Exactly. I bet she's ugly, real ugly.
Otherwise, why isn't her picture next to her byline?
Maybe she puts her work ahead of her personal appearance.
I bet that's what she tells herself.
But you and I know she's a dried-up, bitter old maid.
How about we grab a little dinner and a show after work?
I was thinking maybe The King and I?
How about Oklahoma?
You don't know a thing about that woman!
You don't know who she really is! Only a numbskull thinks he knows things...
...about things he knows nothing about.
Say, what gives?


Tom Clancy


G.P. Putnam's Sons hardcover edition / August 1986

Berkley mass-market edition / August 1987

Page 182


What was holding Washington up? the colonel asked himself. All he needed was a simple yes or no. He checked his boards. Three KH-type photoreconnaissance satellites were currently in orbit, plus nine electronic surveillance birds. That was his low-level "constellation." He didn't fear for his higher-flying navigation and communications satellites, but the twelve in low earth orbit, especially the KHs, were valuable and vulnerable. Two of them had Russian killersats in close proximity, and one of his birds was now approaching Soviet territory, with another only forty minutes behind. The third Key-Hole bird didn't have a satellite assigned yet, but the last pass over Leninsk showed another F-type booster being fueled on the pad.

"Take another look at the trailer," he ordered.

A technician made the requisite commands, and half a world away, the satellite fired its altitude control thrusters and pivoted in space to allow its cameras to search for the Russian killer satellite. It had held position fifty miles behind, and nine miles below the American satellite, but now was ... gone.

"They moved it. They moved it in the last half hour." He lifted the phone to tell CINC-NORAD that he was moving the satellite on his own authority. Too late. As the satellite turned again to point its cameras at the ground, a cylindrical mass covered a sizable percentage of the earth's face - there was a flash and the TV screen went blank. Just like that.

"Chris, you have those maneuver commands set up?"

"Yes, sir," the captain answered, still staring at the screen.

"Execute them right now!"

The captain called up the command sequence on his computer console and punched Enter. The colonel's phone rang as the satellites' onboard rocket motors made subtle changes in their orbital paths.

"Argus Control," the colonel answered.

"This is CINC-NORAD. What the hell happened?"

"That Russian killersat closed and detonated. We have no signal from the KH-11, sir. I must assume they have successfully negated the bird. I've just ordered the other two Key-Holes to make a hundred-foot-per-second delta-V. Tell Washington they waited too long, sir."


What are you doing, Miss Archer?
Who are you? How did you know who I am?
I suspect Old Moses knows just about everything...
...leastways if it concerns Hudsucker.
Who are you? What do you do here?
I keep the old circle turning.
This old clock needs plenty of care.
Time is money, Miss Archer.
Money drives that old global economy...
...and keeps Big Daddy Earth spinning around.
See, without that capital formation--
You won't tell anyone about me, will you?
I don't tell no one nothing...
...unless they ask.
That just ain't Old Moses' way.
If you know everything about Hudsucker...
...tell me why the board decided to make Norville Barnes president?
That even surprised Old Moses at first.
I didn't think the board was that smart.
"That smart?"
But then I figured it out. They did it because...
...they figured young Norville for an imbecile, like some other people I know.
Why on earth would the board want a nitwit to be president?
Because they're little piglets. They're trying to inspire panic...
...make that stock cheap so they can snatch it all up for themselves.
But Norville's got some tricks up his sleeve. He does.
"You know, for kids?"
Yeah, he's a smart one, that Norville.

tru TV

By Rachel Pergament

The Trial

After Susan was arrested for the murders of Michael and Alex, she was held without bail at the York County Jail. On the evening that Susan was arrested, Bev and Linda Russell hired David Bruck, a Columbia, South Carolina attorney specializing in death penalty cases, to represent Susan. The Russells would eventually be forced to mortgage their home in order to pay for Bruck's services.


What's this I hear about you being an imbecile?
What's ailing you, boy?
Last week, my stock was worth twice what it is now. I think I'll sell...
...the whole kit and caboodle, boy, unless I see a vast improvement.
What you've got here, son, is a range war!
You gonna have to circle our wagons or I'm gonna get out of your wagon train.
No need for concern, sir. It's only natural... a period of transition for the more timid elements to run for cover.
Yellow? I'll show you yellow, boy!
You mind now and quit acting like such an old grizzly.
Step lively here, Norville.
I'm sorry, I thought maybe if I showed him the long view--
And this is Thorstensen Finlandson...
...who heads a radical, splinter group of disgruntled investors.
Pleased to meet you.
It might interest you to know I studied a little Finnish in high school.
I hope I'm not too rusty.
Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished members of the Hudsucker Board...
...I give you the Rajah of Romance, the Ministereo of Moonlight...
...the incredible, the unforgettable...
...Mr. Vic Tenetta!
"Rajah." I like that.
What happened?
Nothing. Just the more timid investors are no longer running for cover.
Let me look.
Sid found me the ice pack.
Let me hold it or you'll have a real shiner.

[ Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi the cowardly International Terrorist Organization violently against the United States of America federal government actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States of America federal government with all Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi staff partners contributors employees contractors lawyers managers of any capacity as severely treasonous criminal accomplices and that are active unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States that actively make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in the United States and in the Severely Treasonous and Criminally Rebellious State of Washington by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings ]

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 10/04/10 3:08 PM
That was tremendously violent dream to awake from. I remember many of the details leading up to the ending after the altercation started. I saw people trying to escape. I had taken cover behind a pickup truck parked on the curb and with a building behind me, I saw body parts dropping around me from a large battle going on in the street between me and the pickup truck. The point where I awoke was when blood was raining down on me in drops and I was trying to cover myself by what I started thinking after waking was a corpse that was hanging over the side of the pickup truck.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 4 October 2010 excerpt ends]