This Is What I Think.

Friday, September 09, 2011

The man from Omega.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Friday, October 19, 2007 Posted by H.V.O.M at 7:10 PM

She is wearing a blouse that looks just like a comforter I slept under for a lot of these years I have been deployed from home on this assignment.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 19 October 2007 excerpt ends]

[ Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi the cowardly International Terrorist Organization violently against the United States of America federal government actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States of America federal government with all Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi staff partners contributors employees contractors lawyers managers of any capacity as severely treasonous criminal accomplices and that are active unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States that actively make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in the United States and in the Severely Treasonous and Criminally Rebellious State of Washington by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings ]

High Plains Drifter

Have you ever heard the name Jim Duncan?
I´ve heard a lot ofthings. Why?
He was town marshal here.
He´s lying out there in an unmarked grave.
They say the dead don´t rest without a marker ofsome kind.
Do you believe that?
- What makes you think I care? - I don´t know.
He´s the reason this town´s afraid ofstrangers.
I was going to warn you about that. Pretty funny.
What´s funny?
You ask me that in a blown-up hotel...
with seven dead men to your credit already?
I wasjust stopping by for a bottle ofwhiskey...
and a nice hot bath.
All right. Ifyou say so.
You don´t believe me?
Mister, whateveryou say is fi ne with me.


The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for

High Plains Drifter (1973)

Sarah Belding: Be careful. You're a man who makes people afraid, and that's dangerous.

The Stranger: It's what people know about themselves inside that makes 'em afraid.


The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for

28 Days Later... (2002)

Selena: It started as rioting. But right from the beginning you knew this was different. Because it was happening in small villages, market towns. And then it wasn't on the TV any more. It was in the street outside. It was coming in through your windows. It was a virus. An infection. You didn't need a doctor to tell you that. It was the blood. It was something in the blood. By the time they tried to evacuate the cities it was already too late. Army blockades were overrun. And that's when the exodus started. Before the TV and radio stopped broadcasting there were reports of infection in Paris and New York. We didn't hear anything more after that.

1971 film "The Omega Man" DVD video:


US Army Colonel Robert Neville: No, nothing with drugs. It's got to be the serum.

Dutch: Couldn’t you reconstitute the vaccine?

US Army Colonel Robert Neville: You got any idea how many steps it takes to synthesize an antibiotic specific for this bug?

Dutch: Got the picture.

Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome

"We don't need the knowing.
We can live here. "

Time counts and keeps counting.

They gets missing what they had.

They get so lonely for the
high-scrapers and the video.

And they does the pictures so they'd
'member all the knowing that they lost.

'Member this?

Tomorrow-morrow Land!

'Member this?

The River of Light!

'Member this?


The Omega Man

Release date(s) August 1, 1971

The Omega Man is a 1971 American science fiction film directed by Boris Sagal and starring Charlton Heston. It is based on the novel I Am Legend (1954)

Neville is successful in creating the serum and administers it to Lisa's teenage brother Richie (Eric Laneuville), who is on the verge of the advanced mutant stage of the plague. Once cured, Richie (insisting that members of The Family are also human) goes to The Family to try to convince them to take the serum. Matthias refuses to believe that Neville would try to help them, accuses Richie of being sent by Neville to harm them and has Richie executed. Neville discovers Richie’s body strung up and left as bait to draw Neville outside after dark. Enraged, Neville fights off The Family after they force his car off the road.

Meanwhile, Lisa unexpectedly changes into a nocturnal and betrays Neville by giving The Family access to his bunker. Returning home, Neville is confronted by Matthias, who forces him to watch as The Family sets his home on fire. Neville breaks free and, once outside with Lisa, he turns and raises his sub-machine gun to shoot Matthias, who is looking down from the balcony. The gun jams, giving Matthias enough time to hurl a spear at Neville, mortally wounding him. It is assumed that Matthias and The Family choose to stay inside Neville's home as it continues to burn. Lisa claims to be part of The Family, but stays by the fountain with Neville until dawn.

The final scene shows the human survivors, led by Dutch, departing in a Land Rover. They discover a dying Neville, who hands Dutch a flask of blood serum, presumably with which to restore humanity. Shortly after handing over the serum Neville dies in a fountain

"Space: Above And Beyond"

"The Angriest Angel"

11 February 1996

Episode 15 DVD video:

US Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel T.C. McQueen: "Looking darkly upon Hektor swift-footed Achilleus answered 'I cannot forgive you. As there are no trustworthy oaths between men and lions there can be no love between you and me. One of the other must fall before then to glut with his blood, Ares, the god who fights under the shields guard. Remember every valor of yours for now the need comes hardest upon you to be a spearman and a bold warrior. There shall be no escape for you. You will pay in a lump for all those sorrows of my companions you killed in your spear's fury.'"


The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for

The Omega Man (1971)

[first lines]

[the last man on earth wrecks his car]

Robert Neville: There's never a cop around when you need one.

1984 film "Night of the Comet" DVD video:

DJ voice recording tape: Well, it's time to reach into the old mailbag here. Got a letter from

Samantha: Beam me up, Scotty.

Hector: Okay, girls. Hold it right there. You, the blonde, get into the light.

Regina: Wait. Why don't you just let my sister go. And maybe you and I can work something out.

Samantha: I'm not going anywhere!

Regina: Shut up!

Hector: You got the wrong idea. You, into the light. I'll give you to five. One, two... No? All right. Let's try it this way. Five, four, three -

Samantha: Okay, okay. Do you get a lot of dates this way?

Hector: Open your eyes. Okay. Hey, I know what you're thinking, but -

Regina: That you're a cretin?

Hector: Sweetheart, you haven't seen those freaked-out zombies running around here?

High Plains Drifter

My beautiful hotel. They promised me they wouldn´t--
A total loss.
Didn´t even touch my store.
I want you to watch that pilfering. I hold you responsible, Sheriff.
I´m not your goddamn sheriff.
I´ll need one, two-- two up there.
I´ll need four boxes from you...
and shovels from you, so these people can dig the holes.
Well, I thought perhaps we could--
- Right now! - Yeah. All right, everyone.
Was you here? Did you see anything?
Somebody left the door open and the wrong dogs came home.
Get the shovel, will ya?
I hope you´re not going to blame us for Morgan Allen´s stupidity...
because the rest of us here have an agreement with you.
Right now I don´t feel too agreeable.

High Plains Drifter

why not?
´Cause I´m not a gunfi ghter.
Well, don´t get fact mixed up with stupid.
Besides, I have nothing against these men.
Who´d you say they are?
Stacey Bridges and his cousins, the Carlin boys.
They worked for the company.
What you call ´´troubleshooters.´´
Just like those three you done in yesterday...
except when they was here before, there was lots oftrouble.
And they took care of it too...
except they got too damn big for their britches.
Started pushin´ people around and takin´ over the town...
- and we had to-- - Had to what?
We had to take them into custody, that´s what.
I clapped the old bracelets on them myself.
Hey, you won´t be wantin´ that slab of pie, will ya?
You know what happened, friend?
They stole a golden ingot out ofthe mining office...
and they hid it under the floorboard ofthe shack that they lived in.
Kind ofcareless of´em, wasn´t it?
Does a mining company usually leave gold ingots lyin´ around like that?
That does seem a bit peculiar.
Matter offact, Stacey kept bringing that up at the trial all the time...
saying that he was being railroaded.
That´s why they´re mad at us.
-I´ll tell you what you can do, Sheriff. -What?
When those boys come back to town...
you just clap the bracelets right on ´em.
I might have forgot to mention...
they were all three passed out at the time.
Look, I´m no lawman.
Theyjust hung this thing on me...
when that young Marshal Duncan was killed.
You know he was whipped to death right here in this street.
Bullwhipped. Damnedest thing I ever saw.
Why would anybody want to do a thing like that?
I don´t know. It wasn´t anybody from this town anyhow.
How do you know?
This is a good town and these are good people.
Look, friend, we sure would like it ifyou´d help us with our problem.
Only problem you´ve got is a short supply of guts.
You people don´t need me.
Place a couple of good riflemen on top ofthat building.
Maybe a couple more with shotguns down behind grain bags over there.
A few more on this roof here. A lookout up there in the tower.
Maybe a rifleman. That should take care of it.
Well, what would it take to see that through?
The ambush. What would it cost us?
Sheriff, I don´t know if I really like this town that much.
This is a God-fearin´ town.
These are God-fearin´ people.
You like ´em, you save ´em.
What ifwe offered you anything you want?

High Plains Drifter

You promised that son ofa bitch $3,000...
after what he did to my hotel?
Promising´s one thing. Paying´s another.
He mayjust catch a bullet.
You and Lewis can grab shovels too.
I knew you were cruel, but I didn´t know how faryou could go.
You still don´t.