This Is What I Think.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The perverts in control of the United States of America Federal Bureau of Investigation.

I didn't want to stop again to make any statements in my world wide internet website hosted by that is still telling me that only about two hundred to three hundred pageviews happen each day for my reports but as I have finished watching for the first time the DVD for the 1973 film "Westworld" and then I decided to watch again the 2003 television miniseries "Battlestar Galactica" on DVD, having paused it at the seven minute point where the dialog about the "Courier officer" being overdue coming back from the "Armistice Station" I decided to make some comments that are largely irrevelant to the progress of the human race on this planet Earth.

What I decided to note is about how the insignia on the uniform of "Lee Adama" and "William Adama" is different. I have only given that a few passing thoughts but so far, without really studying it, I have the sense that "William Adama" who is the commanding officer of the "Battlestar Galactica" is only the United States Navy equivalent of a Naval Flight Officer. Since his insignia, which resembles a flight officer insignia of just about any armed force of the planet Earth, because the insignia seems to have wings extending from it, is different from "Lee Adama" whose insignia also seems to have wings extending from the insignia and since the continuity of the video establishes clearly that "Lee Adama" is a pilot of a spacecraft that the "Battlestar Galactica" is designed to carry then I would assume that "William Adama" is not a pilot. Instead, he served as an officer similar to "Helo." I have not compared his insignia with the "Helo" character before making this observation. Maybe the insignia of "William Adama" indicates he is only qualified to pilot the "Raptor" which seems to be a helicopter type of spacecraft. I do recall reading when the series was ending and "William Adama" was flying off the "Battlestar Galactica" for the last time and that the actor James Olmos indicated that his "Viper" fighter spacecraft was operating under autopilot at the time as depicted in the final episode. My observations are that the 2003 "Battlestar Galactica" television series follows conventions of the United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps easily accessible on the internet and arguably the 1978 television series "Battlestar Galactica" follows conventions similar to command structures of the United States Navy battle force including the United States Marine Corps command structure.

Why does any of this matter? Because I made a flight to the near vicinity of the planet Neptune as one of my successful tests of my hyperspace matter transportation device and I am not a pilot qualified to fly any type of aircraft or spacecraft known to exist on this planet Earth.

The communists have deluged the American culture with similar examples and for another instance is the 100% corruption of the United States of America Federal Bureau of Investigation which only hires perverts - literal perverts - to support the communist takeover of the federal government and the state governments of the United States. George Walker Bush has always been a literal pervert. George Herbert Walker Bush has always been a literal pervert. The communists think that is funny because they have successfully corrupted the American culture with the same level of perverts that run the Soviet Union and Russia such as Putin and his predecessors.

George Walker Bush was never a pilot qualified or even capable to fly any aircraft of the United States of America military.

What that reminds me of is why George Herbert Walker Bush was making all those tandem parachute jumps. Why would a former aviator want to even consider letting some other guy ride his back all the way down out of a perfectly good aircraft.

The communists and their agents that include the George Walker Bush spy ring violently against the United States of America have always known - they have always known - that Ronald Reagan and my brother Thomas Reagan have always wanted me to someday stand up and proclaim my biological relations to them. The communists have always planned to exact revenge on me for that as quickly as they would on Ronald Reagan and Thomas Reagan.

So anyway, the United States of America Federal Bureau of Investigation only hires known perverts and that has not changed in a very long time.

Remember, dumbass, when I informed those people in that conference room about you? Pervert.

The United States of America Federal Bureau of Investigation and its control by perverts have a long-standing catchphrase and which is the motto of perverts throughout the world: I could say the same thing about you.


The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for

Independence Day (1996)

David Levinson: We're hit! We took a hit!

Captain Steven Hiller: [yelling] We're not hit! We're not hit! Stop side-seat driving!

2003 television miniseries "Battlestar Galactica" DVD video: [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]

Helo: Hey. Aren't you Gaius Baltar?

Gaius Baltar: I haven't done anything. This lady has ticket number forty-seven. This lady here.

Helo: Could you come up here, please.

Gaius Baltar: Yeah. Excuse me.

Boomer: What are you doing?

Helo: Giving up my seat.

Boomer: Like Hell.

Helo: A civilian should take my place.

Boomer: You're going.

Helo: Look at those clouds. Sharon, look at those clouds and tell me this isn't the end of everything.

2003 television miniseries "Battlestar Galactica" DVD video:


Commander William Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Commanding Officer: You want some, uh, coffee?

Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama - Colonial Fleet Viper pilot: No, sir. Thank you, sir.

Commander William Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Commanding Officer: Why don't you sit down? Congratulations on making Captain. Sorry I wasn't there.

Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama - Colonial Fleet Viper pilot: Thank you, sir.

Commander William Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Commanding Officer: How's your mother?

Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama - Colonial Fleet Viper pilot: Getting married.

Commander William Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Commanding Officer: Good for her. We spoke about a year ago. Had a real heart-to-heart. It was good.

Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama - Colonial Fleet Viper pilot: I'm glad to hear that, sir. Will that be all?

Commander William Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Commanding Officer: Why don't you talk to me, Lee?

Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama - Colonial Fleet Viper pilot: What do you want to talk about?

Commander William Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Commanding Officer: Anything. You've been here for an hour.

Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama - Colonial Fleet Viper pilot: Well, I don't have anything to say. My orders said report here and participate in the ceremony. So I'm - I'm here, and I'm going to participate in the ceremony. There wasn't anything in my orders about having any heart-to-heart chats with the Old Man.

Commander William Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Commanding Officer: Accidents happen in the service.

Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama - Colonial Fleet Viper pilot: Dad, listen, I -

Commander William Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Commanding Officer: You know all the things that you talked to me about at the funeral -

Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama - Colonial Fleet Viper pilot: I really don't want to do this!

Commander William Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Commanding Officer: They still ring in my ears after two years.

Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama - Colonial Fleet Viper pilot: Good! Good. Because - because you know what? They were meant to.

Commander William Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Commanding Officer: Zak had a choice. You both did.

Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama - Colonial Fleet Viper pilot: "A man isn't a man until he wears the wings of a Viper pilot." Doesn't that sound at all familiar to you?

Commander William Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Commanding Officer: That's not fair, son.

Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama - Colonial Fleet Viper pilot: No, it's not fair. Because one of us wasn't cut out to wear the uniform.

Commander William Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Commanding Officer: He earned his wings, just like we all did.

Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama - Colonial Fleet Viper pilot: One of us wasn't cut out to be a pilot. One of us wouldn't have made it into flight school if his old man, his daddy, hadn't pulled the strings!

Commander William Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Commanding Officer: That's an exaggeration. I did nothing for him that I wouldn't have done for anyone else.

Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama - Colonial Fleet Viper pilot: You're not even listening to me. Why - why can't you get this through your head? Zak did not belong in that plane! He shouldn't have been there. He - he was only doing it for you. Face it. You killed him.

Commander William Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Commanding Officer: That'll be all, Captain.

[ Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi the cowardly International Terrorist Organization violently against the United States federal government actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States federal government with all Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi staff partners contributors employees contractors lawyers managers of any capacity as severely treasonous criminal accomplices and that are active unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States that actively make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in the United States and in the Severely Treasonous and Criminally Rebellious State of Washington by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings ]




Naval Flight Officer

A Naval Flight Officer (NFO) is an officer in the United States Navy or United States Marine Corps that specializes in airborne weapons and sensor systems. NFOs are not pilots (Naval Aviators) per se, but they may perform many "co-pilot" functions, depending on the type of aircraft.

NFOs in the Navy are unrestricted line officers, eligible for command at sea and ashore in the naval aviation communities. They are also eligible to hold senior flag rank positions, including command of carrier strike groups, joint task forces, numbered fleets, naval component commands and unified combatant commands. Similarly, Marine Corps NFOs are also eligible for command at sea and ashore within Marine Aviation, and are also eligible to hold senior general officer positions, such as command of Marine Aircraft Wings, Joint Task Forces, Marine Expeditionary Forces, Marine Corps component command and unified combatant commands.

The counterpart to the NFO in the United States Air Force is the Combat Systems Officer (CSO), encompassing the previous roles of Navigator, Weapons Systems Officer and Electronic Warfare Officer. Although NFOs in the Navy's E-2 Hawkeye aircraft perform functions similar to the USAF Air Battle Manager, their NFO training track is more aligned with that of USAF Combat Systems Officers.


File:Naval Aviator Badge.jpg


United States Naval Aviator

A United States Naval Aviator is a qualified pilot in the United States Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard.

Naming Conventions

Most Naval Aviators are Unrestricted Line Officers; however, a small number of Limited Duty Officers and Chief Warrant Officers are also trained as Naval Aviators.

Aircraft Carrier Commanding Officer

US Code Title 10 requires that US aircraft carrier commanding officers be Navy line officers designated as naval aviators or naval flight officers. Prior to assuming command of the largest warships on earth, these officers first command smaller ships AND serve as executive officer of an aircraft carrier and go through an extensive training syllabus in ship handling and nuclear propulsion.

Naval Astronauts

Naval Aviators who fly in space are designated Naval Astronauts, and are issued the Naval version of the Astronaut Badge.




Astronaut Badge

The Astronaut Badge is a badge of the United States, awarded to military and civilian pilots who have completed training and performed a successful spaceflight. A variation of the astronaut badge is also issued to civilians who are employed with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration as specialists on spaceflight missions.


To earn an astronaut badge, a military officer must complete all required training and participate in a space flight more than 100 kilometers (62 miles) above the Earth.