This Is What I Think.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

William Adama

Only after making that last report did I start thinking over some details that are exceptions to my theory about "William Adama" not being a spacecraft pilot.

I only started really giving some thought to this topic in the past hour or two.

One exception that I can recall readily from my memory of watching a year or two ago the DVD collection for that recent television series is that "Razor" television movie and "William Adama" is clearly a "Viper" spacecraft pilot in that racketeering production.

And there is the fact that such racketeering production became available to the world public at a time that was post-29 August 2007 and when I stifled the next murdering rampage by Microsoft's Bill Gates with the use of atomic weapons against the unsuspecting and uncaring American public.

Another instance, of the only two I can recall, is in the final episode itself and "William Adama" seems to be flying the "Raptor" spacecraft over the pink flamingos.

I might think of more instances later. I have been thinking about going back and start watching again those DVD's anyway. What I really want to rediscover is that scene where "Tyrol" is clearly designated as "Chief Warrant Officer." I tried watching the series once a while back but got so bored I could not watch any more of it after the first few episodes. Also, a few days ago, I decided to unload the bag where I was storing that collection. For the longest time, I have kept that collection of DVD's and other DVD's, such as "The Day the Earth Stood Still" and "I Am Legend" in a quick-getaway bag near my door, which includes clothing, that I intended to grab on my way out in case someone sets fire to my apartment and I have to get out quickly while sleeping. For some reason, that doesn't seem important anymore.

Yeah, so anyway, another point I wanted to make that I remembered just as I was about to make this report, is about the nature of my mission to the vicinity of the planet Neptune. I used my hyperspace matter transportation device to transfer a habitation module to the Neptune moon Triton and then I used my hyperspace matter transportation device to transfer my physical body to that habitation module. From there I could look outside and I had some remote controlled devices I could use to examine the terrain and I could even leave the habitation module in a spacesuit and make personal surveys of the terrain of the Neptune moon Triton and other locations. I keep thinking of a video game from that time titled "Alpha Centauri" that I enjoyed playing on my IBM-clone personal computer.

"Battlestar Galactica"

"Razor" Unaired extended version [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]

24 November 2007

DVD video:


Lieutenant William "Husker" Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Viper pilot: Smash one flying toaster.

Colonial Fleet traffic controller: [ radio transmission ] All clears. Clear Columbia airspace. All clears. Get clear right frakking now!

Colonial Fleet unnamed station: [ radio transmission ] Oh, my Gods! Columbia's gone!

Lieutenant William "Husker" Adama - Colonial Fleet Battlestar Galactica Viper pilot: Gods. I got two bandits turning tail. Husker pursuing.