This Is What I Think.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The slightly smarter version of myself.


Season 1, Episode 1

Pilot (1)

Air Date

Wednesday March 22, 1995

Physics genius Quinn Mallory has been tooling around in his basement for months, trying to create an anti-gravity device. However, he has stumbled on to something much greater - something that appears to be a gateway! Curious as to what's on the other side, he invites his old friend Wade Wells and his physics teacher, Professor Maximillian Arturo, to venture into the gateway with him. While creating the gateway, however, Quinn uses too much power, and the vortex snags a fourth passenger: Rembrandt Brown, a former pop star who just happened to be in the neighbourhood. The vortex drops them in a world where a new Ice Age has begun, a world where they must somehow survive until Quinn's timer reaches zero.


Season 1, Episode 1

Pilot (1)

Air Date

Wednesday March 22, 1995

Quinn is exuberant at being home, greeting his mom and Jake and getting excited that the gate still squeaks. He arrives at late, and apologizes for interrupting Arturo's but explains that he really needs to talk to the professor. "I do not believe we have anything more to say to each other," Arturo contests, and Quinn manages to ignore the rising tension in the oom. Quinn tries to explain that he managed to cross the Einstein-Rosen-Podolsky bridge, but Arturo explodes in rage and demands that Quinn leave his Quinn is confused, and so Arturo storms out of the oom, after warning Quinn never to talk about his theories "like that" again. The other students are amazed that Quinn came back, and Bennish mentions that although he agrees that Arturo is a pompous windbag, he'd never say it to his face. Now Quinn is really confused.

He heads over to his job, and Wade is amazed that Quinn is there. She reminds him that Michael just fired him for disrespect. Quinn tries to explain that something strange is going on, but Wade doesn't want to believe him. "And I suppose now you're going to tell me that that kiss meant nothing." Quinn tries to use that as proof: "Why would I kiss you? I mean, we're best buds. It'd be like incest." Wade shakes her head, but Quinn doesn't realize that he's offended her. He feels like he's losing his mind, and Wade tells him to just go home and get some rest.

At the Mallory household, an advertisement for Ross Kelly, a shady insurance lawyer, is aired on the TV. Quinn comes in and asks his mother if he's done anything to offend her today, worried that his evil double has been wandering around. As he muses about what could have happened, he suddenly notices that his calculation has been solved, and there's even a smiley face doodle on the board to drive the point home. As he wonders who has solved the equation, his double appears behind him. At first, Quinn thinks the gateway split him in half, but his double explains that he is simply Quinn from an Earth that exists in a parallel dimension. The other Quinn is a "Slider," and this visit is his eighth Slide. The other Quinn picks up the timer and opens the gateway, explaining that the wormhole is a path to alternate Earths, each one slightly different than the one before. He also explains that he hasn't found a way to choose his destination yet. Quinn closes the gateway and demands to know why his double got him fired from his job. "I did you a favor," his doppelganger explains. "That guy Hurley is a putz on every world I've been to." The double's watch beeps, warning him that his Slide is about to conclude, but he parts by telling Quinn that he's going to love Sliding and shares with him some of the wondrous worlds he's been to. The portal opens behind the double as he tries to give Quinn a final warning. "Whatever happens during a Slide, don't –" Naturally, the warning is cut short as the double is taken back into the wormhole and back home.


The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for


Two Brothers (1976)

Country Date

USA 21 October 1976


The Internet Movie Database

Visions (TV series 1976–1980)

Two Brothers (#1.1)

Judd Hirsh plays the brother of a man who is a physician with intermittent psychosis.

Release Date: 21 October 1976 (USA)


The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for


He'll Never See Daylight (1975)

Country Date

USA 17 January 1975


The Internet Movie Database

Baretta (TV series 1975–1978)

He'll Never See Daylight (#1.1)

Robert Blake ... Det. Tony Baretta

Release Date: 17 January 1975 (USA)


The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for

"Baretta" (1975)

Baretta: Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.