This Is What I Think.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

"did you hear your father? Out of the water now!"


Season 1, Episode 1

Pilot (1)

Air Date

Wednesday March 22, 1995

Quinn returns home and opens the house's squeaky gate. In his basement, he turns on the massive generator tucked away in the corner of his basement and then begins activating the rest of his equipment. Finally, he stares at a completed calculation on his chalkboard, muttering that after three months of work, he should be able to solve the equation. He sits down to watch some more of his video. After studying the wormhole for a couple days, Quinn had begun sending inanimate objects into the void, and then created a timing device in order to return things back from where they vanish to. His past self sits down in front of the wormhole just as a basketball shoots out of the void, returning from a 20-minute journey through the vortex. Quinn begins a new video – dated September 26 – and debates what to send through the void next. He considers his cat, but can't bear the thought of the animal coming to harm. "Still, the need to know overwhelms the human instinct for self-preservation." The logical choice is to send the camera, but the vortex's electrical field shorts out the picture. There's only one choice left: Quinn himself.

On the morning of 27 September, Quinn makes a final recording. He'll be setting his timer for fifteen minutes, but he wants to make a farewell recording for his mom just in case something goes wrong. "Try not to worry. You know me – wherever I am, I'm probably having a blast." Quinn triggers his timer and examines the wormhole. From one side, it appears like a tunnel; from the other he can see a watery impression of his basement.


The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for

"Rod Serling's Night Gallery"

Night Gallery (1969)

Country Date

USA 8 November 1969


The Internet Movie Database

Rod Serling's Night Gallery (TV series 1969–1973)

Night Gallery (#1.0)

In the pilot of the television series _"Night Gallery" (1970)_ , Rod Serling introduces three separate paintings, each with its own story of uncanny vengeance against evil to tell. The first, "The Cemetery", involves a black sheep nephew (Roddy McDowall) who murders his rich uncle to inherit his fortune - both much to the detriment of the uncle's butler (Ossie Davis) - only to find that vengeance extends beyond the grave. In the second story, "Eyes", a rich, heartless woman ('Joan Crawford' ) who has been blind from birth blackmails an aspiring surgeon and a man who desperately needs money to give her a pair of eyes which will allow her to see for the first time - even though for only half a day's time - only to have the plan backfire on her in ways she never imagined. In the third story, "The Escape Route", a Nazi war criminal (Richard Kiley) is hiding from the authorities in South America...

Release Date: 8 November 1969 (USA)

Night Gallery

Season 1, Episode 1

The Cemetery

Air Date

November 8, 1969

An old man is dying but has had a successful time as an artist, painting a few of the pictures hanging around his large house.

His manservant, who has been with him for many years, looks after the old man until a long, lost nephew appears on the scene. The nephew lays claim to the estate as sole heir, and decides to ensure that his inheritance comes sooner rather than later. He sits the old man in his bedroom with the window wide open, overlooking the cemetery, knowing that he is susceptible to the cold.

After the old man dies, the nephew stakes his claim to the house and the fortune, the manservant is left only 80 dollars a week for life, without the nephew, he would have inherited everything. The manservant asks to stay on and work for the nephew; when they have a fight about the nephews conduct, drinking and womanising, the manservant leaves.

Once the nephew is alone in the house, he notices the painting at the bottom of the stairs showing the house and cemetery, has changed. There is now a mound showing the grave of the old man. Next, the coffin is raised, then the coffin is open, the old man is shown leaving the coffin, then approaching the house. Each time a new scene is shown in the painting, it makes the nephew more frightened; he tries to call the manservant he then calls the police but each time he is cut off before being put through. Eventually he is driven so mad that he falls down the stairs, he is dead before he lands at the bottom!

The manservant appears and calls the police to report the accident. The inheritance now passes to the manservant. Later we see a conversation between the manservant and an artist in which the manservant pays the artist for providing 15 paintings at $500 each!

After the artist leaves, the manservant surveys his kingdom; he spots that the painting has an additional coffin mound then an open casket, the dead nephew climbing out, coming towards the house... We see the manservant flinching in the corner of the room as he is driven mad by this sight.


The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for


Pilot (1995)

Wade Welles: You mean that we can just like... slide through this and boom, we're on another planet?

Quinn Mallory: No. Same planet, different dimension.


The digestive system of this animal is very, very slow.
Let's cut it open. Whatever it's eaten in the last 24 hours... bound to still be in there. And then we'll be sure.
It may be the only way to confirm it.
Look, fellas let's be reasonable.
This is not the time or the place... perform some kind of a half-assed autopsy on a fish.
I am not going to stand here and see that thing cut open...
...and see that little Kintner boy spill out all over the dock.


Season 1, Episode 1

Pilot (1)

Air Date

Wednesday March 22, 1995

In a San Francisco basement, history is about to be made, and a young college genius is about to embark on a terrible and terrific journey. A hasty video shows Quinn Mallory excitedly jabbering about something he has discovered, but his monologue is cut short by his realization that his discovery has knocked the power out in his mom's house. The video stops abruptly.

Several days later, Quinn awakens in his disorganized bedroom to the sounds of "Day Tripper" – a local radio DJ – introducing his morning show. Today will be a special treat, featuring the first annual "Miss Nude Feminist Pageant." Quinn heads downstairs and greets his mom, who mentions that Quinn is too much like his father.

Mrs. Mallory: Up all night, working crazy hours. Look what happened to him. He worked himself to death.

Quinn: Mom, Dad was hit by a car.

Mrs. Mallory: But he was on his way to work.

His mom threatens that once Quinn graduates from college, she'll be turning the house into a Bed and Breakfast, to which Quinn replies glibly that he has dibs on the basement. As he heads downstairs, we can see why; the area is packed with scientific equipment. Quinn sits down and starts watching videos of his experimentations. It seems he was trying to create an anti-gravity device, but somehow created a gateway into another existence. He doesn't have time to watch all of the tapes, because he's got to run to Quinn returns upstairs to see his mother talking to a photo of his father, stating that Quinn is "too smart for his own good."


You heard him. Slow ahead.

Slow ahead.

I can go slow ahead. Come on down
and chum some of this shit.


I know that you are going to ignore...

...this problem until it swims up
and bites you on the ass!

Wait a second.
There are two ways to deal with this.

Y ou're either gonna kill this animal,
or cut off it's food supply.

We have to close the beaches.

Sick vandalism.

That is a deliberate mutilation
of a public service message.