This Is What I Think.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

St. Andrews South Carolina


Captain. Captain Marco.
Help me.
Pardon me. Is this seat taken?
I see the captain enjoys
the road less traveled.
Paper or plastic?
Oh, come on.
From the grocery store.
You know, at the checkout stand.
Paper or plastic girl, that's me.
"Paper or plastic, sir?"
I see you there all the time.
Bennett Marco.
Checks from First National Bank.
Romance novels, instant noodles,
NoDoz and tomatoes.
So anyway, I'm on vacation.
Holiday in the Big Apple
and all of that.
And I saw you sitting here
and I said, "Hey,
why not reach out
and touch someone?"
So, what, I suppose
you're heading to New York City.
Yeah, yeah, I'm... Yeah.
Business? Pleasure? Both?
Well, I'm just... I got an old friend
up there, an old Army friend that...
Well, he's in politics now
and I'm just gonna
catch up on old times with him.
I'm sorry, you said your name was...?
What do your friends call you?
My friends, they call me Rosie.
- Rosie?
- Yeah, see, my full name is
Eugenie Rose.

Bush acknowledges 1976 DUI charge

November 2, 2000

Late Thursday evening, following a campaign rally in this tightly contested Midwestern state, Bush--with his wife, Laura, at his side -- told reporters news accounts of the incident were accurate

Bush said the timing of the initial news report, just days before Americans elect a new president, was "interesting." When asked where the story may have originated, he said, "I've got my suspicions."

The Time Machine

Where are you from?
As a matter of fact,
I'm from right here.
That's where my house used to be...
...many thousands of years ago.
You see there?
Up to those panels was my laboratory.
Beyond them was where
my garden used to be.
Right there.
That was my library.
Where I once sat
talking with friends about...
...the time machine.
You know, Weena...
...I'd hoped to learn
such a great deal.
I hoped to take back the knowledge
and advancement man had made.
Instead, I find vegetables.
The human race reduced
to living vegetables.
They're gone. Are you all right?
- Was that a Morlock?
- Yes.
Don't you worry.
The fire seems to keep them away.
What are you doing?
Why did you put your hand there?
I never saw it before.
No knowledge of fire.
No books.
I'm terribly sorry.
I had no right to be angry
with your people.
No more than if I'd visited
the island of Bali in my own time.
But, you know, Weena...
You were safe inside your house,
yet came out to warn me.
The characteristic which
distinguished man from animals...
...was the spirit of self-sacrifice.
And you have that quality.

The Time Machine

Will you answer me one question,
Yes, I'll try.
Why this preoccupation with time?
Why not?
Don't go simple on me.
The truth is, I don't much care
for the time I was born into.
People aren't dying fast enough.
They call upon science... invent new, more efficient
weapons to depopulate the Earth.
And I agree with you.
I agree, but here we are
and we have to make the best of it.
You may have to. I don't.
All right. Take your journey
on your contraption.
What would you become?
A Greek? A Roman?
- A pharaoh?