This Is What I Think.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

That damned brake.

I awoke with a new perception about the dream I had just before waking up this morning where I again found myself in a dream stomping on the brake pedal of the automobile I was driving. In that dream, first was while going forward and then again while the car rolled backwards.

Just as I woke up this morning, I saw myself driving along a city street and then I saw a motorcycle police office seeming to take notice that I was driving forty five miles per hour through a thirty five mph zone and I knew I was going to get a speeding ticket. I accidentally hit the horn in the center of the steering wheel instead of trying to hit the brake with my foot in the floor. Then I was stomping the brake pedal on the floor and I was approaching a stop sign and I was frustrated because I wasn't slowing down and then I made a right turn at the stop sign and then there were signs along the darkened road indicating there was no parking on the roadside so I drove on a ways until I found a gas station where I was going to pull in and wait for the police officer to catch up with me. Then I was in the parking lot and two people in a car which was not marked as a police car were saying something to me and in the dream I think the passenger was asking me something about why I run from a police officer chasing me , because I had seen in my rear view mirror a marked police car go through that same stop sign where I made a right turn but he made a left turn and was going the other way from my direction, and then there was some dialog that cleared that up and then the driver got out and was going to write me a speeding ticket and he asked me something about "Icarus" and he might have asked me in casual conversation if I had seen lately "Dr. Icarus Crane" and after waking up, or in the dream, I understood he was referring to the "Dr. Rush" character from the television series "Stargate Universe," which could be something I dreamed about because I already have a series of blog plans planned out for today on a similar topic, and then I was sitting in my cluttered car and we were in a different part of the same parking lot and the police officer was writing me a speeding ticket for 45 in a 35 and I was stomping on the brake pedal because the car was rolling backwards and the brake pedal was not working and ten years ago I would have written about this dream and I would have wrote that was a foreign dream where the narrator told me just as I woke up that I should try the emergency brake to get the car to stop.