Thursday, July 19, 2012

Inertia coupling

The notion started forming in my mind in recent days, I think something I had thought of before and before this latest occurrence, that maybe I have already started traveling backwards in time.

I have been giving it more thought in the past day or two or more but not much more than three days ago, if even that long ago.

I started thinking about whether I have been traveling backwards in time since the date 3 March 2003 and I mean myself right now sitting here today as I exist in what I would describe as my 'natural-time self.'

I am dubious whether that is the case but I am less dubious about whether that process did begin on 3 March 2006 and or 9 May 2006. I am somewhat more confidently about that possibility.

The issue comes down to my impoverished understanding of the notion of the frame of reference, as defined in the context of this subject.

I have a frame of reference.

I have presumed, until just a few minutes ago, that my current frame of reference is exactly the same as every one else around me.

I have started to wonder about that and whether that is true because how would I know?

If my frame of reference is different from every one then how would any one know?

For a brief moment very recently that made startlingly sense to me. Now I can't even remember how I wanted to finish this line.

- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 8:32 PM Pacific Time USA Thursday 19 July 2012