I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
I've never before watched any of that "Da Vinci Code" stuff. Found a listing for it a few weeks ago but didn't feel like watching it because it seems too boring.
I'm writing about it now because I've seen the television advertisements a few times now for the upcoming film "Inferno".
The commercials for the film seem interesting but I doubt I'll see it in the theater. Maybe if Amazon Prime has it for no additional charge but even that is doubtful.
Inferno (Brown novel)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Harvard University professor Robert Langdon wakes up in a hospital with a head wound and no memory of the last few days. His last memory is walking on the Harvard campus, but he quickly realizes that he is now in Florence. Sienna Brooks, one of the doctors attending to him, tells him he suffered a concussion from being grazed by a bullet and had stumbled into the emergency ward. Suddenly, Vayentha, a female assassin who has been following Robert Langdon, breaks into the hospital, shoots the doctor in charge of Robert's care and approaches Robert's room. Sienna grabs Robert and they flee to her apartment.
After Sienna recounts the details of his admission to the hospital, Robert finds a cylinder with a biohazard sign in his jacket and decides to call the U.S. consulate. He is told that they are searching for him and want his location.
Inferno (Brown novel)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Inferno is a 2013 mystery thriller novel by American author Dan Brown and the fourth book in his Robert Langdon series, following Angels & Demons, The Da Vinci Code and The Lost Symbol. The book was released on May 14, 2013
From 1/16/2013 to 3/16/2013 ( --- ) is 59 days
From 3/16/2013 ( --- ) to 5/14/2013 is 59 days
Los Angeles Times
Dan Brown of 'The Da Vinci Code' to publish 'Inferno' in May
January 15, 2013 By Carolyn Kellogg
Dan Brown's new thriller "Inferno," starrring his tweedy hero Robert Langdon from "The Da Vinci Code," will be published May 14 in hardcover and as an e-book by Doubleday, the publisher announced Tuesday.
In case you've forgotten "The Da Vinci Code" phenomenon, it spent more than a year -- 54 weeks -- topping the New York Times hardcover fiction bestseller list after it was released in 2003. It has been translated into 51 languages and is considered the bestselling adult hardcover of all time with 81 million copies in print worldwide.
In the new novel, Robert Langdon will travel to Italy to investigate Dante's classic literary work, "The Inferno." In a release from Doubleday, Dan Brown explains, "Although I studied Dante’s Inferno as a student, it wasn’t until recently, while researching in Florence, that I came to appreciate the enduring influence of Dante’s work on the modern world,” said Brown. “With this new novel, I am excited to take readers on a journey deep into this mysterious realm...a landscape of codes, symbols, and more than a few secret passageways.”
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: - posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 4:20 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Wednesday 10 December 2014 - http://hvom.blogspot.com/2014/12/contagion.html
And then I wondered: Well, I would have found the body.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 10 December 2014 excerpt ends]
In Dan Brown's 'Inferno,' numeric riddles and controversial science mix
MAY 14 2013, 6:40 AM ET
Dan Brown's "Inferno," the latest thriller from the author of "The Da Vinci Code," is another globe-trotting, world-saving adventure — and a chance for readers to ponder a new set of mathematical and scientific puzzles.
In "The Da Vinci Code," Robert Langdon, the world's best-known fictional symbolologist, follows a trail that highlights a controversial reading of the relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. In "Angels and Demons," an antimatter bomb from Europe's CERN research center plays a key part in the plot. In "The Lost Symbol," Langdon teams up with a researcher in noetic science, which tackles woo-woo subjects like ESP and vibrational energies. All three thrillers are seasoned with a healthy dose of secret codes.
"Inferno," released Tuesday, sticks with the classic recipe: The novel's opening scenes are set in Florence, an Italian city with a history as convoluted as its street map. Dante's Divine Comedy provides literary and artistic allusions — and lots of numerological clues for Langdon.
The Italian poet Dante Alighieri was, if anything, more of a numbers freak than Dan Brown: Who else would write a three-book masterwork consisting entirely of three-line stanzas? Each book is divided into 33 cantos — plus an extra one in Dante's Inferno, to make 100 cantos in all. The verses are riddled with references to threes, sevens, nines and other numbers with mystical meanings.
Penquin Random House
Hardcover -
Hardcover $29.95
May 14, 2013 480 Pages
Dante's 'Inferno' inspired Dan Brown's 'Inferno'
Bob Minzesheimer, USA TODAY 12:12 p.m. EDT May 14, 2013
NEW YORK — A decade ago, Dan Brown says, he got the idea for a novel that would use the Inferno, Dante's epic,14th-century poem envisioning the nine circles of Hell, as both "catalyst and inspiration."
Yet he didn't want to follow The Da Vinci Code, his 2003 blockbuster, with "another Italian thriller. It would be too close. And I wanted to put Robert Langdon (his recurring hero) on U.S. soil."
Dante had to wait. In Brown's 2009 best seller, The Lost Symbol, Langdon, a fictional Harvard professor, is summoned to Washington, D.C., to find a kidnapper who leaves clues filled with Masonic symbols.
In Brown's new novel, Inferno (Doubleday), Langdon ends up in Florence, Italy, matching wits with another madman who also leaves clues based on Dante's poem. Langdon's new adversary is a genius in genetic engineering who's obsessed with both global overpopulation and with Dante, whose version of hell, the madman warns, "is not fiction … It is prophecy!"
The American Presidency Project
Barack Obama
XLIV President of the United States: 2009 - present
23 - Memorandum on Tracing of Firearms in Connection With Criminal Investigations
January 16, 2013
Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies
Subject: Tracing of Firearms in Connection with Criminal Investigations
Reducing violent crime, and gun-related crime in particular, is a top priority of my Administration. A key component of this effort is ensuring that law enforcement agencies at all levels—Federal, State, and local—utilize those tools that have proven most effective. One such tool is firearms tracing, which significantly assists law enforcement in reconstructing the transfer and movement of seized or recovered firearms. Responsibility for conducting firearms tracing rests with the Department of Justice's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). Over the years, firearms tracing has significantly assisted law enforcement in solving violent crimes and generating thousands of leads that may otherwise not have been available.
Firearms tracing provides two principal benefits. First, tracing is an important investigative tool in individual cases, providing law enforcement agents with critical information that may lead to the apprehension of suspects, the recovery of other guns used in the commission of crimes, and the identification of potential witnesses, among other things. Second, analysis of tracing data in the aggregate provides valuable intelligence about local, regional, and national patterns relating to the movement and sources of guns used in the commission of crimes, which is useful for the effective deployment of law enforcement resources and development of enforcement strategies. Firearms tracing is a particularly valuable tool in detecting and investigating firearms trafficking, and has been deployed to help combat the pernicious problem of firearms trafficking across the Southwest border.
The effectiveness of firearms tracing as a law enforcement intelligence tool depends on the quantity and quality of information and trace requests submitted to ATF. In fiscal year 2012, ATF processed approximately 345,000 crime-gun trace requests for thousands of domestic and international law enforcement agencies. The Federal Government can encourage State and local law enforcement agencies to take advantage of the benefits of tracing all recovered firearms, but Federal law enforcement agencies should have an obligation to do so. If Federal law enforcement agencies do not conscientiously trace every firearm taken into custody, they may not only be depriving themselves of critical information in specific cases, but may also be depriving all Federal, State, and local agencies of the value of complete information for aggregate analyses.
Maximizing the effectiveness of firearms tracing, and the corresponding impact on combating violent crimes involving firearms, requires that Federal law enforcement agencies trace all recovered firearms taken into Federal custody in a timely and efficient manner.
Therefore, by the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I hereby direct the following:
Section 1. Firearms Tracing. (a) Federal law enforcement agencies shall ensure that all firearms recovered after the date of this memorandum in the course of criminal investigations and taken into Federal custody are traced through ATF at the earliest time practicable. Federal law enforcement agencies, as well as other executive departments and agencies, are encouraged, to the extent practicable, to take steps to ensure that firearms recovered prior to the date of this memorandum in the course of criminal investigations and taken into Federal custody are traced through ATF.
(b) Within 30 days of the date of this memorandum, ATF will issue guidance to Federal law enforcement agencies on submitting firearms trace requests.
(c) Within 60 days of the date of this memorandum, Federal law enforcement agencies shall ensure that their operational protocols reflect the requirement to trace recovered firearms through ATF.
(d) Within 90 days of the date of this memorandum, each Federal law enforcement agency shall submit a report to the Attorney General affirming that its operational protocols reflect the requirements set forth in this memorandum.
(e) For purposes of this memorandum, "Federal law enforcement agencies" means the Departments of State, the Treasury, Defense, Justice, the Interior, Agriculture, Energy, Veterans Affairs, and Homeland Security, and such other agencies and offices that regularly recover firearms in the course of their criminal investigations as the President may designate.
Sec. 2. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this memorandum shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect the authority granted by law to a department or agency, or the head thereof.
(b) This memorandum is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
Sec. 3. Publication. The Attorney General is authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the Federal Register.
Inferno (2016)
His greatest challenge. Humanity's last hope.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 12:05 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Tuesday 11 October 2016