This Is What I Think.

Saturday, November 05, 2016

Homestead Day Z

Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)

SPOCK: Each of us, at some time in our life, turns to someone, a father, a brother, a god and asks 'Why am I here?'

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: - posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 04:30 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Monday 21 July 2014 -

As I have noted here before, the thoughts in my mind suggest that Thomas Reagan looks exactly the same as I do. The only difference is he is 6.5 years older in age and he is a few inches taller than I am.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 21 July 2014 excerpt ends]


Difference Between Twins and Clones

Twins vs Clones

Twins and clones are often misidentified with each other because they both look physically the same on the outside. The identical twins, in particular, are really the same with clones in the physical sense. However, there are some technicalities that differentiate the two.

When a mother will give birth to two offspring, the resulting newborn babies are called twins. These two beings can either be fraternal (non-identical) and identical twins. It is the latter which has the same phenotype (observable characteristics of a living being) and genotype (genetic makeup). As a result, identical twins look exactly the same with each other. This is possible because they were a product of the splitting of one zygote (a fertilized egg cell or ovum) into two different embryos. Fraternal twins are different because two ova have been fertilized by different sperm cells. The resulting twins will not look the same with each other. Thus, they can be of different sexes.

Clones are products of a breakthrough procedure in bioengineering called cloning. Although this has been a highly debated practice and has been rigorously questioned because of its ethical implications, cloning is still being done up to this day because of its scientific significance. The clone is artificially made in a Petri plate unlike in the case of twins wherein the fertilization is done internally in the mother’s womb.

In a cloning procedure, the successfully engineered embryo is manually split and then implanted in different wombs (now termed as the surrogate mother). The surrogate mother will then be the one to nourish, develop, and then deliver the baby. Clones are almost the same with the case of identical twins because the clone has been developed from one zygote or cell obtained from a single donor. That’s why they are still genetically identical. Also, this is one of the reasons why some regard identical twins as natural clones.

Red Storm Rising (1986)

Tom Clancy

20 – The Dance of the Vampires

The Bear already had a clear picture of the American formations. The Russians could not determine ship type, but they could tell large from small, and identify the missile cruiser Ticonderoga by her distinctive radar emissions. The carriers would be close to her. The Bear relayed the information to her consorts. A minute later, the seventy Backfire bombers launched their hundred forty AS-6 Kingfish missiles and turned north at full military power. The Kingfish was nothing like the Kelt. Powered by a liquid-fuel rocket engine, it accelerated to nine hundred knots and began its descent, its radar-homing head tracking on a preprogrammed target area ten miles wide. Every ship in the center of the formation had several missiles assigned.

"Vampire, Vampire!" the CIC talker said aboard Ticonderoga. "We have numerous incoming missiles. Weapons free."

The group antiair warfare officer ordered the cruiser's Aegis weapons system into full automatic mode. Tico had been built with this exact situation in mind. Her powerful radar/computer system immediately identified the incoming missiles as hostile and assigned each a priority of destruction. The computer was completely on its own, free to fire on its electronic will at anything diagnosed as a threat. Numbers, symbols, and vectors paraded across the master tactical display. The fore and aft twin missile launchers trained out at the first targets and awaited the orders to fire. Aegis was state-of-the-art, the best SAM system yet devised, but it had one major weakness: Tico carried only ninety-six SM2 surface-to-air missiles; there were one hundred forty incoming Kingfish. The computer had not been programmed to think about that.


Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)


Linda Barrett: Hi Brad, you know how cute I always thought you were.

Metamorphosis [ Star Trek: The Original Series ]

Stardate: Unknown

Original Airdate: Nov 10, 1967

MCCOY: Are you all right?

COCHRANE: Yes. It kind of drains me a little, but I'm all right.

Metamorphosis [ Star Trek: The Original Series ]

Stardate: Unknown

Original Airdate: Nov 10, 1967

KIRK: Cochrane got it off of us, but I don't know whether he did us a favour or not.

MCCOY: What kind of talk is that?

KIRK: How do you fight a thing like that?



Original Airdate (SciFi): 06-OCT-2006

Adama: The Centurions can't distinguish her from the other humanoid models. Did you know that?


Tom Clancy


G.P. Putnam's Sons hardcover edition / August 1986

Berkley mass-market edition / August 1987

Page 252

Number three was decoyed by a chaff cloud and ran straight into the sea half a mile behind the carrier. The warhead caused the carrier to vibrate and raised a column of water a thousand feet into the air.

The fourth and fifth missiles came in from aft, not a hundred yards apart. The after gun mount tracked on both, but couldn't decide which to engage first. It went into Reset mode and petulantly didn't engage any.

- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 07:26 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Saturday 05 November 2016