Thursday, February 21, 2013

You see. I told you we win against those vermin.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess

Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 9:29 PM

To: 'Chad Trammell'

Subject: The Fly 1986

"The Ring." I would have guessed that was a film from very recent years. Instead it is from the year 2002. I had heard the name Naomi Watts before but I guess this is the first time I have seen anything with her in it.

Oh yeah, I think she portrayed Valerie Plame in that recent severe racketeering organization movie about her I read about.

Anyway, "The Ring" starts off and seems to be a "I See Dead People" knock-off which itself was a rip-off against Thomas Reagan.

Then I see clearly landmarks I immediately recognize in downtown Seattle because I walked along those same sidewalks many times when I lived downtown.

So that's a really bad sign. Anytime you see a film depicted in Seattle then you know they are really planning to kill a lot of people inside the United States. And then, of course. Of course. She is a reporter for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. It reminds me of Billy Zane in "Sole Survivor."

Naomi Watts becomes fixated with a fly insect on the video that is the basis for the film and that reminds me of what I had been working on a few days ago about the 1986 "The Fly" and that is still on my offline computer.

Her character also makes me think of what I worked on a few days ago with Madrid. I found an association with Maureen Reagan. I made those observations associated with her before I had that strong nightmare the last time I was asleep. The part that associates with that is the end of the hallway was my mother's bedroom.

I have no idea what dreams mean. The only reason I ever write about my dreams is because I started to believe my dreams have some kind of paranormal aspect to them. I mean, sure, who doesn't. But I have always been a skeptic. I never really believed in the paranormal. Now I believe something is happening. What may be happening to me is simply immunity. I can speak out and I can make sense to a certain degree about some kind of horror that exists on this planet. I have a certain immunity to it.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 27 December 2011 excerpt ends]

- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 12:53 PM Pacific Time Seattle USA Thursday 21 February 2013