I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Friday, November 30, 2018
Astronaut Moments
The American Presidency Project
Lyndon B. Johnson
XXXVI President of the United States: 1963-1969
389 - Memorandum on the Need for Improving Procedures for Clearing Incoming Travelers at Ports of Entry
July 1, 1968
Memorandum for Secretary Cohen, Secretary Freeman, Secretary Fowler, Attorney General Clark
SUBJECT: Ports of Entry Study
The recently completed Ports of Entry Study recommends significant improvements in the clearing of incoming travelers by the Customs, Public Health, Immigration, and Agriculture inspection agencies. I commend you and your associates who had a part in accomplishing this study.
Last year over 200 million persons entered the United States through 400 ports of entry. The 3,000 inspectors of your inspection agencies provide a very valuable service to their country.
To avoid unnecessary congestion and delay for incoming travelers, we must continually be on the outlook for ways of cutting the red tape involved in clearing travelers. The one-stop inspection system holds promise of allowing travelers to pass through the inspection process in record time while maintaining the existing level of overall security. This is a splendid example of interagency cooperative effort from which we all benefit.
This report is, therefore, very timely and gives support to our objectives of increasing the number of foreign visitors to the United States. It is my desire that the recommendations of this report be pursued actively and all that are found to be practical be implemented as quickly as possible. It is also important that effective representation be made to carriers and port authorities to assure that they fulfill their responsibilities to facilitate these programs.
dsc01438.jpg - Kerry Burgess
DSC00813.jpg - Kerry Burgess, 30 November 2018
DSC00814.jpg - Kerry Burgess, 30 November 2018
DSC00815.jpg - Kerry Burgess, 30 November 2018
DSC00816.jpg - Kerry Burgess, 30 November 2018 at 2:52 PM (Pacific Time USA - Spokane)
DSC00818.jpg - Kerry Burgess, 30 November 2018
posted by Kerry Burgess - Saturday, September 15, 2007
I keep having these curious sensations that seem to be of me landing on the ground, and I assume I am strapped to a parachute because I can't see the parachute. I'm not certain how long I have been consciously aware of that sensation. In these sensations, I am almost, but partially, visualizing myself looking down at my legs as I am about to hit the ground. I can distinquish the color of the ground and some basic details about the texture of the ground. I can see the black military boots and I am wearing and what seems to be a green flight pressure suit that fighter jet pilots would wear. I see the image clearly in my mind, but I find it confusing because I don't consciously remember any such experience so I can only describe it as something I partially visualize, which seems curious itself. I used to describe such sensations as 'foreign dream,' because they seemed to have been produced by sources outside my mind, although this particular sensation about landing on the ground with a parachute while wearing a flight suit occurred to me after I had been awake for a while. Such waking images have probably been occurring to me for a long time but only the similar dreams would stay within my attention span for some reason.
from my private journal as Kerry Burgess: 04/04/09 4:58 PM
In what I think were earlier scenes I seemed to be at a lake and that seems pleasant to think about but I cannot remember hardly any details. At another point I remember I was talking to someone and I remember that I specifically mentioned my wife.
This also reminds me of a dream I had a day or two ago. I was sitting at the controls of a helicopter and I was getting ready to pilot it into the air. I could clearly hear the blades chopping the air and I could vaguely see that I looked down at the controls next to the seat. I was annoyed by one of the controls and I thought several times after I awoke that I was flying a foreign helicopter but I was talking to someone else there in the front and to my left and I was comparing the capabilities of that foreign helicopter to the Seasprite helicopter the U.S. Navy flew for many years. Then I was operating the controls and I clearly felt in the dream when the helicopter began to rise into the air.
Posted by Kerry Burgess - H.V.O.M at 7:39 AM Thursday, September 15, 2011
and I was stomping on the brake pedal because the car was rolling backwards and the brake pedal was not working and ten years ago I would have written about this dream and I would have wrote that was a foreign dream where the narrator told me just as I woke up that I should try the emergency brake to get the car to stop.
from my private journal as Kerry Burgess: January 13, 008
01/13/08 3:39 AM
I had a dream that seemed to be just a few minutes before I just now woke up. In the dream, I was flying a jet aircraft and I think it was an F/A-18 Hornet and there were at least 2 other Hornet's flying with me. There were a lot of very clear details about the dream that I cannot articulate very well. The dream overall seemed unimportant, or at least, I cannot figure out what it was all supposed to be about. At one point, I was very certain that the date was 10/9/2004, but that might have changed. I find myself thinking that I also visualized an '11' but I don't know what that means. In the dream, there were people watching me somehow and that had something to do with my flying. Something about another persons brother, which was me, and that I was flying a jet aircraft. I can distinctly visualize sitting in the jet aircraft and operating the controls and reading the instruments. I clearly remember that I stomped on the left foot pedal for a snap roll and that I was disappointed with my lack of precision in that manuever. At some point in the dream, I seemed to have the objective of flying over someone that was on a highway somewhere. I think that person I was supposed to fly over was Lily Jang. I don't know why that was supposed to happen. She was on a highway somewhere and I was supposed to fly by her. It was dark for most, if not all, of the dream. There were other details in the dream that seem unimportant and that I cannot figure out how to articulate.
01/13/08 3:59 AM
The date 10/11/2004 was when Duran Duran "Astronaut" released. I felt certain after waking up that I had seen the date 10/9/2004 but I wondered also why the '11' was lingering in my mind. I don't know.
01/13/08 4:01 AM
There was also an element in that dream, I think at the point where I was supposed to do the fly-by of Lily Jang, that I realized I had let myself gain too much altitude. I think I was having trouble by that time with reading the instrument panel, because it all had become sort of blurry, and I didn't realize I had been drifting upwards for too long. I am not certain what I did after that point but I can recall vaguely that I was still flying.
01/13/08 4:04 AM
I can still sort of visualize the lights on the highway and other reference points I used to navigate my way along to the point I was supposed to fly over.
01/13/08 4:05 AM
I didn't seem to gain a tremendous amount of altitude, so I don't know what that means. I would say that I might have gained 100 feet of altitude, which seems unimportant for that kind of fly-by so I don't understand that element of the dream.
01/13/08 4:09 AM
I stomped on the left foot pedal, but I seemed to roll to the right. I am not certain if that is correct or not. I want to say that if I stomped on the left pedal, then I would have done a snap-roll to the left.
01/13/08 4:10 AM
Or maybe that is correct.
The left foot pedal would raise - I think it would raise - the left aileron, which I think is on the tail, or maybe it would raise the flap on the trailing edge of the left wing. When that control surface is raised, it seems....now that I think it though, I think the aircraft would roll in that direction. The control surface catches the air and creates a drag on that side of the aircraft, which causes it to change attitude on that side. Something like that. I feel slightly confused.
01/13/08 4:14 AM
The part about the longitudinal axis sounds correct, in terms of what I am trying to describe.
Ailerons are hinged control surfaces attached to the trailing edge of the wing of a fixed-wing aircraft. The ailerons are used to control the aircraft in roll. The two ailerons are typically interconnected so that one goes down when the other goes up: the downgoing aileron increases the lift on its wing while the upgoing aileron reduces the lift on the other wing, producing a rolling moment about the aircraft's longitudinal axis.
Modern military aircraft may have no ailerons on the wings at all, and combine roll control with an all-moving tailplane. This is a taileron or a rolling tail.
01/13/08 4:19 AM
In a roll, slower than a snap roll, which I think of as a very quick roll, the rudder would be used to keep the aircraft centered on its original heading. The roll would cause the aircraft to drift to one side or the other, which I think is known as yaw.
Longitudinal axis
The longitudinal axis passes through the plane from nose to tail. Rotation about this axis is called bank or roll. Bank changes the orientation of the aircraft's wings with respect to the downward force of gravity. The pilot changes bank angle by increasing the lift on one wing and decreasing it on the other. This differential lift causes bank rotation around the longitudinal axis. The ailerons are the primary control of bank. The rudder also has a secondary effect on bank.
01/13/08 4:25 AM
With a step to your left and a flick to the right you catch that mirror way out west
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 13 January 2008 excerpt ends]
The Seattle Times
Sunday, February 16, 1997
Shuttle Takes Hubble Higher Up To Avoid Orbiting Space Junk
By Marcia Dunn
SPACE CENTER, Houston - Space shuttle Discovery fled to a safer, higher orbit with the Hubble Telescope yesterday to avoid a piece of space junk the size of a book.
The fragment of an exploded rocket would have come dangerously close to Discovery, its seven astronauts and the telescope anchored in the cargo bay had the crew not steered out of the way.
Astronauts making the mission's second spacewalk Friday night discovered a surprising number of cracks and tears in Hubble's thin, outer insulation, as well as holes punched into the solar panels by micrometeorites.
A few hours after Discovery's pilots steered the shuttle and the moored Hubble into a 2-mile-higher orbit to extend the lifetime of the telescope, they were ordered to go up an additional half-mile.
A fragment of an exploded Pegasus rocket was due to pass within a half-mile of the shuttle and telescope, officials said, and Mission Control did not want to take any chances.
The Pegasus was launched in 1994 with a military-research satellite, which ended up in the wrong orbit. The rocket fragment was one of 8,014 orbiting objects being tracked by the U.S. Space Command yesterday, most of it junk.
- posted by Kerry Burgess 7:57 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Friday 30 November 2018
NASA InSight, "Especially important is the warning to avoid conversations"
Kerry Burgess
2:37 PM - 26 Nov 2018 (Pacific Time USA - Spokane)
NASA InSight nails Mars landing after scary six minutes (cnet)
Bart Gets an Elephant (The Simpsons): At the Springfield Retirement Castle, Abe notes, "Hey, they're playing the elephant song!" Jasper loves that
Kerry Burgess
8:36 AM - 26 Nov 2018 (Pacific Time USA - Spokane)
KIRK: We want the old NASA code signal that instructs the probe to transmit its data ...and fast, Uhura, fast!
from my private journal as Kerry Burgess: July 24, 2006
If we could just figure out a better way to travel to orbit without these silly rocket boosters, we would be well on our way to exploring more of the solar system and other solar systems. There has got to be a cheap and safe way to cheat gravity. Sometimes I think I know how to do it, but I just can't remember.
Stargate Atlantis - Rising - television series premiere episode part 1 and 2 - Friday 16 July 2004 (DVD extended version)
Episode Summary
The discovery of an outpost, left behind by the Ancients in the most unlikely of places, leads a new Stargate team to the distant Pegasus galaxy. Once there, they discover a planet of humans being decimated by a terrible alien race know as the Wraith.
(from internet transcript of incomplete dialog)
BECKETT: Look we're doing research; working with technology that's light years beyond us and we make mistakes. I'm incredibly, incredibly sorry.
SHEPPARD: Well, next time just be a little more careful, OK?
BECKETT: That's what I said.
SHEPPARD: What the hell was that thing anyway?
BECKETT: You mean the drone? (Sheppard nods.) The weapon the Ancients built to defend this outpost.
SHEPPARD: The who?
(Beckett looks at him suspiciously.)
BECKETT: You do have security clearance to be here?
SHEPPARD: Yeah, yeah. General O'Neill just gave it to me.
(Beckett's eyes widen.)
BECKETT: Then you don't even know about the Stargate.
SHEPPARD: The what?
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
(from internet transcript of incomplete dialog)
[Surface of Vulcan]
FEMALE MASTER: (in Vulcan) Our ancestors cast out their animal passions on these very sands, ...saving our race through the attainment of Kolinahr.
MALE MASTER: (in Vulcan) Kolinahr, through which all emotion is renounced and shed.
FEMALE MASTER: (in Vulcan) You have laboured for many seasons, Spock ...and you have proved yourself worthy ...to receive this symbol of pure logic.
2016September23_Chloe55_DSC00747.jpg - Kerry Burgess
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
(from internet transcript of incomplete dialog)
(Spock stops her putting the ancient pendant around his neck)
FEMALE MASTER: (in Vulcan) Your thoughts, give them to me. Our minds are joined, Spock, ...together, and as one. I sense the consciousness calling to you from space. ...Your human blood is touched by it, Spock.
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
(from internet transcript of incomplete dialog)
(Spock stops her putting the ancient pendant around his neck)
FEMALE MASTER: ...Your human blood is touched by it, Spock. You have not yet attained Kolinahr. He must search elsewhere for his answer. He shall not find it here.
posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 05:28 AM Pacific Time somewhere near Seattle Washington USA Saturday 15 March 2014 - http://hvom.blogspot.com/2014/03/hollywood-perverts-control-you.html
You know what's confusing me? I thought about this for a couple minutes and my confusion must be from hallucinations. I would have sworn I wrote in my journal about the night I put the medals in her purse without her seeing me do it. Maybe I did write about it and now I can't find it again. I don't know. I can still visualize it. I think I am visualizing a series of thoughts from a few years ago, back in the year 2011. I keep seeing myself in Columbia in the year 1997 and I was recently promoted to lieutenant colonel and I was wearing the uniform of the United States Marine Corps and I still can visualize that line of thought of the last words I said to her when I put on my cover as I walked to the door and left and I went to Fort Jackson and I never came back.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 15 March 2014 excerpt ends]
The Exorcist (1973)
Release Info
USA 26 December 1973
The Exorcist (1973)
Full Cast & Crew
Max von Sydow ... Father Merrin
The American Presidency Project
39th President of the United States: 1977 - 1981
Visit of President Josip Broz Tito of Yugoslavia Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony.
March 07, 1978
PRESIDENT CARTER. This morning the people of the United States are honored by the presence of a great world leader, President Tito of Yugoslavia.
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)
Dr. McCOY: Jim, what are you doing?
Captain KIRK: I'm asking a question.
From 3/3/1968 ( premiere US TV series episode "Mission: Impossible"::"The Phoenix" ) To 11/26/2018 is 18530 days
18530 = 9265 + 9265
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/16/1991 ( my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate ) is 9265 days
From 11/18/1996 ( premiere US film "Star Trek: First Contact" ) To 11/26/2018 is 8043 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/10/1987 ( premiere US TV series episode "Nova"::"Volcano!" ) is 8043 days
From 6/5/1987 ( as Kerry Burgess my official United States Navy documents includes: Earned NEC 1189 - Based on graduation from the Terrier Mk 152 Computer Complex course - Naval Guided Missiles School, Dam Neck, Virginia Beach, Virginia ) To 11/26/2018 is 11497 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/25/1997 ( premiere US film "Volcano" ) is 11497 days
From 12/26/1973 ( premiere US film "The Exorcist" ) To 11/26/2018 is 16406 days
16406 = 8203 + 8203
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/18/1988 ( the United States Navy Operation Praying Mantis ) is 8203 days
From 9/20/1990 ( premiere US TV series pilot "The Flash" ) To 11/26/2018 is 10294 days
10294 = 5147 + 5147
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/6/1979 ( premiere US film "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" ) is 5147 days
From 7/24/2006 ( referenced in text above here: from my private journal as Kerry Burgess ) To 11/26/2018 is 4508 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/7/1978 ( Jimmy Carter - Visit of President Josip Broz Tito of Yugoslavia Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony ) is 4508 days
From 12/20/1994 ( in non-aviator related duties on the ground in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my United States Navy Cross medal date of record ) To 11/26/2018 is 8742 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/9/1989 ( premiere US TV series episode "Star Trek: The Next Generation"::"The Survivors" ) is 8742 days
From 7/16/2004 ( premiere US TV series "Stargate: Atlantis" ) To 11/26/2018 is 5246 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/14/1980 ( premiere US TV series episode "In Search of..."::"Past Lives" ) is 5246 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) to 5/15/1992 ( the first launch of the United States space shuttle Endeavour orbiter vehicle mission STS-49 includes me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-49 pilot astronaut and my 1st official United States of America National Aeronautics and Space Administration orbital flight of 4 overall - the fourth and final STS-49 EVA ends ) is 9691 days
From 5/15/1992 ( the first launch of the United States space shuttle Endeavour orbiter vehicle mission STS-49 includes me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-49 pilot astronaut and my 1st official United States of America National Aeronautics and Space Administration orbital flight of 4 overall - the fourth and final STS-49 EVA ends ) to 11/26/2018 is 9691 days
NASA official website
InSight Mars Lander
Nov. 26, 2018
RELEASE 18-104
NASA InSight Lander Arrives on Martian Surface to Learn What Lies Beneath
Mars has just received its newest robotic resident. NASA's Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport (InSight) lander successfully touched down on the Red Planet after an almost seven-month, 300-million-mile (485-million-kilometer) journey from Earth.
InSight’s two-year mission will be to study the deep interior of Mars to learn how all celestial bodies with rocky surfaces, including Earth and the Moon, formed.
InSight launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California May 5. The lander touched down Monday, Nov. 26, near Mars' equator on the western side of a flat, smooth expanse of lava called Elysium Planitia, with a signal affirming a completed landing sequence at 11:52 a.m. PST (2:52 p.m. EST).
"Today, we successfully landed on Mars for the eighth time in human history,” said NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine. “InSight will study the interior of Mars, and will teach us valuable science as we prepare to send astronauts to the Moon and later to Mars. This accomplishment represents the ingenuity of America and our international partners and it serves as a testament to the dedication and perseverance of our team. The best of NASA is yet to come, and it is coming soon.”
Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
LILY: What is that?
Doctor Zefram COCHRANE: That is the constellation Leo.
LILY: No, that.
(there is a bright orbiting light which suddenly fires two photon bolts towards the settlement)
LILY: It's the ECON.
COCHRANE: After all these years?
(more photon bolts)
LILY: We've got to get to the Phoenix!
(another photon bolt)
COCHRANE: To hell with the Phoenix.
Mission: Impossible Season 2 Episode 23
The Phoenix
Aired Mar 03, 1968 on CBS
AIRED: 3/3/68
From 2/11/1929 ( the wacko cult phony religious Vatican City established among all the other wacko nutjob religions on this Planet Earth and RELIGION IS COWARDICE ) To 3/16/1991 ( the first successful major test of the ultraspace matter transportation device by Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate ) is 22678 days
22678 = 11339 + 11339
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/18/1996 is 11339 days
From 12/20/1994 ( in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my United States Navy Cross medal date of record ) To 11/18/1996 is 699 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/2/1967 ( Lyndon Johnson - Memorandum on Inaugurating a Test Program To Reduce Hard-Core Unemployment ) is 699 days
From 5/7/1992 ( the first launch of the United States space shuttle Endeavour orbiter vehicle mission STS-49 includes me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-49 pilot astronaut and my 1st official United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration orbital flight of 4 overall ) To 11/18/1996 is 1656 days
1656 = 828 + 828
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Burgess ) To 2/8/1968 ( premiere US film "Planet of the Apes" ) is 828 days
From 12/19/1984 ( from my official United States Navy documents: as Kerry Wayne Burgess the E-3 Seaman United States Navy I reported aboard the USS Taylor FFG 50 departing 11 February 1986 as FC3 Kerry Wayne Burgess US Navy ) To 11/18/1996 is 4352 days
4352 = 2176 + 2176
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Burgess ) To 10/18/1971 ( Richard Nixon - Executive Order 11628 - Establishing a Seal for the Environmental Protection Agency ) is 2176 days
From 4/18/1988 ( the United States Navy Operation Praying Mantis ) To 11/18/1996 is 3136 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Burgess ) To 6/4/1974 ( construction begins of the United States space shuttle Enterprise ) is 3136 days
See also other posts by me on this topic including possible future updates by me and including: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2018/05/first-contact.html
Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
Release Info
USA 18 November 1996 (Hollywood, California) (premiere)
Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
Full Cast & Crew
James Cromwell ... Zefram Cochran
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)
Captain KIRK: Excuse me. ...I'd just like to ask a question. ...What does God need with a starship?
GOD: Bring the ship closer.
KIRK: I said ...'What does God need with a starship?'
McCOY: Jim, what are you doing?
KIRK: I'm asking a question.
GOD: Who is this creature?
KIRK: Who am I? Don't you know? Aren't you God?
NOVA Season 15 Episode 6
Aired Nov 10, 1987 on PBS
Episode Summary
Volcano! from the show NOVA shows how millions of people are living in the danger zone around the thousands of active and dormant volcanoes on Earth. Predicting when these giants will erupt is still hit and miss, and scientists are trying new techniques in order to warn people about a upcoming volcanic event.
AIRED: 11/10/87
Volcano (1997)
Release Info
USA 15 April 1997 (Los Angeles, California) (premiere)
USA 25 April 1997
The Flash Season 1 Episode 0
Aired Sep 20, 1990 on CBS
AIRED: 9/20/90
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
KIRK: ...Who is ...'V'Ger'?
ILIA PROBE: V'Ger is that which has programmed me.
KIRK: Is V'Ger the name of the captain of the alien vessel?
McCOY: Jim, this is a mechanism!
SPOCK: A probe, Captain. No doubt a sensor-transceiver combination, recording everything we say and do.
KIRK: Where is Lieutenant Ilia?
ILIA PROBE: That unit no longer functions. I have been given its form to more readily communicate with the carbon-based units infesting Enterprise.
SECURITY GUARD: 'Carbon-based units'?
McCOY: Humans, Ensign Perez. Us.
KIRK: Why does V'Ger travel to the third planet of the solar system directly ahead?
ILIA PROBE: To find the Creator.
KIRK: To find the Creator? Whose? ...What does V'Ger want with the Creator?
ILIA PROBE: To join with him.
SPOCK: Join with the Creator? ...How?
ILIA PROBE: V'Ger and the Creator will become one.
SPOCK: And who is the Creator?
ILIA PROBE: The Creator is that which created V'Ger.
KIRK: Who is V'Ger?
ILIA PROBE: V'Ger is that which seeks the Creator. I am ready to commence my observations.
SPOCK: Doctor, a thorough examination of this probe might provide some insight into those who manufactured it, and how to deal with them.
The Exorcist (1973)
Father Merrin: I think the point is to make us despair. To see ourselves as... animal and ugly. To make us reject the possibility that God could love us.
The Exorcist (1973)
Father Merrin: Especially important is the warning to avoid conversations with the demon. We may ask what is relevant but anything beyond that is dangerous. He is a liar. The demon is a liar. He will lie to confuse us. But he will also mix lies with the truth to attack us. The attack is psychological, Damien, and powerful.
Posted by Kerry Burgess at 7:39 PM
Number 878: The Farthest Man From Home
I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
The lamentations of whiners.
"Faith" is just their marketing buzzword.
Phony people terrified of mortality. Certainly they have stopped reading by this point now that they know their delusions will be credibly challenged.
Reminds me of my severe frustration of trying for over a decade to get a response out of the dim-wit public out there. Not that most of the comments would be useful or anything I hadn't thought of already. The public on the internet are cowards whose contribution to any forum is just the diarrhea they spew out from the keyboards they can hide behind.
"Faith" is because they know that in their cowardly and terrified delusions there is SAFETY IN NUMBERS.
If you listen carefully to the responses from those cowardly Jesus Christ bible-thumpers, as are all religious people, then you can get a glimmer of how they rationalize their ridiculous rationalizations for their Imaginary Man With The Beard Who Lives In The Clouds.
I see them on television sometimes pointing and looking directly upwards to the sky. They either worship the astronauts living on the International Space Station OR they are simply pointing up to the location of the bible-thumper's ignorance.
The Sky.
The source of ignorance for billions of monkey-men and monkey-women to this very day.
excerpt ends Posted by Kerry Burgess at 7:39 PM Saturday, November 10, 2018
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
(from internet transcript of incomplete dialog)
[Voyager VI platform]
KIRK: V-G-E-R ...V-O-Y-A-G-E-R ...Voyager! ...Voyager VI?
DECKER: NASA. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Jim, this was launched more than three hundred years ago.
KIRK: Voyager series, designed to collect data and transmit it back to Earth.
DECKER: Voyager VI ...disappeared into what they used to call a black hole.
KIRK: It must have emerged sometime on the far side of the Galaxy and fell into the machine's planet's gravitational field.
SPOCK: The machine inhabiters found it to be one of their own kind, primitive yet kindred. They discovered its simple twentieth-century programming. Collect all data possible.
DECKER: Learn all that is learnable. Return that information to its Creator.
SPOCK (OC): Precisely, Mister Decker, the machines interpreted it literally.
SPOCK: They built this entire vessel so that Voyager could fulfil it's programming.
KIRK: And on its journey back it amassed so much knowledge, it achieved consciousness itself. It became a living thing.
ALIEN MACHINE VOICE: (unintelligible)
ILIA PROBE: Kirk unit, V'Ger awaits the information.
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
Release Info
USA 6 December 1979 (Washington, D.C.) (premiere)
Posted by Kerry Burgess at 3:28 AM
Number 878: The Farthest Man From Home
I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
Monday, November 26, 2018
"Doctor, a thorough examination of this probe might provide some insight into those who manufactured it, and how to deal with them."
excerpt ends Posted by Kerry Burgess at 3:28 AM Monday, November 26, 2018
- posted by Kerry Burgess 10:22 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Friday 30 November 2018
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Pandora's Box
That's funny.
Or so it seems. I about jumped out of my chair.
I only care because I keep hoping this explains how the hell I get out of here. And these episodes seem to make more sense to me watching again the second time around, having the video paused now to make this note. I'm looking forward to making my way up to season 2. I remember now why I like this series. The characters are interesting. They're likeable. The subtitles are annoying but the episodes I find interesting.
What this makes me think of is that notion about my so-called 'counter-paradox theory'. The notion being that ideas had to form in my mind to cause me to record the information that became the results of my so-called 'time-traveler effect'.
In this case, circumstances beyond my control are being created in my natural environment on a level that is similar to the reason I created my so-called 'counter-paradox effect'. Those events *had* to occur in order for me to stop and make this note. For many years in the past, I theorized that my records would be transmitted to people who exist in the past, a notion any fan of time-travel science-fiction might comprehend.
I don't describe here what it was that happened today.
But here's the thing. The conditions have existed for several days. And yet, at this very time is when it happened. Just at the right time. Something that *NO* person could have caused. I suspect there is at least one person out there who might be able to come up with a good guess.
To describe these observations to the general mass public is pointless. They are too dim-witted to see anything beyond what their feeble, dullard minds can comprehend. Which is nothing intelligent.
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- posted by Kerry Burgess 5:48 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Thursday 29 November 2018
The Day After
Oh wow. The Amazon Prime subscription now includes, I am noting today for the first time, 3 seasons of the Russian television series "The Day After" set in Moscow, Russia.
A few years ago, noted here on my blog, I started watching it and I watched all 12 episodes of that first season, afterwards assuming they weren't going to make another season to explain the cliffhanger final season 1 episode.
I think I'll watch tonight a few episodes again of that first season and eventually make my way through all seasons.
Not crazy about subtitled video but the series got my attention.
I have since then thought again about one particular scene that was humorous to me, illustrated below.
But now I cannot now recall precisely why it was humorous.
Vaguely I recall it was again something prescient I had written and that was humorous to me. Might have been something I heard on television news with their live dialog from the teleprompters and that I did not record any details about, which happens sometimes with references I make in my posts. Reading through the series of posts I made on this subject several years ago I am thinking that is most likely what happened. Something I heard them saying on television as I was watching the video on another screen. Or maybe I watched the video first and then I heard the dialog on the live tv news.
I've got to stop watching the television news as much. I watch every live news broadcast that is on during my waking hours. I don't have cable television anymore so I don't watch CNN now. Tv news isn't going to tell me anything, anything I've been waiting for 15 years to hear. Recently though a news story they've been running has been making me think. I was thinking about that news report about the researchers in China and their human gene editing. What I had been thinking of in days just before I heard about that was slightly different but still, the immune system. I was thinking of my possible responses if anyone were to ask me for serious input on the claims of a pending global climate crisis. My response would have been to consult a crisis-management expert and develop details about the statistical relevance of another major polluter that KILLED THEMSELVES OFF *before* all the combined pollution reached the point of crisis and inevitability. My thoughts had been to think about China and how it killed itself because of several of the traits of its population. I am vaguely aware of how they all live in congested cities with acrid pollution that has got to be wreaking havoc on their immune systems and thrown in to that all those pigs and chickens they have on every city sidewalk and all that's just one big melting pot for some massive regional epidemic that kills off their population. Crisis averted. All because China couldn't go Vegan. America can continue polluting at its normal rate and not have to worry about long-term damage for an extra few decades. And maybe even never. Maybe people finally, with a respite from catastrophe, finally fully embrace renewable energy sources and with the extra time to adopt those methods of power generation, the atmosphere never reaches a point of pollution saturation. Donald Trump gets the last laugh.
Related to the television news broadcasts, sometimes I don't describe the precise details simply because they are watching me and I am watching them and they know precisely what it's supposed to mean. Sometimes I have written about stuff I do that is prescient of stuff I see later.
Now, I know many of you dullard dim-wits out there want to say that stuff you see is also prescient but I CAN GUARANTEE YOU ARE WRONG.
First of all, you're too lazy to document it as methodically as I.
And it's BECAUSE you're a lazy-minded dim-wit that causes your WISHFUL THINKING that you have had similar experience.
What you have is a lazy, dim-wit mind.
Those of you, many of you, that claim to be "Star Trek" and "Stargate" fans are fans ONLY BECAUSE you're LAZY.
You're not a fan of science. Science is hard work. You are a fan of anything that helps you escape ANY work. You're too lazy to think for yourself.
All you do is pollute and breed more polluters and you crap and then you crap some more and you pollute some more and you always try to find any way to avoid ANY work or thinking for yourself.
Posted by Kerry Burgess at 6:33 PM
Tuesday, July 08, 2014
Zombie Comrades
D'oh! I guess I should have seen that coming last night. They aren't giving away for free the television series "The Last Ship." They only gave away for free the premiere episode on tntdrama.com. The second episode requires cable television authorization to view it. I don't have cable television so I'm not watching it.
Instead of finishing my next highly compelling report about our good friend Barack Obama and his crew at the National Academy of Sciences and breaking away from television news for a change I decided to scan through hulu.com for something else to watch, at least for a while this evening.
One listing I found is kind of interesting for these first few minutes I have watched it so far. The title "The Day After" seems to set in Moscow Russia and it is not my desirable choice to watch because it has only English subtitles and I hate subtitle movies. Imdb.com has it confused with the 1983 film "The Day After" starring Jason Robards.
So far it isn't that bad. The soundtrack reminds me of that British television series "The Survivors" that I wrote about on here a while back.
The actors are I guess speaking in Russian and it isn't as annoying as I thought it would be although I don't know what they are saying other than the subtitles. I also pick up on subtle differences in their humor. Don't know how many of the 12 episodes that are listed for free that I am going to watch. I plan on watching the entire first episode.
The Day After Episode 1
The Day After
Title: The Day After Full Episode (Episode 1)
Description: Eleven strangers find themselves locked in a bunker with no recollection of what happened night before.
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- posted by Kerry Burgess 3:52 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Thursday 29 November 2018
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