I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Something he doesn't hear in Earth low-orbit space.
I don't know the guy personally. I've never known that guy. I don't know anything about him. I feel certain I will never know him. Or anybody at NASA. Ever.
But that's beginning to sound like that ridiculous Jesus-salesman propaganda.
My first thought: Frustrated Narcissist.
That's why their propaganda says: "than oneself".
That's a marketing gimmick, for one thing. For people with weak-character. That's why they say "bigger than oneself". Because they have weak-character.
He might not be frustrated *now*, but he was once a pathetic nobody, as are the people, I guess, he's trying to scam with his Jesus fairy-tale, supposedly.
Why? Because religious people are weak-minds. They need a herd to feel safe in. They know their bible-thumping is just pathetic superstition so their *cult* - as is *all* religion - is constantly recruiting. Their constantly warping the minds of young people so they have a constant supply of superstitious morons to bleed of money.
Selling Jesus is a business, plain and simple. They need your money. Weak-minded bible-thumpers will delude themselves into anything so they don't look bad among their bible-thumping peers.
Why do I care? I don't really care. It just annoys me and I've got a lot of free time to be annoyed as I look around on the internet at anything that interests me. NASA bible-thumpers are especially annoying to me, sitting here at this stupid desk. They're supposed to be better than superstitious cowards that are all bible-thumpers.
And it doesn't matter what I say. I'm not the boss. I'm not in charge of hiring anybody. If they want to be a herd of mindless drones who are terrified of the real world then I'm not stopping them.
If Jesus Christ wants to watch you people every time you go into the bathroom to tinkle then HAVE FUN with that!
He's always watching you!
Andrew Morgan
Verified account
11:08 AM - 25 Jul 2019
As an assistant scoutmaster and a father of scouts, it was a pleasure to join the World Scout Jamboree from @Space_Station. The #ScoutJamboree, much like Station, brings out the best of international cooperation and service for something bigger than ourselves!
- posted by Kerry Burgess 3:33 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Thursday 25 July 2019