I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Jesus Christ superstition bible-thumpers will never read here the truth.
Patterns of Force (Star Trek: The Original Series)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Critic Darren Mooney criticised the episode's premise that Nazi Germany was the most efficient state Earth ever knew, citing historians' criticism of that common misconception.
Milk carton kids
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Beginning in the early 1980s, advertisements on milk cartons in the United States were used to publicize cases of missing children. The printing of such ads continued until the late 1990s when other programs became more popular for serving the same purpose.
During the late 1970s and 1980s in the United States, missing child cases garnered a great deal of news media attention. Chief among these were the disappearance of Etan Patz (1979) and the kidnapping and murder of Adam Walsh (1981), whose story was told in the 1983 television movie, Adam. These reports developed into a type of moral panic called "stranger danger". In 1984, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children was founded.
In September 1984, Anderson Erickson Dairy in Des Moines, Iowa began printing the photographs of two boys — Johnny Gosch (age 12, missing since September 5, 1982) and Eugene Martin (age 13, missing since August 12, 1984) — who went missing while delivering newspapers for the Des Moines Register. A similar milk-carton advertising program for missing children launched in Chicago, Illinois with support from the police and statewide in California with support from the government.
In December 1984/January 1985[inconsistent], the nonprofit National Child Safety Council began a nationwide program called the "Missing Children Milk Carton Program" in the United States of putting photos of missing children on milk cartons. By March 1985, 700 of 1600 independent dairies in the United States had adopted the practice of publishing photos of missing children on milk cartons.
Etan Patz was one of the first missing children, and perhaps the most famous of them, to be sought with this strategy. In 1979, when the six-year-old boy went missing on the way to the schoolbus in Manhattan, there had been no system in the United States for tracking missing children nationwide. In 1985, Patz's photo was printed on milk cartons so that consumers purchasing milk at retail markets could be encouraged to look for the missing child.
Although many featured children including Gosch, Martin, and Patz were never found, one success was the case of seven-year-old Bonnie Lohman, whose mother and stepfather had taken her away from her father when she was three. The girl's neighbors recognized her face on a milk carton. The girl had seen the same milk carton and recognized herself, though she did not independently understand what it meant.
Houston Chronicle Archives
Saddam talks to hostages on Iraqi TV/Troops ready to surround embassies
Houston Chronicle News Services
THU 08/23/1990
NICOSIA, Cyprus - Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, in a tape from Iraq televised today, talked to a group of Western children and adults in his office in an apparent attempt to show the hostages were not being mistreated.
He told the group of Westerners, some believed to be British, that "your presence here and other other places is meant to prevent war."
The talk was broadcast by Cable News Network, which said it was a tape of the meeting. It was not known when the meeting took place.
Saddam was shown sitting in a business suit, patting the Western children on the head. He was surrounded by army officers and an interviewer who provided some translation of the conversation.
One of the officers also repeatedly stroked the head of one child as Saddam spoke to the boy. The grim-faced boys were dresssed in shorts and T-shirts. Saddam talked briefly with them about playing sports.
The Iraqi TV broadcast gave Saddam an unusual forum to repeat the Iraqi position.
A group of adults sat around the room, and also spoke with Saddam through an interpreter. Saddam asked them for forgiveness for keeping them there.
"Your presence here will not be for too long," he said.
"Your presence here is not a source of pleasure for us. This does not make us happy. What would make us happy would be to see you back in your countries or back in the streets of Baghdad (as in normal times)," Saddam said.
Saddam appeared relaxed as he spoke with a boy, identified only as Ian, 7. Saddam asked the boy if he was getting enough milk and food. The child, through an interpreter, said he was getting enough milk and cornflakes.
It was then that Saddam giggled, and turning to an aide in military uniform, he said in Arabic: "He is getting more than our Iraqi children."
The sad, twisted truth about conservative Christianity's effect on the mind
Some religious beliefs may alter brain function, making us more prone to anxiety and depression
NOVEMBER 1, 2014 4:00PM (UTC)
AlterNet “I am 30 years old and I am struggling to find sanity. Between the Christian schools, homeschooling, the Christian group home (indoctrinating work camp) and different churches in different cities, I am a psychological, emotional and spiritual mess.” --A former Evangelical
If a former believer says that Christianity made her depressed, obsessive, or post-traumatic, she is likely to be dismissed as an exaggerator. She might describe panic attacks about the rapture; moods that swung from ecstasy about God’s overwhelming love to suicidal self-loathing about repeated sins; or an obsession with sexual purity.
A symptom like one of these clearly has a religious component, yet many people instinctively blame the victim. They will say that the wounded former believer was prone to anxiety or depression or obsession in the first place—that his Christianity somehow got corrupted by his predisposition to psychological problems. Or they will say that he wasn’t a real Christian. If only he had prayed in faith believing or loved God with all his heart, soul and mind, if only he had really been saved—then he would have experienced the peace that passes all understanding.
But the reality is far more complex. It is true that symptoms like depression or panic attacks most often strike those of us who are vulnerable, perhaps because of genetics or perhaps because situational stressors have worn us down. But certain aspects of Christian beliefs and Christian living also can create those stressors, even setting up multigenerational patterns of abuse, trauma, and self-abuse. Also, over time some religious beliefs can create habitual thought patterns that actually alter brain function, making it difficult for people to heal or grow.
The purveyors of religion insist that their product is so powerful it can transform a life, but somehow, magically, it has no risks. In reality, when a medicine is powerful, it usually has the potential to be toxic, especially in the wrong combination or at the wrong dose. And religion is powerful medicine!
In this discussion, we focus on the variants of Christianity that are based on a literal interpretation of the Bible. These include Evangelical and fundamentalist churches, the Church of Latter Day Saints, and other conservative sects. These groups share the characteristics of requiring conformity for membership, a view that humans need salvation, and a focus on the spiritual world as superior to the natural world. These views are in contrast to liberal, progressive Christian churches with a humanistic viewpoint, a focus on the present, and social justice.
Religion Exploits Normal Human Mental Processes.
To understand the power of religion, it is helpful to understand a bit about the structure of the human mind. Much of our mental activity has little to do with rationality and is utterly inaccessible to the conscious mind. The preferences, intentions and decisions that shape our lives are in turn shaped by memories and associations that can get laid down before we even develop the capacity for rational analysis.
Aspects of cognition like these determine how we go through life, what causes us distress, which goals we pursue and which we abandon, how we respond to failure, how we respond when other people hurt us—and how we respond when we hurt them. Religion derives its power in large part because it shapes these unconscious processes: the frames, metaphors, intuitions and emotions that operate before we even have a chance at conscious thought.
Some Religious Beliefs and Practices are More Harmful Than Others.
When it comes to psychological damage, certain religious beliefs and practices are reliably more toxic than others.
Janet Heimlich is an investigative journalist who has explored religious child maltreatment, which describes abuse and neglect in the service of religious belief. In her book, Breaking their Will,Heimlich identifies three characteristics of religious groups that are particularly prone to harming children. Clinical work with reclaimers, that is, people who are reclaiming their lives and in recovery from toxic religion, suggests that these same qualities put adults at risk, along with a particular set of manipulations found in fundamentalist Christian churches and biblical literalism.
1) Authoritarianism,creates a rigid power hierarchy and demands unquestioning obedience. In major theistic religions, this hierarchy has a god or gods at the top, represented by powerful church leaders who have power over male believers, who in turn have power over females and children. Authoritarian Christian sects often teach that “male headship” is God’s will. Parents may go so far as beating or starving their children on the authority of godly leaders. A book titled, To Train Up a Child,by minister Michael Pearl and his wife Debi, has been found in the homes of three Christian adoptive families who have punished their children to death.
2) Isolation or separatism,is promoted as a means of maintaining spiritual purity. Evangelical Christians warn against being “unequally yoked” with nonbelievers in marriages and even friendships. New converts often are encouraged to pull away from extended family members and old friends, except when there may be opportunities to convert them. Some churches encourage older members to take in young single adults and house them within a godly context until they find spiritually compatible partners, a process known by cult analysts as “shepherding.” Home schoolers and the Christian equivalent of madrassas cut off children from outside sources of information, often teaching rote learning and unquestioning obedience rather than broad curiosity.
3) Fearof sin, hell, a looming “end-times” apocalypse, or amoral heathens binds people to the group, which then provides the only safe escape from the horrifying dangers on the outside. In Evangelical Hell Houses, Halloween is used as an occasion to terrify children and teens about the tortures that await the damned. In the Left Behind book series and movie, the world degenerates into a bloodbath without the stabilizing presence of believers. Since the religious group is the only alternative to these horrors, anything that threatens the group itself—like criticism, taxation, scientific findings, or civil rights regulations—also becomes a target of fear.
Patterns Of Force [ Star Trek television series episode ]
Original Airdate: Feb 16, 1968
(from internet transcript)
MELAKON: Our space fleet is on its way toward Zeon, both manned and unmanned weapons.
[Main room]
MELAKON: This is the time of destiny. Hail victory!
ALL: Hail victory! Hail victory! Hail victory!
[Broadcast booth]
ALL Hail victory!
DARAS: There's one chance left. If you'd use the weapons you have, you could destroy the fleet.
Captain James T. KIRK: That would mean the death of thousands of Ekosian spacemen.
ISAK: Many of my friends are aboard that ship, many of the Underground.
DARAS: Yes, but against those thousands are millions of innocent Zeon lives. You've got to choose the lesser of two evils.
KIRK: We could save Zeon, but what about Ekos?
SPOCK: Captain. I have created a condition in which Gill cannot initiate speech or any other action, but he can reply to questions.
KIRK: Well done, Spock. They've kept what's left of him as a figure head.
SPOCK: Quite correct. For the last few years, the real power has been Melakon.
KIRK: Gill. Gill, why did you abandon your mission? Why did you interfere with this culture?
GILL: Planet fragmented. Divided. Took lesson from Earth history.
KIRK: But why Nazi Germany? You studied history. You knew what the Nazis were.
GILL: Most efficient state Earth ever knew.
University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
Volume 29 Issue 2 1987
The Curse of the Curse of the Pharaohs
By: David Silverman
“Cursed be those that disturb the rest of Pharaoh. They that shall break the seal of this tomb shall meet death by a disease which no doctor can diagnose.” (Inscription reported to have been carved on an Egyptian royal tomb)
Throughout the centuries, ancient Egypt and its civilization have often been referred to in terms of the dark and mysterious. Encounters with its strange customs have frequently led people, both ancient and modern, to have misconceptions about this land. The Greeks acknowledged that much ancient wisdom, such as the basics of mathematics, architecture, art, science, medicine, and even philosophy, ultimately derived from the Egyptians; but they still had some difficulty in understanding, accepting, or even dealing with the alien and unfamiliar aspects of the religion. Greek historians often wrote about the mysterious ways in which the Egyptians worshipped their deities, such as this note by Herodotus: “There are not a great many wild animals in Egypt…Such as there are—both wild and tame—are without exception held to be sacred” (II, 65). He also wrote a disclaimer: “I am not anxious to repeat what I was told about the Egyptian religion. . . for I do not think that any one nation knows much more about such things than any other” (II, 4). Of course he then goes on to state: “[The Egyptians] are religious to excess” (II, 35-39).
University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
Volume 29 Issue 2 1987
The Curse of the Curse of the Pharaohs
By: David Silverman
Corroboration for Tutankhamun’s curse mounted as people died who could be associated in some way with Carnavon or with the tomb. More rational explanations of these deaths were overlooked by the reporters, who could finally get a scoop and not have to wait for the Times to present their facts. Throughout the world, the story of the death of Carnarvon was recounted in detail, though not necessarily with accuracy. The press began to have a field day after the death of Carter’s conservator (A.C. Mace of the Metropolitan Museum of Art); the fact that Mace had had pleurisy for a long time did not appear to affect the storytellers. So another man fell to the curse. A friend of Carnarvon’s who was infirm and elderly was the next to succumb. Then the Egyptologist, archaeologist, and writer Weigall (whom Carter and Carnarvon had attempted to keep out of the tomb under any circumstances) died too, supposedly from the curse. An Egyptian prince was murdered in London by his jealous French wife–another victim! Soon the papers carried stories of curators and workmen from museums all over the world, who had neither visited the tomb nor come into close contact with any of its contents, but had nevertheless been struck down. Nervous people began cleaning out their basements and attics and sending their Egyptian relics to museums in order to avoid being the next victim.
Times have not changed. About 15 years ago, the Director General of the Egyptian Antiquities Department (Dr. Gamal Mehrez) died; he had been chronically ill, but his death was attributed to the movement of King Tut’s treasures for an exhibition in England. Even more recently, I had to testify for the prosecution at the trial of a man who had murdered his wife because (the defense claimed) he had been cursed by an Egyptian object that had come into the couple’s possession.
Carter, it should be noted, died in bed of natural causes at the age of 67 (March 2, 1939), more than 17 years after he discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun.
Some Real Egyptian Curses
All of the fabrications and exaggerations described above neglect two points. The first is that there may well have been some natural phenomena in Tut’s tomb (or any tomb, for that matter) that could cause disease
Patterns Of Force [ Star Trek television series episode ]
Original Airdate: Feb 16, 1968
(from internet transcript)
SPOCK: Quite true, Captain. That tiny country, beaten, bankrupt, defeated, rose in a few years to stand only one step away from global domination.
Captain James T. KIRK: But it was brutal, perverted, had to be destroyed at a terrible cost. Why that example?
SPOCK: Perhaps Gill felt that such a state, run benignly, could accomplish its efficiency without sadism.
KIRK: Why, Gill? Why?
GILL: Worked. At first it worked. Then Melakon began take over. Used the. Gave me the drug.
KIRK: Gill. Gill. Gill, can you hear me? You've got to tell those people what happened!
From 12/7/1998 ( as Kerry Burgess my first day full-time employment Microsoft Corporation in Seattle until 02/06/2004 as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and the active duty United States Marine Corps lieutenant colonel circa 1998 ) To 3/22/2001 ( ) is 836 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 2/16/1968 ( premiere US TV series episode "Star Trek"::"Patterns of Force" ) is 836 days
From 12/20/1994 ( in non-aviator related duties boots on the ground in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my United States Navy Cross medal date of record ) To 3/22/2001 ( ) is 2284 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 2/3/1972 ( Gamal Mehrej dies ) is 2284 days
From 12/20/1994 ( in non-aviator related duties boots on the ground in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my United States Navy Cross medal date of record ) To 3/22/2001 ( ) is 2284 days
2284 = 1142 + 1142
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 12/18/1968 ( premiere US film "Hell in the Pacific" ) is 1142 days
From 10/28/1994 ( premiere US film "Stargate" ) To 3/22/2001 ( ) is 2337 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 3/27/1972 ( Maurits Cornelis Escher dead ) is 2337 days
From 10/28/1994 ( premiere US film "Stargate" ) To 3/22/2001 ( ) is 2337 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 3/27/1972 ( premiere US TV series episode "National Geographic Specials"::"The Last Vikings" ) is 2337 days
From 2/7/1960 ( James Spader ) To 6/27/1995 ( the launch of the United States space shuttle Atlantis orbiter vehicle mission STS-71 includes me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-71 pilot astronaut and my 3rd official United States of America National Aeronautics Space Administration orbital flight of 4 overall ) is 12924 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 3/22/2001 ( ) is 12924 days
From 2/8/1960 ( from the thoughts in my conscious mind, coinciding with United States of America Veterans Affairs hospital psychiatric doctor medical drugs: my biological paternal grandmother Queen Elizabeth announced that her future descendants would bear her husband's name as well as her own creating the surname Mountbatten-Windsor ) To 6/28/1995 ( as Kerry Burgess official records State of South Carolina, County of Greenville, date of record the final sale of my house at 30 Country Club Drive, Greer, South Carolina ) is 12924 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 3/22/2001 ( ) is 12924 days
From 10/31/1954 ( premiere US TV series episode "General Electric Theater"::"The Road to Edinburgh" ) To 3/22/2001 ( ) is 16944 days
16944 = 8472 + 8472
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 1/12/1989 ( Ronald Reagan - Proclamation 5933 America Loves Its Kids Month 1989 ) is 8472 days
From 10/31/1954 ( premiere US TV series episode "Father Knows Best"::"Live My Own Life" ) To 3/22/2001 ( ) is 16944 days
16944 = 8472 + 8472
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 1/12/1989 ( Ronald Reagan - Proclamation 5933 America Loves Its Kids Month 1989 ) is 8472 days
From 8/30/1955 ( premiere US TV series "Jane Wyman Presents The Fireside Theatre" ) To 1/17/1991 ( the date of record of my United States Navy Medal of Honor as Kerry Wayne Burgess chief warrant officer United States Marine Corps circa 1991 officially the United States Apache attack helicopter pilot ) is 12924 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 3/22/2001 ( ) is 12924 days
From 8/6/1956 ( the final broadcast of the Dumont television network ) To 12/25/1991 ( in non-aviator related duties boots on the ground as United States Marine Corps chief warrant officer Kerry Wayne Burgess I was prisoner of war in Croatia ) is 12924 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 3/22/2001 ( ) is 12924 days
From 2/27/1964 ( premiere US TV series episode "Kraft Suspense Theatre"::"Doesn't Anyone Know Who I Am?" ) To 3/22/2001 ( ) is 13538 days
13538 = 6769 + 6769
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 5/15/1984 ( as Kerry Wayne Burgess I began active service for an enlistment period of six years as a United States Navy enlisted sailor and United States of America military service continued to Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps general ) is 6769 days
From 2/27/1964 ( premiere US TV series episode "Dr. Kildare"::"Why Won't Anybody Listen?" ) To 3/22/2001 ( ) is 13538 days
13538 = 6769 + 6769
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 5/15/1984 ( as Kerry Wayne Burgess I began active service for an enlistment period of six years as a United States Navy enlisted sailor and United States of America military service continued to Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps general ) is 6769 days
From 2/27/1964 ( premiere US TV series episode "Dr. Kildare"::"Why Won't Anybody Listen?" ) To 3/22/2001 ( ) is 13538 days
13538 = 6769 + 6769
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 5/15/1984 ( Ronald Reagan - Proclamation 5194—Missing Children Day, 1984 ) is 6769 days
From 2/27/1964 ( premiere US TV series episode "Kraft Suspense Theatre"::"Doesn't Anyone Know Who I Am?" ) To 3/22/2001 ( ) is 13538 days
13538 = 6769 + 6769
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 5/15/1984 ( Ronald Reagan - Proclamation 5194—Missing Children Day, 1984 ) is 6769 days
From 2/18/1939 ( premiere US film "The Story of Alfred Nobel" ) To 3/22/2001 ( ) is 22678 days
22678 = 11339 + 11339
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 11/18/1996 ( premiere US film "Star Trek: First Contact" ) is 11339 days
From 10/10/1954 ( premiere US TV series episode "You Are There"::"The Great Adventure of Marco Polo" ) To 2/27/1990 ( as Kerry Burgess my official United States Navy documents includes: "TRAN 90FEB27" - while inport at anchor Monaco and departing the continent from Toulon, France, my permanent transfer from US Navy warship USS Wainwright CG 28 to Naval Station Charleston South Carolina for active duty separation processing and Honorable Discharge from active duty United States Navy ) is 12924 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 3/22/2001 ( ) is 12924 days
From 6/7/1976 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the civilian and privately financed astronaut in deep space of the solar system in his privately financed atom-pulse propulsion spaceship this day was his first landing the Saturn moon Phoebe and the Saturn moon Phoebe territory belongs to my brother Thomas Reagan ) To 3/22/2001 ( ) is 9054 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 8/17/1990 ( premiere US TV series episode "Wish You Were Here"::"French Riviera" ) is 9054 days
From 5/13/1992 ( the Intelsat 6 successful rescue during US space shuttle Endeavour orbiter vehicle mission STS-49 includes me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-49 pilot astronaut and my 1st official United States of America National Aeronautics and Space Administration orbital flight of 4 overall ) To 3/22/2001 ( ) is 3235 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 9/11/1974 ( premiere US TV series "Little House on the Prairie" ) is 3235 days
From 10/18/1993 ( the launch of the US space shuttle Columbia orbiter vehicle mission STS-58 includes me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-58 pilot astronaut and my 2nd official United States of America National Aeronautics Space Administration orbital flight of 4 overall ) To 3/22/2001 ( ) is 2712 days
2712 = 1356 + 1356
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 7/20/1969 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the United States Navy Commander circa 1969 was United States Apollo 11 Eagle spacecraft United States Navy astronaut landing and walking on the planet Earth's moon ) is 1356 days
From 8/21/1985 ( Houston Chronicle "Reagan OKs test for anti-satellite space weapon" ) To 3/22/2001 ( ) is 5692 days
5692 = 2846 + 2846
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 8/18/1973 ( The Killian Document ) is 2846 days
The American Presidency Project
43rd President of the United States: 2001 - 2009
Remarks at the Dedication of the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center
March 22, 2001
Your Excellency, thank you very much. You will be pleased to hear, my mother is still telling me what to do. [Laughter] And I'm listening most of the time.
Cardinal Maida, thank you for your vision, and thank you for your smile. What a great smile. Cardinal Szoka, thank you very much for your hospitality. And Cardinal McCarrick, let me congratulate you on becoming a cardinal last month. Though we're both new to our jobs, I'm the only one who is term limited. [Laughter] I may be just passing through, and I may not be a parishioner, but I'm proud to live in your archdiocese. I'm pleased to join with all the church leaders and special guests here today to dedicate the cultural center. It is my high honor to be here.
When Cardinal Wojtyla spoke here at Catholic University in 1976, few imagined the course his life would take or the history his life would shape. In 1978 most of the world knew him only as the Polish Pope. There were signs of something different and deeper. One journalist, after hearing the new Pope's first blessing in St. Peter's Square, wired back to his editors: "This is not a Pope from Poland; this is a Pope from Galilee." From that day to this, the Pope's life has written one of the great inspiring stories of our time.
We remember the Pope's first visit to Poland in 1979, when faith turned into resistance and began the swift collapse of imperial communism. The gentle young priest once ordered into forced labor by Nazis became the foe of tyranny and a witness to hope. The last leader of the Soviet Union would call him "the highest moral authority on Earth."
We remember his visit to a prison, comforting the man who shot him. By answering violence with forgiveness, the Pope became a symbol of reconciliation.
We remember the Pope's visit to Manila in 1995, speaking to one of the largest crowds in history, more than 5 million men and women and children. We remember that as a priest 50 years ago, he traveled by horse-cart to teach the children of small villages. Now he's kissed the ground of 123 countries and leads a flock of one billion into the third millennium.
We remember the Pope's visit to Israel and his mission of reconciliation and mutual respect between Christians and Jews. He is the first modern Pope to enter a synagogue or visit an Islamic country. He has always combined the practice of tolerance with a passion for truth.
John Paul, himself, has often said, "In the designs of Providence, there are no mere coincidences." And maybe the reason this man became Pope is that he bears the message our world needs to hear.
To the poor, sick, and dying, he carries a message of dignity and solidarity with their suffering. Even when they are forgotten by men, he reminds them they are never forgotten by God. "Do not give in to despair," he said, in the South Bronx, "God has your lives in His care, goes with you, calls you to better things, calls you to overcome."
To the wealthy, this Pope carries the message that wealth alone is a false comfort. The goods of the world, he teaches, are nothing without goodness. We are called, each and every one of us, not only to make our own way but to ease the path of others.
To those with power, the Pope carries a message of justice and human rights. And that message has caused dictators to fear and to fall. His is not the power of armies or technology or wealth; it is the unexpected power of a baby in a stable, of a man on a cross, of a simple fisherman who carried a message of hope to Rome.
Pope John Paul II brings that message of liberation to every corner of the world. When he arrived in Cuba in 1998, he was greeted by signs that read, "Fidel is the Revolution!" But as the Pope's biographer put it, "In the next 4 days, Cuba belonged to another revolutionary." We are confident that the revolution of hope the Pope began in that nation will bear fruit in our time. And we're responsible to stand for human dignity and religious freedom wherever they are denied, from Cuba to China to southern Sudan.
And we, in our country, must not ignore the words the Pope addresses to us. On his four pilgrimages to America, he has spoken with wisdom and feeling about our strengths and our flaws, our successes and our needs.
The Pope reminds us that while freedom defines our Nation, responsibility must define our lives. He challenges us to live up to our aspirations, to be a fair and just society where all are welcomed, all are valued, and all are protected. And he is never more eloquent than when he speaks for a culture of life.
The culture of life is a welcoming culture, never excluding, never dividing, never despairing, and always affirming the goodness of life in all its seasons. In the culture of life we must make room for the stranger. We must comfort the sick. We must care for the aged. We must welcome the immigrant. We must teach our children to be gentle with one another. We must defend in love the innocent child waiting to be born.
The center we dedicate today celebrates the Pope's message, its comfort, and its challenge. This place stands for the dignity of the human person, the value of every life, and the splendor of truth. And above all, it stands, in the Pope's words, for the "joy of faith in a troubled world."
I'm grateful that Pope John Paul II chose Washington as the site of this center. It brings honor, and it fills a need. We are thankful for the message. We are also thankful for the messenger, for his personal warmth and prophetic strength, for his good humor and his bracing honesty, for his spiritual and intellectual gifts, for his moral courage, tested against tyranny and against our own complacency.
Always, the Pope points us to the things that last and the love that saves. We thank God for this rare man, a servant of God and a hero of history. And I thank all of you for building this center of conscience and reflection in our Nation's Capital.
God bless.
NOTE: The President spoke at 1:39 p.m. at the center on the campus of the Catholic University of America. In his remarks, he referred to Bernard J. Harrington, bishop of Winona, MN, who introduced the President; Adam Cardinal Maida, archbishop of Detroit, MI; Edmund Cardinal Szoka, president, Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State; and Theodore Cardinal McCarrick, archbishop of Washington, DC.
George W. Bush, Remarks at the Dedication of the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/214761
a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge, in or of the ominous significance of a particular thing, circumstance, occurrence, proceeding, or the like.
a system or collection of such beliefs.
a custom or act based on such a belief.
irrational fear of what is unknown or mysterious, especially in connection with religion.
Journal of Rational-Emotive and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy
December 1988, Volume 6, Issue 4, pp 259–272
Predicting guilt from irrational beliefs, religious affiliation and religiosity
Thomas Demaria Howard Kassinove
The relationship of the core irrational beliefs of rational-emotive therapy, religious affiliation and religiosity to guilt in 281 adult Catholics, Protestants, Jews, and persons of no religious affiliation was studied. Irrational belief endorsement, as measured by the Personal Beliefs Test (Kassinove, 1986), accounted for 26% of the explained variance and was the best predictor of total guilt, as measured by the Problematic Situations Questionnaire (Klass, 1982). There was no support for the hypothesis that “selfdirected shoulds” would show a stronger relationship to guilt as compared with other irrational beliefs and, as predicted, only irrational beliefs and not knowledge of RET principles predicted guilt. Total guilt was not different among the religions; however, religiosity was found to be a significant guilt predictor
Los Angeles Times
Bush's 1976 Arrest in Maine Is Revealed
Responding to reports Thursday
Bush repeatedly questioned the timing
Posted by Kerry Burgess at 4:10 AM
Number 878: The Farthest Man From Home
I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Democracy. Until it isn't. Freedom. Until it's not.
It's Canada. So what. Who cares.
But what it makes me think is that *politicians* are usually the same all over the world.
Reading this guy's sob story also reinforces my opinion that diversity and allowing immigrants into this country makes the United States of America a better place in the long run. As someone who grew up among the dim-wit monkeys of southwest Arkansas, I think they need to see more of the world.
As for Trudeau, this article reminds me of an article I just read about how the so-called Justice Department is trampling on Americans with their so-called "National Security Letters".
I feel a great certainty in my mind that many of the mindless drones in the United States federal bureaucracy would abuse their powers to protect such outlandish behavior as Trudeau exhibits. Because I suspect he's a pervert. And that's why he was doing that.
I suspect that the *only* politicians who manage to get through to the higher levels are *all* perverts.
Richard Nixon was *sexually* attracted to defecation.
Ronald Reagan, never caring she said no, was a sexual rapist.
Gerald Ford was a careless drunk.
The list goes on.
George H.W. Bush was a child sex pedophile homosexual closeted.
George W. Bush is a closeted homosexual.
The government will trample over the rights of any United States American who knows the truth.
Only the perverts get through in politics. Because that makes them controllable.
AFTER-POST UPDATE: I just this minute thought to check the birthdate listed for Justin Trudeau. LOOK IT UP YOURSELF! I ain't lying!! ***PERFECTLY*** explains it all.
[ excerpt ends Posted by Kerry Burgess at 4:10 AM Saturday, September 21, 2019 ]
History Link
West, Jim (1951-2006)
West's Gay Sex Scandal
"The Gay.com thing has only been, I can't recall, but it hasn't been very long," West told the newspaper. "I can't tell you why I go there, to tell you the truth ... curiosity, confused, whatever, I don't know. ... I wouldn't characterize me as 'gay'"
Deliverance (1972)
Bobby: Mister, I love the way you wear that hat.
Los Angeles Times
Bush's 1976 Arrest in Maine Is Revealed
Responding to reports Thursday
Bush repeatedly questioned the timing of the Maine news reports. "I think that's an interesting question," he told reporters. "Why now? . . . I've got my suspicions."
Deliverance (1972)
Mountain Man: I bet you can squeal like a pig. Weeeeeeee!
Bobby: Weee!
Mountain Man: Weeeeeeee!
Bobby: Weee!
album: "Wish You Were Here" (1975)
Pink Floyd
"Welcome To The Machine"
Welcome my son, welcome to the machine.
Where have you been? It's alright we know where you've been.
You've been in the pipeline
Kerry Burgess, February 07, 2018 12:18 pm
Those wacky Jesus Christ bible-thumpers.
Really destroys my faith in the human race.
Those numbskulls are only about two or three generations from becoming again those idiotic Sun worshipers or even cannibals. All it would take is for technology to get taken away from our society. So many of those morons have never contributed anything meaningful to society and their only contributions in the future will be superstitious whining.
Their obsession with "Sin" always makes me wonder.
Those sort of people, I would guess, have some sort of guilt conscious in their dim-witted head.
I'm thinking that for most women, those gullible people who get chumped into that idiotic Jesus Christ fairy-tale, along with their terror of mortality, have something in their past they are especially guilty about.
For women, their attraction to Jesus Christ, for most of them, their guilt I suspect might be from child abortions in their youth.
The operation was quick and efficient and they were done.
But then the guilt started. Gnawing away at their insides day after day because of what they did.
Derek Flood, Contributor
Author, ‘Disarming Scripture’
Sin, Guilt, and Psychology: What I Wish All Pastors Knew
03/03/2014 08:12 pm ET Updated May 03, 2014
“Whatever happened to sin?” This complaint is one frequently heard from conservative pastors lamenting that no one wants to hear about sin in a society increasingly repelled by the idea of guilt. We have come to associate guilt today with negative ideas like “guilt-trips,” and with feelings of shame. As a result, when the subject of guilt and sin are brought up, our defensive walls go up, too.
This is not just true for liberals or progressives, it equally applies to conservatives, and in fact is simply a characteristic of all human beings. When we feel accused, we react defensively. That’s simply a fact of human nature across time, and across cultures. So while conservatives bemoan what they have disparagingly labeled a “culture of victimhood” where everyone can identify as being hurt, but not face up to being the cause of hurting others, this in fact equally applies to conservatives just as much as it does to progressives, or anyone else for that matter. The fact is, all of us find it easy to condemn the other, and tend to see ourselves as innocent victims. Consider for instance how often conservatives portray themselves as being marginalized by society (Fox’s annual make-believe “war on Christmas” comes to mind here). Again, this reaction of defensiveness is simply a common human defense mechanism that knows no ideological boundaries. We are all (ahem) guilty of it.
Negative feelings surrounding the idea of shame and guilt have thus become something we are acutely aware of today. Mark Galli, in an article in Christianity Today, notes how this shift has also impacted the church,
“It is no coincidence in a society where we imagine ourselves mostly as victims of social or biological forces, in a culture increasingly illiterate in the language of guilt, sin, and personal responsibility, that Christus Victor is winning the day in the Christian world ... for some reason, when the Christus Victor theory is extolled by Protestants today, personal sin and guilt take a back seat ... at least for today’s Protestants, it has an uncanny tendency to downplay a sense of personal responsibility, which in the end, sabotages grace.”
The immediate context here is the subject of the Christus Victor view of the atonement, which is something I have written about extensively. However, the deeper issue that Galli is addressing here is the widespread societal shift away from a focus on guilt, instead seeing this as something negative and threatening. It’s an insightful and intelligent article with some very valid observations, but is Galli correct in his claim that our cultural shift away from the language of guilt goes hand in hand with a “downplay of personal responsibility”?
Our culture’s shift around its relationship to shame and guilt can be traced to the broad influence that psychology has had on Western culture over the past century. That is, the reason we have become so sensitized to guilt and shame today in our culture comes from the practical insights of psychologists: As they worked to help people face their hurtful and dysfunctional behaviors, psychotherapists observed that their attempts to help were often met with resistance. Early on Freud referred to this phenomenon as “denial,” but regardless of the terminology we use, this is a dynamic therapists have recognized over and over and again because it is, quite simply, one of the most basic elements of human psychology: When we feel threatened we get defensive.
As a result of this dynamic, psychotherapists have found that people actually have struggles on two simultaneous fronts: One struggle is with their negative behavior patterns that hurt themselves and others. The other struggle are the feelings of shame and self-hatred that often accompany these. In fact, the two are frequently intertwined in a destructive spiral where feelings of shame lead to doing things to dull that emotional pain, which then lead to more feelings of shame, and round and round it goes.
As a result of these insights, we have become increasingly aware of the harm that shame and self-loathing can do to us. Consequently educators today learn not to tell kids that they are “bad,” but to instead say things like “we don’t do that” because we understand the damage that comes from shaming people, and in particular small children. In other words, if our culture has become sensitized to shame, this is actually a good and healthy thing, rather than a problem to bemoan. On the contrary, rejecting feelings of shame and worthlessness, while at the same time taking personal responsibility for our lives, is a clear moral advance.
It also must be said that religion—and here I mean in particular my own religion of Christianity—has often been guilty of exacerbating the problem of shame, rather than helping people break free of it. I say this as a confession, as an admission, as one on the inside attempting to humbly and honestly face what we as the church have done that has hurt people. The fact is, the promoting of shame in the name of religion is demonstrably not good and healthy. As shame and vulnerability researcher Brene Brown explains, “Shame is highly correlated with addiction, depression, eating disorders, suicide, violence, and bullying.” Yet shame—not the idea that we do dumb things, but the idea that we as people are bad and unworthy—is often championed as going hand in hand with defending the faith. How many of us grew up singing the line of Issac Watt’s famous hymn “...for such a worm as I” or reciting prayers echoing those of Charles Spurgeon when he exclaims, “I feel myself to be a lump of unworthiness, a mass of corruption, and a heap of sin, apart from His almighty love”?
The general loss of such sentiment in our culture fuels the frequent lament of many conservative preachers that we are “a culture increasingly illiterate in the language of guilt, sin, and personal responsibility.” But again, is it really true that the loss of shame automatically goes hand in hand with a loss of personal responsibility? As far as psychology is concerned, nothing could be further from the truth. On the contrary, taking hold of one’s life is the very cornerstone of recovery and mental health. However, in the face of people’s defensive reactions, the practical question psychotherapists find themselves faced with is this: How can we help people to honestly face the things they do which are hurtful, without adding fuel to the fire of shame and self-hate in the process? How can we get to personal responsibility in the context of acceptance and love, rather than making people worse by promoting condemnation?
The answer they have discovered is that people can only really open up when they feel safe and accepted. This insight is somewhat counter-intuitive. Our fear is that if we unconditionally accept someone this will be taken to mean we are condoning all their hurtful behavior. Don’t we need to make it clear that we reject their sin? If we accept people as they are, wont they take this as a license to do whatever they like?
What psychology has found, however, is that when people feel safe and secure, accepted and loved, it is in that place of acceptance that they are finally able to open up and share their vulnerabilities, their hurts, their fears, and their failures. Ironically, it is when we don’t focus on sin and guilt, and instead focus on unconditionally loving and accepting people just as they are, that the stage is set for repentance and remorse to actually take place. Creating that “safe-space” of unconditional acceptance allows us to dare to be real, to really open up, to face our darkness together with courage and honesty.
Understanding this dynamic allows us to get past these walls we all put up, and instead get to a place where grace can truly flow. It means getting to real and deep relationships, to healing, and yes to repentance and personal responsibility, too. My prayer therefore is that more pastors would learn about these dynamics of basic human psychology. At the end of the day we find psychology is not at all opposed to a healthy faith or morality; it’s simply a tool that allows us to understand what is going on in ourselves and others so we don’t get stuck there.
When you get right down to it, what it really takes to practice all of this is faith. Not faith in a particular set of doctrinal or creedal statements, but faith in the original sense of the word—as relational trust. That is, we need to actually trust that love is powerful enough to reach a person in a way that fear or threat or condemnation simply cannot. That’s what grace is all about.
Kerry Burgess, December 16, 2017 7:01 pm
Delusional people, such as all Jesus Christ bible-thumpers, will simply change their story when the facts prove they are wrong. Million of monkey-men were wrong about Zeus so they simply invented a phony God easier to believe.
Psychology Today
The Religious Mind
Finding a Faith that Makes Sense
Posted Oct 08, 2013
Mark Banschick M.D.
Do you believe in God, but wonder if you’re just fooling yourself?
You are not alone. Yet, you may still have a religious mind.
Religion began long ago, in distant memory. We find ritual objects in burial grounds and altars in prehistoric ruins. The ancients, without TV, a smart phone or Facebook, looked up at the stars every night, and saw meaning in the way the stars and planets moved. They felt their insignificance every day.
Death was easy…and yet life was a great blessing.
How Faith Began:
Fertility gods permeated the Fertile Crescent, from Babylon to Egypt, and beyond. People prayed for a good harvest. It was a matter of life and death. Rain meant the gods came through. Drought meant that they did not. Man, in turn, believed that if he pleased the gods, his belly would be full.
Faith entered history by way of the stomach.
Since ancient times our Western kind of religion has evolved. The Monotheistic faiths started by Abraham (whether mythic or real, he serves as the beginning of a new era), meant that there was one unifying God in the universe, not simply competing deities. Prior to Monotheism, gods where more like supernatural kings, with sovereignty based on location or tribe.
Now, with Monotheism there came a Unified Field Theory of faith - One God for the whole world.
The Church, Synagogue & Mosque:
Institutions rose to represent God and His word. The notion that God gives and God takes remained central, and as shamans evolved to clergy, the fact remains that the Church, Synagogue or Mosque saw its function as helping their flock entice the good from God, and avoid punishment.
The Church oversaw the invention of the hospital and some of the most sublime art and music ever created. It developed a system of faith that facilitated community and an awareness of the oppressed. There would be no Martin Luther King without his Church.
The Synagogue focused pious Jews on God’s word, and the Talmud created a moral and legal code that to this day, stands as a bedrock upon which civilization understands right and wrong.
The Mosque transformed the Middle Ages with its preservation of ancient thinking and with advances in science and the arts. Algebra gets its name from Arabic. And, Rumi’s poetry continues to inspire hundreds of years after his death.
These institutions have earned the right to be taken seriously, even in the modern world.
At their best, organized religion encourages love and community; at their worst, they revert back to tribal animosities, leaning toward my God is better than your God. There is a dark side to organized religion; a very dark side.
Kerry Burgess, November 18, 2016 5:05 pm
You *do not* have "Faith".
You have FALSE HOPE.
You're a slacker.
You want something easy you don't have to work at and that a used salesman promised you offers big rewards. Rewards you definitely do not deserve.
Kerry Burgess, May 24, 2017 5:59 pm
Only thing more pathetic than a pet owner is.... The Pope.
Bible-thumpers are truly mentally ill.
You are so terrified of being harmed that you invent and then try to reason with an Imaginary Authority Figure Living In The Clouds.
All because you are terrified of being harmed.
And galactically IGNORANT. Bible-thumpers are dumber than a bag of monkeys.
February 1972
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The following events occurred in February 1972:
February 3, 1972 (Thursday)
"Tutankhamen's curse" claimed another victim nearly 3,300 years after the death of the boy pharaoh (1324 BC). As King Tut's mask was being placed on a plane to be taken from Cairo to Paris, the museum's Director of Antiquities, Gamal Mehrej, died.
Curse of the pharaohs
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The curse of the pharaohs refers to an alleged curse believed by some to be cast upon any person who disturbs the mummy, of an Ancient Egyptian person, especially a pharaoh. This curse, which does not differentiate between thieves and archaeologists, allegedly can cause bad luck, illness or death. Since the mid-20th century, many authors and documentaries have argued that the curse is 'real' in the sense of being caused by scientifically explicable causes such as bacteria or radiation. However, the modern origins of Egyptian mummy curse tales, their development primarily in European cultures, the shift from magic to science to explain curses, and their changing uses—from condemning disturbance of the dead to entertaining horror film audiences—suggest that Egyptian curses are primarily a cultural, not exclusively scientific, phenomenon.
Hell in the Pacific (1968)
Release Info
USA 18 December 1968
From 11/15/1938 ( André-Eugène Blondel dead ) To 11/10/1967 ( premiere US TV series episode "Star Trek"::"Metamorphosis" ) is 10587 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 10/28/1994 is 10587 days
From 3/19/1988 ( as Kerry Burgess my official United States Navy documents includes: Record of Off-Duty Education - "Intro to Bus 1301" - (obviously incorrect date, probably deliberate error) ) To 10/28/1994 is 2414 days
2414 = 1207 + 1207
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/21/1969 ( premiere US TV series episode "Star Trek"::"The Way to Eden" ) is 1207 days
From 1/17/1991 ( the date of record of my United States Navy Medal of Honor as Kerry Wayne Burgess chief warrant officer United States Marine Corps circa 1991 officially the United States Apache attack helicopter pilot ) To 10/28/1994 is 1380 days
1380 = 690 + 690
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/23/1967 ( premiere US TV series "Speed Racer" ) is 690 days
Other Adminstrative posts by me, Kerry Burgess, future Adminstrative updates possible by me
Stargate (1994)
Release Info
USA 28 October 1994
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Encyclopaedia Britannica
M.C. Escher
M.C. Escher, in full Maurits Cornelis Escher, (born June 17, 1898, Leeuwarden, Netherlands—died March 27, 1972, Laren), Dutch graphic artist known for his detailed realistic prints that achieve bizarre optical and conceptual effects.
Maurits Cornelis Escher was the youngest of five boys and was raised by his father, George Escher, a civil engineer, and his father’s second wife, Sarah Gleichman. Maurits was a sickly and creative child drawn to music and carpentry, and, although he was influenced by his father’s engineering, he did not excel at mathematics. In fact, he failed several of his final exams and never technically completed his high-school education.
From 1919 to 1922 Escher studied at the School for Architecture and Decorative Arts in Haarlem, Netherlands, where he developed an interest in graphics and worked mainly in woodcut under the direction of his teacher Samuel Jessurun de Mesquita. He spent a number of years traveling and sketching throughout Europe, living in Italy from 1922 to 1935 and then moving to Switzerland and Belgium. In his prints and drawings from this period, Escher depicted landscapes and natural forms in a fantastic fashion by using multiple, conflicting perspectives.
Escher’s mature style emerged after 1937 in a series of prints that combined meticulous realism with enigmatic optical illusions. Working in lithograph, wood engraving, and woodcut, he portrayed with great technical virtuosity impossible architectural spaces and unexpected metamorphoses of one object into another. Sometimes referred to as the “father of modern tessellations,” Escher commonly used geometric grids to form intricate interlocking designs. His series Regular Division of the Plane (begun in 1936) is a collection of his tessellated drawings, many of which feature animals. He also explored mezzotint, a demanding and precise technique involving metal engraving, with which he produced some of his famous works in black and white, including Eye (1946), Gallery (1946), Crystal (1947), and Dewdrop (1948). In all, Escher composed some 450 lithographs, woodcuts, and wood engravings and about 2,000 drawings and sketches in his lifetime. His images were of equal interest to mathematicians, cognitive psychologists, and the general public, and they were widely reproduced throughout the 20th century.
Gateglyphs.jpg, from internet
Milky_way_stargate_with_very_detailed_glyphs2.svg.jpg, from internet
gt_cartouche_tr.jpg, from internet
Tutankhamun Mysteries of Pharaoh`s Life And Death
JULY 29, 2017
Tutankhamun was the son of Pharaoh Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton) and Queen Kiya being a Pharaoh of Egypt between 1333 BC – 1324 BC, part of the Golden Age of the Pharaohs. His full name was Tutankhaton Tut-ankh-Aton. Tutankhamon married at the age of seven with his step-sister Ankesenamon taking over the throne at the age of nine years after the death of his brother Smenkhkare. He was a pharaoh of Egypt for nine years at the age of 18.
The Curse of Tutankhamun
“Death will rebuke it with hers, which will disturb the silence of the pharaoh.” This inscription inside the tomb of Tutankhamon gained a strange echo when the fate of those who profaned this sacred tomb became known.
In 1972, it was agreed that the Tutankhamon treasury in the Cairo Museum would be taken to the London Museum for an exhibition.
The transport of the treasure was supervised by Dr Gamal Mehrez, who was the general manager of the antiquities department of the museum and responding to the pharaohs’ mummies and treasures.
He said, “I, more than any of this world, have had links to the tombs and mummies of the Pharaohs. And yet I’m alive. I do not believe any moment in the curse. ”
The Tutankhamun treasure was moved from the Cairo Museum on February 3, 1972. On that day, doctor Mehrez died suddenly.
He was 52 years old, it is said that Carter died also because of a mosquito bite and the last his words told his servant, “I see him, he calls me to him, he comes to take me”.
Tutankhamon’s Curse Still Makes Victims
-d6ym7pb.jpg, The Simpsons, from internet
- posted by Kerry Burgess 8:09 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Tuesday 11/26/2019