I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Friday, August 02, 2024
Today is 08/02/2024, Post #1
by me, Kerry Burgess, 08/02/2024 02:27 AM
Sleepy, but decided to watch this video here in the early hours after midnight today
A familiar process you might recognize from past observations by me of my original-work code-pattern
I decided to make a note of it because of the thoughts that had formed extensively in my mind as I was walking outside, in the dark, recently, that day I found the letter from the VA in my USPS mailbox for my residence
As though Todd can call up at anytime and deliver ideas to my conscious mind, an analogy I made up just now watching this video
I still think it's *me* doing it
Some person I have become after these years and decades of isolation become centuries of isolation
Maybe, after all that time, I learn how to discover anti-time
Somehow, these stories get created in support of my activities
By actions direct or indirect
That's not what Evelyn said to me a few hours ago, suddenly
Telling me what to do
2022 · 1 hr 28 min
Thriller · Horror · Sci-Fi
An unknown disease wipes out most of the population and a man is isolated for study. Fearing for his wife’s safety, he breaks quarantine.
From 7/15/2022 ( ) To 8/2/2024 ( Today - Friday ) is 749 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 11/21/1967 ( ) is 749 days
Release info
United States July 15, 2022 (internet)
The American Presidency Project
Lyndon B. Johnson
36th President of the United States: 1963 ‐ 1969
Remarks Upon Signing the Air Quality Act of 1967
November 21, 1967
I deeply appreciate your patience and I plead for your understanding. But this is the last day that I will have an opportunity to visit with General Westmoreland, Ambassador Bunker, and Mr. Komer, and others.
We started out at 8 o'clock this morning and we have been running a little late. But each one of them is trying to get everything on their agenda reviewed before they leave.
So I am a little behind time, but I am grateful to you for whatever understanding you can give me.
I would like to begin this morning by reading you a little weather report:
"... dirty water and black snow pour from the dismal air to ...the putrid slush that waits for them below."
Now that is not a description of Boston, Chicago, New York, or even Washington, D.C. It is from Dante's "Inferno," a 600-yearold vision of damnation.
But doesn't it sound familiar?
Isn't it a forecast that fits almost any large American city today?
I think those like Secretary Gardner and Senator Muskie, and all you Members of the Congress and the Cabinet who have worked with this subject would agree with that.
Don't we really risk our own damnation every day by destroying the air that gives us life?
I think we do. We have done it with our science, our industry, and our progress. Above all, we have really done it with our own carelessness--our own continued indifference and our own repeated negligence.
Contaminated air began in this country as a big-city problem. But in just a few years, the gray Fall of pollution has spread throughout the Nation. Today its threat hangs everywhere--and it is still spreading.
Today we are pouring at least 130 million tons of poison into the air each year. That is two-thirds of a ton for every man, woman, and child that lives in America.
And tomorrow the picture looks even blacker. By 1980, we will have a third more people living in our cities than are living there today. We will have 40 percent more automobiles and trucks. And we will be burning half again as much fuel.
That leaves us, according to my evaluation, only one real choice. Either we stop poisoning our air--or we become a nation in gas masks, groping our way through the dying cities and a wilderness of ghost towns that the people have evacuated.
We make our choice with the bill that we are going to sign very shortly. It is not the first clean air bill--but it is, I think, the best.
I am indebted to all of you who had a part in its fashioning.
Congress passed the Clean Air Act in 1963. I signed it to establish the Government's obligation and to establish the Government's authority to act forcefully against air pollution.
Two years later we amended that act. Standards were set in 1965 to control automobile pollution.
These were important steps. But they were really, as Senator Muskie has reminded us many times, just really baby steps. Today we grow up to our responsibilities. This new Air Quality Act lets us face up to our problem as we have never faced up before.
In the next 3 years, it will authorize more funds to combat air pollution--more funds in the next 3 years to combat air pollution-than we have spent on this subject in the entire Nation's history of 180 years.
It will give us scientific answers to our most baffling problem: how to get the sulphur out of our fuel--and how to keep it out of our air.
It will give Secretary Gardner new power to stop pollution before it chokes our children and before it strangles our elderly-before it drives us into a hospital bed.
It will help our States fight pollution in the only practical way--by regional airshed controls--by giving the Federal Government standby power to intervene if and when States rights do not always function efficiently.
It will help our States to control the number one source of pollution--our automobiles.
But for all that it will do, the Air Quality Act will never end pollution. It is a law--and not a magic wand to wave that will cleanse our skies. It is a law whose ultimate power and final effectiveness really rests out there with the people of this land--on our seeing the damnation that awaits us if the people do not act responsibly to avoid it and to curb it.
Last January, in asking Congress to pass this legislation, I had this to say: "This situation does not exist because it was inevitable, nor because it cannot be controlled. Air pollution is the inevitable consequence of neglect. It can be controlled when that neglect is no longer tolerated.
"It will be controlled when the people of America, through their elected representatives, demand the right to air that they and their children can breathe without fear."
So, let us then strengthen that demand from this moment on. Let us seize the new powers of this new law to end a long, dark night of neglect.
Let our children say, when they look back on this day, that it was here that a sleeping giant--it was here that their Nation awoke. It was here that America turned away from damnation, and found salvation in reclaiming God's blessings of fresh air and clean sky.
We are distressed at the condition that we cannot at the moment find the solution for-our men dying on the battlefields.
We are troubled with the economic international uncertainties and deficits here at home. But, there are many things that we can do and that we must do in this 20th century that have not been done in the two centuries that have gone by.
I talked yesterday about some of the protections that this century requires for the consumers of this country. We have 12 measures that we have recommended and most of them are moving along. There is no reason why anyone in this country ought to be permitted to eat dirty, diseased, filthy meat and it is not going to bankrupt the Treasury to bring a stop to that.
There is no reason why anyone in this country should not know how much interest they are paying. So, we can have a truth-inlending bill. The poorest people are paying the highest interest. We ought to act there. It is not going to bankrupt the Treasury.
There is no reason in the world why a baby ought to be put in a blanket and burned up. We ought to take some steps to protect them from all these casualties. I feel the same way in this general field. All the Members of Congress whom I am looking at--I would call every one of your names if I had them--some of you tell me you are coming and don't make it--some of you say you won't come here and then you are here. So, when I start calling your names I am embarrassed.
However, I am indebted to everyone--beginning with the first man on the row and going down to attractive Edna Kelly, then, going over here and seeing the Cabinet members and Congressmen who worked on this--for what you are doing to keep our air clean and to keep our water pure, and to give our children a place where they can go and play without having their lungs filled with disease.
I sat with a great person, one of the greatest products of this land. I suffered with him not long ago because he could hardly utter a full sentence without coughing and choking because of the effects of what he had breathed and what had gone into his body from residence here in this town.
Senator Muskie has been shoving me as no other person has, all these years, to do something in the pollution field.
I remember an old man told me when I came to Washington, he said, "Son, you get ready. If you are going to live in this town you are either going to be shoving somebody or somebody is going to be shoving you."
So, when I see influential Senators, chairmen of committees like Senator Randolph and other Members of Congress here this morning, I want to shove you.
It may not cost you $1 billion for the things we are shoving because we are going to have to watch those expenditures with the way things are developing. But we can purify our water. We can clean up our air. We can give protection to our babies and to our old folks.
We can mark how much we are paying on some of these things. We can clean up our diseased meats.
I think actually we will find it is pretty profitable if we deal with this question of disease. I expect we lose more from it than it would cost us to protect ourselves against it.
So, I appeal to you to try to do your best to get us those 12 consumer bills. If you can't pass them just exactly as we recommend, we will understand. Just give us 90 percent this year and we will come back next year--if we are all here--for the other 10 percent.
Note: The President spoke at 11:56 a.m. in the East Room at the White House. During his remarks he referred to Gen. William C. Westmoreland, Commander, United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, Ellsworth Bunker, U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Vietnam, Robert W. Komer, Special Assistant to the President for Peaceful Reconstruction in Vietnam, John W. Gardner, Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, Senator Edmund S. Muskie of Maine, Senator Jennings Randolph of West Virginia, and Representative Edna F. Kelly of New York.
As enacted, the bill (S. 780) is Public Law 90-148 (81 Stat. 485).
Star Trek - "Metamorphosis" - tv-series Season 2 Episode 9, 11/10/1967
Episode Summary
When their shuttle is diverted to a planetoid, Kirk, Spock, and McCoy encounter Earth's Warp Drive pioneer, Zefram Cochrane, who appears to have survived there alone for 150 years.
(from internet transcript)
Star Trek - "Metamorphosis" - tv series Season 2 Episode 9 - 11/10/1967
(from internet transcript)
(Another contact session is in progress.)
KIRK: Companion, do you love the man?
COMPANION: I do not understand.
KIRK: Is he important to you, more important than anything? Is he as though he were a part of you?
COMPANION: He is part of me. The man must continue.
KIRK: He will not continue. He will cease to exist. By your feeling for him, you are condemning him to an existence he will find unbearable. He will cease to exist.
COMPANION: He does not age. He remains forever.
KIRK: You speak of his body. I speak of his spirit. Companion, inside the shelter, a female of our species is dying. She will not continue. That is what will happen to the man unless you release all of us.
COMPANION: I do not understand.
KIRK: Our species can only survive if we have obstacles to overcome. You take away all obstacles. Without them to strengthen us, we will weaken and die. You regard the man only as a toy. You amuse yourself with him.
COMPANION: You are wrong. The man is the centre of all things. I care for him.
KIRK: But you can't really love him. You haven't the slightest knowledge of love, the total union of two people. You are the Companion. He is the man. You are two different things. You can't join. You can't love. You may keep him here forever, but you will always be separate, apart from him.
COMPANION: If I were human there can be love? (vanishes)
MCCOY: What did you hope to gain by that, Jim?
KIRK: Try to convince her of the hopelessness of it. Love sometimes expresses itself in sacrifice. I thought maybe if she loved him, she'd let him go.
SPOCK: But she or it is inhuman, Captain. You cannot expect her to react like a human.
KIRK: I tried.
COCHRANE: It's useless. I know.
From 7/18/2020 ( ) To 8/2/2024 ( Today - Friday ) is 1476 days
1476 = 738 + 738
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 11/10/1967 ( premiere USA TV series episode "Star Trek"::"Metamorphosis" ) is 738 days
Number 878: The Farthest Man From Home Kerry Burgess, the Stargate Administrator, Military Astronaut Command
Today my sleeping dreams featured the most vivid and *original* visualizations
The arrival and first-contact of the humans of the planet Earth and an intelligent, extraterrestrial species
8:30 PM Jul 18, 2020
From 5/23/1994 ( premiere USA TV series episode "Star Trek: The Next Generation"::series finale episode "All Good Things..." ) To 8/2/2024 ( ) is 11029 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 1/13/1996 ( premiere USA TV series episode "ABC Evening News"::"Bosnia 101: Who Lives There? Who Died There? Why Are We There?" ) is 11029 days
by me, Kerry Burgess, 02/25/2023
The *egg*, I've explained before to you Little Donkeys of Mediocrity and your ridiculous "chicken and egg paradox"
The egg came first. Because the chicken was not a chicken.
It was 95% chicken and it produced a 100% chicken, you dim-wits.
Star Trek: The Next Generation - "All Good Things..." - series finale episode - season 7 episodes 25 & 26 - Monday 23 May 1994
(from internet transcript)
PICARD: Q! We're here! This has gone on long enough! Counsellor, do you sense an alien presence?
TROI: No, sir.
WORF: What is a Q?
TASHA: It's a letter of the alphabet, as far as I know.
PICARD: I don't understand. This is not the way it's supposed to happen. Maintain this position. I'll be in my Ready room.
(but instead of the Ready room he walks into the courtroom from Encounter at Farpoint wearing his season 7 uniform)
Q: Mon capitane. I thought you'd never get here.
PICARD: Q. I knew it. What's going on?
Q: It's Judge Q to you. And isn't it obvious what's going on?
PICARD: The last time that I stood here was seven years ago.
Q: Seven years ago. How little do you mortals understand time. Must you be so linear, Jean-Luc?
PICARD: You accused me of being the representative of a barbarous species.
Q: I believe my exact words were a dangerous, savage, child race.
PICARD: We demonstrated to you that mankind had become peaceful and benevolent. You agreed and you let us go on our way. Now why am I standing here again?
Q: Oh, you'd like me to connect the dots for you, lead you from A to B to C so your puny mind can comprehend. How boring. They'd be so much more entertained if you tried to figure it out. I'll answer any ten questions that call for a yes or a no. Well?
PICARD: Are you putting mankind on trial again?
Q: No.
PICARD: Is there any connection between the trial seven years ago and whatever's going on now?
Q: I'd have to say yes.
PICARD: The spatial anomaly in the Neutral Zone, is it related to what's happening?
Q: Most definitely yes.
PICARD: Is it part of a Romulan plot, a ploy to start a war?
Q: No and no. Five down.
PICARD: That's only four.
Q: Is it a Romulan plot? Is it a ploy to start a war? Those are separate questions.
PICARD: Did you create the anomaly?
Q: No, no, no. You're going to be so surprised when you realise where it came from, if you ever figure it out.
PICARD: Are you responsible for my shifting through time?
Q: I'll answer that question if you promise you won't tell anyone. (in Picard's ear) Yes.
Q: Sorry. That's not a yes or no question. You forfeit the rest of your questions. I expected as much. You're such a limited creature. A perfect example of why we made our decision. The trial never ended, Captain. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty.
PICARD: Guilty of what?
Q: Of being inferior.
From 12/20/1994 ( from the thoughts in my conscious mind, coinciding with United States of America Veterans Affairs hospital psychiatric doctor medical drugs: in non-aviator related duties boots on the ground in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my US Navy Cross medal date of record ) To 8/2/2024 ( ) is 10818 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 6/16/1995 ( premiere USA TV series episode "The Outer Limits"::"Quality of Mercy" ) is 10818 days
From 4/29/1966 ( premiere USA TV series episode "Hogan's Heroes"::"Request Permission to Escape" ) To 8/2/2024 ( Today - Friday ) is 21280 days
21280 = 10640 + 10640
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 12/20/1994 ( from the thoughts in my conscious mind, coinciding with United States of America Veterans Affairs hospital psychiatric doctor medical drugs: in non-aviator related duties boots on the ground in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my US Navy Cross medal date of record ) is 10640 days
Star Trek - "Metamorphosis" - tv series Season 2 Episode 9 - 11/10/1967
NANCY (joined with The Companion): Zefram, we frighten you. We've never frightened you before. Loneliness. This is loneliness. Oh, what a bitter thing. Oh, Zefram, it's so sad. How do you bear it, this loneliness?
- by me, Kerry Wayne Burgess, posted by me: 04:01 AM Pacific-timezone USA Friday 08/02/2024