This Is What I Think.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

So what's next?

If my theory is correct that I will make incredible observations as the day draws closer for my time travel jump then what will I see next?

Raining on me as I walk to the grocery store is easy. What is the real point of doing that more than once? That occurrence is useful as an observation because I am surrounded by the evil that permeates this location.

Will I start to see people appear out of thin air? That must be what happens to me as I time travel back to the day 3 March 2003. The people who were waiting there and that are now sitting out there somewhere reading this must have seen me appear out of thin air as I completed that time travel jump.

I wish I knew. I hate being here so damned much. I wish I could write something here write now that would make it happen at this minute so I can leave this godforsaken place.