The rain shower makes it almost believable.
Or maybe a better description is that the rain shower makes it almost non-believable.
For one reason, I have a basic understanding in my artificial memory-knowledge that explains how artificial rain can be produced.
But why? Why all the effort just to try to fool me with the weather?
Several people were involved and I would have said that was all part of the ploy but there is the fact that some of the information I observed was directly connected to choices I made and I had been compelled some time earlier to make choices that led me to a position where I observed information that was consistent with the larger observation I made.
So that is hard to explain.
One explanation though is that I simply walked into their information trap and was given that information sooner rather than later and another person was going to give me that information at another point I would be and that was predictable.
Yesterday, I was reviewing on the internet, with only one or two references online, but many references in my offline notes, the episode "Reins of a Waterfall" from the racketeering production of the television series "Caprica."
I had started thinking again that the time travel portal will appear at first as something that looks similar in appearance to a waterfall and then changes into a normal looking door that is constructed in the wall which I then push open and the walk through thus becoming a time traveler. I made some very compelling observations about the 2/5/2010 premiere date of that episode but I am annoyed that I am strongly compelled to not record any of those observations here. Sometimes I think the worst part about being a time traveler is knowing I am a time traveler and not being able to do anything to make it happen because my future as a time traveler is established in the natural order of the universe and I cannot make it happen any sooner than it is supposed to happen and therefore I have to wait and wait and wait.