This Is What I Think.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Today is 10/15/2024, Post #2

by me, Kerry Burgess, 10/15/2024 12:18 PM

That's a really weird thing for them to do, isn't it?

I don't even care about any of that.

This has no value to me.

What I want to find is something I theorize about and that no one can take from me

THEY are not it

I don't want to be part of their drama

I have been to England and London. I had photos of me standing in front of Buckingham Palace. Don't care for going back there

They're just monkeys with the biggest tree of all you other monkeys on this planet

I have suspected for a long time that is why I was cloned as a human being

That may have been the original reason. The original reason was, I theorize, because Thomas Reagan was such an incredible genius from his beginning

Then I theorize there are multiple explanations: one was "Flint's" reason, and the other was the reasons that motivated the scientists that actually carried out the cloning process, a great technical feat

And that doesn't even explain what is happening today

That's not even *me* now

There was Thomas Reagan. Then Kerry Burgess, his clone from 1965, which is my direct predecessor. And it only makes sense that I am a replicant of that original clone from 1965. They would never recognize me, even if I wanted, which I DO NOT want

I am just trying to understand

Other than all that:

Why why why why why why

WHY WHY WHY are THEY creating this message?



From 2/8/1960 ( Britain's Queen Elizabeth announced that her future descendants would bear her husband's name as well as her own creating the surname Mountbatten-Windsor - from the thoughts in my conscious mind, coinciding with United States of America Veterans Affairs hospital psychiatric doctor medical drugs: Elizabeth and Philip are my biological genetic paternal grandparents) To 1/21/2019 ( Kamala Harris announces candidacy for President of United States ) is 21532 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 10/15/2024 ( ) is 21532 days

From 7/27/1997 ( premiere USA TV series "Stargate SG-1"::series premiere "Children of the Gods" ) To 10/15/2024 ( ) is 9942 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 1/21/1993 ( premiere USA TV series "The Simpsons"::"Selma's Choice" ) is 9942 days

Yahoo! News

Hereditary nobles have sat in Britain's Parliament for centuries. Their time may be up


Tue, October 15, 2024 at 6:41 AM PDT

LONDON (AP) — Like his ancestors for centuries, the Earl of Devon serves in Parliament, helping to make the laws of the land. But not for much longer.

British lawmakers will vote Tuesday on a bill to strip hereditary aristocrats of the right to sit and vote in House of Lords after more than 700 years. The Labour Party government says the decision will complete a long-stalled reform of Parliament’s upper chamber and remove an “outdated and indefensible” relic of the past.

“In the 21st century, there should not be places in our Parliament, making our laws, reserved for those who are born into certain families,” Constitution Minister Nick Thomas-Symonds said Tuesday as he opened debate on the bill in the House of Commons.

He noted that Britain is one of only two countries — the other is Lesotho — with a hereditary element to its parliament.

But Lord Devon thinks it’s risky to tinker with the U.K.'s unwritten constitution, which “has survived an awful lot of slings and arrows of misfortune over a thousand years.”

“The fact that I am doing a job that was granted by the Empress Matilda to my forebear in 1142, and is still ongoing and is still functioning, is a remarkable example of consistency and continuity,” said the earl, a 49-year-old lawyer whose given name is Charles Peregrine Courtenay.

Britain’s Parliament has two chambers: the House of Commons, whose members are directly elected by voters in 650 constituencies across the U.K.; and the unelected Lords. For centuries it was made up of noblemen — women were not allowed until 1963 — whose voting rights were passed down to their children along with their titles. In the 1950s these were joined by “life peers” — retired politicians, civic leaders and other notables appointed by the government.

In 1999 the Labour government of then-Prime Minister Tony Blair evicted most of the more than 750 hereditary peers from the Lords, though to avoid an aristocrats’ rebellion, 92 were allowed to remain temporarily.

A quarter-century on, 88 hereditaries are still there, an all-male group with an average age of almost 70. When one dies or retires, their fellow bluebloods hold elections to replace them. Courtenay joined the House of Lords in 2018 after winning an election in which there were 19 candidates and 31 eligible voters.

Peers who sit in the ornate, gilded Lords chamber do not get a salary but can claim 361 pounds ($472) a day in expenses and can enjoy Parliament’s subsidized bars, tea rooms and restaurants. It’s a job for life, unless members choose to retire or — in a recent change — are expelled for non-attendance.

The appointment of peers by successive governments means the Lords is overstuffed, with about 800 members — the second-largest legislative chamber in the world after China’s National People’s Congress.

The opposition Scottish National Party has filed a motion to abolish the House of Lords altogether, though that stands little chance of passing. Labour remains committed eventually to replacing the Lords with “an alternative second chamber that is more representative of the U.K.”

While more Lords support the Conservatives than any other party — others, like Courtenay, are nonaligned — some on the left of British politics have come to value the upper house for its role in helping to moderate controversial plans by the previous Conservative government over Brexit and immigration.

Labour's large House of Commons majority means lawmakers will almost certainly vote Tuesday to send the bill on for further scrutiny, despite Conservative misgivings.

“The checks and balances of the Lords — its tried and tested conventions — work," said Conservative lawmaker Oliver Dowden, a former deputy prime minister. “We should only fix what is broken and be cautious about rushing into change.”

To become law, the bill also has to get through the House of Lords, which has the power to delay and amend legislation approved by the Commons, but ultimately can’t block it. It is likely to become law in the coming year.

Courtenay, who owns Powderham Castle and its 3,500 acre (1,400 hectare) estate in the southwest England county of Devon, is sanguine about becoming the last in his storied family to sit in Parliament.

“We were responsible for crowning Henry VII. We fought alongside the Black Prince at the Battle of Crécy, and we financed the Agincourt campaign in 1415. And we were first cousins of Henry VIII until he chopped our head off,” he said. “So we’ve been somewhat involved in the workings of government over a long, long time.

“And outside of those moments in the spotlight, there’s been an awful lot of plodding along, trying to support Devon and help the community … a long and satisfying service, which will continue.”

Stargate SG-1 - "Children of the Gods" - tv series premiere Season 1 Episode 1 - 07/27/1997

(from internet transcript)

Apophis' dungeon, at the back of the chamber. O'Neill hoists himself up to a tiny window, peering out. There's no glass to shatter, but he's blocked by a metal lattice. He drops back down to the floor, where Skaara is standing, looking out in case any guards notice. Daniel and Carter watch from a distance.

CARTER: So Ra isn't dead after all.

JACKSON: It wasn't Ra. It was Apophis.


JACKSON: Um... it's from Egyptian mythology. Ra was the sun god who ruled the day, Apophis was the serpent god, Ra's rival, who ruled the night. It's right out of the Book of the Dead. They're living it.

O'Neill and Skaara continue along the back wall. O'Neill is still trying to scout out a weak point in the wall or a window that will budge.

SKAARA: We will save Sha're?

O'NEILL: (still checking wall) I can't promise you anything at the moment.

SKAARA: (grabs his shoulder, stops him) But you're a great warrior! We defeated Ra together!

O'NEILL: Yeah, yeah, I know, but take a look around here. Look at what we're up against.

At the defiant look Skaara gives him, O'Neill pats him on the shoulder.

O'NEILL: We'll try.

The dungeon doors are opening again. Seeing that something's about to happen, O'Neill takes Skaara aside towards the center of the room. The crowd is gathering at the foot of the steps, apprehensively trying to see what's going on. The Serpent Guards file in, forming two lines on each side of the doorway along the walls. Teal'c enters, standing in the center of the threshold, his helmet gone. The lines of Jaffa flanking him step forward, so that they are all lined up at the head of the stairs.

TEAL'C: Sha'ka ha! Kree hol mel, Goa'uld!

O'NEILL: What did he say?

SKAARA: (quietly, dreading this) They are going to choose.

CARTER: Choose what?

SKAARA: Who will be the children of the gods.

"Selma's Choice" (The Simpsons)

Original Airdate in N.A.: 21-Jan-93

(from internet transcript)

Selma is awake with thought, and nudges Patty awake.

Selma: Aunt Gladys was right. There's something missing in our lives.

Patty: Don't worry. We'll get that barking dog record tomorrow.

-- "Selma's Choice"

Selma wants a baby, and Maggie fears for her life.

Stargate SG-1 - "Children of the Gods" - tv series premiere Season 1 Episode 1 - 07/27/1997

(from internet transcript)

TEAL'C: Kneel before your masters!

Carter and Daniel are shoved down. O'Neill glances over at Teal'c, catching his eye. Teal'c nods slightly, and O'Neill kneels. Skaara remains standing, angry and defiant.

O'NEILL: (cautioning) Skaara.

Reluctantly, Skaara gets down on his knees. The Goa'uld, all dressed ornately, file out of the litter, moving down the stairs to look over the prisoners.

TEAL'C: Benah! Ya wan, ya duru! Choose!

As the first pair starts across the floor, one of the litter bearers hurries into their path, holding up a young girl for their inspection. The male Goa'uld gives the girl a cursory glance.


The litter bearer immediately tosses her aside, throwing the girl roughly to the floor. Carter winces. O'Neill glances over at Teal'c again, and suddenly notices the Jaffa's distaste for these proceedings. Two litter bearers bring another girl over to the pair. The male Goa'uld looks her over, turning her chin to look at her face.

MALE GOA'ULD #1: This one. We choose this one.

The girl screams and cries as the litter bearers carry her off out of the dungeon. Skaara is incensed. Daniel sneaks a glance over at Sha're. Her _expression remains cold, emotionless.

A second couple of Goa'uld come next, surveying the prisoners. As they approach SG-1, Daniel makes a rash decision. He shoves past the Serpent Guards, grabbing a hold of the male Goa'uld's robe. The guards grab him by the arms and restrain him. O'Neill steps forward, but stops as two staff weapons are pointed at him. The male Goa'uld studies Daniel.

MALE GOA'ULD #2: This one's passionate.

JACKSON: (desperately) How much would I remember if you chose me?

O'NEILL: Daniel, what are you doing?

JACKSON: (on the verge of tears) Something of the host must survive.

Teal'c can barely stand it, shaking his head and letting his mask of indifference drop. Only O'Neill sees the look on his face.

MALE GOA'ULD #2: We choose...

His gaze moves just past Daniel to Skaara.


The litter bearers rush forward and grab Skaara, dragging him along. O'Neill tries to go after him, but is restrained.

SKAARA: Na-ney! Na-ney! O'Neill!

O'NEILL: Skaara!

SKAARA: (screaming) O'Neill! O'Neill! O'Neill!

O'NEILL: Skaara!

One of the Serpent Guards clubs O'Neill in the face with the head of the staff. He falls back, dazed. The two Goa'uld leave, and Skaara is dragged out of the dungeon.

SKAARA: (still screaming) O'Neill! O'Neill!

Once the last pair of Goa'uld are gone, the Serpent Guards return to formation, more or less. Apophis and Sha're stand at the head of the stairs, and Apophis hesitates for effect.

APOPHIS: Kill the rest.

"Selma's Choice" (The Simpsons)

Original Airdate in N.A.: 21-Jan-93

(from internet transcript)

Selma's in a dating service room. A guy with a camcorder looks on, while Selma sits in a chair, and lights up. The cameraman tells Selma to tell about herself. Selma tells the camera: "Well, I want to have a baby before it's too late. You're looking at a free lunch, boys. Come and get it." She growls amorously, and sticks her cigarette into her mouth, and opens her mouth later, the cigarette tied in a knot and put out.

Back to the loch with you, Nessie!

-- Groundskeeper Willy watches a date tape of Selma, "Selma's Choice"

Selma is with Princess Opal. Opal holds a love potion.

Opal: [Gypsy accent] One drop of this love potion, and you will have any man you desire.

[puts a drop on her tongue]

Selma: What are the magical ingredients?

Opal: [Brooklyn voice] Oh, mostly corn syrup, a little rubbing alcohol. You'll be lucky if it doesn't make your hair fall out actually. [looks at the bottle: "TRUTH SERUM"] Aagh!

-- A mistake anyone could make, "Selma's Choice"

Selma is shopping in a supermarket, her bags being put away by the puberty kid, with a black guy (Arnold) on checkout.

The kid asks her something:

Kid: Paper or plastic?

Selma: You decide. [looks down] So, wearing a belt, are you?

Kid: Uh-huh.

Selma: No suspenders for you.

Kid: [pauses] I guess not.

Selma: Orange is really your color.

Kid: They make us wear this.

Selma: Shall we continue this conversation over dinner?

Kid: Uh -- I'm not allowed to date customers. It's store policy.

Arnold: No, it isn't.

Kid: [kicks him in the shin, whispering] Shut up!

Arnold: No, go for it, man!

-- Yeah, right!, "Selma's Choice"

In the DMV, Selma is giving the eye test to -- Hans Moleman. She puts him through, pointing at each letter. Hans struggles through the letters. Selma stamps Hans' license "VOID". Then she stops to look at it.

Selma: Wait a minute. It says here you're single.

Hans: Did I do wrong?

-- You sure did, "Selma's Choice"

Selma at a restaurant with Hans. Hans is reading a menu, listing some food items, among other things. The waitress passes by: "You're reading the wine list, sir." Hans says "Very good." Later, Selma driving Hans to her home. "I don't know how to thank you for dinner," Hans says. "Use your imaginaton," responds Selma, and flutters her eyelashes flirtatiously. Hans puckers up to kiss Selma. Selma reels back, disgusted, thinking of what it would be like to have children with this man: sightless, stupid kids. She throws him out.

Selma: Get out of my car. [drives off]

Hans: This isn't my house.

Stargate SG-1 - "Children of the Gods" - tv series premiere Season 1 Episode 1 - 07/27/1997

(from internet transcript)

Apophis' implantation chamber. The two men in turbans bring Sha're in, holding her by the wrists. She struggles madly and unsuccessfully to free herself.


Apophis enters from another doorway, guarded by Serpent Guards.

APOPHIS: (beckoning) Come.

At his command, Sha're's captors drag her across the room towards him.

SHA'RE: No! No, no! Aah!

She bites the arm of one of her captors as they reach Apophis. Apophis laughs.

APOPHIS: This one has spirit.

He activates the ribbon device, passing his hand in front of her face. Sha're's struggles cease, and her eyes go blank. Her arms drop limply to her sides, and the turbaned men cut the straps of her dress, stripping her completely naked. Apophis steps down, inspecting her. He brushes her hair out of her face before moving past her. The turbaned men pick her up and set her unresisting body on the table, flat on her back. Again the Jaffa woman steps from her chambers, going to stand beside the table. Sha're begins to regain awareness, watching with terror as the Goa'uld emerges partially from the Jaffa's pouch.

APOPHIS: Does she please you, my love?

The symbiote hesitates, stretching as far as possible from the pouch, before it slides completely free from the pouch to land on Sha're's stomach. Sha're gasps in fear, unable to move as the Goa'uld slithers up her chest, its head hovering inches from her face before it retreats slightly. At a look from Apophis, the turbaned men flip Sha're over to lie flat on her stomach. The symbiote slides off of her as they do so, slithering onto her back. Apophis watches expectantly as the symbiote slithers up Sha're's back, lifting its head like a cobra about to strike.

And it does strike, at the back of her neck. Sha're screams as the symbiote penetrates, its tail disappearing as it enters completely. She screams again, then again, as both Apophis and Teal'c watch. Apophis is pleased. Teal'c is not.

Stargate SG-1 - "Children of the Gods" - tv series premiere Season 1 Episode 1 - 07/27/1997

(from internet transcript)

Chulak, day. O'Neill, Carter, Daniel, and Teal'c are leading the group of refugees towards the Stargate.

O'NEILL: We've got less than an hour. How we doing?

CARTER: We lost a few when we got to the forest.

TEAL'C: They will be hunted down and killed. Anyone who does not exist to serve the gods is their enemy.

O'NEILL: And that makes you...?

TEAL'C: I am a Jaffa. Bred to serve so that they may live.

JACKSON: I don't understand.

Teal'c stops then, and the entire group comes to a halt. Teal'c pulls back a section of his torn chainmail to reveal an X-shaped incision in his stomach. A small symbiote - smaller and paler than the mature Goa'uld - emerges partially from the incision. Carter and Daniel jump back, and a woman screams.

O'NEILL: What the hell is that?

TEAL'C: It is an infant Goa'uld, the larval form of the gods. I have carried one since I was a child, as all Jaffa carry one.

He turns and starts walking again, and the group gets moving.

O'NEILL: Well, get it out of there.

TEAL'C: In exchange for carrying the infant Goa'uld into maturity, a Jaffa receives perfect health and long life. If I were to remove it, I would eventually die.

O'NEILL: Hell, if I were you, I'd take my chances.

Stargate SG-1 - "Children of the Gods" - tv series premiere Season 1 Episode 1 - 07/27/1997

(from internet transcript)

They start moving, following the stampede of people that Carter is herding through the trees.

O'NEILL: Teal'c, where will they take Skaara? The boy?

TEAL'C: To the Stargate. After they've selected hosts for their children, they will return home.



- by me, Kerry Wayne Burgess, posted by me: 4:17 PM Pacific-timezone USA Tuesday 10/15/2024