I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Wayward (The Wayward Pines Trilogy, Book 2) (09/17/2013)
Blake Crouch
Chapter 15
page 153 (Amazon Kindle Version)
Riding the elevator to Pilcher's floor, Pam said, "Do me a favor this afternoon."
"Check in on Wayne Johnson."
"The new arrival?"
"How's he doing?"
"Too early to tell. He just woke up yesterday. I'll have a copy of his file sent back to town with you, but I saw a surveillance report that indicated he had walked the road to the edge of town this morning."
"He make it to the fence?"
"No, he didn't leave the road, but he apparently stood there staring into the trees for a long time."
"What do you want me to do exactly?"
From: L1 - The Homestead [mailto:L1.homestead@riverstoneres.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 2:07 PM
To: Kerry Burgess
Subject: Move date
Hi Kerry!
I received your email yesterday but it has been so busy that I haven't had a chance to read through it. I will keep working on it through the week :)
The person who is currently in B-304 only had a 3 month lease but they were hoping to extend it a little further into September for employment reasons. Would you be okay with moving your move date back a few days to September 27th? If not this person is okay with leaving early, it would just be ideal for them to stay that extra little bit.
Again either way is fine with us we just wanted to at least run it by you.
Thanks Kerry!
Desiree Vick
Leasing Consultant
509.928.3428 OFFICE
509.443.5871 FAX
The Homestead Apartments
15720 E 4th Ave
Spokane Valley, WA 99037
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 27 August 2013 excerpt ends]
From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Sunday, April 7, 2013 6:11 AM
To: Chad Trammell - Trammel law firm, Texarkana, Arkansas
Subject: Crossroads
Recently in my public blog I have made some references that I don’t believe are obvious as to the point of my speech.
Remember Microsoft Corbis Bill Gates al Qaida is willing to steal every single detail of my private life they can get away with and they can get away with everything here in Mob Rule Washington.
I write about it now because of what I wrote recently in private emails, of which I told you earlier you could share with anyone you wanted to, about how I had decided I was going to try to move away from the Seattle metro area and seek residence in Spokane Valley Washington, which is on the other side of this state. That’s a detail I intend to never publish in my public blog, at least not during the time I live there. As I wrote earlier, any person who publishes their home address in a public forum has no reasonable expectation to privacy, at least no reasonable expectation to privacy when severe racketeers have infiltrated the United States governments.
Also, as for why I am telling you all this is because I have struggled to understand what is happening to my mind.
As you know, I wrote recently that only in the past few months have I begun to feel I have regained my true sense of identity. After I was drugged up for a long time back in the year 2005 and later, directly caused when I started filing complaints with the local police departments, I struggled for many years with the belief that I was a different person, a person no one has ever heard about. I generated tons of information in emails as a result of that belief about my identity.
So now I’m back to believing I am the same Kerry Burgess you knew from Ashdown junior and high school.
What I am telling you know may seem crazy but it is crazy enough possibly to help you in the future.
If you have been following my blog then you understand how I established that "Stargate Wraith" represent a true evil force that has turned the "Stargate" producers into their slaves. They are slaves helping the evil forces capture more slaves. My suspicion is that those "Stargate Wraith" are trying to do something similar to me with their new episode "NCIS Tuesday." I have started to suspect that the magic I see working around me is supposed to give me credibility to the public. Credibility to the people who like me and credible rage to those that hate me.
What do I know about the truth? I don’t know anything. I can only guess about what I think is happening. My guess is that some form of positive thinking is how to defeat them. It’s not just optimism that beats them. They feed on human emotion and I am struggling to understand just which kind of human emotion will repel them. I think they feed on pleasure.
So you just have to start feeling bad to make them go away? I don’t think it’s that easy. I think they adapt. However, I believe they can be defeated with the proper mental attitude.
I have also been hopeful lately that those telepathic parasites will literally starve to death eventually. So if you do everything right then they starve and you become free from their influence.
I truly believe such force is actively present on this planet Earth. I believe without doubt.
I am telling you this now because my suspicion, my anticipation, is that a large-scale breakdown of society is being planned as means to help those telepathic parasites.
I mean, sure, who doesn’t have an Armageddon conspiracy to talk about. I won’t go into a lot detail here but my theory is that if you believe that my theory about that “Revolution” television series is correct then you see their conspiracy in action. The parasites kill all of our forms of communication, such as email, and they can harvest groups of people at a time and most of the other surviving human beings have no idea what is happening. If suspicion is raised then it is immediately dismissed as being something someone saw in a movie, thus a hoax. I mean, by that rationale no person should even believe that the planet Earth exists since it has been mentioned in movies before.
So anyway, what got me started on this message to you, sent to Chad and Michelle, is about those “Stargate: Universe” episodes I have been writing about in the past couple days and that I had never watched before.
I wrote to you back on the 27th about how I had decided I was going to try to move out to Spokane Valley again. I don’t know how that is going to turn out. I have lived here in this place for four years and I remember how they jacked up my rent because I complained bitterly about how filthy is the laundry room in this building. They haven’t fixed it and that was over two years ago and I still remember how that manager handed me such a glad story about how they were going to take care of it and then nothing happened but they jacked up my rent over 16% next time. So I wonder about retaliation because of the complaints I have made. I am not going to mention my blog to the people I talk to in Spokane Valley and I wonder how much they will know. Those vermin follow me around everywhere I go and I know those vermin are going to follow me out there again too.
So the operative detail here is about the 27th. That’s when I started looking on the internet at the apartments in Spokane Valley. I had lived out there in 2004 but I was at a place called Crosslands. It’s a long-term hotel type of place.
I traded a few emails with an apartment manager nearby there back in 2005 when I was thinking again about moving out there. That place was named The Villages and I am still looking at it. The place I have been focused on since the 27th though is a brand-new apartment complex. It is named The Homestead Apartments. The satellite images on the internet don’t even show it because the place is brand-new. The rent is cheaper than here too and I am hopeful I can move there.
But see I keep seeing my so-called time-traveler effect showing up there with The Homestead. I am always looking for coincidence but the pattern I see is difficult to ignore. The notion because harder to ignore because I am sick of this crappy apartment that is a trap for noxious fumes during the winter-time I want to find someplace better. I can’t afford a car so my options are limited. So if there is the fact that the time-traveler effect is actively associated with that place then that tells me nothing. See, I plan to time-travel this information to the past so I am causing it to happen just by writing about it here. In the best case scenario for this subject I time-travel to the past and I show the people that meet me there my driver’s license and my home address is where The Homestead Apartments is now. The worst case scenario is that I never move there and that association becomes active simply because how I have written about how I hope to move there.
Finally I just have to keep asking myself what the hell I am doing now. I am stuck. I am at a dead-end road and I just cannot figure out how to get past here and the crazy obstacles I find myself facing now. I first went to the police almost eight years ago and nothing has changed. I have generated some highly compelling reports that I transmitted across the wire to people who are responsible for the subjects I report and nothing has happened. I have risked it all and I have nothing to show for it and, well, that makes sense because I wasn’t working on gaining anything. All I want back is what is rightfully mine.
So I wonder about how that makes sense in terms of how I am trying to defeat those telepathic parasites. If I was living the easy life then they will be fat and happy and I would never even know I had to fight them off. I am wondering if a hopeful attitude is distasteful to them.
My current lease here expires on October 31st of this year.
Trick or treat.
I didn’t see that Facebook page until a few days ago. Sometime after the 27th, possibly a few days after the 27th. I have been checking it every day since then and I must have looked at that page at least ten times before I watched the “Cloverdale” episode on DVD.
SGU 2.05 "Cloverdale"
Matt is clearly moved seeing the old homestead again.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 07 April 2013 excerpt ends]
From 10/26/2010 ( premiere US TV series episode "Stargate Universe"::"Cloverdale" ) To 9/27/2013 ( for me personally as Kerry Burgess: The Homestead Apartments Day 1 - Spokane Valley, Washington State, United States ) is 1067 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 10/4/1968 ( premiere US TV series episode "Star Trek"::"The Paradise Syndrome" ) is 1067 days
Other posts by me on this topic includes: https://hvom.blogspot.com/2019/10/kerry-burgess-interstellar-space.html
From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Sunday, September 01, 2013 11:47 PM
To: L1 - The Homestead
Subject: RE: Low priority - background information
Here's another example that by itself doesn't mean anything at all.
But it is interesting. The timing? I don't know. I guess the timing is interesting. I am leaving King County in less than a month so I guess that is kind of interesting to someone who might obsess over certain details.
The reason I am telling you about it is because of an email I sent to Kim Adams (apparently after she had already transferred away as you told me) a few months ago.
I was explaining that I had created a secret Facebook alias to use as part of my research into Facebook and that research is largely available easily on my blog website, a website provided for no cash to me and really no different from Facebook so you can really see the hypocrisy of my authority, as I wrote earlier.
So anyway, the only time I have ever used Facebook to communicate with anybody was a question I asked on the Facebook page for The Homestead Apartments.
I asked about Phase II and someone on The Homestead Apartments Facebook page responded quickly that March was the likely timeframe.
I deleted my question a while later because I was making some later posts on my blog that could give away the fact I was the same person making that Facebook post, although I made later posts that flouted that strategy and anybody currently in Spokane Valley who reads my blog, with no new posts in recent weeks, could probably guess that I was referring to my plans to move back to Spokane Valley and then the question becomes: So what?
I explained that all in the email to Kim. I explained that I created a secret alias Facebook account and my alias is: Jose Jim
"Jose Jim" is a direct reference I made to the 1983 film "The Right Stuff" and I believe specifically without doubt that is why I was being deliberately tortured at the VA hospital in the year 2005. I have referred to that dialog in my public blog as recently as June 2013.
And well, I have also written to you that I might have had made a large contribution myself to that incident. I wrote about how I might have, long ago, back when I still had the security-drug-memory in my conscious mind, created that scenario as part of the operational plan associated with my assignment to King County Washington when I arrived here to work at Microsoft Corporation and that was an operation planned for a long time and I created contingency plans associated with when I left Microsoft and there is also the fact obvious to me that I am not the first person to endure the effects of the security drug. Regarding my belief in “The Plan” that fact is obvious considering I moved here from South Carolina and that state very publicly dropped out of the antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft the same day as my first day of employment with Microsoft which was 07 December 1998. See, I have started thinking that Microsoft started thinking I had snuck in there as a United States federal secret agent and they were not aware I was going to be working there and once I was in there they couldn't get rid of me.
So anyway, I was just looking around at the news today and I looked closer at the news incident described below and I noted something interesting about that incident.
I searched for the non-specific street address they list in the news article and I saw instantly there is a doctor listed right there nearby named Dr. Jimenez.
That area also seems familiar because I think I rode bicycles through there a long time ago with a co-worker at Microsoft who had chose that route. The map shows the nearby bridge is dismantled now but I think that back in the year 2000 or so that is where we crossed over that river. I recall passing by the Boeing plant.
There's no real particular reason I am telling you any of this. This is just an example of the bizarre that I note on a regular basis and I just cannot believe I am stupid enough to believe that sort of thing is coincidence.
I am describing here now to you because of how I wrote that since I am soon to move into your community I want to be more open at the beginning about the things that I see happening around me. I don’t see myself sitting around talking to people about it and I am not really even certain at this point if I am ever going to resume making new posts on my blog.
There's really nothing you can do about it but before I leave here I just wanted to share a few insights about what I see happening around here and that I believe is a conspiracy and I still just do not really understand their objective.
My belief is that people are being managed by other people into doing the bizarre stuff I am noting in the public news and I think the better informed you are then the less likely you are to being managed by those unidentified forces and I guess their objective is simply that notion of the "hypocrisy of authority" I wrote of before. The basic example I made is that law enforcement authority in the United States are hypocrites because they do not charge their friends for committing the crimes other people commit in the United States and that get punished for.
[ excerpt ends Kerry Burgess, September 01, 2013 11:47 PM ]
From: L1 - The Homestead L1.homestead@riverstoneres.com
To: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Wednesday, September 4, 2013 1:52 PM
Subject: RE: Low priority - background information
Wow, that is some pretty crazy stuff! I have to apologize because I am currently so busy around here that I don't have much time to read through lengthy emails. I do hope that you are able to find some peace through all of this soon though. I can't even imagine!
I hope you are having a good day Kerry and keep me posted with how the move is going!
Desiree Vick
Stargate Universe (TV Series)
Cloverdale (2010)
While on a planetary expedition, Lt. Scott is infected by a plant and he now has a fungus-like growth on his left arm. TJ has tried everything known to her but she cannot get the fungus to stop spreading. Col. Young refuses them permission to return the Destiny to prevent the spread of the unknown disease and they face the prospect of having to surgically remove Scott's arm. In his unconscious state, Scott imagines himself returning home to Cloverdale where he is to be married to Chloe. In his dream-like state, roles and identities have changed: Sgt. Greer is his best friend and is with him to act as his best man; Eli is Chloe's brother; Col. Young his father; TJ is a paramedic who treats him after he loses consciousness; and Dr. Rush is the Minister who will marry them.
Star Trek Season 3 Episode 3
The Paradise Syndrome
Aired Oct 04, 1968
Episode Summary
Kirk, Spock and McCoy beam down to a planet in the path of an oncoming asteroid. However, Kirk disappears and the Enterprise is forced to abandon the search to stop the asteroid in time. Meanwhile, Kirk recovers consciousness but has no memories of his previous life, and is adopted by a local Amerindian tribe as their medicine chief and god.
AIRED: 10/4/68
Wayward (The Wayward Pines Trilogy, Book 2) (09/17/2013)
Blake Crouch
Chapter 15
page 153 (Amazon Kindle Version)
"Just talk to him. Make sure he understands the consequences. Make sure he understands the rules. What's expected. The consequences."
"You want me to threaten him."
"If you think that's what's needed. It'd be nice if you could help lead him down the path to believing he's dead."
desiree vick 10253854_758451957538320_4181210474537328314_n.jpg from internet
The Homestead
- posted by Kerry Burgess 8:58 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Monday 10/28/2019