I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Whom Gods Destroy
I make a lot of posts that lead up to a primary post here on this blog and this blog post is one of those, those that lead up to the primary blog post, which could be one of several I'm working on at the same time. Sometimes I just need to yell at the stupid people on the television. I know you're listening to me!
Today became sort of an excursion for me again.
Typically my so-called excursions are on my bicycle, but that isn't always the case. My ascent to Tower Mountain a couple years ago being a prime example, before all that walking and over-exertion, causing my former glorious Ironman triathlon feet to rebel because they're wasted sitting here almost every waking hour at this stupid desk.
I'm beginning to think of this blog and all my blog posts as being mainly for my own record.
Being *forced* into this isolation all those 15 years ago contiguously at this stupid desk trying to fight my way out in a constant campaign to find my way back, this record is better to be posted online than to simply sit here festering away on my computer, stolen by forces unknown to me
Anyway, I really didn't want to go for a walk, I certainly wasn't feeling hungry. In fact, I had eaten food not too much earlier and was feeling drowsy and that was what finally got me out the door.
I didn't think of it as any sort of excursion, just a walk I sometimes take to stretch out my aching legs. Today however, out there along the way, I decided to see if my feet could handle a short jog. It was sad, sad excuse for jogging but I did jog again for a short while, very short, the first time in a long time, and then continued walking. What I really don't want to lose is the conditioning I got from the bicycle over the summer. I did learn that my body mass isn't affected much by only bicycling, and dieting, or a reduction of food intake, is the only way to help reduce my overweight condition because of this stupid desk, at least in terms of the amount of bicycling distance I covered over the past few months. Probably activity in greater frequency and perhaps even much shorter distance would be even more beneficial.
Today, I was returning to this apartment and thoughts began forming in my mind to stop for dinner at the eponymous King's Restaurant along the way. I wasn't even feeling hungry. After I capitulated to the thoughts in my mind, I began to wonder if there was going to be a code pattern today that seems compelling to me personally. I've made some posts here in the distant past when I was experimenting with the code pattern and associated with my random visit to that place, of which today is perhaps only the third time I've been there, or fourth time. Recently I purchased video copies on Amazon of that television series "Revolution" so now I have a source to better illustrate the code pattern I have discovered and which I believe I have fair reason for documentating to the public my suspicions. Someday I'll get around to creating a full report about my theory about the end of that television series and how the rats are synchronized here in the real world.
Walking in there and sitting down in the sparsely-filled dining room, my first thoughts were about how the situation could be worse.
Could be worse that I was in an occupation that for some inane reason, required me to watch old people having sex together.
That would be worse than sitting there at that moment having to listen to old people eating food. Bring the Fix-o-dent with you next time, Gramps.
My hopes were dashed they would be leaving soon when the waitress came around and took their order just moments after I sat down.
I wasn't very hungry but I wondered if my favorite dish would be good there, I rarely, very rarely visit a waited-table restaurant.
Perhaps seeking approval, "You are the master of every situation" his old eyes staring in amazement at the woman seated across the table from him in front of me, behind a face vaguely familial in Caucasian old shape and bald head, white hair, reading from his fortune cookie.
Mine arrives with a "You did a good job" from that waitress but I cannot read it now, for the first time in my life, when not too long ago, but over a decade ago, at 40 years old, I could still read, unaided with my natural eye-sight, the bottom line of the eye chart at the VA hospital, today being reminded I need to start carrying reading glasses with me for fine-print, while every thing else is still fine for me.
Back at this stupid desk, the local news on tv just ended, a few minutes before 7 PM. "Enjoy" she bubbles. I have just put on my reading glasses, which are basically just simple magnifying lenses, as far as I know, that are easily available on a shelf at the Fred Meyer grocery store, and their assorted items, and I see now that my so-called "fortune" today was "Now is the time to set your sights high and go for it."
Eventually, I'll get around to making the primary post that many of these recent posts and probable future posts are associated with and point to.
But *you* don't care. *You* don't care because it's not about *you* and your pathetic desperation for meaning in a life that will always be less than worthless and meaningless and pathetic. All my blog posts accomplish is to prove someone is better than you and guaranteed better than you can ever possibly hope to be. Because you're pathetic and *you* will *always* be pathetic.
Europa Report (2013)
[last lines]
Dr. Samantha Unger: We now know that our universe is stranger, far more alive, than we had ever imagined. The crew of Europa One changed the fundamental context in which all of humanity understands itself. I don't know what greater measure of success they could have achieved.
Whole Crew: [posing for camera]
Posted by Kerry Burgess
THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2014
BRODY: Look, with or without me, Rush still would have done it.
JOHANSEN: Even after what happened to Franklin?
BRODY: This is the only way to unlock control of this ship. The code has to be in the data bank somewhere.
YOUNG: Let's forget about Rush for a second. If he wants to kill himself, so be it. How do you know this modification you've made's not gonna backfire and put the whole ship in jeopardy?
BRODY: ... I don't.
WALLACE: How does this new interface work?
BRODY: We created a buffer to slow down the transfer of information. We also limited the connection to a narrow range of the subject's subconscious. That should protect the vast majority of his brain. Now, worst case, we hope only the memories that we targeted could be lost. If it works, the data stored in the ship's computer should be made available to Rush through a dream.
WALLACE: A dream?!
BRODY: A semi-lucid one; sort of a stimulated recall of the memories in question.
WALLACE: How does he wake up?
BRODY: There's a built-in trigger. It should appear to him as a distinctive door. All he has to do is open it and walk through.
2016_Nk20_DSCN0880 sgu.jpg, illustration by Kerry Burgess
2016_Nk20_DSCN0881 sgu.jpg, illustration by Kerry Burgess
July 1967
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The following events occurred in July 1967:
July 5, 1967 (Wednesday)
Died: Bruce Barton
Europa Report (2013)
(from internet transcript)
And that final image...startling.
Completely beyond our wildest theoretic models.
- posted by Kerry Burgess 8:20 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Friday 10/18/2019