I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Friday, March 15, 2024
Today is 03/15/2024, Post #4
"The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind"
by Julian Jaynes, author
page 73
The Trojan War was directed by hallucinations. And the soldiers who were so directed were not at all like us. They were noble automatons who knew not what they did.
From 9/29/2011 ( by me, Kerry Burgess, referenced here ) To 3/15/2024 ( Today , Friday ) is 4551 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 4/19/1978 ( premiere USA TV series episode "Nova"::"Battle for the Acropolis" ) is 4551 days
From 2/14/1977 ( from Princeton Weekly Bulletin publication, Princeton University: New Book By Jaynes On Origin Of Consciousness Is Sure To Spark Controversy ) To 3/15/2024 ( ) is 17196 days
17196 = 8598 + 8598
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 5/18/1989 ( George Bush, 41st President of USA: Remarks to Supporters of the Brainpower Coalition in Rochester, New York ) is 8598 days
From 8/3/1958 ( from Wikipedia: The nuclear-powered submarine USS Nautilus and its crew of 111 U.S. Navy servicemen and five American civilian scientific observers, became the first vessel to sail underneath the North Pole, whose ice cap is impenetrable by surface ships. ) To 12/14/2016 ( premiere USA film "Passengers" ) is 21318 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 3/15/2024 ( ) is 21318 days
From 3/26/1966 ( premiere USA TV series episode "ABC Scope"::"Vietnam Report: Greetings, You Are Hereby Ordered" ) To 3/15/2024 ( ) is 21174 days
21174 = 10587 + 10587
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 10/28/1994 ( premiere USA film "Stargate" ) is 10587 days
by me, Kerry Burgess, posted by me: 4:18 AM THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2011
Star constellations
I wasn't going to write about a dream I just before waking up and getting out of bed but I was later in the shower and I started thinking about a possible explanation for the star pattern I saw in my dream and so I decided to write about that part and to try to write the least about the rest of the dream as I could, which I feel compelled to not write about for no real reason.
The compelling part about the dream is the pattern of stars I saw. The dream seems to have started with me and I was out in the woods somewhere and the light was dark and I had some kind of ability to radiate laser beams from my fingers or somehow create laser beams. As I think more about that as I write this now I thing again that I did not actually see the laser beams but I am vaguely aware that I could see the patterns I created on people with the laser beams. The notion of the laser beam is never really visually established in the dream but that is a notion that is strongly in my mind after waking up. The last thing I seemed to do with my laser beam power was that I saw myself form a pattern of stars on the ground to my left. The power seemed to stop working at that point. I also found my puzzled about how there were five stars in my creation when I expected only four. Since I was wearing those stars on the epaulet on my black jacket then I was thinking of how the United States Marine Corps has never had a five star general officer and I don't think the USMC should ever have a five star general officer.
What I puzzled about was how the pattern of those stars did not seem consistent with how an officer of the United States military would wear a five-star pattern on his uniform. I seemed to be wearing the winter working dress uniform of the United States Navy. What was unusual was how one of the stars was set away from the other four stars.
When I was in the shower and was thinking about that visualization in my mind of those stars that I had created on the ground and then was wearing my shoulder, on the black jacket that is the type United States Navy sailors used to refer to as the "Eisenhower" jacket, I wondered if that pattern was supposed to represent the star constellation we call the Big Dipper.
Ah, yes. That has got to be it. Just now as I wrote that word "Big Dipper" I remember dialog that happened soon later that is consistent with that notion.
So going back to what I was thinking as I decided to write this note, I thought about how my visualization of the star pattern did not match the Big Dipper very well. But then I started to wonder if I was seeing the pattern of the Big Dipper while I was standing on a planet or moon that circled a star that was very distant from our planet Earth.
I keep thinking of reasons why that all could be just a normal dream. But maybe it is not.
After my laser beam power stopped working, I saw some of the people I had been forming laser beam patterns on and they were all getting into cars and leaving in a long procession of army-type vehicles. They all seemed to be from World War 2. I noted the color pattern of one of the vehicles but I cannot think of any comment to make about it.
Then I seemed to be a sentry on a hill in downtown Seattle Washington. I was aware that I was totally alone in my role. I was also aware I was wearing a United States military uniform but I cannot visualize any details about it from the dream. I was there for a long time. Some kind of conflict started among a few local people that had walked up and I was trying to stay out of it. The next part I remember from the dream is that I was sitting in a room and there were people around me and one was the old woman whose dialog is consistent with the notion that I was seeing the star pattern of the Big Dipper constellation. Then a woman stood up and she was also wearing the winter dress uniform of the United States Navy and I saw the postal clerk rating symbol on her uniform. Then I saw a person walk into the room I was in from the room next door with the half-window walls and where I had been aware that a conference was going on that all of us had been waiting for to get finished and that person who walked out of that room was a person that I understood in the dream to by my brother Thomas Reagan and he seemed to be about eight years old. He was also wearing the winter working dress uniform of the United States Navy and I noticed just after I saw the woman's rating symbol that he was also wearing the postal clerk rating symbol. But he had the E-1 rate white symbol patch on one sleeve and the E-2 rate white stripe patch on the other sleeve, which is definitely not a uniform standard of the United States Navy. After thinking about that after waking up I decided that detail is supposed to represent the E-1 and E-2 aircraft of the United States Navy.
As he walked up to me, I asked him where he had been because I have been standing on that hill everyday. There was some unspoken dialog about me having food during that time.
There was some other stuff that happened in the dream but I decided to end this note with his response to me about how he had heard I had picked up more stars. I distinctly remember his words to me at that point. He asked me "Is it worth it?"
At that point, I took off two stars from the jacket epaulet on my shoulder, which seemed to be the type used for award stars on United States military medals and ribbons, and I was aware that left me with three stars on my shoulder.
So as I was wondering after getting out of the shower is that I could have just had a normal dream. But I could have just dreamed that final star symbol I need.
The American Presidency Project
41st President of the United States: 1989 ‐ 1993
Remarks to Supporters of the Brainpower Coalition in Rochester, New York
May 18, 1989
Here at Eastman Kodak, you celebrate that fact. For you know what George Eastman said in 1924 is even truer today: "The progress of the world depends almost entirely on education." Kay Whitmore is even more succinct in talking about your own company. "Kodak's future depends on its work force," he said. And he's absolutely correct about that.
Let me share a story with you, a story about two ways to look at education. The master of the house was planning his garden and told his gardener to plant a certain kind of tree. And the gardener objected, explaining that the tree was slow growing and would take a hundred years to reach its full growth. The master's response -- that I found interesting -- he says, "In that case, there's no time to lose. Plant it this afternoon."
Passengers (2016)
Gus Mancuso: [over the intercom] This is Deck Chief Gus Mancuso. Who the hell planted a tree on my ship?
excerpts, by me, Kerry Burgess, 12/01/2023 04:15 AM
As though the Julian Jaynes bicameral gods are telling me - non-verbally - stories that I will discover in the future. That's a contradiction, however, to the concept Julian Jaynes expertly describes in his book. I am extending his concept about what happened to the people of ancient times and adapting to my own personal observations about my own personal experiences and I am suggesting that everyone today is affected by the notion I theorize. Far as I know, Jaynes never tried to suggest that the human species - past and present - have some sort of "back door" vulnerability to foreign influence by extraterrestrial intelligence. And I am not suggesting E.T. is here *now* and is still mind-controlling people to do stuff they would not have done anyway. Rather, I am more inclined to accept the fictional notion established in tangible form under the name James Corey and his "protomolecule". The human species forced into a collective consciousness by an alien race but they created it more than a billion years ago so don't take it personally.
- by me, Kerry Wayne Burgess, posted by me: 9:59 PM Pacific-time USA Friday 03/15/2024