Monday, September 20, 2010

Windsor Castle

The American Presidency Project

Ronald Reagan

XL President of the United States: 1981 - 1989

Toasts of the President and Queen Elizabeth II at a Dinner Honoring the President at Windsor Castle in England

June 8, 1982

The Queen. Mr. President, I'm so glad to welcome you and Mrs. Reagan to Britain.

Mr. President, I raise my glass to you and to Mrs. Reagan, to Anglo-American friendship, and to the prosperity and happiness of the people of the United States.

The President. Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness, Nancy and I are honored to be your guests at this beautiful and historic castle. It was from here that Richard the Lion-Hearted rode out to the Crusades, and from here that his brother, King John, left to sign the Magna Carta. It's a rare privilege to be even a momentary part of the rich history of Windsor Castle.

As we rode over these magnificent grounds this morning, I thought again about how our people share, as you have mentioned, a common past. We are bound by so much more than just language. Many of our values, beliefs, and principles of government were nurtured on this soft. I also thought of how our future security and prosperity depend on the continued unity of Britain and America.

This place symbolizes both tradition and renewal, as generation after generation of your family makes it their home.

From 5/1/1967 ( my first flight by myself as jet pilot and as active duty United States Naval Aviator and United States Astronaut ) to 11/17/1994 ( premiere US film "Star Trek Generations" ) is 10062 days

10062 = 5031 + 5031

From 3/4/1959 ( my birth date UK ) to 12/11/1972 ( I was Apollo 17 Challenger spacecraft United States Navy astronaut landing on Earth's moon ) is 5031 days


The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for

Star Trek: Generations (1994)

USA 17 November 1994 (Hollywood, California) (premiere)

1994 film "Star Trek Generations" DVD video:


Dr. Soran: Just who the hell are you?

Starfleet Captain Jean-Luc Picard: He's James T. Kirk. Don't you read history?