This Is What I Think.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


To clarify a detail, the nature of my observations are directly affected by my personal location in this hell hole that is King County Washington State. This place is a center of evil on this planet. When my senses detect a sense of evil then that is because I am close to evil in this place. That is why I am here. Only by being located here in this place of evil that King County Washington State do I gain a greater sense of clarity about the evil that is being visited on this planet Earth and that is centered around me here in King County Washington State. For a while I have been notifying the world that there is a very large hydrogen bomb or system of hydrogen bombs located below Seattle Washington and that system was created because of some paranoid belief that aliens are going to take over the planet and the bomb system was created as some kind of doomsday device because the creators were certain that extraterrtrials would one day arrive and start using overwhelming force to take over the planet.

I am here. I have no power, obviously, in weapons or words.