Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Today is 11/22/2023

by me, Kerry Burgess, 11/22/2023 10:11 PM

Very early this morning, the very early morning hours of today, 11/22/2023, I awoke from a moderately vivid sleeping-dream

I've been thinking about it all day today

This is another instance I wrote about yesterday

What is most important is that much of my activity today has been in the pursuit of finding information relevant to the details I saw earlier in that sleeping-dream

This isn't some sort of wishful-thinking, lameoid attempt at creating importance from some "deja vu" thoughts that so many lameoids out there are trying to finding meaning in desperately because your life is so pointless and pathetic

The notion did not form suddenly in my mind a moment after watching the scene

I have a clear pattern established in tangible form and that was well before I knew I would tonight watch for the first time this episode. I didn't even know the name of the episode until I started watching it. The pattern of my research is well established from earlier today

And yet, the possible purpose eludes me still

It's right there in front of me

It's a promise to me

And I find myself unable to comprehend when it becomes reality

I just cannot make that leap in my mind

So that's probably why this sort of thing is happening.

A suspension of disbelief.

90% reality

Consequences and rules

I'm not describing what I saw

But my research now, hours later, seems profound to me

I awoke several times during the night afterwards the initial dream and I would think about it each time I awoke

It made me think of the earlier scene in "Silo" where the note from George told her to think of where she had first seen that relic

And so I was searching around today looking at maps and searching Google for details associated with my memory of those first scenes in the dream and before the important part was presented to my sleeping mind, of nothing I had ever seen before in real life

I *did* find something in my research that I *could* have described. But I'm not going to. It's all just so subjective to interpretation

If anything then is meaningful only *after* the fact, whatever that may be

*Afterwards*, going back and looking back at these occurrences knowing more about the details of *something* that happens, whatever that may be. Nothing I'm part of, past present or future

For a while now my thoughts keep going back to the theory of mine about having everything I ever wanted. And then what? What if a person no longer had to worry about time and also had everything he ever wanted?

I sure do miss a good, traditional Thanksgiving meal. Haven't had a decent meal in 20 years now and was rare even before then. I wonder if people stay in families because they don't want to give up that occasion, as I have, and I find life is better without Christmas. Except for the food. But I don't know people I want to commit to. And I'm not making friends just because I want stuff for myself and they're convienent. As everyone else does.

DSC06838 .jpg, by me, Kerry Burgess, 11/22/2023


From 4/24/1907 ( ) To 6/2/2023 ( ) is 42408 days

42408 = 21204 + 21204

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 11/22/2023 ( Today , Wednesday ) is 21204 days




The Relic

Episode aired Jun 2, 2023

During her investigation, Juliette uncovers disturbing secrets about someone she thought she knew.


From 6/2/2023 ( ) To 11/22/2023 ( ) is 173 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers, Oklahoma, USA, as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 4/24/1966 ( ) is 173 days


- by me, Kerry Wayne Burgess, posted by me: 11:25 PM Pacific-time USA Wednesday 11/22/2023