Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Today is 04/16/2024, Post #2

by me, Kerry Burgess, 04/16/2024 7:58 PM

How is that my sleeping-mind could conjure up such a precise detail from a book of millions of words that mostly registered on my mind for only a brief moment?

There's nothing about that text that particularly resonated with me when I read it

I referenced it a few days ago, but still, it's just a few words among millions and that has no particular relevance to me

Until today. Just now.

A few hours ago, I was thinking again about a sleeping-dream from last night, among several

I have sleeping-dreams that RARELY feature that actor Julia Roberts from real life. In fact, I should create my own tag - !Julia - just for this occurrence and if it begins happening more often.

I've referenced countless times that instance from year 2006. But I can recall only one other time I saw her in a sleeping-dream. And I can't recall now enough specific words to quickly find it again

Today, I saw her in two different visions, hours apart.

Can't recall now the second instance.

In the first instance, I was sleeping in some small room. It looked more like a vestibule-sized room in an office building, consistent with the view outside. All windows around me, blankets on the smooth floor.

Stepped out of the room and Julia Roberts was there. I was left with a sense of affection that there is no reason for me to feel here in the real world

She gave me some sort of contraption

At first I thought of it as some sort of exercise equipment. No better gift than excellent physical condition.

All I can remember is sections of metal bars. After waking, I thought of the internal support structure of a TPE model

It was light. That's the important part.

I'm working up another post and looking for a word that the index doesn't contain and that's driving me nuts because I could have sworn I read that word in "Leviathan Wakes" a few days ago.

Only because it doesn't show up in the index, am I now reading the text and trying to find it again. That's why this text registers now on my conscious mind and makes me think of that sleeping-dream that I thought earlier today of writing about because I wondered (to use an analogy created just now by me) if there was some "protomolecule" reason I experienced it today

That next post is 100% finished, unless I think of more stuff to add, which I probably won't, and it's only this one reference that I am trying to find, which leads me to this note

Because it's weird.

And it's consistent with the reason I've made the note I am trying to finish and post here later


- by me, Kerry Wayne Burgess, posted by me: 7:15 PM Pacific-time USA Tuesday 04/16/2024