I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
There can be only one Ra!, Supplemental
Posted by Kerry Burgess at 7:49 AM
Homeless Veteran Of Microsoft
I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
Lost in Space
from my private journal as Kerry Burgess: 09/29/07 12:10 AM
A very stange image just flashed into my vision.
I can't really describe it.
The image seemed to have a black background. There were two colored components in the foreground. They seemed to almost be 2 capital letter "Q" but I'm not sure if that is right. I think they were teal colored.
Stargate Image Gallery
Stargate Movies > Screen Captures > Stargate (The Movie) (1994)
- posted by Kerry Burgess 09:53 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Tuesday 28 August 2018
Lost in Space
Kerry Burgess
August 18, 2018 at 1:03 AM (Pacific Time USA)
Some nights, occasionally, I'll tune in the television in advance of a "The Twilight Zone" episode I want to watch. I rarely start watching a television program that's already in progress but on this particular night, as tonight in this midnight hour, I'll start watching, half-watching, a rebroadcast of a "Perry Mason" episode. I'll tune in at midnight for the second half-hour of "Perry Mason" and the TWZ at 12:30.
Tonight was the second-half of "The Case of the Unwelcome Well" with "Perry Mason" and then "The Old Man in the Cave" as narrated by Rod Serling.
I found myself thinking of certain key points of similarity to those sleeping dreams I wrote of a few hours ago.
This matches a pattern that I theorize seems to be of sleeping dreams that are prescient of observations I make of television just before I go to sleep again, in the night after the prescient sleeping dreams.
As I wrote before, I can only guess there is some process - beyond human comprehension - so don't even bother furrowing your dullard dim-wit brows over it - that is preparing me for something in the future, something I would not be prepared to accept otherwise.
And then this reminds me of another theory I have wanted to document.
'Theory' might be too fancy a word for it because I am not a scientist and I will never have the means to formulate a plan to find proof.
I've written many times about my so-called 'time-traveler effect' and what I described as its complement, my so-called 'counter-paradox theory'.
At some point in recent years, I lost my confidence in that overall notion. And that was frustrating.
Now I'm thinking of a notion that explains a counter-argument.
What has plagued my mind for a long time is about reality.
How could a sane person accept non-reality?
My "theories" about time-travel are probably mostly from influenced by a few popular science-fiction productions I have watched and studied.
A competing notion is about reality and non-reality.
My perception of reality, I have been thinking, is based on my life experiences.
Ever since they let me out of the VA hospital I have been writing about my theoretical - and completely absent from my conscious memory - traumatic experience on a fateful day in July 1989.
Even now, it seems too ridiculous to write about, aside from how I am not very good at expressing anything in writing.
I can describe it in the code pattern I compute but to actually state that I was there is just beyond the point of ridiculousness.
What's important about it is that event - completely hypothetical about my personal experience - is that becomes an experience of non-reality.
My thinking, almost epiphany recently, is that reality and non-reality can co-exist.
Reality is not absolute.
Non-reality is not absolute.
My idea is that reality and non-reality (both impossible to quantify) is a spectrum.
If one could quantify experience as 100% reality then perhaps one's experiences could exist as 90% reality.
Aether (mythology)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In Greek mythology, Aether (Ancient Greek) was one of the primordial deities. Aether is the personification of the upper air. He embodies the pure upper air that the gods breathe, as opposed to the normal air breathed by mortals. Like Tartarus and Erebus, Aether may have had shrines in ancient Greece, but he had no temples and is unlikely to have had a cult.
Aether (classical element)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
According to ancient and medieval science, aether, also spelled æther or ether and also called quintessence, is the material that fills the region of the universe above the terrestrial sphere. The concept of aether was used in several theories to explain several natural phenomena, such as the traveling of light and gravity. In the late 19th century, physicists postulated that aether permeated all throughout space, providing a medium through which light could travel in a vacuum, but evidence for the presence of such a medium was not found in the Michelson–Morley experiment, and this result has been interpreted as meaning that no such luminiferous aether exists.
Mythological origins
Main article: Aether (mythology)
See also: Empyrean
The word in Homeric Greek means "pure, fresh air" or "clear sky". In Greek mythology, it was thought to be the pure essence that the gods breathed, filling the space where they lived, analogous to the air breathed by mortals.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mortality is the state of being mortal, or susceptible to death; the opposite of immortality.
Simply Psychology
Defense Mechanisms
By Saul McLeod, updated 2017
Sigmund Freud (1894, 1896) noted a number of ego defenses which he refers to throughout his written works. His daughter Anna (1936) developed these ideas and elaborated on them, adding ten of her own. Many psychoanalysts have also added further types of ego defenses.
Defense mechanisms are psychological strategies that are unconsciously used to protect a person from anxiety arising from unacceptable thoughts or feelings.
We use defense mechanisms to protect ourselves from feelings of anxiety or guilt, which arise because we feel threatened, or because our id or superego becomes too demanding. They are not under our conscious control, and are non-voluntaristic.
Ego-defense mechanisms are natural and normal. When they get out of proportion (i.e., used with frequency), neuroses develop, such as anxiety states, phobias, obsessions, or hysteria.
Why do we need Ego defenses?
Freud once said, "Life is not easy!" The ego -- the "I" -- sits at the center of some pretty powerful forces: reality; society, as represented by the superego; biology, as represented by the Id.
When these make conflicting demands upon the poor ego, it is understandable if you feel threatened, overwhelmed, as if it were about to collapse under the weight of it all. This feeling is called anxiety, and it serves as a signal to the ego that its survival, and with it the survival of the whole organism, is in jeopardy.
In order to deal with conflict and problems in life, Freud stated that the ego employs a range of defense mechanisms. Defense mechanisms operate at an unconscious level and help ward off unpleasant feelings (i.e., anxiety) or make good things feel better for the individual.
Aether (classical element)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Main article: Aether theories
With the 18th century physics developments, physical models known as "aether theories" made use of a similar concept for the explanation of the propagation of electromagnetic and gravitational forces. As early as the 1670s, Newton used the idea of aether to help match observations to strict mechanical rules of his physics. However, the early modern aether had little in common with the aether of classical elements from which the name was borrowed. These aether theories are considered to be scientifically obsolete, as the development of special relativity showed that Maxwell's equations do not require the aether for the transmission of these forces. However, Einstein himself noted that his own model which replaced these theories could itself be thought of as an aether, as it implied that the empty space between objects had its own physical properties.
Despite the early modern aether models being superseded by general relativity, occasionally some physicists have attempted to reintroduce the concept of aether in an attempt to address perceived deficiencies in current physical models. One proposed model of dark energy has been named "quintessence" by its proponents, in honor of the classical element. This idea relates to the hypothecial form of dark energy postulated as an explanation of observations of an accelerating universe. It has also been called a fifth fundamental force.
Popular Science
Neil deGrasse Tyson explains why dark matter matters (and is kind of our frenemy)
Excerpt: Astrophysics for People in a Hurry
By Neil deGrasse Tyson May 3, 2017
Dark-matter ignorance differs fundamentally from aether ignorance. The aether was a placeholder for our incomplete understanding, whereas the existence of dark matter derives not from mere presumption but from the observed effects of its gravity on visible matter. We’re not inventing dark matter out of thin space; instead, we deduce its existence from observational facts. Dark matter is just as real as the many exoplanets discovered in orbit around stars other than the Sun, discovered solely through their gravitational influence on their host stars and not from direct measurement of their light.
The worst that can happen is we discover that dark matter does not consist of matter at all, but of something else. Could we be seeing the effects of forces from another dimension? Are we feeling the ordinary gravity of ordinary matter crossing the membrane of a phantom universe adjacent to ours? If so, this could be just one of an in nite assortment of uni- verses that comprise the multiverse. Sounds exotic and unbelievable. But is it any more crazy than the first suggestions that Earth orbits the Sun? That the Sun is one of a hundred billion stars in the Milky Way? Or that the Milky Way is but one of a hundred billion galaxies in the universe?
Even if any of these fantastical accounts prove true, none of it would change the successful invocation of dark matter’s gravity in the equations that we use to understand the formation and evolution of the universe.
Other unrelenting skeptics might declare that “seeing is believing”—an approach to life that works well in many endeavors, including mechanical engineering, fishing, and perhaps dating. It’s also good, apparently, for residents of Missouri. But it doesn’t make for good science. Science is not just about seeing, it’s about measuring, preferably with something that’s not your own eyes, which are inextricably conjoined with the baggage of your brain. That baggage is more often than not a satchel of preconceived ideas, post-conceived notions, and outright bias.
Definitely establishing The Cause of Universal Gravitation, Magnetism, Electrodynamic Action, Molecular, Atomic and Explosive Forces, etc., including a notable improvement in the Foundations of the Wave-Theory of Light, and discovery of the Cause of Acoustic Attraction and Repulsion, which is especially suitable for illustrating the invisible Processes of Gravitational Attraction.
In Seven Mathematical Memoirs Reprinted from the Astronomische Nachrichten, 1920—1922; to which are added two Mathematical Memoirs on the Earth, and one on the Sun and Variable Stars.
By T.J.J. SEE,
I believe that the earth is vety vast, and that we who dwell in the region extending from the river Phasis to the Pillars of Heracles inhabit a small portion only about the sea, like ants or frogs about a marsh, and that there are other inhabitants of many other like places; for everywhere on the face of the earth there are hollows of various forms, and sizes, into which the water and the mist and the lower air collect. But the true earth is pure and situated in the pure heaven — there are the stars also; and it is the heaven which is commonly spoken of by us as the Aether, and of which our own earth is the sediment gathering in the hollows beneath. — Plato, Phaedo, 109
Google Books
Æther: A Theory of the Nature of Æther and of Its Place in the Universe
Hugh Woods
"The Electrician" printing and publishing Company, limited, 1906
page 1
Chapter 1
We cover our ignorance, as usual, by a name. General experience teaches us, however, that if one body influences another, not in contact with it, this is done by first influencing something which intervenes. The heavenly bodies do not, indeed, pull one another with ropes, or by any other visible means; but that fact does not destroy the great probability that there is some intervening medium through which they do transmit their influence one upon the other; and that there is some mechanical cause for their rotation on their own axes, and for all their movements.
page 2
While it is, no doubt, idle to expect that, even in the lapse of ages, man will never be able to do more than interpret, more and more correctly, the impressions made upon his various senses, and appreciate, more and more exactly, the origin and relations of such impressions; yet it does seem that the time has come when, with our present greatly increased scientific knowledge, we might profitably review afresh the foundation on which the various sciences are built, in order to see whether we cannot sink those foundations deeper than they were before scientific knowledge had attained its present height.
Therefore, conscious as I am to the fact that any attempt to fathom the principles underlying the ordinary phenomena of the universe is prima facie regarded as indicative of a day-dreamer who fails to appreciate the lines by which all useful scientific researches must be guided; nevertheless, I venture to make a feeble, and it may be a futile, effort to grope after a theory which may carry us a little deeper in our understanding of the ordinary phenomena of the Universe, exhibit a clearer connection between phenomena, which apparently have little in common, and place the elementary facts of several sciences on a simpler and more rational basis.
The whole of space as far as it comes within our ken, is, we may believe, filled with a fluid which we have reason to suppose permeates all bodies whether solid, liguid, or gaseous, though with varying facility and under varying conditions. This fluid is commonly known as "Aether"; but has nothing in common with ethyl oxide except the name. In the aether float the sun, the earth, and the rest of the heavenly bodies, which are known to us. They are completely immersed in it, and soaked through with it.
page 3
The solar system, as astronomers tell us, appears to be moving through space, borne along, we may reasonably suppose, in an enormous volume of swiftly-flowing aether.
Now, the resistance offered to the free flow of aether by the partially impervious bodies floating in it is evidently greatest in the line of the greatest thickness of each body, and less as the thickness becomes diminished. Accordingly, a difference of momentum is thereby caused in the mass of aether, dashing against the body, and there results a current in the aether from places of higher momentum to places where the momentum is lower, with the effect that a whirl, such as occurs in the air under similar circumstances, is produced. These whirls, then, by their continual action, make the bodies more or less spherical, and set them rotating, each on its largest axis, while the whirls, spreading out in ever widening circles, influence the movements of other bodies bodies floating in the same medium.
Three Smart Saps (1942)
Curly: We're not ordinary people... we're morons!
Google Books
Æther: A Theory of the Nature of Æther and of Its Place in the Universe
Hugh Woods
"The Electrician" printing and publishing Company, limited, 1906
page 1
Chapter 1
General experience teaches us, however
Kerry Burgess shared a post.
May 14, 2018 at 1:27pm
Kerry Burgess
January 27, 2018 at 4:47 pm
I traveled back there on 25 December 2017 and that was when I discovered Spaceman Coffee.
Google Books
Æther: A Theory of the Nature of Æther and of Its Place in the Universe
Hugh Woods
"The Electrician" printing and publishing Company, limited, 1906
page 2
While it is, no doubt, idle to expect that, even in the lapse of ages, man will never be able to do more than interpret, more and more correctly, the impressions made upon his various senses
album: "Day & Age" (2008)
It started with a low light,
Next thing I knew they ripped me from my bed
And then they took my blood type
It left a strange impression in my head.
You know that I was hoping,
That I could leave this star-crossed world behind
But when they cut me open,
I guess I changed my mind.
And you know I might
Have just flown too far from the floor this time
Cause they're calling me by my name
And the zipping white light beams
Disregards the bombs and satellites
That was the turning point
That was one lonely night
The star maker says, "It ain't so bad"
The dream maker's gonna make you mad
The spaceman says, "Everybody look down
It's all in your mind"
Well now I'm back at home, and
I'm looking forward to this life I live
You know its gonna haunt me
So hesitation to this life I give.
You think you might cross over,
You're caught between the devil and the deep blue sea
You better look it over,
Before you make that leap
And you know I'm fine,
But I hear those voices at night sometimes-
They justify my claim,
And the public don't dwell my transmission
Cause it wasn't televised
But, it was the turning point,
Oh what a lonely night
The star maker says, "It ain't so bad"
The dream maker's gonna make you mad
The spaceman says, "Everybody look down
It's all in your mind"
The star maker says, "It ain't so bad"
The dream maker's gonna make you mad;
The spaceman says, "Everybody look down
It's all in your mind"
My global position systems are vocally addressed
They say the Nile used to run from East to West,
They say the Nile used to run...
From East to West.
And you know I'm fine
But I hear those voices at night
The star maker says, "It ain't so bad"
The dream maker's gonna make you mad
The spaceman says, "Everybody look down
It's all in your mind"
The star maker says, "It ain't so bad"
The dream maker's gonna make you mad;
The spaceman says, "Everybody look down
It's all in your mind"
It's all in my mind
It's all in my mind
It's all in my mind
It's all in my mind
It's all in my mind
Princeton University
Department of Astrophysical Sciences
Thank you for your interest in the graduate program at the Department of Astrophysical Sciences at Princeton University. On this page we will try to summarize important information about the program and graduate student life at Princeton, as well as outline differences from graduate programs at other universities. For information on the application process, please visit the Graduate Admissions Office website, where you can request an information brochure and an application form, as well as our How to Apply page.
This page is written by the graduate students and reflects our views and opinions. For an official information brochure and an application form please visit the Graduate Admissions Office website
Overview of the program
The Ph.D. program in astronomy at Princeton is unusual in providing an early opportunity to engage in research. It typically takes five years to complete.
In the first two years, a student completes three or four research projects under the supervision of faculty members. Although they are called semester projects, their difficulty and duration vary widely. Many of them result in published papers, one of which is required to advance to Ph.D. candidacy. In addition to research, during the first two years of the program students take courses offered by both astrophysics and physics departments. The Ph.D. thesis project is often in an area different from the previous research projects and normally takes three years to complete.
Semester projects and graduate student research
Emphasis on early research is a hallmark of the Ph.D. program in astronomy at Princeton. At many institutions, students are exposed to only one area of research during their graduate careers - that concerned with their thesis; while graduate students everywhere take classes in various topics, course work alone is often not sufficient to enable students to enter new fields in later years.
The Princeton program provides students with intensive exposure to several different areas of research, giving them the background necessary to work in any of these areas after graduation. In a rapidly changing field like astrophysics, experience has shown that a wide background is very useful.
Mapping Ignorance
Æther and Modernity. The recalcitrance of an agonising epistemic object.
Invited Researcher January 22, 2018
Author: Jaume Navarro is an Ikerbasque Research Professor at the University of the Basque Country
In 1951, the physicist Paul A.M. Dirac called for the re-introduction of the æther in an oft-quoted letter to Nature. His was an attempt to resuscitate an epistemic object that most scientists at the time, as much as today, judged to be dead and buried. By using the old-fashioned spelling, Dirac was making a statement against the track quantum electrodynamics had taken and which he regarded as ‘ugly and incomplete’. From his point of view, the problems of the theory resided in it being founded on the notion of individual, point-like electrons inevitably leading to the problem of infinities. Instead, he argued, one should take the electromagnetic field with certain mathematical properties as a starting point and deduce electrical charges from those properties. In other words, Dirac was suggesting that the fundamental entity in quantum electrodynamics should be ‘a space with properties’, analogous to what Maxwell had done almost a century before with the æther.
What was the Victorian ether or æther? Simply put, the ether was an imponderable fluid or medium that permeated the whole universe, whose interactions with ordinary matter were the origin of electric and magnetic phenomena, not least the transmission of light, which Maxwell came to explain as electromagnetic waves in the ether. It was the only remnant of a tradition of imponderable fluids that in the eighteenth century separately accounted for phenomena like electricity, magnetism, heat, or even life. By the time Dirac wrote his paper, however, the ether was mostly regarded as a relic of times gone by, an entity that had been fully rejected.
Indeed, for decades, the received view of the falsification of the ether was the same story that Einstein himself had elaborated in his pedagogical explanations of special relativity, and which Karl Popper used for his philosophy of science. That narrative relied on the negative results of Michelson and Morley’s experiments in the 1880s in their quest to determine the absolute speed of the earth in the ether. Certainly, that story, while still popular among some physicists, teachers and science popularisers, has long been problematized by historians of science. Neither was the Michelson Morley experiment a turning point in experimental or theoretical physics, nor was the ether abandoned by the beginning of the twentieth century, not even by Einstein himself.
The historiography of the demise of the ether is, thus, an episode in search of a fuller account. A recent international research project soon to be published by Oxford University Press analysed the status of the ether in the early twentieth century and challenged a number of general assumptions, three of which will be discussed in this article: the misleading separation between classical and modern physics, the role of authority in preserving scientific ideas, and the resurgence of pluralism as a legitimate stance in philosophy of science.
The misleading separation between classical and modern physics
In the last decade, historians of physics have become increasingly critical about the existence of a clear-cut divide between classical and modern physics. The heroic and revolutionary stories about the origins of Relativity and Quantum Physics are slowly giving way to a more nuanced and continuous development of science in which the new emerged from the old rather than appearing out of the blue by some epistemic miracle. In the old historiographical framework, the ether was presented as the symbol of classical, old physics. And the battle seemed to be one between progressive against reactionary physicists, the latter holding on to the ether almost irrationally. This simplistic account contrasts, for instance, with the role the ether played in the explanations of wireless technologies, indeed a very modern subject in the early twentieth century.
In 1922, with the creation of the BBC, the British public suddenly became directly engaged with a technology that was radically transforming communications: wireless broadcasting. Amateurs, engineers and the public at large were keen to have simple and clear explanations of the intricacies of the new gadgets. Wireless waves were, precisely, waves; and the analogy with water or air waves called for a medium: the ether. Indeed, radio was for the first time materialising the ether in every household, in every workshop and in every store where radio sets were used, fixed and sold. Moreover, such explanations gained particular strength when they were broadcasted in popular talks given by no other than Sir Oliver Lodge, an influential physicist, electrical engineer and public face of science. The argument was clear: the reason why you can hear my voice through the radio set is that between the sender and the receiver there is a medium through which electromagnetic waves travel. The absence of such medium would make this broadcasting literally impossible.
Modernist artists also relied on the ether in their explanations of their new representational experiments. Challenges to the continuity of space in cubism have long been related to the fashion of relativity and quantum physics in the early decades of the twentieth century. But so was the ether, together with X-rays, electrons and radioactivity. As Gillian Beer showed years ago, the values of modernism found in the complexities and contradictions of modern physics such as wireless action or wave-particle puzzles a fertile ground for the development of new artistic languages; in literature, as much as in the plastic and performing arts.
The role of authority in preserving scientific ideas
Authority is as important in science as arguments, internal logic and empirical results. The prestige of figures such as Lodge and Arthur Eddington in Britain, Phillip Lenard in Germany, Henri Poincaré in France, or the astronomer Dayton Miller in the USA, all defendants of the ether (albeit in different guises and for different reasons) was instrumental to keeping the ether alive in the public sphere. But so was Einstein and his theories. Indeed, the popularity of general relativity after its highly-advertised confirmation in 1919 triggered a decade of debates to which scientists, philosophers and dilettantes equally contributed. In these disputes, the ether took centre stage in ways that transcended the limits of esoteric physics. At stake was, not only the existence of this imponderable medium, but also what physics was or had to be.
A highly controversial example was the case of a number of German men of science who created the ‘Society in Defence of the Ether and Universal Science’ in the 1920s and 1930s. Certainly, in the nationalistic and anti-semitic mood of the times in Germany, part of this defence of the ether was motivated by an opposition to anything related to Einstein, but that is not the full story. Abandoning the ether was, for the members of this society, tantamount to challenging stability and continuity, promoting chaos, and diminishing the role of science to that of mere mathematical results without deeper explanations.
The resurgence of pluralism
For some defendants of relativity and quantum physics, the ether was not only irrelevant but also a relic of the past. For others such as Eddington, and also Einstein to a certain extent after 1920, the ether could be preserved, although its meaning modified –which, by the way, is a common strategy in the history of science. For many engineers and wireless amateurs, the ether was a much-needed medium to make sense of the waves they were working with. And the question almost naturally arises as to which of these three groups of people was right. Let me suggest that the three stances were legitimate in their own way, thus providing us with a case of scientific pluralism.
The ether qua absolute reference framework and quasi-material universal substratum had indeed been stabbed to death by Einstein’s special relativity, the replication of Michelson-Morley-type experiments, and the long-known internal contradictions of such a concept. But, as Eddington put it, one could not do away with the ether while keeping notions such as particles, force or action at a distance. General relativity did indeed formulate a new physics without any such concepts, and the whole conceptual apparatus was intrinsically consistent; but trying to preserve, for instance, the notion of action at a distance without a medium was at least as mysterious as keeping a conceptually contradictory ether. Thus, the wireless amateur could preserve an ether that the relativist did not need since their epistemic needs were different. In the same way, as quite a number of physics have recently claimed, in ways that remind us of the failed attempt of Dirac in 1951, talk about ‘space with properties’, which is what current quantum field theories do, is not that far from some of the epistemological roles the ether of old played. Rather than a battle between champions and opponents to the ether, a more pluralistic physics might allow for the co-existence of both stances, albeit each limited to particular phenomena and epistemic needs.
Dec 22, 2017, 07:30am
Predicting The Future Of Live-Streaming Is As Easy As ABC: Apple, Betamax And Choice
Wayne Lonstein
CEO, VFT Solutions, Inc. Unrivaled experience in content protection, IP litigation, Cybersecurity and technology.
In 1975, Sony introduced Betamax, a revolutionary concept into the home entertainment market. Betamax was the first consumer-friendly, simple and affordable technology that allowed consumers to record video broadcasts for viewing at a later time. The product was so revolutionary that many stalwarts in the entertainment industry, including Universal Studios, sought to have its use declared an illegal act under a copyright law in 1979. In 1984, the Supreme Court ruled that "time shifting" of viewing content in a private setting is "fair use" and not copyright infringement.
Betamax -- and subsequently, VHS, DVD and DVR -- were part of a sea change in the consumption of television away from a broadcaster-dictated schedule to a consumer-friendly "on demand" approach that let viewers dictate when and where broadcasts could be viewed. In an interesting perspective, Hacking HR founder Enrique Rubio wrote in 2016 about why Betamax, which was first to the market, was ultimately eclipsed in popularity and rendered irrelevant buy JVC's VHS technology.
There are important lessons that can be learned from history, and those content creators and distributors who are willing to listen may be able to save themselves untold billions in losses from nano-piracy (i.e., using live-streaming apps to pirate). Rubio posited three reasons why Betamax failed and VHS flourished: 1) VHS was developed with a consumer-centered design, 2) widespread, simple licensing of the technology allowed it to quickly gain market share globally and 3) Sony failed to focus on its core technology.
Fast-forward (excuse the pun) to 2018, as the entertainment industry now faces another pivotal turning point: the proliferation of live-streaming technology. Simply put, the days of content creators being able to control the consumption of their products are over.
Content -- which was once protected by stadium turnstiles, theater walls and technological barriers such as encrypted signals -- is no longer as secure as it once was. While many seek to use technology to combat live-streaming piracy, it is becoming clear that technology alone will not be able to protect content from motivated pirates.
For example, recently a streamer on the live app Twitch who was pretending to be playing a video game actually live-streamed an entire broadcast to tens of thousands of viewers of an actual MMA fight.
The numbers are clear: Live-streaming is not a fluke or a fad; it's a powerful tool that is empowering video and audio content consumers by enabling them to cut the cord and eschew the concept of content bundles.
So what can live-streaming companies and content creators do to avoid what appears to be a winner-take-all battle between viewers, streamers and themselves? Take a lesson from history. Betamax taught us that great ideas that are not consumer- and market-friendly will likely fail as technology matures. This will require major live-streaming platforms and their competitors to enable streamers to easily broadcast in higher quality, with simple click, drag and stream technology.
Failure to do so will most certainly lead to better mousetraps. One need only look to the recent history of Meerkat, which ceased its streaming platform just over a year after its introduction due to a number of factors, which in many ways is reminiscent of the story of Betamax.
The challenges ahead do not simply relate to the streaming apps themselves. In fact, the impact of their success or failure may determine how soft a landing traditional pay-TV cable and satellite companies have after inevitable devaluation, which is accelerating at an alarming pace due to cord-cutting, cord-cheating and live-streaming piracy. Simultaneously, content creators from studios, sports leagues and live performers will also be affected as viewers continue to flock to legal and illegal live-streaming services as the consumption technology of choice.
Finally, and most importantly, is the aspect of live-streaming that is the most disruptive and most likely to upend the content distribution models of the last 50 years. As I have written many times, the ability to physically or technologically access content allowed studios, leagues and entertainers to command and monetize the entertainment market without fear of widespread access to alternatives. Once again, a brief trip back in recent history shows us why content bundles, access and pricing will rapidly change resulting in a la carte content consumption. When Apple launched its iTunes store, it simultaneously empowered consumers while competing against online piracy options for the ears and wallets of listeners.
In their 2013 article "How iTunes changed music, and the world," Brandon Griggs and Todd Leopold hit the nail on the head when they wrote that iTunes was a success because "it celebrated the song, not the album."
Have digital music libraries such as iTunes and streaming services like Pandora and Spotify eliminated piracy? Not at all, but they did significantly diminish the allure of piracy by financially competing through inexpensive pay-per-song pricing. Apple understood that the only way to beat piracy was to compete with its alluring points: a la carte purchasing, low or no cost and few if any access barriers preventing instant access.
This recent history lesson should be at the forefront of the minds of content creators and distributors when seeking forward-looking monetization and access models. Save a precious few examples, repetitive attempts of the content creation and distribution industry to cling to concepts such as "skinny bundles" and access-unfriendly OTT offerings that require a cable or satellite subscription only make the decision easier for the now technology-empowered consumer.
One way or another, a la carte streaming access to video is upon us. The choice left to the industry is whether to drive consumers toward streaming piracy or away from it by competing with its alluring attributes.
Sony Corp. v. Universal City Studios, 464 U.S. 417 (1984)
U.S. Supreme Court
Sony Corp. v. Universal City Studios, 464 U.S. 417 (1984)
Sony Corporation of America v. Universal City Studios, Inc.
No. 81-1687
Argued January 18, 1983
Reargued October 3, 1983
Decided January 17, 1984
464 U.S. 417
Petitioner Sony Corp. manufactures home videotape recorders (VTR's), and markets them through retail establishments, some of which are also petitioners. Respondents own the copyrights on some of the television programs that are broadcast on the public airwaves. Respondents brought an action against petitioners in Federal District Court, alleging that VTR consumers had been recording some of respondents' copyrighted works that had been exhibited on commercially sponsored television, and thereby infringed respondents' copyrights, and further that petitioners were liable for such copyright infringement because of their marketing of the VTR's. Respondents sought money damages, an equitable accounting of profits, and an injunction against the manufacture and marketing of the VTR's. The District Court denied respondents all relief, holding that noncommercial home use recording of material broadcast over the public airwaves was a fair use of copyrighted works, and did not constitute copyright infringement, and that petitioners could not be held liable as contributory infringers even if the home use of a VTR was considered an infringing use. The Court of Appeals reversed, holding petitioners liable for contributory infringement and ordering the District Court to fashion appropriate relief
Held: The sale of the VTR's to the general public does not constitute contributory infringement of respondents' copyrights. Pp. 464 U. S. 428-456.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Presidential Library, Museum
The U-2 Spy Plane Incident
Cover plan to be used for downed U-2 flight (the U.S. did not know that the Soviets had the captured U.S. pilot), May 2, 1960 [Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 15, Intelligence Matters (14); NAID #594364]
TOP SECRET [text strike through]
Following is cover plan to be implemented immediately: "U-2 aircraft was on weather mission originating Adana, Turkey. Purpose was study of clear air turbulence.
During flight in Southeast Turkey, pilot reported he had oxygen difficulties. This last word heard at 0700Z over emergency frequency. U-2 aircraft did not land Adana as planned and it can only be assumed is now down. A search effort is under way in Lake Van area."
FYI normal procedures for search for aircraft will be initiated by Adana Base Commander and initial press release will be from Adana. Pilot's name being withheld pending notification of next of kin.
Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
(the Borg cube, under attack, approaches Earth. The Defiant is one of the attacking ships)
[Defiant bridge]
WORF: Report!
CONN OFFICER: Main power is off-line. We've lost shields and our weapons [ are ] gone.
WORF: Perhaps today is a good day to die. Prepare for ramming speed!
From 5/2/1960 ( Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library - Cover plan for downed U-2 flight ) To 1/17/1984 ( the Supreme Court of the United States decides Sony Corporation of America v. Universal City Studios, Inc. ) is 8660 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/19/1989 is 8660 days
From 5/31/1927 ( Ford Motor Company ends production of the Model T automobile ) To 10/31/1974 ( Gerald Ford - Remarks at Sioux City, Iowa ) is 17320 days
17320 = 8660 + 8660
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Burgess ) To 7/19/1989 ( the United Airlines Flight 232 crash and the end of Kerry Burgess the natural human being cloned from another human being ) is 8660 days
From 12/12/1942 ( the fictional date setting 1946 film "Somewhere in the Night" ) To 5/14/1990 ( departing as United States Navy Fire Controlman Second Class Petty Officer Kerry Wayne Burgess my honorable discharge from United States Navy active service ) is 17320 days
17320 = 8660 + 8660
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/19/1989 ( the United Airlines Flight 232 crash and the end of Kerry Burgess the natural human being cloned from another human being ) is 8660 days
From 7/3/1985 ( premiere US film "Back to the Future" ) To 7/19/1989 is 1477 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/18/1969 ( Richard Nixon - Statement on the Death of Joseph P. Kennedy ) is 1477 days
Los Angeles Times
Jet Carrying 293 Crashes, Burns in Iowa; 166 Survive
July 20, 1989 J. MICHAEL KENNEDY and BOB BAKER Times Staff Writers
SIOUX CITY, Iowa — A crippled United Airlines DC-10 crashed a half-mile short of a runway while trying to make an emergency landing Wednesday afternoon, bursting into a cartwheeling fireball that broke into what one eyewitness described as "15,000 pieces" and killing at least 123 of the 293 passengers and crew members on board.
Remarkably, as many as 166 persons survived the violent crash, according to Richard Vohs, a spokesman for Iowa Gov. Terry E. Branstad. The fate of four others was not immediately known.
Tail Engine Explodes
The plane's tail engine exploded before the crash but it was not immediately clear how the explosion contributed to what a Federal Aviation Administration spokesman called "complete hydraulic failure," an occurrence regarded as extremely rare in the wide-bodied DC-10, which has three independent hydraulic systems that operate all the plane's control surfaces on its wings and tail, and landing gear and brakes.
As rescuers worked underneath floodlights to remove bodies from the crash site, original estimates of the death toll--one as high as 190, which would have made the crash the second worst in U.S. history--were reduced.
"We don't have a firm count" of the dead, Vohs acknowledged at a press conference seven hours after the crash. "But right now, the number (of survivors) confirmed is 166."
The survivors of Wednesday's United Flight 232 from Denver to Philadelphia via Chicago included several dozen passengers who managed to walk out of a dark, smoke-filled, upside-down section of the jet after it broke off and came to rest in a tall cornfield off the runway.
"I walked out (through the back of the plane) and found myself in the cornfield," passenger David Landsberger told Cable News Network. "We were all walking around in shock. I just walked through it like it was a dream. I was a little dazed."
"It's the goddamndest thing I ever saw in my life," said Charles Mertz of Castle Rock, Colo., another of those who walked away.
Suitcases, paper, mail, clothes, chunks of burning metal and bodies were strewn over the inactive runway at Sioux Gateway Airport, where the plane crashed after desperately circling for a half-hour.
One hundred ambulances, fire trucks and helicopters from as far away as South Dakota plucked out the victims. The search for bodies was difficult because some of them were scattered in the cornfield. Many of the survivors were listed in critical condition with burns or broken bones.
United Airlines declined to comment on the number of survivors or to release the names of the 282 passengers and 11 crew members.
Back to the Future (1985)
Dr. Emmett Brown: If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious shit.
Somewhere in the Night (1946)
Christy Smith: How far do you think you'll get?
George Taylor: The nearest foxhole maybe. They'll be watching my hotel - all sorts of people.
Christy Smith: What's your name?
George Taylor: Taylor. George Taylor. It's all over town. I may run for dogcatcher. Look, I've gotta talk to somebody. I'll go crazy if I don't talk to somebody.
Christy Smith: I'm somebody.
George Taylor: I think you are. What do you know about amnesia?
Christy Smith: Not much. Something that happens to you. You forget who you are or where you belong. Isn't that it?
George Taylor: Yeah. Every now and then you read about it in the newspaper - a guy named John Doe was picked up in a fog. Never happens to anybody you know. It happened to me. Yeah. For all I know, I might have been born six months ago. That's a joke because six months ago I woke up in a hospital. That's where babies are born, in a hospital. Only this was different. It was in the South Pacific, and it wasn't the maternity ward.
Somewhere in the Night (1946)
George Taylor: I won't let them know I can't remember. I won't let them dig him up!
US Marine Corps sergeant: Taylor, George W.
US Marine Corps staff sergeant: Hello, Taylor. Sit down. You're now in the process of being separated from the armed forces of the United States. You feel you have a right to know answers to a lot of questions about yourself and how you'll fit into civilian life. Those questions need not necessarily be restricted to the G.I. Bill of Rights employment, insurance and such. Oh, by the way. Before I forget. Your seabag, it's been located. Any change in your civilian address?
George Taylor: My civilian address.
US Marine Corps sergeant: I could ask one of the boys to drop it off.
George Taylor: I'll, uh - Maybe I'd better pick it up myself.
US Marine Corps sergeant: Well, why wait around? It might be this afternoon, it might be a couple of days. I imagine you'll be wanting to get back to Los Angeles. We could have it delivered to the, uh... Martin Hotel. Will you be going back there?
Wonder Boys (2000)
Grady Tripp: [Narrating] So there it was. Somewhere in the night, a Manhattan book editor was prowling the streets of Pittsburgh; best-selling author at his side, dead dog in his trunk.
Somewhere in the Night (1946)
Phyllis: You know, there's been a terrible shortage of men.
George Taylor: Yeah. So we heard in the Pacific. This war must have been murder on you poor women. We used to cry our eyes out about it.
Back to the Future (1985)
Dr. Emmett Brown: No wonder your president has to be an actor.
Back to the Future (1985)
Marty McFly: Do you know where Riverside Drive is?
Sam Baines: It's on the other end of town. A block past Maple. East end of town.
Marty McFly: A block past Maple?
Back to the Future (1985)
Stella Baines: He's a very strange young man.
Sam Baines: He's an idiot. Comes from upbringing. His parents are probably idiots, too. Lorraine, you ever have a kid who acts that way, I'll disown you.
Back to the Future (1985)
Marty McFly: Calvin? Wh... Why do you keep calling me Calvin?
Lorraine Baines: Well, that is your name, isn't it? Calvin Klein? It's written all over your underwear.
The 42-minute Drama Of Flight 232
This article was written by Inquirer staff writer Larry Eichel based on reporting by Fawn Vrazo in Denver, Gilbert M. Gaul in Chicago and Paul Nussbaum and Andrew Cassel in Sioux City, Iowa. Inquirer staff writers Dwight Ott and John Way Jennings also contributed to this article
POSTED: July 23, 1989
They all remember the sound and the feel and not knowing what it was.
It was "sort of like a sonic boom," said Jerry Milford, 38, of Indianapolis, traveling with his family in Row 37, the second-to-last row of United Airlines Flight 232.
It felt like "a sudden, strong jolt," said A. Upton Rehnberg, 52, of Rockford, Ill., an executive with an aircraft-parts manufacturer, seated in Row 9 at the front of the coach section.
It was "kind of like an explosion. . . . It almost felt like you hit something," said Donna Treber, 47, of Westminster, Colo., a businesswoman seated in Row 15.
What they heard and felt at 3:16 CDT Wednesday afternoon six miles over Iowa was the rear engine blowing apart on their DC-10 jumbo jet with 296 people on board.
Precisely what happened to that General Electric CF6-6 engine will be determined by federal investigators in the weeks ahead. What happened inside the plane is already seared forever in the memories of the survivors.
They will never forget the sense of imminent doom, the frightening approach to the Sioux Gateway Airport, the impact of the plane crashing into the cornfield, the flash of flame, the moment they realized they were not going to die and the moment they realized that many of their fellow passengers had not been so fortunate.
One hundred eighty-six people survived. One hundred ten died in the crash, the 10th worst in U.S. history.
Their ordeal began with the sound, which came as the eight flight attendants were clearing away a lunch of chicken fingers and potato chips. When it happened, it was cause for concern but not alarm - even if it was strong enough to knock the flight attendants to the floor.
The plane shook, took a brief nose dive. There were a few little screams. But then the plane leveled off, albeit a little unsteadily.
Those on board started worrying not so much about life and death as about dinner plans that might have to be changed, about connecting flights that might be missed, about friends and relatives who had planned to meet them and might be inconvenienced by any prolonged delay.
They were not just people from the Denver area, where the flight originated, or from Chicago, where it was headed, or from Philadelphia, which was to have been its ultimate destination.
Many had started the day in cities west of Denver; others planned to change planes in the "Crystal Palace" that is United's glittering new terminal in Chicago and fly on to other cities in the East and Midwest.
Like almost any commercial jetliner, particularly one traveling across the middle of the country in the middle of the summer in the middle of the day, Flight 232 carried a cross-section of America.
In Row 1 of the first-class section, two couples from New Jersey, Harlon and Joann Dobson of Pittsgrove Township and William and Rose Marie Prato of Vineland, all in their 40s, were returning home from a three-week dream vacation in Hawaii. They had been given first-class upgrades because mechanical problems had forced them to miss their scheduled flight.
In Row 5, at the back of first class, Tom and Ellen Hughes, ages 30 and 27, of Exeter Township, Berks County, Pa., were coming home from a Hawaiian honeymoon.
In Row 14, on the left side of the plane, Jenny Hudspeth, 61, of Cheyenne, Wyo., was traveling to Columbus, Ohio, for family reasons - to meet with an older sister and an aunt and then return home with her 100-year-old father.
In Row 23, in the second of the two coach sections, Jerry Schemmel, 29, deputy commissioner of the Continental Basketball Association, was also flying to Columbus, where the basketball league was planning to hold its draft of
college players. He and the league commissioner, Jay Ramsdell, 25, were standby passengers, having held tickets for an earlier flight that had been canceled; they were the last two people to get on the plane.
In Row 38, the very last on the DC-10, Yisroel Brownstein, the 9-year-old son of a Denver rabbi, was flying alone for the first time, traveling to Philadelphia to visit a friend. Before he took the flight, he said a prayer in Hebrew, a prayer for safe passage that is recited by all observant Jews before making a trip.
For the first hour of the flight, most of them had ignored their seatmates, as airline passengers often do, burying their faces in their books or shutting out potential conversation by jamming airline-provided headsets into their ears. But now they turned to one another and started to talk about where they were going, why they were going there and the experience they were sharing.
They did not know how perilous their situation was. They did not know that in the cockpit, Capt. Alfred C. Haynes, who had served as a Marine fighter pilot in the Korean War and had flown for United for 33 years, was struggling to control the wounded plane.
The co-pilot, William R. Records, had been at the controls when the engine blew. But now both pilot and co-pilot were wrestling with the steering yokes in front of them, pulling left as hard as they could.
At 3:17, flying at 31,000 feet, Haynes reported to air traffic controllers in Minneapolis that the 15-year-old plane was losing all the pressure in its hydraulic system. Without hydraulics, he could not control the wings, the tail or the rudder; in essence, he could not steer the plane. The controllers directed him to land in Dubuque, on Iowa's eastern edge, the next reasonably large airport on his flight path.
Back in the cabin, Dennis Fitch, a United flight training supervisor who was riding as a passenger, had heard the engine blow. He grabbed a flight attendant, identified himself and had her take him to the cockpit.
Haynes put him right to work. He had Fitch get down on his knees between Haynes and Records and manipulate the throttle. For the rest of the flight, Fitch never let go. He did not rise from his knees until the final seconds, when he had to be belted into a seat.
At 3:20, Haynes radioed that the plane was experiencing "complete hydraulic failure." He said he had an emergency on his hands. The controllers rerouted him to the closest airport, Sioux City, which he had passed a few minutes earlier on his flight east.
Haynes made radio contact with his airline's maintenance center in San Francisco, asking for mechanical help. Like most other commercial pilots, he had not been trained what to do when all three hydraulic systems fail. The reason, National Transportation Safety Board member James Burnett told reporters Friday, was simple. "There is nothing that can be done" when all three systems fail, he said.
No one at the maintenance center could suggest anything other than what Haynes, Records and Fitch were already doing - trying to guide the crippled plane by varying the power in the two remaining engines, one mounted on each wing. They were on their own.
A minute or two later, a member of the cockpit crew calmly announced to the passengers that the crew had "lost" the number-two engine, the one mounted halfway up the DC-10's distinctive tail, and that the plane would be late getting into Chicago.
That announcement, of course, was meant to be taken literally. The plane had not just lost power in that engine, as many passengers assumed; it had lost pieces of the engine itself, as well as sections of the tail.
Indeed, a few minutes later, workers returning from a coffee break at Alta, Iowa, 60 miles east of Sioux City, would discover an 8-by-12-foot piece of the airplane in a field. Four miles away from them, Allen and Phil Jahde would find three pieces of the plane scattered in their cornfield. Phil Jahde said one piece was a 6-foot-long metal band, engraved ENG 2.
But the matter-of-fact tone of the announcement inside the DC-10's cabin made it sound as if all of this were some relatively minor annoyance.
"Everyone was talking about how you could fly with one engine and not to worry," said Nell McDonnell of Denver, a financial writer.
"There was no alarm whatsoever," said Robert Manz, a state tax auditor
from Tiffin, Ohio. "In fact, for most of the time, the seat-belt sign was off, and you could get up and go to the bathroom."
In the cabin, as passengers watched a videotape showing scenes from horse racing's Triple Crown, more experienced fliers were beginning to figure out that their situation was serious.
Rehnberg, a pilot himself, noticed a change he found most alarming. He listened to the sounds of the two remaining engines, mounted on either wing. What he heard and what he felt was a pilot alternating the power in the two remaining engines to turn the DC-10.
That, he knew, was something a pilot would do only if he had no other way to steer the plane, and it led to a frightening conclusion. "His flight controls apparently weren't working," Rehnberg said.
In the cockpit, the situation was getting ever more desperate. At 3:24, Haynes radioed an "Alert 2" to air traffic control, an indication of major problems with an inbound aircraft.
"The aircraft could only be turned to the right," Burnett said.
And Haynes began spiraling down toward the earth in three long, slow, unsteady 360-degree turns. As he did, he became increasingly uncertain that he would get to Sioux City.
"We need an airport, an interstate," the pilot radioed, "a gravel road, a field. We're coming down someplace."
On the ground, local authorities were preparing for a disaster.
Dr. David J. Greco, 34, director of the emergency department of the Marian Health Center in Sioux City, had been off-duty, preparing to leave on vacation
from his home 20 miles outside the city, when the emergency dispatcher called him to say an airliner was heading for the airport and might not make it.
Five minutes later, at 3:30, when the DC-10 was still 32 miles out, a helicopter landed outside Greco's country home, picked him up, flew to the airport and hovered 500 feet off the ground, watching the plane approach.
Dr. Fahina Qalbani, also alerted by the dispatcher, called the pro shop at the Sioux City Country Club, where her husband, Askar, director of the Marian Health Center's laboratory, was playing golf on the 13th hole with three other physicians.
"Get all the doctors out," she demanded, according to her husband.
That and other calls began the process that doctors, paramedics and others had been preparing for in Sioux City for years.
A team of National Guard workers with several trucks was ready and waiting. At the city's two hospitals, dozens of doctors were preparing to receive trauma patients. Within hours, more than 100 physicians, nearly three-fourths of the Sioux City area's medical community, would be in action.
On the plane, passenger Rehnberg saw the chief flight attendant walking around, staring into a manual. He figured this was not a good sign.
At 3:40, Haynes informed the passengers that the tail section was damaged and that the plane was en route to Sioux City for an emergency landing.
With that, the mood inside the cabin changed entirely. Immediately, the flight attendants began conducting a practice drill for survival in a crash landing. They told the passengers to keep their seat belts fastened tightly, to put their heads between their legs and grab their ankles. They stressed that passengers should hold that position until the plane stopped moving.
As the captain tried to bring the plane down, its problems became increasingly obvious.
"It felt like it was getting worse all the time," Schemmel said. "We were dipping more, shuddering more." Investigators later described this movement as "porpoising." Said Schemmel: "We kept turning to the right all the time. There were a lot of times we would turn so sharply to the right we'd have to clutch something."
Schemmel remembered that, about a month ago, he had taken out a new life insurance policy but had forgotten to tell his wife about it. He pulled a piece of Continental Basketball Association stationery from his briefcase ''and left a note about the insurance policy: If something happens, there's a life insurance policy and the papers are in so-and-so."
He signed his name.
Passengers were reassuring one another that everything would be all right. ''People were saying, 'We're going to make it; it's OK,' " Treber said, ''but everyone knew it was pretty serious."
At 3:51, the control tower at Sioux Gateway radioed Haynes.
"I'm going to bring you in away from the city," the voice from the tower said.
"Whatever you do," Haynes replied, "keep us away from the city."
About four minutes before reaching Sioux City, another warning was given. This time, it came from Capt. Haynes. He said it was going to be a hard landing, possibly very hard, and to be prepared for the worst.
The DC-10 headed down, its wings teetering from left to right, making grinding noises, flying, one passenger said, as if it were a drunk, staggering in a desperate, semiconscious attempt to retain its balance.
McDonnell started thinking "about what would be the best way to die." She began to recite an Emily Dickinson poem.
In Row 14, Jenny Hudspeth was bent over, awaiting the impact with a friend she had made in the last few minutes, her seatmate, an elderly widow from the Chicago area whose name she did not know. As the plane was about to crash, the woman said to Hudspeth: "Tell my children I love them."
"We're going to make it; we're going to make it," Hudspeth assured her, gripping her hand.
To some of the passengers, it seemed that the impact would never come. But it did. The crew members yelled "Brace!" to passengers as the plane approached the runway, making a sharp drop at the last minute.
"To me it felt like we dove straight in," Jerry Milford said.
At 3:58 p.m., United Flight 232 crashed into a cornfield a half-mile short of Runway 22 at Sioux Gateway Airport. It was traveling at 218 knots, faster than normal, and descending at a rate of 2,500 feet per minute, far more steeply than normal.
The plane's right wing dipped and scraped the ground. The DC-10 cartwheeled in a flaming ball and skidded into an adjoining cornfield, scattering wreckage over an area the size of three football fields.
"You could hear the plane coming apart, grinding against where the runway should be," said David Landsberger of Caldwell, N.J. Then, he said, "we were stopped dead. The lights went out, and we were hanging upside down in our seats. I remember thinking that this is what dying is like."
"Everything was just flying all over the place," Milford said. "It was just like a gumball machine."
The plane bounced once and came down. A hole was torn open in the left side of the plane near the front of the coach section, and a small ball of fire flashed inside the plane.
"It was just a momentary, instantaneous flash, but it was horrible," said Rehnberg, whose arms and face were burned.
"It was very brief, like when you light a gas fire and there's too much gas," said Hughes, the honeymooner from Reading. "Then I remember debris hitting me as we skidded down the runway. It just kept hitting me. And there was this incredible level of noise. It was like being on a roller coaster and having people throwing things at you."
Everyone watching on the ground, and Greco watching from his helicopter, thought that there would be few, if any, survivors. Other parts of the plane - the nose section and much of the rear - had seemed to disintegrate.
"We could not believe anybody could walk away from it," Greco said.
But a section in the middle, containing Rows 9 through 21, had broken away intact, rolled over and skidded to a stop in a cornfield. And in the two minutes after the crash, about 70 people would walk away from it.
Not right away, though. Inside that section, Rehnberg and several dozen other passengers were left hanging upside down. After managing to release
himself, Rehnberg fell to the floor. "I saw light in the aisle and tried to go forward toward the cabin."
Treber saw smoke and fire outside and heard a small explosion. But she and the passengers around her were virtually unscathed; all of them escaped on their own, into the cornfield, through an end of the broken plane body. Treber ran as fast as she could in her two-inch red high heels, while people around her shouted, "It's going to go! We have to get out!"
Hudspeth, too, ran out into the corn stalks, which seemed to her as if they must be 10 feet tall. She had suffered only a bruise behind one ear. The white skirt she was wearing was still perfectly clean.
In the chaos after the crash, she lost track of the widow who had been seated next to her, although she recalled gripping the woman's hand. "All I saw was a hand clutching" out of the debris, Hudspeth said.
A seating chart of the flight, obtained by the Rocky Mountain News in Denver, listed Hudspeth's seatmate as L. Couleur. Yesterday, a Linda Coulerer was listed as among the dead.
Schemmel, after freeing himself from his upside-down seat, helped unstrap an elderly couple and then Sylvia Tsao, who had been sitting in the seat directly in front of him, holding her 2-year-old son, Evan.
"I remember grabbing her and pushing her into the aisle," Schemmel remembered. "She said, 'No, I can't find my baby.' She was screaming and pulling things around to look for her baby."
The passengers in Schemmel's part of the plane began coughing and choking in thick, dark smoke.
"I said to her, 'We've got to get out. We don't have very much more time.' But she said, 'No, I've got to get my baby.' "
Schemmel told her, "I'll get your baby. . . ."
But he couldn't find the boy. So he too ran out into the cornfield. As soon as he did, though, he heard a baby cry and ran back into the plane.
By now the plane was full of smoke. He heard the cry again. He pulled some debris and seats away. Now the cry was louder.
"I reached down into what was a hole," Schemmel said, "and pulled a baby's leg from what I guess was (an overhead) storage bin (on the upside-down plane). I clutched her to my chest and ran out. When I looked back at the plane, the opening was in flames."
The baby, who was not seriously hurt, was later identified as 1-year-old Sabrina Michaelson. Sylvia Tsao's son is missing and presumed dead.
Schemmel waited outside for what seemed to him like half an hour before help arrived. He was taken to a rescue area, then returned with National Guardsmen to the cornfields near his escape route, looking for a friend, Jay Ramsdell. He never found him. He ended up in the cornfield, alone.
flight 232 EP-140719503.jpg
flight 232 ua232003.jpg
Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
RIKER: Doctor, tomorrow morning when they detect the warp signature from your ship and realise that humans have discovered how to travel faster than light, they decide to alter their course and make first contact with Earth, right here.
Doctor Zefram COCHRANE: Here?
LAFORGE: Uh, actually over there.
RIKER: It is one of the pivotal moments in human history, Doctor. You get to make first contact with an alien race, and after you do, everything begins to change.
Los Angeles Times
'First Contact' With a Soon-to-Be Hit
The Scene: Monday's benefit premiere of Paramount's "Star Trek: First Contact" at Mann's Chinese theater. A party followed at the nearby Hollywood Colonnade. Filmgoers with lives beyond the "Trek" biosphere should find the film readily accessible. One woman associated with the TV series said: "Borgs are bad; humans are good. That's all you need to know."
The Buzz: The universe will have to expand to contain the money this film will make. The opening weekend will go where no film grosses have gone before.
Who Was There: Stars Patrick Stewart, Brent Spiner, LeVar Burton, Alice Krige and Alfre Woodard; director-star Jonathan Frakes; producer Rick Berman; Rene Auberjonois, Avery Brooks, Colm Meaney and Armin Shimerman, who acted in sundry "Star Trek" shows; plus 1,000 guests, including Ted Harbert, Roger Birnbaum, Mark Gordon, Nick Reed, Lou Pitt and studio execs Sherry Lansing, Jonathan Dolgen and Don Granger.
Fan Reaction: Zealots seemed satisfied that customary plot points were embraced--aliens invading the ship, time travel, malfunction of holodeck or other key component, emotions unleashed in roboticly unemotional person, etc. Most said it was one of the series' best. One woman from the Midwest said, "The worst was the one William Shatner directed where at the end they were all sitting around a campfire singing 'Row, Row, Row Your Boat.' "
Quoted: "If I'm explaining the film to someone with no foreknowledge of 'Star Trek,' " Stewart said, "I would say it's a film about the power of the individual to overcome the repressive many."
Best Strange Idea: One guest, who was familiar with the film's myriad product tie-ins, said, "They should have gone for the Borg Barbie."
Money Matters: Tickets were $200, and about $70,000 was raised for Amnesty International. William Schulz, the human rights organization's U.S. executive director, said, "On the most basic level, Amnesty is about making tyrants tremble, and that's what this movie is about."
Noted: Before the film rolled, the actors, director and producer--but not the screenwriters--were all introduced. One Hollywood writer's aside was, "I'm going to talk to Amnesty about representing the tortured screenwriters in this business."
From 7/3/1958 ( the first flight of the John Silva "Telecopter" ) To 7/19/1989 ( the United Airlines Flight 232 crash ) is 11339 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Burgess ) To 11/18/1996 is 11339 days
From 1/1/1960 ( Dwight Eisenhower - Letter to the Attorney General on Receiving His Report on Deceptive Practices in Broadcasting Media ) To 1/17/1991 ( the date of record of my United States Navy Medal of Honor as Kerry Wayne Burgess chief warrant officer United States Marine Corps circa 1991 officially the United States Apache attack helicopter pilot ) is 11339 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Burgess ) To 11/18/1996 is 11339 days
From 1/1/1960 ( Dwight Eisenhower - Letter to the Attorney General on Receiving His Report on Deceptive Practices in Broadcasting Media ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 11339 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Burgess ) To 11/18/1996 is 11339 days
From 4/18/1988 ( the United States Navy Operation Praying Mantis ) To 11/18/1996 is 3136 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Burgess ) To 6/4/1974 ( construction begins of the United States space shuttle Enterprise ) is 3136 days
From 12/19/1984 ( from my official United States Navy documents: as Kerry Wayne Burgess the E-3 Seaman United States Navy I reported aboard the USS Taylor FFG 50 departing 11 February 1986 as FC3 Kerry Wayne Burgess US Navy ) To 11/18/1996 is 4352 days
4352 = 2176 + 2176
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Burgess ) To 10/18/1971 ( Richard Nixon - Executive Order 11628 - Establishing a Seal for the Environmental Protection Agency ) is 2176 days
From 5/7/1992 ( the first launch of the United States space shuttle Endeavour orbiter vehicle mission STS-49 includes me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-49 pilot astronaut and my 1st official United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration orbital flight of 4 overall ) To 11/18/1996 is 1656 days
1656 = 828 + 828
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Burgess ) To 2/8/1968 ( premiere US film "Planet of the Apes" ) is 828 days
From 6/5/1987 ( as Kerry Burgess my official United States Navy documents includes: Earned NEC 1189 - Based on graduation from the Terrier Mk 152 Computer Complex course - Naval Guided Missiles School, Dam Neck, Virginia Beach, Virginia ) To 11/18/1996 is 3454 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/18/1975 ( Gerald Ford - Remarks in Boston at the Old North Church Bicentennial Lantern Service ) is 3454 days
From 2/11/1929 ( the wacko cult phony religious Vatican City established among all the other wacko nutjob religions on this Planet Earth ) To 3/16/1991 ( the first successful major test of the ultraspace matter transportation device by Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate ) is 22678 days
22678 = 11339 + 11339
From 11/2/1965 ( my known birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Burgess ) To 11/18/1996 is 11339 days
From 12/20/1994 ( in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my United States Navy Cross medal date of record ) To 11/18/1996 is 699 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/2/1967 ( Lyndon Johnson - Memorandum on Inaugurating a Test Program To Reduce Hard-Core Unemployment ) is 699 days
See also other posts by me on this topic including possible future updates by me and including: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2018/05/first-contact.html
Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
Release Info
USA 18 November 1996 (Hollywood, California) (premiere)
USA 22 November 1996
Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
Full Cast & Crew
James Cromwell ... Zefram Cochran
album: "Viva La Vida" (2008)
"Viva La Vida"
I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own
I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
Listened as the crowd would sing
Now the old king is dead long live the king
One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand
I hear Jerusalem bells a-ringing
Roman cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
Missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
Once you'd gone there was never
Never an honest word
And that was when I ruled the world
It was a wicked and wild wind
Blew down the doors to let me in
Shattered windows and the sound of drums
People couldn't believe what I'd become
Revolutionaries wait
For my head on a silver plate
Just a puppet on a lonely string
Oh who would ever want to be king?
I hear Jerusalem bells a-ringing
Roman cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
I know St Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Hear Jerusalem bells a-ringing
Roman cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
I know St Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world
Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
[ Opening scenes ]
[Picard's quarters]
(Picard is having a dream about his memories from end of "Best of Both Worlds, Part I.")
BORG QUEEN (Off Camera): Locutus.
Captain PICARD: I am Locutus of Borg. Resistance is futile.
(he is awakened by a comm bleep just as he is starting to be assimilated)
PICARD: Authorisation Picard four seven alpha tango. ...Admiral?
HAYES (on viewer): Did I catch you at a bad time Jean-Luc?
PICARD: No, of course not.
HAYES (on viewer): I've just received a disturbing report from Deep Space 5. Our colony on Ivor Prime was destroyed this morning. Long-range sensors have picked up...
PICARD: Yes, I know. ...The Borg.
Posted by Kerry Burgess
THURSDAY, MAY 31, 2018
First Contact
c net
New PDAs well in hand
A handful of hardware makers at Comdex unveil new handheld PCs that run on Microsoft's Windows CE operating system for prices starting below $500.
NOVEMBER 18, 1996 11:15 AM PST
A handful of hardware makers today at Comdex unveiled new handheld PCs that run on Microsoft's Windows CE operating system for prices starting at under $500 apiece.
Devices from Casio Computer, Compaq Computer, Hitachi, and Philips Electronics are designed for business people on the road who are looking for a compatible lightweight counterpart to their desktop PCs.
The Windows 95-based machines offer remote and wireless connections for checking email as well as connecting to the Internet and corporate intranets. They also allow users to synchronize data with a range of Microsoft desktop applications, send and receive faxes, and perform other tasks.
Some of the pint-sized PCs have already begun to roll off assembly lines, while others will be launched into the market during the first quarter of next year. They come with a choice of 2MB or 4MB RAM and several are powered by ordinary AA batteries.
Daily Mail
'We just smashed into the earth': Survivors of doomed United Airlines Flight 232 shed light on one of the world's most horrific aviation disasters in a new book ahead of 25th anniversary of the deadly crash
On July 19, 1989, a DC-10 plane with 296 people on board crashed near Sioux City, Iowa, en route from Denver to Chicago
NTSB probe later determined the engine failure and subsequent hydraulics failure were caused by an undetected fatigue crack
Of all the people on board, 185 survived thanks to actions of the crew led by veteran Captain Alfred Haynes
PUBLISHED: 17:18 EST, 28 June 2014 UPDATED: 18:04 EST, 28 June 2014
Just after 3.50pm, about an hour after the first fateful explosion, the hulking machine fell out of the sky, screaming toward earth at 240 knots - about 100 knots over normal landing speed.
The plane's right wing was knocked off on impact, causing 10,000lbs of fuel to spew out of the metal stump. The cockpit and the tail came off the wreckage next.
The plane finally came to rest on its back, leaving terrified passengers dangling upside down still bucked in their seats.
'We just smashed into the earth,' recalled Brown, who had half of her hair singed off by the flames raging around the plane.
Sitting in the cockpit with the crew, Dennis Fitch had a firs-row seat on the unfolding calamity.
‘I was upside down, I had mud in my eyes and my ears, I couldn’t hear, I couldn’t see, I couldn’t move... Tremendous pain,’ he was quoted in the book. ‘My ribs were broken and they punctured my right lung cavity and stuck in there. Just couldn’t get a breath of air.’
The air was filled with the anguished screams of the injured and the dying.
When first responders, who have been waiting on the ground as the plane was making its agonizing descent, rushed to the wreckage, they discovered many people with injuries of the sort they have never seen before.
Some people had their clothes dissolve into their skin, others looked like their bodied passed through a cheese grater.
Passenger Brad Griffin was hurled into the air and landed in a cornfield with third-degree burns and broken feet, but such was his shock that he stood up and walked away.
Many were less fortunate. Gonzales tells in the book about a female passenger who was hanging upside down in her seat and screaming for help.
When first responders finally reached her and slashed the seat belt holding her in place, her body split into two. And then there was the woman who was scalped by debris from her eyes back.
Kerry Burgess
July 21, 2017 at 11:59 am (Pacific Time USA)
JOURNAL ARCHIVE of Kerry Burgess: 11/3/2006 4:52 PM
The doctor who saw me at the VA
After the x-ray’s, he laughed and said that I was “full of shit.” The woman taking the x-ray’s was laughing too. All that doctor did was put me in more agony with the treatment he prescribed.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 03 November 2006 excerpt ends]
From 8/13/1969 ( US Air Force colonel Buzz Aldrin accepts the Presidential Medal of Freedom for US Apollo 11 Eagle on behalf of my biological brother Thomas Reagan the United States Navy Commander and the US Apollo 11 Eagle and US Navy astronaut ) To 5/5/2012 is 15606 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/25/2008 ( from the private journal of Kerry Burgess ) is 15606 days
From 2/10/1923 ( Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen deceased ) To 8/13/1969 ( US Air Force colonel Buzz Aldrin accepts the Presidential Medal of Freedom for US Apollo 11 Eagle on behalf of my biological brother Thomas Reagan the United States Navy Commander and the US Apollo 11 Eagle and US Navy astronaut ) is 16986 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 5/5/2012 is 16986 days
From 5/2/1960 ( "Following is a cover plan to be implemented immediately" ) To 11/3/2006 ( from the private journal of Kerry Burgess ) is 16986 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 5/5/2012 is 16986 days
From 2/19/1997 ( as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-82 pilot astronaut and my 4th US NASA orbital flight of 4 overall I begin repairing the US Hubble Telescope while in space and orbit of the planet Earth - the Hubble Space Telescope placed back into its own orbit of the planet Earth ) To 5/5/2012 is 5554 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/16/1981 ( Jimmy Carter - Executive Order 12273—Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System ) is 5554 days
Astronaut Hall of Fame's new space shuttle inductees humbled by heroes' welcome
May 6, 2012 – The U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame welcomed three new space travelers into its ranks Saturday (May 5), honoring a spacewalker who tied the record for the most space missions, the military's highest ranking astronaut, and a former chief of the NASA astronaut corps.
Franklin Chang Diaz, Kevin Chilton and Charles Precourt, the Hall of Fame's 11th class of space shuttle astronauts and the first to be inducted after the 30 year program had come to its end, were enshrined during a public ceremony held at NASA's Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex in Florida, which includes the Hall of Fame.
Bionic Woman Season 1 Episode 2
Paradise Lost
Aired Wednesday 9:00 PM Oct 03, 2007 on NBC
BIONIC WOMAN 2.02 - PARADISE LOST TEASER: Jaime Sommers and her sister Becca go to William Anthros's funeral. While there, Jonas Bledsoe stops her, saying that he wants to talk to her. She tells him that she is going to pretend it all never happened, so not to call her. After, her sister asks her who he was, and she tells her it was nobody. Jaime goes to Will's home and cries. She looks at a photo of them, and then goes to his closet. She accidentally finds a loose panel in the floor and under it is a folder with classified material all about her. Inside are her IQ test, photos, and more. Upset, Jaime goes to the bar. As she drinks she tells the bartender, who isn't listening, that you never really know someone – they turn out to be a creep with a weird dossier on you.
From 1/17/1984 ( the Supreme Court of the United States decides Sony Corporation of America v. Universal City Studios, Inc. ) To 10/3/2007 is 8660 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/19/1989 ( the United Airlines Flight 232 crash and the end of Kerry Burgess the natural human being cloned from another human being ) is 8660 days
Bionic Woman Season 1 Episode 2
Paradise Lost
Aired Wednesday 9:00 PM Oct 03, 2007 on NBC
Paradise Lost
Jaime continues to gradually adjust to her new bionic life - all while trying to maintain the normal aspects of her human life. She also befriends a stranger who knows more about her than she thinks, and later goes on her first mission.
AIRED: 10/3/07
From 7/19/1989 ( the United Airlines Flight 232 crash in Sioux City Iowa and the end of Kerry Burgess the natural human being cloned from another human being ) To 8/23/1996 is 2592 days
2592 = 1296 + 1296
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 5/21/1969 ( the Princeton University doctor of medicine degree graduation of my biological brother Dr Thomas Reagan MD ) is 1296 days
From 5/12/1991 ( I was the winning race driver at the Formula One Monaco Grand Prix as the unpublished Formual One driver and the financial partner of McLaren Honda and the legitmate agent of Interpol ) To 8/23/1996 is 1930 days
1930 = 965 + 965
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/24/1968 ( Lyndon Johnson - Special Message to the Congress: "The People's Right to Protection ) is 965 days
From 3/20/1942 ( Douglas MacArthur vows "I came through and I shall return" ) To 8/23/1996 is 19880 days
19880 = 9940 + 9940
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/19/1993 ( in Asheville North Carolina as United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess I was seriously wounded by gunfire when I returned fatal gunfire to a fugitive from United States federal justice who was another criminal sent by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal in another attempt to kill me the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) is 9940 days
From 6/7/1929 ( Lateran Treaty takes effect for the wacko cult phony religious Vatican City established among all the other wacko nutjob religions on this Planet Earth and RELIGION IS COWARDICE ) To 1/17/1991 ( the date of record of my United States Navy Medal of Honor as Kerry Wayne Burgess chief warrant officer United States Marine Corps circa 1991 officially the United States Apache attack helicopter pilot ) is 22504 days
22504 = 11252 + 11252
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 8/23/1996 is 11252 days
From 6/7/1929 ( Lateran Treaty takes effect for the wacko cult phony religious Vatican City established among all the other wacko nutjob religions on this Planet Earth and RELIGION IS COWARDICE ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 22504 days
22504 = 11252 + 11252
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 8/23/1996 is 11252 days
From 2/29/1964 ( US President Lyndon Johnson publicly reveals the existence of the US CIA and Lockheed A-12 reconnaissance jet aircraft ) To 12/20/1994 ( on the ground in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my United States Navy Cross medal date of record ) is 11252 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 8/23/1996 is 11252 days
The American Presidency Project
William J. Clinton
XLII President of the United States: 1993 - 2001
Remarks Announcing the Final Rule To Protect Youth From Tobacco
August 23, 1996
Thank you very much. Thank you, Linda, for your courage and your commitment to carry on Victor's legacy and your own crusade. Thank you, Mr. Vice President, Secretary Shalala, General McCaffrey. I'd like to say a special word of thanks to Commissioner Kessler and to Phil Lee, the Assistant Secretary of HHS. In different ways they have a great triumph today. Thank you, Dick Durbin, for being the first Member of Congress ever to talk to me about this issue. Thank you, Marty Meehan. Thank you to my former colleagues, the attorneys general. Mr. Kelley, I know you're retiring this year as the senior attorney general of America. And we served together back in the dark ages, and I can't imagine a more fitting capstone to your career than the fact that you've been a part of this, and we thank you. Thank you, Mark Green.
I thank all the medical professionals who are here. I thank all the young people who are here, including Anna Santiago and Neal Stewart McSpadden, who came out here with us. I want to say a special word of thanks to three Members of Congress who are not here but who deserve to be because of their work on this issue, Senator Lautenberg of New Jersey, Senator Wellstone of Minnesota, and Congressman Henry Waxman of California. Thank you, Joe Califano, for beating on me about these issues all these years we've been friends and long before I ever became President. Thank you, sir. [Laughter]
Thank you, Dr. Koop, for everything you have done to try to bring some sanity into the health policy of this country. This has been a great week for you; we had the Kassebaum-Kennedy bill a couple of days ago and this today. Maybe you can design an encore for us over the next month or two. [Laughter] But you have been a great force for good in this country, and we're grateful to you.
If I might, I'd like to say just a couple of personal words to some people who really deserve an enormous amount of credit for this decision. The Vice President was altogether too modest and too restrained, but the first time we began to discuss this was about the time the FDA opened their inquiry. And he looked at me and I looked at him, and I said, "Well, you know what this might lead to?" And he said, "I certainly hope so." [Laughter] And I said, "Well, you know"—I shouldn't say this, this is our private conversation—I said, "You know, it really isn't an accident that nobody else has ever tried to do this. It's not an accident. This is not going to be one of those freebies, you know." [Laughter] And he began to talk about his sister who died of lung cancer and how much he loved his sister. We've had so many conversations about his sister that— not just about this, but about her life, the fact that she was one of the very first Peace Corps volunteers—that I feel almost that I know her personally. And I could see in his eyes this determination to redeem the promise of her wonderful life.
And I would also like to thank Nancy Gore Hunger's husband, Frank Hunger, who now serves as our Assistant Attorney General for the civil division. Thank you for being here, Frank. I know this is a great day for you.
I'd like to thank my wife, who has been talking to me about this issue for 20 years, and my wonderful daughter, who convinced my mother to quit smoking on her 8th birthday, something I was never able to do.
So each of us has a personal journey here that has brought us to this point. But today we are here as a nation to try to help our parents do a better job in raising their children to be strong and healthy and good citizens and to do our duty in that regard. We've tried to do a lot of things to help our kids over the last 4 years and to help parents raise their children. We've worked hard on cultural issues, supporting things like the V-chip and educational television. We had a big increase in support for antidrug programs in our schools and for drug treatment, and we vetoed efforts to reduce those, although we should be investing more. We have a zero tolerance policy to keep guns out of school. We're requiring our States to enforce antidrinking and driving laws. We defended drug testing cases involving student athletes. We've worked to bring order and discipline into our children's lives by encouraging and giving support to communities that try things like community-based curfews and school uniforms and tougher enforcement of truancy laws.
We know, however, that in spite of all the things that are going right in this country—with the economy up and more jobs, with the crime rate down, with fewer people on welfare and food stamps, dramatically higher percentage of our young children immunized—that we have continued to see substantial rises in tobacco and drug use among our young people. We know that while the scientific evidence is clearly unclear, children who do smoke cigarettes are much more likely to engage in other risky behavior, including the use of marijuana and cocaine.
So we have to keep pressing forward to deal with these challenges, every one of them. And I want to thank General McCaffrey for being willing to give up his four stars and magnificent campaign to take on the drug fight for America's children and America's future. I thank you, sir.
Today we are taking direct action to protect our children from tobacco and especially the advertising that hooks children on a product. I hear from time to time politicians say that they don't really think advertising has much to do with it. And whenever I hear one say that I say, well, how come we're all spending so much money advertising when we run for office then? [Laughter] If it's immaterial, let's just pull it all off and see what happens to us. [Laughter]
Cigarette smoking is the most significant public health problem facing our people. More Americans die every year from smoking-related diseases than from AIDS, car accidents, murders, suicides, and fires combined. The human cost doesn't begin to calculate the economic costs—the thing that galvanized the legal claims of the attorneys general, the absolutely staggering burdens on the American health care system and on our economy in general.
But make no mistake about it, the human cost is by far the most important issue, for every day, even though it's illegal, 3,000 of our young people start smoking, and 1,000 of them will die earlier than they would otherwise die as a result. The vast majority of people who smoke in America today started when they were teenagers. If they don't start smoking when they're on a schoolyard, it's very likely they never will.
This epidemic is no accident. Children are bombarded daily by massive marketing campaigns that play on their vulnerabilities, their insecurities, their longings to be something in the world. Joe Camel promises that smoking will make you cool. Virginia Slims' models whisper that smoking will help you stay thin. Tshirts and sports sponsorships sends the message that healthy and vigorous people smoke and that smoking is fun.
A year ago this month, we launched a comprehensive strategy to kick tobacco out of the lives of our children. We proposed strong restrictions on advertising, marketing, and sales of cigarettes to children. In the year that followed, the FDA received a torrent of comments from the public, more than 700,000, by far the largest outpouring of public response in the FDA's history. The FDA has heard from doctors, scientists, tobacco companies, and tens of thousands of children. We have carefully considered the evidence. It is clear that the action being taken today is the right thing to do, scientifically, legally, and morally.
So today we are acting. First, young people will have to prove their age with an ID to buy cigarettes. Second, cigarette vending machines will be banned from anywhere children and teenagers can go. Third, children will be free of tobacco advertising on billboards near their schools and playgrounds, and billboards in other locations will be restricted to black and white, text only messages. Fourth, if a tobacco ad is in a publication children and teenagers are likely to read, it also has to be black and white with no pictures. Fifth, companies will no longer be permitted to target young people with marketing gimmicks like T-shirts and gym bags. Sixth, cigarette companies may no longer use brand names to sponsor tennis tournaments, auto races, and other sporting events. Finally, the FDA will soon take steps to require the tobacco industry to educate our children about the real dangers of smoking. There is abundant evidence of both these troubling trends that a lot of young people simply don't believe there is any risk to their health. With this historic action we are taking today, Joe Camel and the Marlboro Man will be out of our children's reach forever.
I want to be clear—we've said it before, let's say it again—cigarettes are a legal product for adults. They have a perfect right to decide whether to smoke. There are many, many good people who have been farming, growing tobacco for generations in their families. They have a right to make a living for themselves and their families, and they will continue to do so. But let's be honest: We hope that over the long run, if we can dramatically reduce rates of smoking among children, the overall consumption of cigarettes will decline. If that happens, these good people who farm the land and work hard should not be left behind. And all of us who have sought this course have a responsibility to help them if they face difficulties.
The cigarette companies still have a right to market their products to adults. But today we are drawing the line on children, fulfilling our obligation as adults to protect them from influences that too often are stronger than they are.
As I said before, I want to say again, this action is a tribute to so many of you who are here today, to the parents, the teachers, the doctors, the public officials. Dr. Bristow, I particularly want to commend the AMA for its writings in its journal, its relentless efforts to educate the American people through the physicians of this country. But I'd like to pay special tribute to the children of America who have joined this crusade, who have organized and led a massive grassroots movement throughout America to educate and inform people about the dangers of tobacco smoking for children. They've staged teach-ins and "Kick Butts" days all across the country. They have used positive peer pressure on people who could care less what a lot of us old fogies think to teach their fellow students that smoking is not cool. So I want to thank these children for the work they have done to save their generation.
A lot of the work we do around here we know will only be fully manifest in people's lives in the future. We know we can't guarantee the success of any individual or family, but we have to guarantee them the tools and the conditions that will enable them to make the most of their own lives. Today we take a real step to make sure that they have those lives in full measure. We have today met our responsibility to help our country protect its values, protect its children, and ensure its future.
Thank you all for what you've done.
NOTE: The President spoke at 1:52 p.m. in the Rose Garden at the White House.
Posted by H.V.O.M at 12:25 AM Monday, December 17, 2007
From 4/21/1954 ( James Morrison ) to 6/19/1968 ( I am U.S. military fighter jet ace ) is: 5173 days
From 3/3/1959 ( my birth date US ) to 5/1/1973 ( my graduation from University of Oxford with law degree ) is: 5173 days
James Morrison
Date of Birth: 21 April 1954
"Space: Above and Beyond" .... Lt. Col. Tyrus Cassius "T.C." McQueen
"Navy NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service" .... CIA Assistant Director Jonathan Overmeier
From 8/5/1930 ( Neil Armstrong ) To 4/21/1954 is 8660 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/19/1989 ( the United Airlines Flight 232 crash and the end of Kerry Burgess the natural human being cloned from another human being ) is 8660 days
From 1/1/1897 ( Joseph Salathiel Skerrett deceased ) To 4/21/1954 is 20928 days
20928 = 10464 + 10464
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/27/1994 ( the US NASA Stargazer Pegasus rocket failure ) is 10464 days
James Morrison
Born April 21, 1954 in Bountiful, Utah, USA
"Space: Above And Beyond"
"The Angriest Angel"
11 February 1996
Episode 15 Season 1 DVD:
US Navy Commander - Chaplain: Colonel. Colonel. Colonel McQueen. Perhaps you should make peace with your maker.
US Marine Corps lieutenant colonel T.C. McQueen: My maker was some geek in a lab coat with an eyedropper and a petri dish. What do I need to make peace with him for?
From 9/10/1948 ( Thedia Gay Newman Burgess Nevells Parker Romine Draper Whatever - the surrogate mother of Kerry Burgess the human being cloned from another human being ) To 2/11/1996 is 17320 days
17320 = 8660 + 8660
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/19/1989 ( the United Airlines Flight 232 crash in Sioux City Iowa and the end of Kerry Burgess the natural human being cloned from another human being ) is 8660 days
From 5/21/1969 ( the Princeton University doctor of medicine degree graduation of my biological brother Dr Thomas Reagan MD ) To 2/11/1996 is 9762 days
9762 = 4881 + 4881
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/15/1979 ( Richard Nixon - Executive Order 12125 - Competitive Status for Handicapped Federal Employees ) is 4881 days
From 3/7/1973 ( premiere US TV series pilot "The Six Million Dollar Man"::"The Moon and the Desert" ) To 2/11/1996 is 8376 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/8/1988 ( premiere US TV series "Superboy" ) is 8376 days
From 9/12/1945 ( Harry Truman - Executive Order 9612 - Amending Executive Order 8902 Prescribing Regulations Pertaining to the Entry of Coffee Into the United States from Countries Signatories of the Inter-american Coffee Agreement ) To 2/11/1996 is 18414 days
18414 = 9207 + 9207
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/17/1991 ( the date of record of my United States Navy Medal of Honor as Kerry Wayne Burgess chief warrant officer United States Marine Corps circa 1991 officially the United States Apache attack helicopter pilot ) is 9207 days
From 10/11/1962 ( premiere US TV series "McHale's Navy" ) To 1/19/1993 ( in Asheville North Carolina as United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess I was seriously wounded by gunfire when I returned fatal gunfire to a fugitive from United States federal justice who was another criminal sent by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal in another attempt to kill me the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) is 11058 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/11/1996 is 11058 days
See also other posts by me on this topic including: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2016/11/the-angriest-angel.html
Space: Above and Beyond Season 1 Episode 16
The Angriest Angel (2)
Aired Sunday 7:00 PM Feb 11, 1996 on FOX
AIRED: 2/11/96
"Space: Above And Beyond"
"The Angriest Angel"
11 February 1996
Episode 15 Season 1 DVD:
US Navy Commander - Chaplain: At these times we should all make peace with our maker.
US Marine Corps lieutenant colonel T.C. McQueen: With all due respect, Chaplain, I don't think our maker wants to hear from me right now because he knows I'm going to go out in that sky in this plane and remove one of his creations from his universe. And when I return, I going to drink a bottle of scotch as if it was Chiggie von Richthofen's blood and celebrate his death.
US Navy Commander - Chaplain: Amen.
from my private journal as Kerry Burgess: 09/29/07 12:10 AM
A very stange image just flashed into my vision.
I can't really describe it.
The image seemed to have a black background. There were two colored components in the foreground. They seemed to almost be 2 capital letter "Q" but I'm not sure if that is right. I think they were teal colored.
From 9/26/1905 ( Annalen der Physik publishes the Albert Einstein paper "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" ) To 7/19/1989 ( the United Airlines Flight 232 crash in Sioux City Iowa and the end of Kerry Burgess the natural human being cloned from another human being ) is 30612 days
30612 = 15306 + 15306
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/29/2007 is 15306 days
From 4/2/1978 ( premiere US TV series "Dallas" ) To 9/29/2007 is 10772 days
10772 = 5386 + 5386
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 8/1/1980 ( premiere US film "The Final Countdown" ) is 5386 days
From 1/4/1957 ( premiere US TV series episode "Crossroads"::"The Man Who Walked On Water" ) To 9/29/2007 is 18530 days
18530 = 9265 + 9265
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/16/1991 ( my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate ) is 9265 days
From 12/20/1994 ( in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my United States Navy Cross medal date of record ) To 9/29/2007 is 4666 days
4666 = 2333 + 2333
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/23/1972 ( premiere US film "The Ra Expeditions" ) is 2333 days
Stargate: The Movie (1994)
Doctor Daniel Jackson
The eye of Ra. It's the Egyptian sun god. They think he sent us here.
United States Air Force Colonel Jack O'NEIL
Yeah, I wonder what could've given them that idea?
[He pointedly fingers Daniel's pendant with the same symbol.
The Ra Expeditions (1971)
Release Info
USA 23 March 1972
from my private journal as Kerry Burgess: 09/29/07 11:08 AM
I found myself visualizing what I think is me climbing into the pilot's seat of an F-14 Tomcat. I also found myself using that phrase "almost visualizing" again, which is curious, considering that I did have a fairly clear vision that seemed to be from the perspective of my eyes. There were at least two sequences, where one was climbing the ladder and the second was of looking at the instrumentation and also of seeing my legs, which had green colored fabric on them. I feel certain the Tomcat was on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier.
Max Q
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In aerospace engineering, the maximum dynamic pressure, often referred to as maximum Q or max Q, is the point at which aerodynamic stress on a vehicle in atmospheric flight is maximized. It is an important factor in the structural and mission design of rockets, missiles, and other aerospace vehicles which travel through an atmosphere; the flight envelope may be limited to reduce the total structural load on a vehicle near max Q.
Special relativity
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In physics, special relativity (SR, also known as the special theory of relativity or STR) is the generally accepted and experimentally well-confirmed physical theory regarding the relationship between space and time. In Albert Einstein's original pedagogical treatment, it is based on two postulates:
1. The laws of physics are invariant (i.e., identical) in all inertial systems (i.e., non-accelerating frames of reference).
2. The speed of light in a vacuum is the same for all observers, regardless of the motion of the light source.
It was originally proposed by Albert Einstein in a paper published 26 September 1905 titled "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies". The inconsistency of Newtonian mechanics with Maxwell's equations of electromagnetism and the lack of experimental confirmation for a hypothesized luminiferous aether led to the development of special relativity, which corrects mechanics to handle situations involving motions at a significant fraction of the speed of light (known as relativistic velocities). As of today, special relativity is the most accurate model of motion at any speed when gravitational effects are negligible.
Stargate: The Movie (1994)
There can be only one Ra!
Kerry Burgess
November 5, 2017 at 6:14 PM
I remember so vividly that day.
I have wondered many times about that specific day back in March 2004.
I remember renting a moving truck and putting my beloved Jeep Wrangler on a full trailer that I towed behind it.
I remember I was exhausted from moving out all my furniture by myself.
I had a large sectional leather sofa, a king size bed, lots of computers and stuff, and two heavy-ass tube televisions including one that I loaded last thinking it must weigh 700 pounds, among other stuff.
I remember in these past years wondering about how I moved everything on the 1st of the month, instead of the last day of February.
I worked all day moving that stuff and I remember driving through the night from Redmond near Seattle all the way across the state to Spokane on the east side of the state.
I stopped at an interstate highway rest stop in Idaho just outside of Coeur d'Alene and I slept a few hours in the driver's seat of that rental truck.
I was waiting for the storage building business in Coeur d'Alene to open that day, the 2nd.
I then checked in that day to the Crossland Hotel where I was living when I successfully completed the Ironman Coeur d'Alene on Sunday 27 June 2004.
Cannot recall the precise day I moved from the Crossland.
I moved back to Seattle and to the suburb of Kent. I must have moved in there in maybe late August or early September 2004. I left all my stuff in the storage locker in Idaho.
The first calendar day after that I have evidence of now is 6/11/2005, which was the day I went to the Redmond City police, which was a few yards away from that apartment I moved out of on 3/1/2004.
Kerry Burgess
Tuesday, August 28, 2018 at 04:32 am (Pacific Time USA)
I wonder if that's the same day I remember graduating from United States Navy basic training in Orlando.
Must have been.
The uncertainty in my mind is because of vague memories I still have about those last days before we left.
I can still visualize that last day, had my seabag and sunglasses on and the company commander sending us off and I can visualize myself walking for the last time out the door of that barracks we had been in for 8 weeks.
I went across base to begin Basic Electricity and Electronics School for the Electronics Technician occupation rating, a rating I chose because it was one of only two ratings in the Advanced Electronics Field, along with Fire Controlman, and the ET rating required several more weeks of electronics training than FC and I found that appealing to me. Several weeks later, being completely unprepared for unhindered access to cheap alcohol, having been sheltered from alcohol and then on my own with no old woman screeching at me, with no closed door in her house I could ever escape to away from her, I let myself get kicked out of school and sent out to the fleet to work in the deck department as a non-rated sailor. Working my butt off, as since 14 years old, from my own personal initiative and with no personal role models in my past experience, I had become accustomed to regular employment, I was allowed to select a rating to aspire for and I chose the gun/missile Fire Controlman (FC) (in the last days of the Fire Control Technician Missiles (FTM) rating) and worked my way back up and my next fleet assignment was with a bunch of push-button technicians whose career track had been the same as my original aspirations with the ET rating. They went to school for several courses of instruction and were advanced to Petty Officer Third Class (E-4 paygrade after entering recruit training as E-3 paygrade) without ever working a day in the fleet. I had spent over a year - a total of 419 days to be exact - on a shakedown period for the USS Taylor FFG-50 where I had many responsibilities including being responsible for the boatswain locker, helmsman, lookout, repair locker personnel, damage control, others.
All I know for certain is my official military records tell me I was transferred from basic training by the United States Navy on Monday, July 16, 1984.
The previous Friday was the 13th.
The details I vaguely recall are about how my company, C155, finished the course of instruction several days before the other company's finished. The reason, I vaguely recall, is that several companies began the course of instruction during the same week but on different days of the week. So we started on a day before the others started and we finished a few days before the last company finished. If we started on a Monday then others started on Friday. So we finished on a Monday and they finished on a Friday. But we all graduated on the same day, which I believe was a Friday and I have reason to believe was the 13th. I can't imagine we were goofing off for over a week waiting for the other company to finish the course. K076 was the female company I remember starting with us on the same day and I think they were in the same large classroom with us for classroom instruction. I remember a vast number of sailors being on the field for graduation ceremony and my company was a large group of sailors.
The answer might be out there somewhere on the internet but I can't find it.
The American Presidency Project
Ronald Reagan
XL President of the United States: 1981 - 1989
Executive Order 12485—Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System
July 13, 1984
By the authority vested in me as President of the United States of America by Section 292 of the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement Act of 1964 for Certain Employees, as amended (50 U.S.C. 403 note), and in order to conform further the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System to certain amendments of the Civil Service Retirement and Disability System pursuant to Public Law 98-94, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 252(h)(2)(A) of the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement Act of 1964 for Certain Employees, as amended, shall be deemed to be amended by striking out "October 1, 1982" and inserting in lieu thereof "October 1, 1983.".
The White House,
July 13, 1984.
The American Presidency Project
Ronald Reagan
XL President of the United States: 1981 - 1989
Proclamation 5222—Year of the Ocean
July 13, 1984
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation
The United States has long depended upon the ocean for food, transportation, national security, and recreation. Today, the ocean has become even more important to the people of our Nation—as a source of petroleum and minerals and an avenue for foreign trade. In addition, the ocean is a constant source of employment for hundreds of thousands of Americans each year.
This Nation is the steward of the resources of the ocean. Americans have long cherished the freedom of the coastal regions which border our shores. The ocean is the link between the many countries with which we have shared the discoveries of modern technology in the development of oceanography.
Our increased use of the ocean requires that we work to protect this resource effectively and efficiently. In order to do so, we must educate Americans concerning the role of the ocean in our lives and our responsibility to match increased uses of marine resources with vigilant efforts to preserve the ocean environment for the benefit of future generations.
In recognition of the importance of expanding public awareness and knowledge of the importance of the ocean and its resources, the Congress, by Senate Joint Resolution 257, has designated July 1, 1984, to July 1, 1985, as the "Year of the Ocean" and has authorized and requested the President to issue a proclamation in observance of this event.
Now, Therefore, I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim the year July 1, 1984, to July 1, 1985, as the Year of the Ocean. I call upon the people of the United States to observe such celebration with appropriate activities.
Princess Anne of Great Britain Friday launched a three-year...
MANTEO, N.C. -- Princess Anne of Great Britain Friday launched a three-year celebration of the first British colonies in the New World with praise for the 'bravery and faith' of the explorers who first set foot on American soil 400 years ago.
'I would like to offer you my own very best wishes and the greetings of Her Majesty the Queen and all her people on this, the 400th anniversary' of the first British exploration of the New World, the princess said.
She highlighted the formal opening of North Carolina's celebration of the first British colonies in the New World. She spoke to an audience of thousands during ceremonies on an island near the spot where the first British expedition landed on July 13, 1584.
'We their successors find it very difficult to imagine why they didn't come sooner,' she said. 'It was a real act of bravery and faith to volunteer... to attempt to start a new life in foreign territory.'
The celebration commemorates three New World voyages organized by Sir Walter Raleigh, who never set foot in America. They first landed on Roanoke Island in 1584 to explore the area; the second established the first colony a year later, but the settlers -- all men -- stayed only one year. The third attempt, in 1587, disappeared and has been known ever since as the Lost Colony.
Twenty-seven days after the 1587 colonists arrived, the first English baby, Virginia Dare, was born in the New World. Her grandfather, Gov. John White, left the colony to return to England for supplies and was prevented from returning until 1590 because of war with Spain.
When he came back to Roanoke Island, the only sign he found of the colonists were the letters 'CRO' carved on one tree and the word Croatoan, the name of an Indian tribe, carved on another.
North Carolinians have spent six years planning for the celebration of the 400th anniversary. Earlier this year, ceremonies were held in Plymouth, England, to commemorate the first expedition's departure. The celebration will continue until Aug. 18, 1987, the 400th anniversary of Virginia Dare's birth.
Cloudy skies and light rain occasionally fell during the morning, at one point driving dignitaries and military bands to shelter on the porch of a state historic site for the Elizabeth II, a replica of a ship used in the expeditions.
The Last Starfighter (1984)
Release Info
USA 13 July 1984
The Last Starfighter (1984)
Alex Rogan lives in a trailer court where his mother is manager and everyone is like a big extended family. He beats the Starfighter video game to the applause of everyone in the court and later that day finds he has been turned down for a student loan for college. Depressed, he meets Centauri, who introduces himself as a person from the company that made the game, before Alex really knows what is going on he is on the ride of his life
20161116_131220.jpg - Kerry Wayne Burgess circa 1975
From: Kerry Burgess
To: Melissa Walraven-harris
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2018, 2:54:31 AM PDT
Subject: Orlando
You sent me that photo of you and me from that day I graduated US Navy basic training in Orlando Florida in July 1984.
Do you have anyway of knowing the precise date that photo of us was taken?
I also want to know if you know the precise date we all were at the Disney park in Orlando.
My official military records tell me I left basic training on July 16th but I don't think that was the date we graduated.
My guess is we were at Disney on the 14th or the 15th. Graduation was a Friday if I remember correctly and that might have been the 13th.
Or graduation was the 6th and we had liberty on the 7th and 8th.
I think it was the former. Graduation on the 13th and we had liberty on the 14th and 15th. I'm most interested in knowing if we were at Disney on the 15th, if you have anyway of finding out the precise date. It's important and helpful to me to know.
The American Presidency Project
Richard Nixon
XXXVII President of the United States: 1969 - 1974
128 - Remarks at the Presentation of the Walt Disney Commemorative Medal.
March 25, 1969
Mrs. Disney, members of the Disney Family, ladies and gentlemen, and all of our younger guests here today:
Many ceremonies are held in this White House, but none that I think will have more meaning to all of us, young and old, than this one today, because it is my great privilege to present to Mrs. Walt Disney, on behalf of the Congress of the United States, by reason of a joint resolution, and on behalf of all the people of the United States and, I think, of the world, a gold medal; a gold medal honoring Walt Disney for his service through so many years not only to the people of the United States, but to the people of the world.
The medal and the resolution will speak for themselves, but in making this presentation, and before I do so, I would like to just add a word that I know all of you would want to say to Mrs. Disney and to her children and to Walt Disney's brother, Roy Disney, and their family who are here today.
It is very hard to describe our feelings about Walt Disney. I say our feelings, because my wife and I had the opportunity of knowing him personally. He was just as exciting and interesting personally as he was in all of those wonderful movies that we remember through the years, starting with the cartoons and then the real-life ones and then "Mary Poppins," and all of the rest.
To know this man was to know that we had been fortunate to have a spirit with us that perhaps comes once in a generation to a fortunate people.
But I think we are all very lucky that we still have Walt Disney with us. We have him in his movies; we see him on television sometimes when we see those wonderful creations rerun, and of course, those of us who have the chance can go to Disneyland in California or Disneyland in Florida when it is completed, and there it all is, this man so creative, so imaginative, so fine.
You know in these days of entertainment when we do have on television and sometimes in the movies some kinds of entertainment that many think are not perhaps too constructive and too healthy--I was talking to Senator Pastore about this problem in my office yesterday--we are very fortunate to hake had a Walt Disney, a Walt Disney who recognized that what was important was to make people happy.
You have heard some music today, and the theme of that music was "Dreams Coming True." If you think. back about all of the music, the soundtracks from the Walt Disney films, looking ahead, dreams were coming true.
That is why he leaves for us a very special place in our hearts. And in our hearts that means a very special place in our hearts for you, Mrs. Disney, and for your family.
I once asked Walt Disney how I should describe him when we went out and dedicated the monorail at Disneyland. He said that he was an "imagineer," which means he was an engineer with imagination.
Stargate: The Movie (1994)
Doctor Daniel Jackson
Fearful of a rebellion here, Ra outlawed reading and writing. He didn't want the people to remember the truth.
[Kawalski comes back around the corner from where he'd been exploring another part of the cave.]
Jackson? I think you'd better take a look at this.
[Daniel and O'Neil follow Kawalski where Brown and Skaara are. A round stone, similar to the center of the Earth Stargate cover stone, is imbedded in the wall.]
That's it! That's what we're looking for! They must've hidden it here in hopes that one day the 'gate on Earth could be reopened. I knew they'd have it written down someplace.
From 7/19/1989 ( the United Airlines Flight 232 crash in Sioux City Iowa and the end of Kerry Burgess the natural human being cloned from another human being ) To 12/9/1992 is 1239 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/25/1969 ( Richard Nixon - Remarks at the Presentation of the Walt Disney Commemorative Medal ) is 1239 days
From 7/17/1955 ( Walt Disney dedicates Tomorrowland ) To 12/9/1992 is 13660 days
13660 = 6830 + 6830
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/15/1984 is 6830 days
From 5/5/1978 ( Jimmy Carter - Spokane, Washington Remarks at Dedication Ceremonies for Riverfront Park ) To 12/9/1992 is 5332 days
5332 = 2666 + 2666
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/19/1973 ( Richard Nixon - Statement About Signing a Bill Designating the Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston, Texas, as the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center ) is 2666 days
From 12/2/1939 ( Franklin Roosevelt imposed a "moral embargo" on the Soviet Union and urged American companies not to sell the Soviets airplanes or components in their manufacture ) To 12/9/1992 is 19366 days
19366 = 9683 + 9683
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 5/7/1992 ( the first launch of the United States space shuttle Endeavour orbiter vehicle mission STS-49 includes me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-49 pilot astronaut and my 1st official United States of America National Aeronautics and Space Administration orbital flight of 4 overall ) is 9683 days
From 12/9/1992 To 6/29/1995 ( the Mir space station docking of the United States space shuttle Atlantis orbiter vehicle mission STS-71 includes me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-71 pilot astronaut and my 3rd official United States of America National Aeronautics Space Administration orbital flight of 4 overall ) is 932 days
932 = 466 + 466
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/11/1967 ( Lyndon Johnson - Statement by the President Concerning the Report "The Space Program in the Post-Apollo Period." ) is 466 days
From 7/9/1942 ( premiere US film "Flight Lieutenant" ) To 12/9/1992 is 18416 days
18416 = 9208 + 9208
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/18/1991 ( premiere US film "Flight of the Intruder" ) is 9208 days
From 12/10/1963 ( the Chuck Yeager crash ) To 1/16/1991 ( George Bush - Address to the Nation Announcing Allied Military Action in the Persian Gulf ) is 9899 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/9/1992 is 9899 days
From 2/7/1964 ( premiere US TV series episode "The Twilight Zone"::"Night Call" ) To 3/16/1991 ( my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate ) is 9899 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/9/1992 is 9899 days
From 12/20/1988 ( premiere US film "Working Girl" ) To 12/9/1992 is 1450 days
1450 = 725 + 725
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/28/1967 ( Julia Roberts ) is 725 days
deed 120992_greer.jpg
The Twilight Zone Season 5 Episode 19
Night Call
Aired Feb 07, 1964 on CBS
Elva Keene begins receiving strange phone calls. She finally tells whoever is at the other end to leave her alone. She then finds that the calls were coming from a telephone line lying on the grave of her ex-fiancée Brian, who always did what she wanted.
Working Girl (1988)
Release Info
USA 20 December 1988 (Los Angeles, California) (premiere)
Flight Lieutenant (1942)
Release Info
USA 29 June 1942 (premiere)
USA 9 July 1942
Flight of the Intruder (1991)
Release Info
USA 18 January 1991
(from internet transcript)
Chuck Yeager
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Charles Elwood "Chuck" Yeager (born February 13, 1923) is a former United States Air Force officer, flying ace, and record-setting test pilot. In 1947, he became the first pilot confirmed to have exceeded the speed of sound in level flight.
Yeager's career began in World War II as a private in the United States Army Air Forces. After serving as an aircraft mechanic, in September 1942 he entered enlisted pilot training and upon graduation was promoted to the rank of flight officer (the World War II USAAF equivalent to warrant officer) and became a P-51 fighter pilot.
After the war, Yeager became a test pilot of many types of aircraft, including experimental rocket-powered aircraft. As the first human to officially break the sound barrier, on October 14, 1947, he flew the experimental Bell X-1 at Mach 1 at an altitude of 45,000 ft (13,700 m). He then went on to break several other speed and altitude records.
Yeager later commanded fighter squadrons and wings in Germany, and in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War, and in recognition of the outstanding performance ratings of those units he was promoted to brigadier general.
World War II
Yeager enlisted as a private in the U.S. Army Air Forces (USAAF) on September 12, 1941, and became an aircraft mechanic at George Air Force Base, Victorville, California. At enlistment, Yeager was not eligible for flight training because of his age and educational background, but the entry of the U.S. into World War II less than three months later prompted the USAAF to alter its recruiting standards. Having unusually sharp vision (a visual acuity rated 20/10), which once enabled him to shoot a deer at 600 yards (550 m), Yeager displayed natural talent as a pilot and was accepted for flight training.
He received his wings and a promotion to flight officer at Luke Field, Arizona, where he graduated from class 43C on March 10, 1943.
Despite a regulation prohibiting "evaders" (escaped pilots) from flying over enemy territory again, the purpose of which was to prevent a second capture from compromising resistance groups, Yeager was reinstated to flying combat. He had joined another evader, fellow P-51 pilot 1st Lt Fred Glover, in speaking directly to the Supreme Allied Commander, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, on June 12, 1944. With Glover pleading their case, they argued that because the Allies had invaded France and the Maquis were by then openly fighting the Nazis alongside Allied troops, if Yeager or Glover were shot down again, there was little about those who had previously helped them evade capture that could be revealed to the enemy.
Eisenhower, after gaining permission from the War Department to decide the requests, concurred with Yeager and Glover. Yeager later credited his postwar success in the Air Force to this decision, saying that his test pilot career followed naturally from his having been a decorated combat pilot, along with having been an aircraft mechanic before attending pilot school. In part, because of his maintenance background, he also frequently served as a maintenance officer in his flying units.
Yeager demonstrated outstanding flying skills and combat leadership. On October 12, 1944, he became the first pilot in his group to make "ace in a day," downing five enemy aircraft in a single mission. Two of these kills were scored without firing a single shot: when he flew into firing position against a Messerschmitt Bf 109, the pilot of the aircraft panicked, breaking to starboard and colliding with his wingman. Yeager said both pilots bailed out. He finished the war with 11.5 official victories, including one of the first air-to-air victories over a jet fighter, a German Messerschmitt Me 262 that he shot down as it was on final approach for landing.
Military command
Yeager was foremost a fighter pilot and held several squadron and wing commands. From May 1955 to July 1957 he commanded the F-86H Sabre-equipped 417th Fighter-Bomber Squadron (50th Fighter-Bomber Wing) at Hahn AB, Germany, and Toul-Rosieres Air Base, France; and from 1957 to 1960 the F-100D Super Sabre-equipped 1st Fighter Day Squadron (later, while still under Yeager's command, re-designated the 306th Tactical Fighter Squadron) at George Air Force Base, California, and Morón Air Base, Spain.
Now a full colonel in 1962, after completion of a year's studies at the Air War College, Yeager became the first commandant of the USAF Aerospace Research Pilot School, which produced astronauts for NASA and the USAF, after its redesignation from the USAF Flight Test Pilot School. (Yeager himself had only a high school education, so he was not eligible to become an astronaut
An accident during a December 1963 test flight in one of the school's NF-104s eventually put an end to his record attempts.
Chuck Yeager
The Lockheed NF-104A was an American mixed power, high-performance, supersonic aerospace trainer that served as a low-cost astronaut training vehicle for the X-15 and projected X-20 Dyna-Soar programs.
The third NF-104A (USAF 56-0762) was delivered to the USAF on 1 November 1963, and was destroyed in a crash while being piloted by Chuck Yeager on 10 December 1963.
Yeager hasn’t bailed out an airplane since the day he was shot down over Germany when he was twenty… I’ve tried A! – I’ve tried B! – I’ve tried C!… 11,000 feet, 7,000 feet from the farm… He hunches himself into a ball, just as it says in the manual, and reaches under the seat for the cinch ring and pulls.
He’s exploded out of thNF104crashe cockpit with such force it’s like a concussion… He can’t see… Wham… a jolt in the back… It’s the seat separating from him and the parachute rig… His head begins to clear… He’s in midair, in his pressure suit, looking out through the visor of his helmet… Every second seems enormously elongated… infinite… such slow motion… He’s suspended in midair… weightless… The ship had been falling about 100 miles and hour and the ejection rocket had propelled him up at 90 miles an hour. For one thick adrenal moment he’s weightless in midair, 7,000 feet above the desert… The seat floats nearby, as if the two of them are parked in the atmosphere… The butt of the seat, the underside, is facing him… a red hole… the socket where the ejection mechanism had been attached… it’s dribbling a charcoal red… lava… the remains of the rocket propellant… It’s glowing… it’s oozing out of the socket… In the next moment they’re both falling, he and he seat. His parachute has a quarter bag over it and on the bag is a drogue chute that pulls the bag off so the parachute will stream out gradually and not break the chute or the pilot’s back when the canopy pops open during a high-speed ejection. It’s designed for an ejection at 400 or 500 miles and hour, but he’s only going 175.
In this infinitely expanded few seconds the lines stream out and Yeager and the rocket seat and the glowing red socket sail through the air together… and now the seat is drifting above him… into the chute lines!… The seat is nestled in the chute lines… dribbling lava out of the socket… eating through the lines… An infinite second… He’s jerked up by the shoulders… it’s the chute opening and the canopy filling… in that very instant the lava – it smashes into the visor of his helmet… Something slices through his left eye… He’s knocked silly… He can’t see a goddamned thing… The burning snaps him to… His left eye is gushing blood… It’s pouring down inside the lid and down his face and his face is on fire… Jesus Christ!… the seat rig… The jerk of the parachute had suddenly slowed his speed, but the seat kept falling… It had fallen out of the chute lines and the butt end crashed into his visor… 180 pounds of metal… a double layer visor.. the goddamned thing has smashed through both layers… He’s burning!… There’s rocket lava inside the helmet… The seat has fallen away… He can’t see… blood pouring out of his left eye and there’s smoke inside the helmet… Rubber!…
It’s the seal between the helmet and the pressure suit… It’s burning up… The propellant won’t quit… A tremendous whoosh… He can feel the rush… he can even hear it… The whole left side of his helmet is full of flames… A sheet of flame goes up his neck and the side of his face… The oxygen!… The propellant has burned through the rubber seal, setting off the pressure suit’s automatic oxygen system… The integrity of the circuit has been violated and it rushes oxygen to the helmet, to the pilot’s face… A hundred percent oxygen! Christ!… It turns the lava into an inferno… Everything that can burn is on fire… everything else is melting… Even with the hole smashed in the visor the helmet is full of smoke… He’s choking… blinded… The left side of his head is on fire… He’s suffocating… He brings up his left hand… He has on pressure-suit gloves locked and taped to the sleeve… He jams his in through the hole in the visor and tries to create and air scoop with it to bring air to his mouth… The flames… They’re all over it… They go to work on his glove where it touches his face… They devour it!… His index finger is burning up… His goddamned finger is burning!… But he doesn’t move it… Get some air!… Nothing else matters… He’s gulping smoke… He has to get the visor open… It’s twisted… He’s encased in a little broken globe dying in a cloud of his own fried flesh… The stench of it!… rubber and human hide… He has to get the visor open… It’s that or nothing, no two ways about it… It’s smashed all to hell… He jams both hands underneath… It’s a tremendous effort… It lifts… Salvation!…
Like a sea the air carries it all away, the smoke, the flames… The fire is out. He can breathe. He can see out of his right eye. The desert, the mesquite, the motherless Joshua trees are rising slowly toward him… He can’t open his left eye… Now he can feel the pain… Half his head is broiled… That isn’t the worst of it… The damned finger!… Jesus!… He can make out the terrain, he’s been over it a million times… Over there’s the highway, 466, and there’s route 6 crossing it… His left glove is practically burned off… The glove and his left index finger… he can’t tell them apart… they look as if they exploded in an over… He’s not far from base… Whatever is with the finger, it’s very bad… Nearly down… He gets ready… Right out of the manual… A terrific wallop… He’s down on the mesquite, looking across the desert, one-eyed… He stands up… Hell! He’s in one piece!… He can hardly use his left hand. The goddamned finger is killing him. The whole side of his head… he starts taking off the parachute harness… It’s all in the manual! Regulation issue!… He starts rolling up the parachute, just like it says… Some of the cords are almost melted through, from the lava… His head feels like it’s still on fire… The pain comes from way down deep… But he’s got to get the helmet off… It’s a hell of an operation… He doesn’t dare touch his head… It feels enormous… Somebody’s running toward him… It’s a kid, a guy in his twenties… He’s come from the highway… He comes up close and his mouth falls open and he gives Yeager a look of stone horror…
“Are you all right!”
The look on the kid’s face! Christalmighty!”
“I was in my car! I saw you coming down!
“Listen,” says Yeager. The pain in his finger is terrific. “Listen… you got a knife?”
The kid digs into his pocket and pulls out a penknife. Yeager starts cutting the glove off his left hand. He can’t bear it anymore. The kid stands there hypnotized and horrified. From the look on the kid’s face, Yeager can begin to see himself. His neck, the whole left side of his head, his ear, his cheek, his eye must be burned up. His eye socket is slashed, swollen, caked shut, and covered with a crust of burned blood, and half his hair is burned away. The whole mess and the rest of his face and nostrils and his lips are smeared with the sludge of the burning rubber. And he’s standing there in the middle of the desert in a pressure suit with his head cocked, squinting out of one eye, working on his glove with a penknife… The knife cuts through the glove an it cuts the meat of his finger… You can’t tell any longer… It’s all run together… The goddamned finger looks like it’s melted… He’s got to get the glove off. That’s all there is to it. It hurts too goddamned much. He pulls off the glove and a big hunk of melted meat from the finger comes off with it… it’s like fried suet…
“Arrggghhh…” It’s the kid. He’s retching. It’s too much for him, the poor bastard. He looks up at Yeager. His eyes open and his mouth opens. All the glue has come undone. He can’t hold it in any longer.
“God,” he says, “you… look awful!” The Good Samaritan, A.A.D.! Also a Doctor! And he just gave his diagnosis! That’s all a man needs… to be forty years old and to fall one hundred goddamned thousand feet in a flat spin and punch out and make a million-dollar hole in the ground and get half his head and his hand burned up and have his eye practically ripped out of his skull… and have the Good Samaritan, A.A.D., arrive as if sent by the spirit of Pancho Barnes herself to render a midnight verdict among the motherless Joshua trees while the screen doors bang and the pictures of a hundred dead pilots rattle in their frames:
“My God!… you look awful.”
A few minutes later the rescue helicopter arrived. The medics found Yeager standing out in the mesquite, him and some kid who had been passing by. Yeager was standing erect with his parachute rolled up and his helmet in the crook of his arm, right out of the manual, and staring at them quite levelly out of what is left of his face, as if they had an appointment and he was on time.
As the hospital they discovered one stroke of good luck. The blood over Yeager’s left eye had been baked into a crust-like shield. Otherwise he might have lost it. He had suffered third – and second-degree burns on his head and neck. The burns required a month of treatment in the hospital, but he was able to heal without disfigurement. He even regained the use of his left index finger.
No one even broke the Russian mark with the NF-104 or even tried to. Up above 100,000 feet the plane’s envelope was too goddamned full of holes. And Yeager never again sought to set a world record in the sky over the high desert.
From 5/21/1991 ( George Bush - Proclamation 6298—National Desert Storm Reservists Day, 1991 ) To 12/20/2006 is 5692 days
5692 = 2846 + 2846
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 8/18/1973 ( The Killian Document ) is 2846 days
From 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) To 12/20/2006 is 5816 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/5/1981 ( Ronald Reagan - Remarks Following a Meeting With Former National Security Officials on the Sale of AWACS Planes and Other Air Defense Equipment to Saudi Arabia ) is 5816 days
From 1/17/1991 ( the date of record of my United States Navy Medal of Honor as Kerry Wayne Burgess chief warrant officer United States Marine Corps circa 1991 officially the United States Apache attack helicopter pilot ) To 12/20/2006 is 5816 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/5/1981 ( Ronald Reagan - Remarks Following a Meeting With Former National Security Officials on the Sale of AWACS Planes and Other Air Defense Equipment to Saudi Arabia ) is 5816 days
From 5/4/2005 ( the incident at the police department City of Kent Washington State after my voluntary approach to report material criminal activity directed against my person and I am secretly drugged against my consent ) To 12/20/2006 is 595 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/20/1967 ( Muhammad Ali convicted of draft evasion ) is 595 days
Posted by Kerry Burgess - H.V.O.M at 8:17 PM Tuesday, November 06, 2007
The Stolen Valor Act of 2005 (the Act), signed into law by President George W. Bush on December 20, 2006,[1] is a U.S. law that broadens the provisions of previous U.S. law addressing the unauthorized wearing, manufacture or selling of military decorations and medals. It is a federal offense which carries a punishment of prison time and/or a fine; the scope previously covered only the Medal of Honor.
The Act was first introduced into the United States Congress's House of Representatives on July 19, 2005 by Representative John Salazar, a Democrat from Colorado, as H.R. 3352.[2][3] It was introduced into the Senate by Senator Kent Conrad, a Democrat from North Dakota, on November 10, 2005 as S. 1998.[4][5] The Senate version was passed unanimously on September 7, 2006.[5][6] The Senate version then went to the same House Judiciary Committee that held the House version. The Act briefly stalled, but the House subsequently passed the Senate version, S. 1998, on December 6, 2006.[7]
The purpose of the Act is to strengthen the provisions of 18 U.S.C. § 704 by broadening its scope and strengthening penalties. Specific new provisions in the Act include: granting more authority to Federal law enforcement officers, extending scope beyond the Medal of Honor, broadening the law to cover false claims whereas previously an overt act had to be committed, covering mailing and shipping of medals, and protecting the reputation and meaning of military heroism medals.[3][5]
The need for the Act came about because of large numbers of fake military heroes in the United States. For example, as of June 2, 2006 there were only 120 living Medal of Honor recipients, but there were far more known imposters.[8][9][10] There are also large numbers of fake Navy SEALS[11][12] and Army Special Forces,[13] among others.
The Orders and Medals Society of America (OMSA), an organization of collectors, had opposed the bill in its current form. OMSA is of the opinion that the changes to 18 U.S.C. § 704 included wording that implied that any movement or exchange of medals would be illegal
The American Presidency Project
Franklin D. Roosevelt
XXXII President of the United States: 1933-1945
165 - Statement Discouraging the Sale of Airplanes to Belligerents Who Bomb Civilians.
December 2, 1939
THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT and the American people have for some time pursued a policy of wholeheartedly condemning the unprovoked bombing and machine gunning of civilian populations from the air.
This Government hopes, to the end that such unprovoked bombing shall not be given material encouragement in the light of recent recurrence of such acts, that American manufacturers and exporters of airplanes, aeronautical equipment and materials essential to airplane manufacture will bear this fact in mind before negotiating contracts for the exportation of these articles to nations obviously guilty of such unprovoked bombing.
1991 film "Flight of the Intruder" DVD video:
US Navy commander Frank "Dooke" Camparelli - USS Independence CV 62 air squadron commander: Are there times when you have the moral obligation not to follow orders? Of course there are. The Navy didn't tell you to strafe women and children or do anything that violated your conscience. But, you heroes, you do not have the right to make up your own orders!
The American Presidency Project
Lyndon B. Johnson
XXXVI President of the United States: 1963-1969
48 - Statement by the President Concerning the Report "The Space Program in the Post-Apollo Period."
February 11, 1967
IN THE brief span of less than ten years, the United States Space Program has advanced from small and hesitant beginnings into a large and vital national effort. Today, its achievements provide daily testimony of our country's leadership in space capabilities, in their applications to peaceful practical purposes, and to the advancement of scientific understanding of the world in which we live.
But space is a hostile medium both for man and his instruments and therefore long periods of study, planning and hard work are required before major space undertakings can be successfully executed and their benefits fully harvested. For this reason, my Science Advisory Committee during the last year has been examining the many faceted problem of what the United States might do in space in the early years following our Apollo Program. They have examined the potentialities and the value of new space programs and recommended a course for the future.
We will give careful consideration to these recommendations. Because the opportunities in space are great but the costs are high, our space planning deserves the thoughtful consideration of all Americans. I am therefore releasing this report for publication so that the excellent work of this Committee will be available to all as we chart a course into the future.
Note: The report is entitled "The Space Program in the Post-Apollo Period: A Report of the President's Science Advisory Committee" (Government Printing Office, 99 pp.).
A White House announcement of the same date listed the following as major objectives recommended in the report:
1. A limited but important extension of Apollo in order to exploit our anticipated ability to explore the moon.
2. A strongly upgraded program of early unmanned exploration of the nearby planets, on a scale of time and effort that will enable the results of this program to contribute significantly toward the planning of future manned expeditions.
3. A program of technology development and of qualification of man for long duration space flight in anticipation of manned planetary exploration.
4. The extension and vigorous exploitation of space applications for the social and economic well-being of the Nation and for national security.
5. The exploitation of our capability to carry out complex technical operations in near earth orbit for the advance of science, particularly astronomy.
The American Presidency Project
Jimmy Carter
XXXIX President of the United States: 1977 - 1981
Spokane, Washington Remarks at Dedication Ceremonies for Riverfront Park.
May 5, 1978
Senator Magnuson, Governor Ray, Governor Evans of Idaho, who is with us today, my friend Congressman Tom Foley, Congressman Dicks, Mayor Bait, Secretary Andrus and Secretary Bergland, many friends from Spokane:
During the last few days, I've been pleased to leave the city of Washington, D.C., and to visit the western part of our great Nation. I've been enjoying the beauty of it. I've been discussing with our citizens of all kinds, questions of great importance to ourselves, our families, our communities, our Nation, indeed, the entire world. I've been talking about the desire for peace, based on a strong America and a strong national defense. I've been talking about the beauty of our country, clean air, clean water, clean and productive land. I've been talking about our Nation's forests, our Nation's water resources, our Nation's fields that produce the food and fiber for us and the rest of the world.
I've been listening to suggestions and criticisms and talking with those who are experts on these subjects and who have a genuine desire to resolve the longstanding problems and questions which we all face—the questions of energy that have too long been ignored.
We now see these problems reaching a stage where they must be resolved. There are no easy answers. There are no quick solutions, because we have a strong, dynamic, growing, aggressive, competitive nation.
As President, I realize that I don't know all the answers, that Washington is not the source of all solutions, that there must be a genuine partnership between me, the Governors, the mayors, county officials, the Congress, and private citizens of all kinds, to make common sacrifices, to make common commitments, to realize the potential beauty and the greatness of our Nation.
It's good for me to come back to Spokane today to this same site where I was thrilled in 1974, when one of the days was called Georgia Day and I and my wife and my daughter, Amy, could look at the beauty of this river, stand in awe at the waterfall, see what a city of not great population could do to inspire the world, at the self-sacrifice and accomplishment that was exhibited here in Expo '74.
I wondered then about the background of Spokane and the future of this lovely site, once the excitement of Expo '74 was past. I flew in on a plane traveling tourist class, which was my custom then because of necessity, and I saw the beauty of your land. And today when I came on Air Force One, I had the same opportunity.
My friend Tom Foley thinks the Inland Empire is an American version of the Garden of Eden. And as I looked over the rich agricultural land and the beautiful mountains and hills and streams as I flew in this morning, I can see what he means.
You're lucky to be represented in Congress by a man like Tom Foley. In the last year and a half, I've learned why he is one of the most respected men in the Nation's Capital. In many areas, but especially farm agricultural policy—on which he does not always agree with me, I have to admit—he stands for responsible solutions that protect the interests of farmers and of all America. He understands, from a practical perspective, the special problems of farmers in this area, and he always represents your viewpoints very well.
This park is an achievement that would make any city proud, but you should also be especially proud of your Senator, Warren Magnuson, for the essential role he played in bringing this park into being.
As all of you know, it was Senator Magnuson who explained to the Federal Government the importance of this facility to your beautiful city and who helped to obtain Federal grants to aid in its construction.
As chairman of the Appropriations Committee, and soon to be President pro tempore of the Senate, Maggie is in an excellent position to continue his fine work for Spokane and the rest of Washington State—indeed, the entire Nation. He's one of the greatest Senators that I have ever known, and I respect and love him very much, as do all of you.
He expressed a philosophy that has always been my own: that the best government is a government closest to the people, that people ought to control their government, not let government control them, and that public officials should never forget who put us in office, and that we don't know all the answers at the State capital or the National Capital. The answers must be derived, even to most complicated questions involving foreign policy and national defense, from people like you all over our great Nation.
Today, we come to think about a particular aspect of American life. Since the days when I was a State legislator and then a Governor in Georgia, I've understood the special need to promote environmental and historical perspective and preservation. This is a place of lasting value that is also an economic boom to your whole entire region and State. I'm glad that the Federal Government has been able to join—not in a leadership role, but a supporting role—State government, the city of Spokane, and business interests like your railroads and the Land Resources Corporation, in creating something that brings enjoyment and prosperity to so many people.
Riverfront Park also shows very clearly what can be accomplished in urban redevelopment. You've transformed an area that was declining, that was far short of its great potential, into one of the Nation's most innovative and refreshing urban settings. I have proposed, as part of my own administration's new urban policy, a $150 million urban park and recreation program which can make possible, under Cecil Andrus' leadership, other parks like your own beautiful one here. And it also shows in a symbolic way the continuing relationship between energy and the environment.
Most of the Federal share that helped build this park came from our lease revenues from oil and gas production on the Outer Continental Shelf. My administration is committed to the belief that we can meet our Nation's energy needs and continue to protect and to enhance our irreplaceable natural environment. As those of you who have come from Coeur d'Alene know firsthand, we have in Cecil Andrus a Secretary of Interior from Idaho who's deeply and personally committed to that goal.
In the 15 months since I became President, my administration and the Congress have begun to tackle the most difficult problems facing our country. I've come here to listen to the people of this region and to ask your help for the programs and policies we need.
Later on today, I'll be facing for an extended period of time many of you and your fellow citizens in a direct interchange of questions and ideas, where there is no constraint on what you want to ask me or to suggest to me in how I can be a better President.
To solve the problems of our decade, we must recapture what is best in our national spirit. We must be willing to put aside regional differences. We must be willing to put aside, also, our special interests, our selfish grasping for advantage, and contribute to the general good. We must be willing to make sacrifices so that others will follow our lead. Because I am confident that our Nation is ready for that kind of challenge, and because we have no alternative except to face difficult problems, I've asked the Congress and the people to work with me in areas of greatest challenge.
On energy, we must act to conserve and to produce more, to import less, and develop alternative sources. On inflation, we must work together in a spirit of cooperation and restraint to slow the rising costs that threaten the economic security and the well-being of every American family. It's here that our greatest challenge may come. We cannot control inflation without common sacrifice and common commitment by us all.
On civil service, I need your support to help pass my reforms and to bring more efficiency and more incentive into the bloated Federal bureaucracy, which must be improved.
Here in the West, as well as elsewhere, we must improve our ability to protect the national environment while maintaining economic growth and development. This is a great challenge, but I have every confidence that we can meet it and succeed. We will never see the quality of life, the beauty of our environment deteriorate as long as I'm serving you as President in the White House.
None of this is going to be easy, and I don't pretend that any of us has all the answers. Many people say that as President of the United States, I have the most difficult job in all the world. But I have confidence that the people understand that there are no easy answers. I believe that people understand that difficult questions, too long ignored, must now be addressed.
I think people understand that there are conflicts of interest, even among the most well-meaning and dedicated and patriotic American citizens. This is part of our democratic society. But I feel an assurance, as President, that I can do a good job, to the extent that I maintain my close relationship with you and enhance the partnership that must exist in our great Nation.
I know that our reaction to these challenges will be the measure by which we will be judged by future generations.
The Congress and my administration can only do so much. We can never succeed without broad public support. We need the confidence and the understanding and the commitment of the American people. We need it in Washington, D.C., and we need it in Washington State, and I know that we can find it.
This partnership between you and me will help to realize the true greatness of our Nation.
Thank you very much.
Note: The President spoke at 12:16 p.m.
Superman (1978)
General Zod: You *will* bow down before me, Jor-El! I swear it! No matter if it takes an eternity, YOU *WILL* BOW DOWN BEFORE ME! *BOTH YOU AND, ONE DAY, YOUR HEIRS!*
From 3/3/1959 ( the birthdate in Hawaii of my biological brother Thomas Reagan ) To 2/19/1973 is 5102 days
5102 = 2551 + 2551
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/27/1972 ( premiere US TV series episode "Gunsmoke"::"The Brothers" ) is 2551 days
From 3/3/1959 ( the birthdate in Hawaii of my biological brother Thomas Reagan ) To 6/20/1966 ( Georges Lemaitre dead ) is 2666 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/19/1973 is 2666 days
From 9/15/1965 ( premiere US TV series "Lost in Space" ) To 2/19/1973 is 2714 days
2714 = 1357 + 1357
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/21/1969 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the United States Navy Commander circa 1969 was United States Apollo 11 Eagle spacecraft United States Navy astronaut landing and walking on the planet Earth's moon ) is 1357 days
The American Presidency Project
Richard Nixon
XXXVII President of the United States: 1969 - 1974
50 - Statement About Signing a Bill Designating the Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston, Texas, as the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
February 19, 1973
IT IS with great pleasure today that I sign into law S.J. Res. 37, designating the Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston as the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center.
Few men in our time have better understood the value of space exploration than Lyndon Johnson.
It was he, as a Senator, who wrote, introduced, and helped to enact the legislation which created the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. He called it the proudest legislative achievement of his years in the Congress.
As Vice President, he was Chairman of the National Aeronautics and Space Council in the critical, early years of exploration when the groundwork was laid, and the determination made to put a man on the Moon.
Finally, as President, he oversaw the first flights of the Apollo Moon landing program, and he did it in a way that led people beyond the adventure and the pride to the deeper meaning and the deeper benefits of space exploration. Speaking at the Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston on March 1, 1968, he summed up this Nation's purpose in outer space: "... we do not build rockets and spacecraft to fly our flag in space, or to plant our banner on the surface of the Moon.
"Instead we work and we build and we create to give all mankind its last great heritage. We are truly reaching for the stars."
By his vision and his work and his support, Lyndon Johnson drew America up closer to the stars, and before he died he saw us reach the Moon--the first great plateau along the way.
The Walt Disney Family Museum
Tomorrowland: Walt’s Vision For Today
"Tomorrow is a heck of a thing to keep up with.” —Walt Disney
The Walt Disney Family Museum is proud to announce its next exhibition, Tomorrowland: Walt’s Vision for Today, on view from July 22 through December 7, 2015. Guest-curated by Academy Award®-winning director, writer, and producer Brad Bird (The Incredibles, Ratatouille, Tomorrowland), this engaging, multimedia exhibition showcases Walt Disney as a technological innovator, science fiction storyteller, and futurologist by spotlighting his vision of Disneyland’s groundbreaking Tomorrowland and its complete and revolutionary 1967 rebuild.
Through animated sequences, musical compositions, sound bites, graphics, audio visuals, vintage posters, and more, Tomorrowland: Walt’s Vision for Today will immerse visitors in the story of Walt’s hopes and vision for the future, as reflected in his creation of the 1967 version of Tomorrowland at Disneyland. This exhibition allows visitors to experience Walt’s perception of this beautiful tomorrow in a robust and vibrant way.
“Physically, Disneyland would be a small world in itself,” Walt said. “Disneyland will be the essence of America as we know it: the nostalgia of the past with exciting glimpses into the future.”
During the creation of Disneyland, Walt and his collaborators had an eye on the past, pulling from historical content and previous projects to create Main Street, U.S.A., Fantasyland, Adventureland, and Frontierland. But, as Tomorrowland would be dedicated to the future, reference materials were non-existent and needed to be imagined and created from scratch. As told by animator Ward Kimball: “Projection into the future could best be attained by animation, since it could not yet be photographed.”
To accomplish this feat, Walt chose Kimball to collaborate with renowned rocket scientist and space architect Wernher von Braun in creating the Man in Space series. As part of the Disneyland television show, these three one-hour “science factual” episodes would mix humor with hard, scientific facts to educate and entertain the public on space exploration. Beyond being the inspiration for the plans and designs for Tomorrowland, Man in Space impacted the development of the U.S. space program after President Eisenhower screened the episodes for high-ranking Pentagon officials, helping encourage America’s space initiatives.
When Disneyland opened on July 17, 1955, Walt dedicated Tomorrowland with these words: “A vista into a world of wondrous ideas, signifying man’s achievements … a step into the future, with predictions of constructive things to come. Tomorrow offers new frontiers in science, adventure, and ideals: the Atomic Age, the challenge of outer space, and the hope for a peaceful and unified world.”
from the private journal of Kerry Burgess: 11/1/2006 3:14 PM
May 4, 2005, was the day I went to the Kent Police department for help. I named George W. Bush specifically as one of the people harassing me. The policeman didn’t ask me any questions. He dumped me off at the St. Francis hospital in Federal Way where the first thing they did was secretly drug my food.
Hitler and all his generals and admirals were fooled by one dead Englishman, planted on them by the British secret service in the most amazing spy coup of the war
Hitler and all his generals and admirals were fooled by one dead Englishman, planted on them by the British secret service in the most amazing spy coup of the war
In the first part of The Corpse That Hoaxed The Axis, the author, who was with British Intelligence during World War II, told how he and a colleague conceived a daring plan to outwit the Germans and convince them that the attack on the European mainland from Africa in 1943 would occur in Sardinia, and not in Sicily as planned. They secured a corpse and gave it an identity — complete with name and officer’s rank in the Royal Marines, girl friend's letters and pictures, a letter to General Alexander, memorandums from Lord
Mountbatten — everything that would be likely to convince Axis spies that the dead man was an authentic British courier carrying secret documents. The corpse was given the name of “Major Martin’’; the scheme was known as Operation Mincemeat. The plan was to drop the corpse off Spain with a dispatch case full of documents and hoodwink German agents into thinking that the dead man had crashed in an aircraft and been washed ashore. The documents subtly suggested the fake attack on Sardinia.
H1S1B E NOW had to choose the spot on the |K|Kfl Spanish coast where we wished to float the I body ashore and we decided on Huelva, a B small port in the southwest near the Portuguese frontier.
We knew that at Huelva there was an active German agent who was well in with the Spaniards. Also, we did not want a spot too near Gibraltar in case the Spaniards should return the body to us for burial. The appearance there of the body of an officer with a false identity might give rise to talk which would he almost bound to be picked up by the Germans.
I consulted with the Hydrographer of the Navy about the weather and tidal conditions to be expected off Huelva at the end of April. Again we were lucky. Although the tidal stream was not too helpful the prevailing southwesterly wind would he “on shore” and a body in a Mae West would be more affected by the wind than by the tide.
So Huelva became the appointed place. It would, of course, he in accordance with the normal practice of the “neutral” Spaniards to hand over the body to the British vice-consul for burial and at the same time give to him anything found with the body-
No detail was overlooked in convincing the Germans that "Major Martin" was genuine
But we felt reasonably confident that the efficiency of the local German agent would ensure that copies of the papers would reach the Germans. Our confidence in him was not misplaced!
We now had to arrange for the body to reach Huelva and, by good fortune, the submarine Seraph commanded by Lieutenant Jewell was due to sail for Malta at about the right date.
We considered that Jewell could get close enough inshore to ensure that the body would he picked up by the Spaniards even if it did not float ashore.
The body we decided could be carried inside the pressure-hull of the submarine which meant that we would need an airtight container though not a pressure-proof one.
The question now arose -could the body be kept until the date of departure without decomposition being too great?
I again consulted Sir Bernard Spilsbury, Britain’s foremost pathologist. He took the view that if we could exclude as much oxygen as possible from an airtight container, and if the body was really cold when it was put into the container, decomposition would be so slow that if it were picked up soon after being put in the sea the effect would be only the same as that of a few days’ immersion floating in from an aircraft which had crashed some distance off shore.
We agreed that the best way to get rid of the oxygen would be by getting a container, standing it on end, filling it with dry ice so that the air would be excluded by the carbon monoxide, then putting the body carefully in from the top and screwing the
lid down. We ordered a cylindrical case with an asbestos wool lining between two skins of 22-gauge steel.
The time for the departure was drawing near. Final approval was now sought from Prime Minister Churchill through General Sir Hastings Ismay. We had to warn him of two hazards:
If the Germans saw through our deception, Sicily would be quite definitely pin-pointed as the Allied target.
All our efforts might be wasted if the wrong Spaniard found the body and did not pass the documents to the Germans.
Churchill, however, gave his consent, making just this comment on our second warning, “I don’t see that it matters—we can always try again.” He directed that General Eisenhower, in supreme command of the invasion of Sicily, should he informed of what was happening.
Now we got to work on the actual operation.
Two of us, with the late Jock Horsfall, the racingmotorist, as co-driver, set off in a Ford van from London to fetch the body of “Major William Martin” from his cold storage.
Before we put him into his six-foot canister we had to dress him in the uniform of a major of the Royal Marines, and here we found difficulty. We had not realized that it is impossible to put a boot on a foot unless you can bend the ankleand Major Martin was frozen stiff. It was a problem, but at last he was fully dressed.
The canister was filled with dry ice—to exclude all air and prevent decomposition—and after it had
evaporated the major was put in, wrapped in a blanket, more dry ice packed round him and the lid was screwed down.
It was a long journey to Greenock, the port of departure. It was lucky that Lieut. Jewell (now Commander) was in command of the submarine as he had already made a success of other top-secret missions. He had smuggled General Mark Clark in and out of North Africa in 1942 before the Allied landings and had also taken General Giraud by submarine out of occupied France, for which he was awarded the MBE.
At 6 p.m. on April 19, 1943, HMS Seraph sailed from the Holy Loch.
Of the five officers and fifty ratings on board only Jewell knew the secret of his odd piece of cargo. The crew had been told that the metal canister contained a secret weather-reporting device to be floated experimentally off the coast of Spain. It was actually marked “Handle With Care—optical instrumentsfor special FOS shipment.”
For ten days the Seraph sailed, surfacing only at night. She was off Huelva undetected and according to schedule on April 30.
The spot selected for floating the body ashore was sixteen hundred yards off the mouth of the Huelva river. Zero hour was 4.30 in the morning.
When the Seraph surfaced it was dark as pitch. Through the conning tower went the five officers and the submarine trimmed down until an inch of the calm sea lapped over the casing. The mysterious canister was hauled aloft. Only then, with all ratings below, did Jewell let his officers into the secret.
Quickly and quietly the five set about their task. While three kept watch the other helped Jewell to unlock the bolts of the canister with the spanner attached to the case. Ten minutes they worked before the lid came away. Then the blanketed body was slid gently from its vacuum coffin.
On his knees again, Jewell plucked at knotted tapes and the blanket fell away. ’There followed the final check. Everything was in order. Jewell bent low to inflate the major’s Mae West. Only one thing remained. Four young officers bent bare heads in simple tribute as their commander murmured what prayers he could remember from the burial service.
A gentle push and the unknown warrior was drifting inshore with the tide on his last, momentous journey. Major Martin had gone to the war. With him went the hopes and prayers of millions. For on his safe arrival might well depend the fate of the Allied invasion of Europe.
We had ascertained that a flight of the kind we were simulating would very likely be by Catalina flying boat; also, that it was probable that after a Catalina crash there would be little or no floating wreckage. We decided therefore that Lieut. Jewell should launch, about half a mile from the body, a ruLiber dinghy such as was used in Catalinas, with one aluminum oar only so as to simulate some degree of haste, and that no other wreckage would be needed. The canister that had held Major Martin’s body was sunk in deep water.
Fifteen minutes after surfacing the Seraph was outward bound again for Gibraltar and Algiers. She sent a signal: “Operation Mincemeat com-
When we got Jewell’s full report it revealed that, apart from the risk he took, his job could not have been a very pleasant one. There had been rather more decomposition of the body than Sir Bernard Spilsbury had forecast, perhaps because of oxygen trapped in the uniform and blanket, but 1 did not consider that it would be out of proportion to what would have occurred through immersion from April 28 (the latest probable date of the “crash”) to April 30, when the body would probably be recovered.
We soon learned that this confidence was justified.
It was at Algiers some weeks later that Jewell received a picture postcard from London which bore the cryptic but significant message: “You will be pleased to learn that the major is now very comfortable.”
Early in the morning of April 30, 1943, a Spanish fisherman sighted a body close inshore off the port of Huelva (on the Atlantic coast one hundred and thirty miles northwest of Gibraltar). He hailed a launch, which picked up the body and landed it on the beach at La Bota. The body was handed over to a military patrol, who reported the discovery to the local commandant. A post mortem was carried out and the verdict was “asphyxiation through immersion in the sea.”
The British vice-consul was duly informed of the finding of the body and on May 2, 1943, Major Martin was buried with full military honors in the presence of “high officers” of the Spanish Services.
We had been given the body—but we had not been told about the dispatch case!
Meanwhile the German agent in Huelva did not let us down. He learned from one of his contacts of j the existence of the envelopes in the dispatch case and of the distinction of I the addressees and there can be little
doubt from what happened later that he alerted his superiors.
According to routine the vice-consul reported to the British naval attaché in Madrid the finding of the body and he sent word to London. Then, after a first routine signal, we began to react. On May 4 we sent an “Immediate Most Secret” signal stating that we had learned that Major William Martin, contrary to regulations, was carrying papers some of which were “of great importance and secrecy.” Formal demand was to be made for all documents but great care was to be taken not to betray undue anxiety. The addressees of any letters recovered were to be signaled immediately and the letters sent “untampered with in any way” to the Director of Naval Intelligence, personally.
We followed that with another signal on the 7th stating that the letters may have been in a black dispatch case and that the attaché was to enquire discreetly if one had been found.
From 5/5/1978 ( Jimmy Carter - Spokane, Washington Remarks at Dedication Ceremonies for Riverfront Park ) To 6/11/2005 ( for me personally as Kerry Burgess: Downtown Emergency Service Center - Seattle ) is 9899 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/9/1992 ( official State of South Carolina documents: "the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold, and released, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and release unto Kerry Wayne Burgess" the house I owned at 30 Country Club Drive, Greer, South Carolina ) is 9899 days
From 3/3/1959 ( the birthdate in Hawaii of my biological brother Thomas Reagan ) To 10/10/1998 ( Joseph Cates deceased ) is 14466 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/11/2005 is 14466 days
From 1/23/1987 ( premiere US film "The Stepfather" ) To 6/11/2005 is 6714 days
6714 = 3357 + 3357
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/11/1975 ( premiere US TV series pilot "The Jeffersons" - "All in the Family"::"The Jeffersons Move on Up" ) is 3357 days
From 5/2/1943 To 6/11/2005 is 22686 days
22686 = 11343 + 11343
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/22/1996 ( premiere US film "Star Trek: First Contact ) is 11343 days
From 10/28/1994 ( premiere US film "Stargate" ) To 6/11/2005 is 3879 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/16/1976 ( premiere US TV series "The Jacksons" ) is 3879 days
From 10/7/1983 ( premiere US film "Never Say Never Again" ) To 6/11/2005 is 7918 days
7918 = 3959 + 3959
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/4/1976 ( the unpublished true birthdate of Beyonce Knowles ) is 3959 days
From 9/10/1956 ( premiere US TV series episode "Robert Montgomery Presents"::"Soldier from the Wars Returning" ) To 4/19/1996 ( premiere US TV series episode "Space: Above and Beyond"::"Stardust" ) is 14466 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/11/2005 is 14466 days
From 12/20/1994 ( in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my United States Navy Cross medal date of record ) To 6/11/2005 is 3826 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/24/1976 ( premiere US TV series pilot "Serpico" ) is 3826 days
From 1/19/1993 ( in Asheville North Carolina as United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess I was seriously wounded by gunfire when I returned fatal gunfire to a fugitive from United States federal justice who was another criminal sent by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal in another attempt to kill me the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/11/2005 is 4526 days
4526 = 2263 + 2263
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/13/1972 ( premiere US TV series "Me and the Chimp" ) is 2263 days
From 2/15/1951 ( premiere US film "Bedtime for Bonzo" ) To 9/24/1990 ( premiere US TV series episode "Star Trek: The Next Generation"::"The Best of Both Worlds - Part Two" ) is 14466 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/11/2005 is 14466 days
Other posts by me on this topic includes: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2016/09/snowden.html
Other posts by me on this topic includes: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2017/01/stanley-amour-stepfather-from-russia.html
Never Say Never Again (1983)
Release Info
USA 6 October 1983 (Los Angeles, California) (premiere)
USA 7 October 1983
Never Say Never Again (1983)
Full Cast & Crew
Sean Connery ... James Bond
Kim Basinger ... Domino Petachi
Never Say Never Again (1983)
Small-Fawcett: I'm sorry Mr. Bond. I obviously caught you in a bad moment.
James Bond: M sent you!
Small-Fawcett: Only to plead for your return, Sir. M says that without you in the service, he fears for the security of the civilized world.
James Bond: Never again.
Domino Petachi: Never?
Stargate: The Movie (1994)
Doctor Daniel Jackson
Is there a lunch or something that everybody...?
[Rain pours down as Daniel, carrying two large suitcases, exits the hotel. He pulls his jacket's hood over his head to provide some protection and tries to cover his one suitcase with his coat. An uniformed man with an umbrella approaches from a car parked just outside the hotel.]
Doctor Jackson?
What? Yes?
Someone wants to speak with you.
[Catherine flips through a file, which includes a diploma from UCLA, as the officer continues to talk to Daniel.]
The Air Force? What's this? What is this?
Could you step over to the car, please.
[Catherine glances over just as Daniel bends down and squints to look inside, while still several feet away.]
Am I going somewhere?
[The car driver, also standing with an umbrella just outside the door, opens it for Daniel as he approaches.]
You're going to be fine. We'll take care of these.
[He takes Daniel's shoulder bag as Daniel cautiously drops his other suitcase and sits in the car. He warily looks at Catherine. She passes over a photograph of a smiling couple playing with a baby.]
Jackson, are those your parents?
[Daniel glances from her to the photograph, his motion to lower his hood arrested for a moment.]
Foster parents.
The Jacksons Season 1 Episode 1
Episode #1
Aired Wednesday 8:30 PM Jun 16, 1976 on CBS
AIRED: 6/16/76
May 1943
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The following events occurred in May 1943:
May 2, 1943 (Sunday)
The top secret project of deception code-named Operation Mincemeat continued at the Spanish town of Huelva, where a funeral was held for Major William Martin of Britain's Royal Marines, whose body had washed ashore on April 30. Major Martin was, in reality, a homeless Welshman named Glyndwr Michael, who had died on January 28 and whose body was used to deceive German intelligence regarding the starting point for an Allied invasion.
"Space: Above And Beyond"
19 April 1996
Episode 20 Season 1 DVD video:
US Marine Corps lieutenant colonel T.C. McQueen: Operation Naye'i. Naye'i is a Navajo word for "alien gods." During the war we used Native Americans as radio operators. Navajo was the only native language the enemy couldn't crack. I assume any disinformation regarding the location of Operation Roundhammer would be written in code, to make it appear to the enemy to be top secret information.
US Navy commodore Ross: We are not at liberty to discuss this.
US Marine Corps lieutenant colonel T.C. McQueen: I have no problem with the mission - if that's what it is. But there is something that bothers me, Commodore. For disinformation to be effective, we would want the Chigs to crack the code. Why would the code be written in a language that even other people on Earth couldn't crack? Unless we knew the enemy was familiar with the language.
"Space: Above And Beyond"
19 April 1996
Episode 20 DVD video:
US Marine Corps 1LT Cooper Hawkes: Colonel.
US Marine Corps Colonel Klingman: Lieutenant.
US Marine Corps 1LT Cooper Hawkes: I was wondering if you could answer a few questions about all this.
US Marine Corps Colonel Klingman: Telepresence has been around for quite some time. The Russians first used it in 1998 to explore Mars. Telepresence is an interactive computer graphics system which provides the operator with the illusion of being immersed in a simulated environment.
US Marine Corps 1LT Cooper Hawkes: My question isn't really about the system. It's about you.
US Marine Corps Colonel Klingman: You got a problem with me?
US Marine Corps 1LT Cooper Hawkes: Yeah.
US Marine Corps Colonel Klingman: Sit down.
US Marine Corps 1LT Cooper Hawkes: You won't be there. I mean, you yourself? You seem okay to me. You seem like you know what you're doing with this stuff. But a machine - all this? It can't feel what we do out there. When we're under enemy attack and it just becomes one big hairy fur ball and you don't know up from down and your heart's pounding because you're taking enemy fire from your 6:00 and 12:00 and you barely have time to think for yourself - somehow we all just know. We feel where each other are. And I'm there for them and they're for me.
US Marine Corps Colonel Klingman: You're talking about situational awareness.
US Marine Corps 1LT Cooper Hawkes: Yeah! And I don't see how you can have it sitting in a closet in the Saratoga. Now, I'm not trying to rag on you but have you ever had your wingman - a good buddy - blown out of the sky then have to drive on while g-forces are tearing you out of your seat?
US Marine Corps Colonel Klingman: I'm an engineer, Lieutenant.
US Marine Corps 1LT Cooper Hawkes: And then puke all over yourself when you came out of the roll?
US Marine Corps Colonel Klingman: Yes, but not in an airplane.
US Marine Corps 1LT Cooper Hawkes: Have you ever been shot at?
US Marine Corps Colonel Klingman: No. I've never been in a dogfight. But why must I have taken a life in order for you to trust me? This machine - these wires - will save millions of lives. This plan - my idea - is my part to bring everyone home soon. Safe. And I would think you could believe in and trust someone who's working to be able to spend a night with you back home rather than going out to look up your name on some war memorial wall.
Los Angeles Times
Joseph Cates; Emmy-Winning TV Director
October 13, 1998
Joseph Cates, who wrote, produced and directed more than 1,000 television specials--including two that won him Emmy Awards--has died in New York at 74.
Cates, father of actress Phoebe Cates, brother of Hollywood director Gil Cates and creator of "The $64,000 Question," one of television's pioneering and most popular game shows, died Saturday of complications from leukemia.
"Space: Above And Beyond"
19 April 1996
Episode 20 Season 1 DVD video:
US Navy Commodore Ross: Oh, man. It's been a long time!
US Marine Corps General Oliver Radford: That night in Galveston. We were bombed.
US Navy Commodore Ross: I drove those women away singing "The Ballad of Ira Hayes."
US Marine Corps General Oliver Radford: You would have driven anybody away, after six times in a row. Speaking of which: I was driving through Arizona a few years ago. I was with my people, the Navajo, and... I bought this off a guy on the Pima reservation. Claims it's an old letter signed by Ira Hayes, that he wrote at Iwo Jima. I doubt if it is, but I thought about you, and - Hell, I'd like to think it is. I've been wondering about Hayes a lot. First Pima Indian to become a Marine paratrooper. Helped raise the flag at Iwo Jima. Became a hero for a country that... had massacred Native Americans. They say he drowned in a mud puddle. Drunk. Did he ever feel he had been used? That he'd done the right thing? Would he have done it the same way again, if he had a chance?
US Navy Commodore Ross: Too bad the dead don't get a chance to redeem themselves. Is there something that's troubling you because of your new appointment? You are now the highest-ranking Native American officer in the world. Although it's hard for me to imagine you in charge of anything... called "intelligence."
Space: Above and Beyond Season 1 Episode 21
Aired Sunday 7:00 PM Apr 19, 1996 on FOX
Colonel McQueen figures out the answer all by himself- the passengers of the APC will be dead, used to plant disinformation just as the allies did before D-Day in WW II. But more disturbingly, he also learned in his look at history that the Navaho Code Talkers of WW II were involved in something called "Operation Naye'i", which means "alien Gods". Navaho was used as a code language and was never broken by the Japanese. It can be assumed that the disinformation they are sending the Chigs will be written in code that they know the enemy can crack.
Robert Montgomery Presents Your Lucky Strike Theatre Season 8 Episode 1
Soldier From the Wars Returning
Aired Monday 9:30 PM Sep 10, 1956 on NBC
In the season premiere, James Cagney plays an Army sergeant who escorts the body of a fellow sergeant to his hometown. With the Korean War long over, he finds most people disinterested and wonders if their mission was in vain.
AIRED: 9/10/56
Serpico Episode 1
Aired Apr 24, 1976 on NBC
AIRED: 4/24/76
Me and the Chimp Season 1 Episode 1
Mike's Day With Buttons
Aired Thursday 8:00 PM Jan 13, 1972 on CBS
AIRED: 1/13/72
Bedtime for Bonzo (1951)
Release Info
USA 15 February 1951 (Indianapolis, Indiana) (premiere)
The Best of Both Worlds Part 2 [ Star Trek: The Next Generation ]
Stardate: 44001.4
Original Airdate: Sep 24, 1990
Last time on Star Trek: The Next Generation.
PICARD: Mister Worf, dispatch a subspace message to Admiral Hanson. We have engaged the Borg.
SHELBY: Data, fluctuate phaser resonance frequencies. Random settings. Keep them changing. Don't give them time to adapt.
HANSON [on monitor]: We're coming with every available starship to assist, Captain, but the closest help is six days away.
SHELBY: All you know how to do is play it safe. If you can't make the big decisions, Commander, I suggest you make room for someone who can.
(The Borg kidnap Picard)
LAFORGE: If we can generate a concentrated burst of power at that same frequency distribution.
RIKER: How do we do that?
WESLEY: The main deflector dish.
SHELBY: Shelby to Enterprise. We've found the Captain's uniform and his communicator.
CRUSHER: Jean-Luc!
DATA: We were unable to retrieve him, sir. Sir, The Captain has been altered by the Borg.
CRUSHER: Will, he's alive. If we could get him back to the ship, I might be able to restore
RIKER: This is our only chance to destroy them. If they get back into warp, our weapon is useless.
PICARD [on viewscreen]: I am Locutus of Borg. From this time forward, you will service us.
RIKER: Mister Worf? Fire.
And now, the conclusion.
album: "We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank" (2007)
Well, it would've been, could've been worse than you would ever know.
Oh, the dashboard melted, but we still have the radio.
Oh, it should've been, could've been worse than you would ever know.
Well, you told me about nowhere well it sounds like someplace I'd like to go.
Oh, it could've been, should've been worse than you would ever know.
Well, the windshield was broken but I love the fresh air you know.
(The dashboard melted but we still have the radio)
Oh, it would've been, could've been worse than you would ever know, oh!
(The dashboard melted but we still have the radio)
Oh, we talked about nothing which was more than I wanted you to know-oh-oh-oh-oh.
Now here we go!
Oh! It would've been, could've been worse than it had even gone
Well, the car was on blocks, but I was already where I want.
(It was impossible, we ran it good, we ran it good)
Why should we ever even ever really even get to know?
(It was impossible, we ran it good, we ran it good)
Oh if the world don't like us it'll shake us just like we were a co-oh-oh-oh-old.
Now here we go!
Well we scheme and we scheme but we always blow it
We've yet to crash, but we still might as well tow it
Standing at a light switch to each east and west horizon,
Every dawn when you're surprising,
and in the evening one's consoling
Saying "See it wasn't quite as bad as"
Well, it would've been, could've been worse than you would ever know.
I was patiently erasing and recording the wrong episodes
After you had proved my point wrong,
It wasn't like I'd let it go, oh-oh-oh. Oh-oh-oh.
I just wanted to catch the last laugh of this show.
Yeah, it would've been, could've been worse than you would ever know.
Oh, the dashboard melted, but we still have the radio.
(The dashboard melted, but we ran it good, we ran it good)
Hard-wired to conceive, so much we'd have to stow it
Even needs have needs, tiny giants made of tinier giants.
Don't wear eyelids so I don't miss the last laugh of this show.
(The dashboard melted but we still have the radio)
Well, we could've been, should've been worse than you would ever know.
(The dashboard melted but we still have the radio)
Well, you told me about nowhere well it sounds like someplace I'd like to go-oh-oh-oh-oh.
Now here we go!
Well we scheme and we scheme but we always blow it
We've yet to crash, but we still might as well tow it
Standing at a light switch to each east and west horizon,
Every dawn when you're surprising,
and in the evening one's consoling
Saying "See it wasn't quite as bad as"
Oh it would've been, could've been worse than you would ever know.
From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 11:04 AM
To: Kerry Burgess
Subject: Re: Journal May 21, 2006
Kerry Burgess wrote:
I think it was my first thought after waking up this morning that I used to date Julia Roberts a long time ago.
I also have these unexplained thoughts that I was a fighter pilot in the U.S. military, although I'm not sure which service, but I may have been in two different branches over time. I am also confused about thoughts that I may have been a helicopter pilot. What's next? A space shuttle pilot? Seems like a lot for someone that is only 40. And, while I am not sure when this divergence happened, I am reasonably certain it was before I turned 33. So I must have been a pretty busy guy. Especially because I have thoughts that I was some kind of mathmetician too. I have these thoughts too that I was captured by enemy forces at some point and tortured while in captivity.
- posted by Kerry Burgess 07:49 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Tuesday 28 August 2018
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